Lines Matching full:sha
40 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-1 (ARMv8 Crypto Extensions)"
45 SHA-1 secure hash algorithm (FIPS 180)
51 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-224 and SHA-256"
54 SHA-224 and SHA-256 secure hash algorithms (FIPS 180)
59 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-224 and SHA-256 (ARMv8 Crypto Extensions)"
64 SHA-224 and SHA-256 secure hash algorithms (FIPS 180)
70 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-384 and SHA-512"
73 SHA-384 and SHA-512 secure hash algorithms (FIPS 180)
78 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-384 and SHA-512 (ARMv8 Crypto Extensions)"
83 SHA-384 and SHA-512 secure hash algorithms (FIPS 180)
89 tristate "Hash functions: SHA-3 (ARMv8.2 Crypto Extensions)"
94 SHA-3 secure hash algorithms (FIPS 202)
138 AEAD cipher: AES with CBC, ESSIV, and SHA-256