Lines Matching +full:0 +full:x002c0000
39 #define ACRYPTO_MODE_ECB 0
44 #define ACRYPTO_TYPE_AES_128 0
50 #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_HIFN 0x13A3
51 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HIFN_7955 0x0020
52 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_HIFN_7956 0x001d
56 #define HIFN_BAR0_SIZE 0x1000
57 #define HIFN_BAR1_SIZE 0x2000
58 #define HIFN_BAR2_SIZE 0x8000
62 #define HIFN_DMA_CRA 0x0C /* DMA Command Ring Address */
63 #define HIFN_DMA_SDRA 0x1C /* DMA Source Data Ring Address */
64 #define HIFN_DMA_RRA 0x2C /* DMA Result Ring Address */
65 #define HIFN_DMA_DDRA 0x3C /* DMA Destination Data Ring Address */
66 #define HIFN_DMA_STCTL 0x40 /* DMA Status and Control */
67 #define HIFN_DMA_INTREN 0x44 /* DMA Interrupt Enable */
68 #define HIFN_DMA_CFG1 0x48 /* DMA Configuration #1 */
69 #define HIFN_DMA_CFG2 0x6C /* DMA Configuration #2 */
70 #define HIFN_CHIP_ID 0x98 /* Chip ID */
75 #define HIFN_0_PUDATA 0x00 /* Processing Unit Data */
76 #define HIFN_0_PUCTRL 0x04 /* Processing Unit Control */
77 #define HIFN_0_PUISR 0x08 /* Processing Unit Interrupt Status */
78 #define HIFN_0_PUCNFG 0x0c /* Processing Unit Configuration */
79 #define HIFN_0_PUIER 0x10 /* Processing Unit Interrupt Enable */
80 #define HIFN_0_PUSTAT 0x14 /* Processing Unit Status/Chip ID */
81 #define HIFN_0_FIFOSTAT 0x18 /* FIFO Status */
82 #define HIFN_0_FIFOCNFG 0x1c /* FIFO Configuration */
83 #define HIFN_0_SPACESIZE 0x20 /* Register space size */
86 #define HIFN_PUCTRL_CLRSRCFIFO 0x0010 /* clear source fifo */
87 #define HIFN_PUCTRL_STOP 0x0008 /* stop pu */
88 #define HIFN_PUCTRL_LOCKRAM 0x0004 /* lock ram */
89 #define HIFN_PUCTRL_DMAENA 0x0002 /* enable dma */
90 #define HIFN_PUCTRL_RESET 0x0001 /* Reset processing unit */
93 #define HIFN_PUISR_CMDINVAL 0x8000 /* Invalid command interrupt */
94 #define HIFN_PUISR_DATAERR 0x4000 /* Data error interrupt */
95 #define HIFN_PUISR_SRCFIFO 0x2000 /* Source FIFO ready interrupt */
96 #define HIFN_PUISR_DSTFIFO 0x1000 /* Destination FIFO ready interrupt */
97 #define HIFN_PUISR_DSTOVER 0x0200 /* Destination overrun interrupt */
98 #define HIFN_PUISR_SRCCMD 0x0080 /* Source command interrupt */
99 #define HIFN_PUISR_SRCCTX 0x0040 /* Source context interrupt */
100 #define HIFN_PUISR_SRCDATA 0x0020 /* Source data interrupt */
101 #define HIFN_PUISR_DSTDATA 0x0010 /* Destination data interrupt */
102 #define HIFN_PUISR_DSTRESULT 0x0004 /* Destination result interrupt */
105 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRAMMASK 0xe000 /* DRAM size mask */
106 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_256K 0x0000 /* 256k dram */
107 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_512K 0x2000 /* 512k dram */
108 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_1M 0x4000 /* 1m dram */
109 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_2M 0x6000 /* 2m dram */
110 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_4M 0x8000 /* 4m dram */
111 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_8M 0xa000 /* 8m dram */
112 #define HIFN_PUNCFG_DSZ_16M 0xc000 /* 16m dram */
113 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DSZ_32M 0xe000 /* 32m dram */
114 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRAMREFRESH 0x1800 /* DRAM refresh rate mask */
115 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRFR_512 0x0000 /* 512 divisor of ECLK */
116 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRFR_256 0x0800 /* 256 divisor of ECLK */
117 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRFR_128 0x1000 /* 128 divisor of ECLK */
118 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_TCALLPHASES 0x0200 /* your guess is as good as mine... */
119 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_TCDRVTOTEM 0x0100 /* your guess is as good as mine... */
120 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_BIGENDIAN 0x0080 /* DMA big endian mode */
121 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_BUS32 0x0040 /* Bus width 32bits */
122 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_BUS16 0x0000 /* Bus width 16 bits */
123 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_CHIPID 0x0020 /* Allow chipid from PUSTAT */
124 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_DRAM 0x0010 /* Context RAM is DRAM */
125 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_SRAM 0x0000 /* Context RAM is SRAM */
126 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_COMPSING 0x0004 /* Enable single compression context */
127 #define HIFN_PUCNFG_ENCCNFG 0x0002 /* Encryption configuration */
130 #define HIFN_PUIER_CMDINVAL 0x8000 /* Invalid command interrupt */
131 #define HIFN_PUIER_DATAERR 0x4000 /* Data error interrupt */
132 #define HIFN_PUIER_SRCFIFO 0x2000 /* Source FIFO ready interrupt */
133 #define HIFN_PUIER_DSTFIFO 0x1000 /* Destination FIFO ready interrupt */
134 #define HIFN_PUIER_DSTOVER 0x0200 /* Destination overrun interrupt */
135 #define HIFN_PUIER_SRCCMD 0x0080 /* Source command interrupt */
136 #define HIFN_PUIER_SRCCTX 0x0040 /* Source context interrupt */
137 #define HIFN_PUIER_SRCDATA 0x0020 /* Source data interrupt */
138 #define HIFN_PUIER_DSTDATA 0x0010 /* Destination data interrupt */
139 #define HIFN_PUIER_DSTRESULT 0x0004 /* Destination result interrupt */
142 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_CMDINVAL 0x8000 /* Invalid command interrupt */
143 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_DATAERR 0x4000 /* Data error interrupt */
144 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_SRCFIFO 0x2000 /* Source FIFO ready interrupt */
145 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_DSTFIFO 0x1000 /* Destination FIFO ready interrupt */
146 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_DSTOVER 0x0200 /* Destination overrun interrupt */
147 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_SRCCMD 0x0080 /* Source command interrupt */
148 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_SRCCTX 0x0040 /* Source context interrupt */
149 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_SRCDATA 0x0020 /* Source data interrupt */
150 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_DSTDATA 0x0010 /* Destination data interrupt */
151 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_DSTRESULT 0x0004 /* Destination result interrupt */
152 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_CHIPREV 0x00ff /* Chip revision mask */
153 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_CHIPENA 0xff00 /* Chip enabled mask */
154 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_ENA_2 0x1100 /* Level 2 enabled */
155 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_ENA_1 0x1000 /* Level 1 enabled */
156 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_ENA_0 0x3000 /* Level 0 enabled */
157 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_REV_2 0x0020 /* 7751 PT6/2 */
158 #define HIFN_PUSTAT_REV_3 0x0030 /* 7751 PT6/3 */
161 #define HIFN_FIFOSTAT_SRC 0x7f00 /* Source FIFO available */
162 #define HIFN_FIFOSTAT_DST 0x007f /* Destination FIFO available */
165 #define HIFN_FIFOCNFG_THRESHOLD 0x0400 /* must be written as 1 */
170 #define HIFN_1_DMA_CRAR 0x0c /* DMA Command Ring Address */
171 #define HIFN_1_DMA_SRAR 0x1c /* DMA Source Ring Address */
172 #define HIFN_1_DMA_RRAR 0x2c /* DMA Result Ring Address */
173 #define HIFN_1_DMA_DRAR 0x3c /* DMA Destination Ring Address */
174 #define HIFN_1_DMA_CSR 0x40 /* DMA Status and Control */
175 #define HIFN_1_DMA_IER 0x44 /* DMA Interrupt Enable */
176 #define HIFN_1_DMA_CNFG 0x48 /* DMA Configuration */
177 #define HIFN_1_PLL 0x4c /* 795x: PLL config */
178 #define HIFN_1_7811_RNGENA 0x60 /* 7811: rng enable */
179 #define HIFN_1_7811_RNGCFG 0x64 /* 7811: rng config */
180 #define HIFN_1_7811_RNGDAT 0x68 /* 7811: rng data */
181 #define HIFN_1_7811_RNGSTS 0x6c /* 7811: rng status */
182 #define HIFN_1_7811_MIPSRST 0x94 /* 7811: MIPS reset */
183 #define HIFN_1_REVID 0x98 /* Revision ID */
184 #define HIFN_1_UNLOCK_SECRET1 0xf4
185 #define HIFN_1_UNLOCK_SECRET2 0xfc
186 #define HIFN_1_PUB_RESET 0x204 /* Public/RNG Reset */
187 #define HIFN_1_PUB_BASE 0x300 /* Public Base Address */
188 #define HIFN_1_PUB_OPLEN 0x304 /* Public Operand Length */
189 #define HIFN_1_PUB_OP 0x308 /* Public Operand */
190 #define HIFN_1_PUB_STATUS 0x30c /* Public Status */
191 #define HIFN_1_PUB_IEN 0x310 /* Public Interrupt enable */
192 #define HIFN_1_RNG_CONFIG 0x314 /* RNG config */
193 #define HIFN_1_RNG_DATA 0x318 /* RNG data */
194 #define HIFN_1_PUB_MEM 0x400 /* start of Public key memory */
195 #define HIFN_1_PUB_MEMEND 0xbff /* end of Public key memory */
198 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_CTRLMASK 0xc0000000 /* Destinition Ring Control */
199 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_CTRL_NOP 0x00000000 /* Dest. Control: no-op */
200 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_CTRL_DIS 0x40000000 /* Dest. Control: disable */
201 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_CTRL_ENA 0x80000000 /* Dest. Control: enable */
202 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_ABORT 0x20000000 /* Destinition Ring PCIAbort */
203 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_DONE 0x10000000 /* Destinition Ring Done */
204 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_LAST 0x08000000 /* Destinition Ring Last */
205 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_WAIT 0x04000000 /* Destinition Ring Waiting */
206 #define HIFN_DMACSR_D_OVER 0x02000000 /* Destinition Ring Overflow */
207 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_CTRL 0x00c00000 /* Result Ring Control */
208 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_CTRL_NOP 0x00000000 /* Result Control: no-op */
209 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_CTRL_DIS 0x00400000 /* Result Control: disable */
210 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_CTRL_ENA 0x00800000 /* Result Control: enable */
211 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_ABORT 0x00200000 /* Result Ring PCI Abort */
212 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_DONE 0x00100000 /* Result Ring Done */
213 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_LAST 0x00080000 /* Result Ring Last */
214 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_WAIT 0x00040000 /* Result Ring Waiting */
215 #define HIFN_DMACSR_R_OVER 0x00020000 /* Result Ring Overflow */
216 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_CTRL 0x0000c000 /* Source Ring Control */
217 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_CTRL_NOP 0x00000000 /* Source Control: no-op */
218 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_CTRL_DIS 0x00004000 /* Source Control: disable */
219 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_CTRL_ENA 0x00008000 /* Source Control: enable */
220 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_ABORT 0x00002000 /* Source Ring PCI Abort */
221 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_DONE 0x00001000 /* Source Ring Done */
222 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_LAST 0x00000800 /* Source Ring Last */
223 #define HIFN_DMACSR_S_WAIT 0x00000400 /* Source Ring Waiting */
224 #define HIFN_DMACSR_ILLW 0x00000200 /* Illegal write (7811 only) */
225 #define HIFN_DMACSR_ILLR 0x00000100 /* Illegal read (7811 only) */
226 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_CTRL 0x000000c0 /* Command Ring Control */
227 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_CTRL_NOP 0x00000000 /* Command Control: no-op */
228 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_CTRL_DIS 0x00000040 /* Command Control: disable */
229 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_CTRL_ENA 0x00000080 /* Command Control: enable */
230 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_ABORT 0x00000020 /* Command Ring PCI Abort */
231 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_DONE 0x00000010 /* Command Ring Done */
232 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_LAST 0x00000008 /* Command Ring Last */
233 #define HIFN_DMACSR_C_WAIT 0x00000004 /* Command Ring Waiting */
234 #define HIFN_DMACSR_PUBDONE 0x00000002 /* Public op done (7951 only) */
235 #define HIFN_DMACSR_ENGINE 0x00000001 /* Command Ring Engine IRQ */
238 #define HIFN_DMAIER_D_ABORT 0x20000000 /* Destination Ring PCIAbort */
239 #define HIFN_DMAIER_D_DONE 0x10000000 /* Destination Ring Done */
240 #define HIFN_DMAIER_D_LAST 0x08000000 /* Destination Ring Last */
241 #define HIFN_DMAIER_D_WAIT 0x04000000 /* Destination Ring Waiting */
242 #define HIFN_DMAIER_D_OVER 0x02000000 /* Destination Ring Overflow */
243 #define HIFN_DMAIER_R_ABORT 0x00200000 /* Result Ring PCI Abort */
244 #define HIFN_DMAIER_R_DONE 0x00100000 /* Result Ring Done */
245 #define HIFN_DMAIER_R_LAST 0x00080000 /* Result Ring Last */
246 #define HIFN_DMAIER_R_WAIT 0x00040000 /* Result Ring Waiting */
247 #define HIFN_DMAIER_R_OVER 0x00020000 /* Result Ring Overflow */
248 #define HIFN_DMAIER_S_ABORT 0x00002000 /* Source Ring PCI Abort */
249 #define HIFN_DMAIER_S_DONE 0x00001000 /* Source Ring Done */
250 #define HIFN_DMAIER_S_LAST 0x00000800 /* Source Ring Last */
251 #define HIFN_DMAIER_S_WAIT 0x00000400 /* Source Ring Waiting */
252 #define HIFN_DMAIER_ILLW 0x00000200 /* Illegal write (7811 only) */
253 #define HIFN_DMAIER_ILLR 0x00000100 /* Illegal read (7811 only) */
254 #define HIFN_DMAIER_C_ABORT 0x00000020 /* Command Ring PCI Abort */
255 #define HIFN_DMAIER_C_DONE 0x00000010 /* Command Ring Done */
256 #define HIFN_DMAIER_C_LAST 0x00000008 /* Command Ring Last */
257 #define HIFN_DMAIER_C_WAIT 0x00000004 /* Command Ring Waiting */
258 #define HIFN_DMAIER_PUBDONE 0x00000002 /* public op done (7951 only) */
259 #define HIFN_DMAIER_ENGINE 0x00000001 /* Engine IRQ */
262 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_BIGENDIAN 0x10000000 /* big endian mode */
263 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_POLLFREQ 0x00ff0000 /* Poll frequency mask */
264 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_UNLOCK 0x00000800
265 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_POLLINVAL 0x00000700 /* Invalid Poll Scalar */
266 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_LAST 0x00000010 /* Host control LAST bit */
267 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_MODE 0x00000004 /* DMA mode */
268 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_DMARESET 0x00000002 /* DMA Reset # */
269 #define HIFN_DMACNFG_MSTRESET 0x00000001 /* Master Reset # */
272 #define HIFN_PLL_REF_CLK_HBI 0x00000000 /* HBI reference clock */
273 #define HIFN_PLL_REF_CLK_PLL 0x00000001 /* PLL reference clock */
274 #define HIFN_PLL_BP 0x00000002 /* Reference clock bypass */
275 #define HIFN_PLL_PK_CLK_HBI 0x00000000 /* PK engine HBI clock */
276 #define HIFN_PLL_PK_CLK_PLL 0x00000008 /* PK engine PLL clock */
277 #define HIFN_PLL_PE_CLK_HBI 0x00000000 /* PE engine HBI clock */
278 #define HIFN_PLL_PE_CLK_PLL 0x00000010 /* PE engine PLL clock */
279 #define HIFN_PLL_RESERVED_1 0x00000400 /* Reserved bit, must be 1 */
281 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_2 0x00000000 /* PLL clock multiplier 2 */
282 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_4 0x00000800 /* PLL clock multiplier 4 */
283 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_6 0x00001000 /* PLL clock multiplier 6 */
284 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_8 0x00001800 /* PLL clock multiplier 8 */
285 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_10 0x00002000 /* PLL clock multiplier 10 */
286 #define HIFN_PLL_ND_MULT_12 0x00002800 /* PLL clock multiplier 12 */
287 #define HIFN_PLL_IS_1_8 0x00000000 /* charge pump (mult. 1-8) */
288 #define HIFN_PLL_IS_9_12 0x00010000 /* charge pump (mult. 9-12) */
293 #define HIFN_PUBRST_RESET 0x00000001 /* reset public/rng unit */
296 #define HIFN_PUBBASE_ADDR 0x00003fff /* base address */
299 #define HIFN_PUBOPLEN_MOD_M 0x0000007f /* modulus length mask */
300 #define HIFN_PUBOPLEN_MOD_S 0 /* modulus length shift */
301 #define HIFN_PUBOPLEN_EXP_M 0x0003ff80 /* exponent length mask */
303 #define HIFN_PUBOPLEN_RED_M 0x003c0000 /* reducend length mask */
307 #define HIFN_PUBOP_AOFFSET_M 0x0000007f /* A offset mask */
308 #define HIFN_PUBOP_AOFFSET_S 0 /* A offset shift */
309 #define HIFN_PUBOP_BOFFSET_M 0x00000f80 /* B offset mask */
311 #define HIFN_PUBOP_MOFFSET_M 0x0003f000 /* M offset mask */
313 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MASK 0x003c0000 /* Opcode: */
314 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_NOP 0x00000000 /* NOP */
315 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_ADD 0x00040000 /* ADD */
316 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_ADDC 0x00080000 /* ADD w/carry */
317 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_SUB 0x000c0000 /* SUB */
318 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_SUBC 0x00100000 /* SUB w/carry */
319 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MODADD 0x00140000 /* Modular ADD */
320 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MODSUB 0x00180000 /* Modular SUB */
321 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_INCA 0x001c0000 /* INC A */
322 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_DECA 0x00200000 /* DEC A */
323 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MULT 0x00240000 /* MULT */
324 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MODMULT 0x00280000 /* Modular MULT */
325 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MODRED 0x002c0000 /* Modular RED */
326 #define HIFN_PUBOP_OP_MODEXP 0x00300000 /* Modular EXP */
329 #define HIFN_PUBSTS_DONE 0x00000001 /* operation done */
330 #define HIFN_PUBSTS_CARRY 0x00000002 /* carry */
333 #define HIFN_PUBIEN_DONE 0x00000001 /* operation done interrupt */
336 #define HIFN_RNGCFG_ENA 0x00000001 /* enable rng */
392 #define HIFN_FLAG_CMD_BUSY (1 << 0)
440 #define HIFN_D_LENGTH 0x0000ffff
441 #define HIFN_D_NOINVALID 0x01000000
442 #define HIFN_D_MASKDONEIRQ 0x02000000
443 #define HIFN_D_DESTOVER 0x04000000
444 #define HIFN_D_OVER 0x08000000
445 #define HIFN_D_LAST 0x20000000
446 #define HIFN_D_JUMP 0x40000000
447 #define HIFN_D_VALID 0x80000000
456 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_COMP 0x0100 /* enable compression engine */
457 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_PAD 0x0200 /* enable padding engine */
458 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_MAC 0x0400 /* enable MAC engine */
459 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_CRYPT 0x0800 /* enable crypt engine */
460 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_DECODE 0x2000
461 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_SRCLEN_M 0xc000
463 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_DSTLEN_M 0x3000
465 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_LENMASK_HI 0x30000
466 #define HIFN_BASE_CMD_LENMASK_LO 0x0ffff
478 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_ALG_MASK 0x0003 /* algorithm: */
479 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_ALG_DES 0x0000 /* DES */
480 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_ALG_3DES 0x0001 /* 3DES */
481 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_ALG_RC4 0x0002 /* RC4 */
482 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_ALG_AES 0x0003 /* AES */
483 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_MODE_MASK 0x0018 /* Encrypt mode: */
484 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_MODE_ECB 0x0000 /* ECB */
485 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_MODE_CBC 0x0008 /* CBC */
486 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_MODE_CFB 0x0010 /* CFB */
487 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_MODE_OFB 0x0018 /* OFB */
488 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_CLR_CTX 0x0040 /* clear context */
489 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_KSZ_MASK 0x0600 /* AES key size: */
490 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_KSZ_128 0x0000 /* 128 bit */
491 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_KSZ_192 0x0200 /* 192 bit */
492 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_KSZ_256 0x0400 /* 256 bit */
493 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_NEW_KEY 0x0800 /* expect new key */
494 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_NEW_IV 0x1000 /* expect new iv */
495 #define HIFN_CRYPT_CMD_SRCLEN_M 0xc000
498 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_ALG_MASK 0x0001
499 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_ALG_SHA1 0x0000
500 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_ALG_MD5 0x0001
501 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_MODE_MASK 0x000c
502 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_MODE_HMAC 0x0000
503 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_MODE_SSL_MAC 0x0004
504 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_MODE_HASH 0x0008
505 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_MODE_FULL 0x0004
506 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_TRUNC 0x0010
507 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_RESULT 0x0020
508 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_APPEND 0x0040
509 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_SRCLEN_M 0xc000
516 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_POS_IPSEC 0x0200
517 #define HIFN_MAC_CMD_NEW_KEY 0x0800
519 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_SRCLEN_M 0xc000
521 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_ONE 0x0100 /* must be one */
522 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_CLEARHIST 0x0010 /* clear history */
523 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_UPDATEHIST 0x0008 /* update history */
524 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_LZS_STRIP0 0x0004 /* LZS: strip zero */
525 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_MPPC_RESTART 0x0004 /* MPPC: restart */
526 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_ALG_MASK 0x0001 /* compression mode: */
527 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_ALG_MPPC 0x0001 /* MPPC */
528 #define HIFN_COMP_CMD_ALG_LZS 0x0000 /* LZS */
533 volatile __le16 src_cnt; /* 15:0 of source count */
534 volatile __le16 dst_cnt; /* 15:0 of dest count */
537 #define HIFN_BASE_RES_DSTOVERRUN 0x0200 /* destination overrun */
538 #define HIFN_BASE_RES_SRCLEN_M 0xc000 /* 17:16 of source count */
540 #define HIFN_BASE_RES_DSTLEN_M 0x3000 /* 17:16 of dest count */
548 #define HIFN_COMP_RES_LCB_M 0xff00 /* longitudinal check byte */
550 #define HIFN_COMP_RES_RESTART 0x0004 /* MPPC: restart */
551 #define HIFN_COMP_RES_ENDMARKER 0x0002 /* LZS: end marker seen */
552 #define HIFN_COMP_RES_SRC_NOTZERO 0x0001 /* source expired */
557 /* followed by 0, 6, 8, or 10 u16's of the MAC, then crypt */
560 #define HIFN_MAC_RES_MISCOMPARE 0x0002 /* compare failed */
561 #define HIFN_MAC_RES_SRC_NOTZERO 0x0001 /* source expired */
568 #define HIFN_CRYPT_RES_SRC_NOTZERO 0x0001 /* source expired */
571 #define HIFN_POLL_FREQUENCY 0x1
575 #define HIFN_POLL_SCALAR 0x0
578 #define HIFN_MAX_SEGLEN 0xffff /* maximum dma segment len */
579 #define HIFN_MAX_DMALEN 0x3ffff /* maximum dma length */
589 #define ASYNC_FLAGS_MISALIGNED (1 << 0)
614 return readl(dev->bar[0] + reg); in hifn_read_0()
624 writel((__force u32)cpu_to_le32(val), dev->bar[0] + reg); in hifn_write_0()
637 for (i = 10000; i > 0; --i) { in hifn_wait_puc()
660 hifn_write_0(dev, HIFN_0_PUIER, 0); in hifn_stop_device()
661 hifn_write_1(dev, HIFN_1_DMA_IER, 0); in hifn_stop_device()
669 * Setting poll frequency and others to 0. in hifn_reset_dma()
698 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { in hifn_next_signature()
700 v = a & 0x80080125; in hifn_next_signature()
721 { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
722 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
727 { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
728 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
740 if (nsec <= 0) in hifn_rng_data_present()
743 return 0; in hifn_rng_data_present()
778 #define hifn_register_rng(dev) 0
789 for (i = 100; i > 0; --i) { in hifn_init_pubrng()
792 if ((hifn_read_1(dev, HIFN_1_PUB_RESET) & HIFN_PUBRST_RESET) == 0) in hifn_init_pubrng()
817 return 0; in hifn_init_pubrng()
826 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pci2id); i++) { in hifn_enable_crypto()
847 hifn_write_1(dev, HIFN_1_UNLOCK_SECRET2, 0); in hifn_enable_crypto()
850 for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { in hifn_enable_crypto()
851 addr = hifn_next_signature(addr, offtbl[i] + 0x101); in hifn_enable_crypto()
860 return 0; in hifn_enable_crypto()
869 for (i = 0; i < HIFN_D_CMD_RSIZE; ++i) in hifn_init_dma()
871 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, command_bufs[i][0])); in hifn_init_dma()
872 for (i = 0; i < HIFN_D_RES_RSIZE; ++i) in hifn_init_dma()
874 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, result_bufs[i][0])); in hifn_init_dma()
878 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, cmdr[0])); in hifn_init_dma()
880 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, srcr[0])); in hifn_init_dma()
882 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, dstr[0])); in hifn_init_dma()
884 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, resr[0])); in hifn_init_dma()
886 dma->cmdu = dma->srcu = dma->dstu = dma->resu = 0; in hifn_init_dma()
887 dma->cmdi = dma->srci = dma->dsti = dma->resi = 0; in hifn_init_dma()
888 dma->cmdk = dma->srck = dma->dstk = dma->resk = 0; in hifn_init_dma()
911 if (strncmp(hifn_pll_ref, "ext", 3) == 0) in hifn_init_pll()
916 if (hifn_pll_ref[3] != '\0') in hifn_init_pll()
967 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, cmdr[0])); in hifn_init_registers()
969 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, srcr[0])); in hifn_init_registers()
971 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, dstr[0])); in hifn_init_registers()
973 offsetof(struct hifn_dma, resr[0])); in hifn_init_registers()
976 #if 0 in hifn_init_registers()
1015 #if 0 in hifn_init_registers()
1021 hifn_write_0(dev, HIFN_0_PUCNFG, 0x10342); in hifn_init_registers()
1065 cry_cmd->source_count = __cpu_to_le16(dlen & 0xffff); in hifn_setup_crypto_command()
1070 cry_cmd->header_skip = 0; in hifn_setup_crypto_command()
1071 cry_cmd->reserved = 0; in hifn_setup_crypto_command()
1107 mask = 0; in hifn_setup_cmd_desc()
1126 u16 md = 0; in hifn_setup_cmd_desc()
1199 dma->cmdi = 0; in hifn_setup_cmd_desc()
1208 return 0; in hifn_setup_cmd_desc()
1228 HIFN_D_MASKDONEIRQ | (last ? HIFN_D_LAST : 0)); in hifn_setup_src_desc()
1233 (last ? HIFN_D_LAST : 0)); in hifn_setup_src_desc()
1234 idx = 0; in hifn_setup_src_desc()
1262 dma->resi = 0; in hifn_setup_res_desc()
1286 HIFN_D_MASKDONEIRQ | (last ? HIFN_D_LAST : 0)); in hifn_setup_dst_desc()
1291 (last ? HIFN_D_LAST : 0)); in hifn_setup_dst_desc()
1292 idx = 0; in hifn_setup_dst_desc()
1319 hifn_setup_src_desc(dev, spage, soff, len, n - len == 0); in hifn_setup_dma()
1325 t = &rctx->walk.cache[0]; in hifn_setup_dma()
1331 doff = 0; in hifn_setup_dma()
1341 hifn_setup_dst_desc(dev, dpage, doff, len, n - len == 0); in hifn_setup_dma()
1350 return 0; in hifn_setup_dma()
1361 w->num = 0; in hifn_cipher_walk_init()
1362 for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { in hifn_cipher_walk_init()
1371 sg_set_page(s, page, PAGE_SIZE, 0); in hifn_cipher_walk_init()
1382 for (i = 0; i < w->num; ++i) { in hifn_cipher_walk_exit()
1387 s->length = 0; in hifn_cipher_walk_exit()
1390 w->num = 0; in hifn_cipher_walk_exit()
1397 int idx = 0; in skcipher_add()
1429 tidx = idx = 0; in hifn_cipher_walk()
1430 offset = 0; in hifn_cipher_walk()
1449 if (err < 0) in hifn_cipher_walk()
1488 if (err < 0) in hifn_cipher_walk()
1513 unsigned int nbytes = req->cryptlen, idx = 0; in hifn_setup_session()
1520 rctx->walk.flags = 0; in hifn_setup_session()
1536 if (err < 0) in hifn_setup_session()
1541 if (sg_num < 0) { in hifn_setup_session()
1561 return 0; in hifn_setup_session()
1581 dev->started = dev->active = 0; in hifn_start_device()
1596 return 0; in hifn_start_device()
1604 int idx = 0; in skcipher_get()
1620 offset = 0; in skcipher_get()
1642 if (dev->started < 0) in hifn_complete_sa()
1646 BUG_ON(dev->started < 0); in hifn_complete_sa()
1655 int idx = 0, err; in hifn_process_ready()
1679 if (err < 0) { in hifn_process_ready()
1706 while (u != 0) { in hifn_clear_rings()
1712 dev->reset = 0; in hifn_clear_rings()
1718 i = 0; in hifn_clear_rings()
1724 while (u != 0) { in hifn_clear_rings()
1728 i = 0; in hifn_clear_rings()
1734 while (u != 0) { in hifn_clear_rings()
1738 i = 0; in hifn_clear_rings()
1744 while (u != 0) { in hifn_clear_rings()
1748 i = 0; in hifn_clear_rings()
1765 int reset = 0; in hifn_work()
1766 u32 r = 0; in hifn_work()
1769 if (dev->active == 0) { in hifn_work()
1772 if (dma->cmdu == 0 && (dev->flags & HIFN_FLAG_CMD_BUSY)) { in hifn_work()
1776 if (dma->srcu == 0 && (dev->flags & HIFN_FLAG_SRC_BUSY)) { in hifn_work()
1780 if (dma->dstu == 0 && (dev->flags & HIFN_FLAG_DST_BUSY)) { in hifn_work()
1784 if (dma->resu == 0 && (dev->flags & HIFN_FLAG_RES_BUSY)) { in hifn_work()
1811 for (i = 0; i < HIFN_D_RES_RSIZE; ++i) { in hifn_work()
1823 dev->reset = 0; in hifn_work()
1846 if ((dmacsr & dev->dmareg) == 0) in hifn_interrupt()
1884 if ((dmacsr & HIFN_DMACSR_C_WAIT) && (dma->cmdu == 0)) { in hifn_interrupt()
1903 for (i = 0; i < HIFN_D_RES_RSIZE; ++i) { in hifn_flush()
1908 (d->l & __cpu_to_le32(HIFN_D_VALID)) ? -ENODEV : 0); in hifn_flush()
1941 return 0; in hifn_setkey()
1960 return 0; in hifn_des3_setkey()
2028 int err = 0; in hifn_process_queue()
2244 return 0; in hifn_init_tfm()
2271 alg->alg.base.cra_alignmask = 0; in hifn_alg_alloc()
2303 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hifn_alg_templates); ++i) { in hifn_register_alg()
2309 return 0; in hifn_register_alg()
2326 hifn_clear_rings(dev, 0); in hifn_tasklet_callback()
2354 if (pci_resource_len(pdev, 0) < HIFN_BAR0_SIZE || in hifn_probe()
2374 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { in hifn_probe()
2399 for (i = 0; i < HIFN_D_RES_RSIZE; ++i) in hifn_probe()
2412 dev->irq = 0; in hifn_probe()
2435 return 0; in hifn_probe()
2450 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) in hifn_probe()
2486 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) in hifn_remove()
2500 { 0 }
2527 if (hifn_pll_ref[3] != '\0') { in hifn_init()
2537 if (err < 0) { in hifn_init()
2546 return 0; in hifn_init()