Lines Matching full:u32

76 	u32 exec_base_addr;
77 u32 exec_area_size;
80 u32 cmd_int_enable[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS];
81 u32 fw_version;
82 u32 mvd_fw_offset;
83 u32 max_streams;
84 u32 ctrl_iface[VID_API_NUM_STREAMS];
86 u32 api_version;
91 u32 enc_yuv_buffer_desc;
92 u32 enc_stream_buffer_desc;
93 u32 enc_expert_mode_param;
94 u32 enc_param;
95 u32 enc_mem_pool;
96 u32 enc_encoding_status;
97 u32 enc_dsa_status;
101 u32 frame_id;
102 u32 luma_base;
103 u32 chroma_base;
104 u32 param_idx;
105 u32 key_frame;
109 u32 use_ame;
111 u32 cme_mvx_max;
112 u32 cme_mvy_max;
113 u32 ame_prefresh_y0;
114 u32 ame_prefresh_y1;
115 u32 fme_min_sad;
116 u32 cme_min_sad;
118 u32 fme_pred_int_weight;
119 u32 fme_pred_hp_weight;
120 u32 fme_pred_qp_weight;
121 u32 fme_cost_weight;
122 u32 fme_act_thold;
123 u32 fme_sad_thold;
124 u32 fme_zero_sad_thold;
126 u32 fme_lrg_mvx_lmt;
127 u32 fme_lrg_mvy_lmt;
128 u32 fme_force_mode;
129 u32 fme_force4mvcost;
130 u32 fme_force2mvcost;
132 u32 h264_inter_thrd;
134 u32 i16x16_mode_cost;
135 u32 i4x4_mode_lambda;
136 u32 i8x8_mode_lambda;
138 u32 inter_mod_mult;
139 u32 inter_sel_mult;
140 u32 inter_bid_cost;
141 u32 inter_bwd_cost;
142 u32 inter_4mv_cost;
153 u32 intra_pred_enab;
154 u32 intra_chr_pred;
155 u32 intra16_pred;
156 u32 intra4x4_pred;
157 u32 intra8x8_pred;
159 u32 cb_base;
160 u32 cb_size;
161 u32 cb_head_room;
163 u32 mem_page_width;
164 u32 mem_page_height;
165 u32 mem_total_size;
166 u32 mem_chunk_phys_addr;
167 u32 mem_chunk_virt_addr;
168 u32 mem_chunk_size;
169 u32 mem_y_stride;
170 u32 mem_uv_stride;
172 u32 split_wr_enab;
173 u32 split_wr_req_size;
174 u32 split_rd_enab;
175 u32 split_rd_req_size;
179 u32 param_change;
180 u32 start_frame;
181 u32 end_frame;
182 u32 userdata_enable;
183 u32 userdata_id[4];
184 u32 userdata_message[WINDSOR_USER_DATA_WORDS];
185 u32 userdata_length;
186 u32 h264_profile_idc;
187 u32 h264_level_idc;
188 u32 h264_au_delimiter;
189 u32 h264_seq_end_code;
190 u32 h264_recovery_points;
191 u32 h264_vui_parameters;
192 u32 h264_aspect_ratio_present;
193 u32 h264_aspect_ratio_sar_width;
194 u32 h264_aspect_ratio_sar_height;
195 u32 h264_overscan_present;
196 u32 h264_video_type_present;
197 u32 h264_video_format;
198 u32 h264_video_full_range;
199 u32 h264_video_colour_descriptor;
200 u32 h264_video_colour_primaries;
201 u32 h264_video_transfer_char;
202 u32 h264_video_matrix_coeff;
203 u32 h264_chroma_loc_info_present;
204 u32 h264_chroma_loc_type_top;
205 u32 h264_chroma_loc_type_bot;
206 u32 h264_timing_info_present;
207 u32 h264_buffering_period_present;
208 u32 h264_low_delay_hrd_flag;
209 u32 aspect_ratio;
210 u32 test_mode; // Automated firmware test mode
211 u32 dsa_test_mode; // Automated test mode for the DSA.
212 u32 fme_test_mode; // Automated test mode for the fme
213 u32 cbr_row_mode; //0: FW mode; 1: HW mode
214 u32 windsor_mode; //0: normal mode; 1: intra only mode; 2: intra+0MV mode
215 u32 encode_mode; // H264, VC1, MPEG2, DIVX
216 u32 frame_width; // display width
217 u32 frame_height; // display height
218 u32 enc_frame_width; // encoding width, should be 16-pix align
219 u32 enc_frame_height; // encoding height, should be 16-pix aligned
220 u32 frame_rate_num;
221 u32 frame_rate_den;
222 u32 vi_field_source;
223 u32 vi_frame_width;
224 u32 vi_frame_height;
225 u32 crop_frame_width;
226 u32 crop_frame_height;
227 u32 crop_x_start_posn;
228 u32 crop_y_start_posn;
229 u32 mode422;
230 u32 mode_yuy2;
231 u32 dsa_luma_en;
232 u32 dsa_chroma_en;
233 u32 dsa_ext_hfilt_en;
234 u32 dsa_di_en;
235 u32 dsa_di_top_ref;
236 u32 dsa_vertf_disable;
237 u32 dsa_disable_pwb;
238 u32 dsa_hor_phase;
239 u32 dsa_ver_phase;
240 u32 dsa_iac_enable;
241 u32 iac_sc_threshold;
242 u32 iac_vm_threshold;
243 u32 iac_skip_mode;
244 u32 iac_grp_width;
245 u32 iac_grp_height;
246 u32 rate_control_mode;
247 u32 rate_control_resolution;
248 u32 buffer_size;
249 u32 buffer_level_init;
250 u32 buffer_I_bit_budget;
251 u32 top_field_first;
252 u32 intra_lum_qoffset;
253 u32 intra_chr_qoffset;
254 u32 inter_lum_qoffset;
255 u32 inter_chr_qoffset;
256 u32 use_def_scaling_mtx;
257 u32 inter_8x8_enab;
258 u32 inter_4x4_enab;
259 u32 fme_enable_qpel;
260 u32 fme_enable_hpel;
261 u32 fme_nozeromv;
262 u32 fme_predmv_en;
263 u32 fme_pred_2mv4mv;
264 u32 fme_smallsadthresh;
265 u32 ame_en_lmvc;
266 u32 ame_x_mult;
267 u32 cme_enable_4mv;
268 u32 cme_enable_1mv;
269 u32 hme_enable_16x8mv;
270 u32 hme_enable_8x16mv;
271 u32 cme_mv_weight;
272 u32 cme_mv_cost;
273 u32 ame_mult_mv;
274 u32 ame_shift_mv;
275 u32 hme_forceto1mv_en;
276 u32 hme_2mv_cost;
277 u32 hme_pred_mode;
278 u32 hme_sc_rnge;
279 u32 hme_sw_rnge;
280 u32 output_format;
281 u32 timestamp_enab;
282 u32 initial_pts_enab;
283 u32 initial_pts;
287 u32 param_change;
288 u32 gop_length;
289 u32 rate_control_bitrate;
290 u32 rate_control_bitrate_min;
291 u32 rate_control_bitrate_max;
292 u32 rate_control_content_models;
293 u32 rate_control_iframe_maxsize;
294 u32 rate_control_qp_init;
295 u32 rate_control_islice_qp;
296 u32 rate_control_pslice_qp;
297 u32 rate_control_bslice_qp;
298 u32 adaptive_quantization;
299 u32 aq_variance;
300 u32 cost_optimization;
301 u32 fdlp_mode;
302 u32 enable_isegbframes;
303 u32 enable_adaptive_keyratio;
304 u32 keyratio_imin;
305 u32 keyratio_imax;
306 u32 keyratio_pmin;
307 u32 keyratio_pmax;
308 u32 keyratio_bmin;
309 u32 keyratio_bmax;
313 u32 enable_paff;
314 u32 enable_b_frame_ref;
315 u32 enable_adaptive_gop;
316 u32 enable_closed_gop;
317 u32 open_gop_refresh_freq;
318 u32 enable_adaptive_sc;
319 u32 enable_fade_detection;
321 u32 enable_repeat_b;
322 u32 enable_low_delay_b;
326 u32 param_change;
327 u32 rows_per_slice;
328 u32 mbaff_enable;
329 u32 dbf_enable;
330 u32 field_source;
331 u32 gop_b_length;
332 u32 mb_group_size;
333 u32 cbr_rows_per_group;
334 u32 skip_enable;
335 u32 pts_bits_0_to_31;
336 u32 pts_bit_32;
337 u32 rm_expsv_cff;
338 u32 const_ipred;
340 u32 intra_mb_qp_offset;
341 u32 h264_cabac_init_method;
342 u32 h264_cabac_init_idc;
343 u32 h264_cabac_enable;
346 u32 intra_prefresh_y0;
347 u32 intra_prefresh_y1;
348 u32 dbg_dump_rec_src;
390 u32 phys;
391 u32 virt;
392 u32 size;
398 u32 level;
402 u32 frame_rate;
403 u32 src_stride;
404 u32 src_width;
405 u32 src_height;
406 u32 src_offset_x;
407 u32 src_offset_y;
408 u32 src_crop_width;
409 u32 src_crop_height;
410 u32 out_width;
411 u32 out_height;
412 u32 iframe_interval;
413 u32 bframes;
414 u32 low_latency_mode;
417 u32 target_bitrate;
418 u32 max_bitrate;
419 u32 min_bitrate;
420 u32 init_slice_qp;
430 u32 frame_id;
431 u32 error_flag; //Error type
432 u32 mb_y;
433 u32 mb_x;
434 u32 reserved[12];
439 u32 frame_id;
440 u32 dsa_cyle;
441 u32 mb_y;
442 u32 mb_x;
443 u32 reserved[4];
461 u32 frame_id;
462 u32 pic_encod_done;
463 u32 pic_type;
464 u32 skipped_frame;
465 u32 error_flag;
466 u32 psnr;
467 u32 flush_done;
468 u32 mb_y;
469 u32 mb_x;
470 u32 frame_size;
471 u32 frame_enc_ttl_cycles;
472 u32 frame_enc_ttl_frm_cycles;
473 u32 frame_enc_ttl_slc_cycles;
474 u32 frame_enc_ttl_enc_cycles;
475 u32 frame_enc_ttl_hme_cycles;
476 u32 frame_enc_ttl_dsa_cycles;
477 u32 frame_enc_fw_cycles;
478 u32 frame_crc;
479 u32 num_interrupts_1;
480 u32 num_interrupts_2;
481 u32 poc;
482 u32 ref_info;
483 u32 pic_num;
484 u32 pic_activity;
485 u32 scene_change;
486 u32 mb_stats;
487 u32 enc_cache_count0;
488 u32 enc_cache_count1;
489 u32 mtl_wr_strb_cnt;
490 u32 mtl_rd_strb_cnt;
491 u32 str_buff_wptr;
492 u32 diagnosticEvents;
493 u32 proc_iacc_tot_rd_cnt;
494 u32 proc_dacc_tot_rd_cnt;
495 u32 proc_dacc_tot_wr_cnt;
496 u32 proc_dacc_reg_rd_cnt;
497 u32 proc_dacc_reg_wr_cnt;
498 u32 proc_dacc_rng_rd_cnt;
499 u32 proc_dacc_rng_wr_cnt;
501 u32 tv_ns;
502 u32 average_qp;
505 u32 vpu_windsor_get_data_size(void) in vpu_windsor_get_data_size()
511 u32 instance) in get_yuv_desc()
519 u32 instance) in get_mem_pool()
527 u32 instance) in get_stream_buf_desc()
535 u32 instance) in get_expert_param()
542 static struct vpu_enc_param *get_enc_param(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance) in get_enc_param()
549 static u32 get_ptr(u32 ptr) in get_ptr()
646 u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 core_id) in vpu_windsor_set_system_cfg()
683 int vpu_windsor_pack_cmd(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data) in vpu_windsor_pack_cmd()
705 int vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id(u32 id) in vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id()
766 *(u32 *)data = pkt->data[0]; in vpu_windsor_unpack_msg_data()
776 u32 instance, in vpu_windsor_fill_yuv_frame()
813 u32 instance, in vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource()
814 u32 type, in vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource()
815 u32 index, in vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource()
854 u32 instance, in vpu_windsor_config_stream_buffer()
878 u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write) in vpu_windsor_update_stream_buffer()
895 u32 instance, struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) in vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_desc()
910 u32 vpu_windsor_get_version(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) in vpu_windsor_get_version()
926 static int vpu_windsor_set_format(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 pixelformat) in vpu_windsor_set_format()
939 static int vpu_windsor_set_profile(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 profile) in vpu_windsor_set_profile()
958 static const u32 h264_level[] = {
977 static int vpu_windsor_set_level(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 level) in vpu_windsor_set_level()
1003 static int vpu_windsor_set_gop(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 gop) in vpu_windsor_set_gop()
1010 static int vpu_windsor_set_bframes(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 bframes) in vpu_windsor_set_bframes()
1023 static int vpu_windsor_set_bitrate_mode(struct vpu_enc_param *param, u32 rc_enable, u32 mode) in vpu_windsor_set_bitrate_mode()
1035 static u32 vpu_windsor_bitrate(u32 bitrate) in vpu_windsor_bitrate()
1092 u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) in vpu_windsor_update_bitrate()
1116 u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) in vpu_windsor_set_params()
1147 u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params) in vpu_windsor_update_params()
1164 u32 instance, struct vpu_encode_params *params, u32 update) in vpu_windsor_set_encode_params()
1175 u32 vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) in vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count()