Lines Matching full:khz
479 ULONG ulClockFreq:24; // in unit of 10kHz
481 ULONG ulClockFreq:24; // in unit of 10kHz
687 ULONG ulTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
692 ULONG ulTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
698 ULONG ulTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
708 ULONG ulTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
713 ULONG ulTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
722 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
723 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
740 ASIC_INIT_CLOCK_PARAMETERS asSclkClock; //In 10Khz unit
741 ASIC_INIT_CLOCK_PARAMETERS asMemClock; //In 10Khz unit
812 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
828 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
906 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
987 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1043 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1087 ULONG ulPixelClock; // Pixel Clock in 10Khz
1099 ULONG ulSymClock; // Symbol Clock in 10Khz
1158 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1286 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1325 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1420 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
1479 …USHORT usSymClock; // Encoder Clock in 10kHz,(DP mode)= linkclock/10, (TMDS/LVDS/HDMI…
1569 ULONG ulSymClock; // Symbol Clock in 10Khz
1613 USHORT usPixelClock; // pixel clock in 10Khz, valid when ucAction=SETUP/ENABLE_OUTPUT
1819 …USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10kHz unit; for bios convenient = (RefClk*FB_Div)/(Ref_D…
1839 …USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10kHz unit; for bios convenient = (RefClk*FB_Div)/(Ref_D…
1886 …USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10kHz unit; for bios convenient = (RefClk*FB_Div)/(Ref_D…
2054 …ULONG ulDISPClkFreq; // target DISPCLK frquency in unit of 10kHz, return real DISPCLK frequ…
2076 …ULONG ulDCEClkFreq; // target DCE frequency in unit of 10KHZ, retur…
2186 ULONG ulReturnMemoryClock; // current memory speed in 10KHz unit
2195 ULONG ulReturnEngineClock; // current engine speed in 10KHz unit
2376 ULONG ulTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2402 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
2422 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
2765 USHORT usPixelClock; // in 10KHz; for bios convenient
2952 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2953 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2954 ULONG ulDriverTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2955 ULONG ulDriverTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2956 ULONG ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2957 ULONG ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2958 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2959 ULONG ulASICMaxEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2960 ULONG ulASICMaxMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2964 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2965 USHORT usMaxEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2966 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2967 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2968 USHORT usMaxMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2969 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2970 USHORT usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz unit, Max. Pclk
2971 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2972 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
2973 …USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit, the definitions above…
2975 USHORT usReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
2986 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2987 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2988 ULONG ulDriverTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2989 ULONG ulDriverTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2990 ULONG ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2991 ULONG ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2992 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
2993 ULONG ulASICMaxEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
2994 ULONG ulASICMaxMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
2999 ULONG ulMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3000 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3001 USHORT usMaxEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3002 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3003 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3004 USHORT usMaxMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3005 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3006 USHORT usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz unit, Max. Pclk
3007 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3008 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3009 …USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit - lower 16bit of ulMin…
3011 USHORT usReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3022 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3023 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3024 ULONG ulDriverTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3025 ULONG ulDriverTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3026 ULONG ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3027 ULONG ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3028 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3029 ULONG ulASICMaxEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3030 ULONG ulASICMaxMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3035 ULONG ul3DAccelerationEngineClock;//In 10Khz unit
3036 ULONG ulMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3037 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3038 USHORT usMaxEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3039 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3040 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3041 USHORT usMaxMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3042 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3043 USHORT usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz unit, Max. Pclk
3044 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3045 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3046 …USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit - lower 16bit of ulMin…
3048 USHORT usReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3059 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3060 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3061 ULONG ulDriverTargetEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3062 ULONG ulDriverTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3063 ULONG ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3064 ULONG ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3065 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3066 ULONG ulASICMaxEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3067 ULONG ulASICMaxMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3073 ULONG ul3DAccelerationEngineClock;//In 10Khz unit
3074 ULONG ulMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3075 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3076 USHORT usMaxEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3077 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3078 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3079 USHORT usMaxMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3080 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3081 USHORT usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz unit, Max. Pclk
3082 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3083 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3084 …USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit - lower 16bit of ulMin…
3086 USHORT usReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3098 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3099 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3102 ULONG ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3103 ULONG ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3104 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3106 ULONG ulDefaultDispEngineClkFreq; //In 10Khz unit
3113 ULONG ulMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3114 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3115 USHORT usMaxEngineClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3116 USHORT usMinEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3117 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3118 USHORT usMaxMemoryClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3119 USHORT usMinMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3120 USHORT usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz unit, Max. Pclk
3121 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3122 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3123 …USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit - lower 16bit of ulMin…
3125 USHORT usCoreReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3126 USHORT usMemoryReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3127 …USHORT usUniphyDPModeExtClkFreq; //In 10Khz unit, if it is 0, In DP Mod…
3148 ULONG ulDefaultEngineClock; //In 10Khz unit
3149 ULONG ulDefaultMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
3150 ULONG ulSPLL_OutputFreq; //In 10Khz unit
3151 ULONG ulGPUPLL_OutputFreq; //In 10Khz unit
3152 … ulReserved1; //Was ulMaxEngineClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit*
3153 … ulReserved2; //Was ulMaxMemoryClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit*
3154 ULONG ulMaxPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3156 …ULONG ulDefaultDispEngineClkFreq; //In 10Khz unit. This is the frequency…
3163 ULONG ulMinPixelClockPLL_Output; //In 10Khz unit
3168 …USHORT usReserved11; //Was usMaxPixelClock; //In 10Khz uni…
3169 USHORT usMinPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3170 USHORT usMaxPixelClockPLL_Input; //In 10Khz unit
3173 USHORT usCoreReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3174 USHORT usMemoryReferenceClock; //In 10Khz unit
3175 …USHORT usUniphyDPModeExtClkFreq; //In 10Khz unit, if it is 0, In DP Mod…
3203 ULONG ulBootUpEngineClock; //in 10kHz unit
3204 ULONG ulBootUpMemoryClock; //in 10kHz unit
3205 ULONG ulMaxSystemMemoryClock; //in 10kHz unit
3206 ULONG ulMinSystemMemoryClock; //in 10kHz unit
3275 ULONG ulBootUpEngineClock; //in 10kHz unit
3277 ULONG ulBootUpUMAClock; //in 10kHz unit
3278 ULONG ulBootUpSidePortClock; //in 10kHz unit
3279 ULONG ulMinSidePortClock; //in 10kHz unit
3296 ULONG ulHTLinkFreq; //in 10Khz
3303 ULONG ulHighVoltageHTLinkFreq; // in 10Khz
3304 ULONG ulLowVoltageHTLinkFreq; // in 10Khz
3315 ulBootUpEngineClock: Boot-up Engine Clock in 10Khz;
3316 ulBootUpUMAClock: Boot-up UMA Clock in 10Khz; it must be 0x0 when UMA is not present
3317 ulBootUpSidePortClock: Boot-up SidePort Clock in 10Khz; it must be 0x0 when SidePort Memory is not …
3383 ulHTLinkFreq: Bootup HT link Frequency in 10Khz.
3449 ULONG ulBootUpEngineClock; //in 10kHz unit
3450 …ULONG ulDentistVCOFreq; //Dentist VCO clock in 10kHz unit, the sourc…
3451 …ULONG ulLClockFreq; //GPU Lclk freq in 10kHz unit, have relation…
3452 ULONG ulBootUpUMAClock; //in 10kHz unit
3855 USHORT usPixelClock; //in 10Khz unit
5713 …mSupportedCLK; // Maximum clock supported with specified voltage index, unit in 10kHz
5720 …mSupportedCLK; // Maximum clock supported with specified voltage index, unit in 10kHz
5725 …upportedSCLK; // Maximum clock supported with specified voltage index, unit in 10kHz
5809 ulBootUpEngineClock: VBIOS bootup Engine clock frequency, in 10kHz unit. if it is equa…
5810 ulDentistVCOFreq: Dentist VCO clock in 10kHz unit.
5811 ulBootUpUMAClock: System memory boot up clock frequency in 10Khz unit.
5851 ulMinEngineClock: Minimum SCLK allowed in 10kHz unit. This is calculated based on W…
5876 … Minimum NCLK speed among all NB-Pstates to calcualte data reconnection latency. Unit in 10kHz.
5877 ulIdleNClk: NCLK speed while memory runs in self-refresh state. Unit in 10kHz.
6029 ulBootUpEngineClock: VBIOS bootup Engine clock frequency, in 10kHz unit. if it is equa…
6030 ulDentistVCOFreq: Dentist VCO clock in 10kHz unit.
6031 ulBootUpUMAClock: System memory boot up clock frequency in 10Khz unit.
6080 ulMinEngineClock: Minimum SCLK allowed in 10kHz unit. This is calculated based on W…
6107 … Minimum NCLK speed among all NB-Pstates to calcualte data reconnection latency. Unit in 10kHz.
6108 ulIdleNClk: NCLK speed while memory runs in self-refresh state. Unit in 10kHz.
6159 ulNbpStateMemclkFreq[4]: system memory clock frequncey in unit of 10Khz in different NB ps…
6231 ulBootUpEngineClock: VBIOS bootup Engine clock frequency, in 10kHz unit. if it is equa…
6232 ulDentistVCOFreq: Dentist VCO clock in 10kHz unit.
6233 ulBootUpUMAClock: System memory boot up clock frequency in 10Khz unit.
6308 …eed while memory runs in self-refresh state, used to calculate self-refresh latency. Unit in 10kHz.
6367 ulNbpStateMemclkFreq[4]: system memory clock frequncey in unit of 10Khz in different NB P-…
6631 … ulTargetClockRange; //Clock Out frequence (VCO ), in unit of 10Khz
6633 USHORT usSpreadRateInKhz; //in unit of kHz, modulation freq
6656 …rgetClockRange; //For mem/engine/uvd, Clock Out frequence (VCO ), in unit of 10Khz
6687 …rgetClockRange; //For mem/engine/uvd, Clock Out frequence (VCO ), in unit of 10Khz
7171 ULONG ulTargetMemoryClock; //In 10Khz unit
7651 …ULONG ulClkRange; // memory clock in 10kHz unit, when target memory…
7687 …ULONG ulClkRange; // memory clock in 10kHz unit, when target memor…
7723 …ULONG ulClkRange; // memory clock in 10kHz unit, when …
8737 USHORT usMaxFrequency; // in 10kHz unit
8868 USHORT usMaxFrequency; // in 10Khz