Lines Matching full:your

20 If your system uses techniques like Secure Boot, prepare it to permit starting
22 building Linux; make sure to have 12 Gigabyte free space in your home directory.
24 you then use to configure, build and install your own kernel::
30 # Hint: it's recommended to tag your build at this point. See below for details.
57 Compiling your own Linux kernel is easy in principle. There are various ways to
93 ensure the system will permit your self-compiled kernel to boot later. The
115 sources and build artifacts 12 Gigabyte in your home directory should
117 section for the step that explains adjusting your kernels build
161 If you deepened your clone, you instead of ``origin/master`` can specify the
186 * If you patched your kernel or have one of the same version installed already,
191 Running ``uname -r`` under your kernel later will then print something like
198 * Create the build configuration for your kernel based on an existing
204 Use the same command, if your distribution or somebody else already tailored
205 your running kernel to your or your hardware's needs: the make target
213 This will try to pick your distribution's kernel as base, but then disable
214 modules for any features apparently superfluous for your setup. This will
219 did not use since you booted your Linux -- like drivers for currently
251 * Build the image and the modules of your kernel::
255 If you want your kernel packaged up as deb, rpm, or tar file, see the
262 * Now install your kernel::
268 an entry for your kernel in your bootloader's configuration; but on some
273 does nothing at all; in that case you have to manually install your kernel,
277 and the web to find out how to install your own kernel there.
310 you prepared earlier using localmodconfig (~/linux/.config) for your next
314 # reminder: you might want to update your build tag at this point
317 Now build your kernel::
329 * Your kernel is easy to remove later, as its parts are only stored in two
331 not delete the kernel you are running, as that might render your system
334 Start by deleting the directory holding your kernel's modules, which is named
354 Then please take a moment of your time and let the maintainer of this document
387 ensure the system will permit your self-compiled kernel to boot later.*
393 You ideally deal with this by making your platform trust your self-built kernels
399 Temporarily disabling solutions like Secure Boot is another way to make your own
405 disable all Secure Boot restrictions for your Linux environment. You can
408 restart; right after your BIOS performed all self-tests the bootloader Shim will
428 depends on your Linux distribution and the configuration of the kernel you are
502 in all commands that add files or modify any generated (like your '.config').
537 * Be warned, when deepening your clone you might encounter an error like
654 This is the point where you might want to patch your kernel -- for example when
665 *If you patched your kernel or already have that kernel version installed,
666 better tag your kernel by extending its release name:*
669 Tagging your kernel will help avoid confusion later, especially when you patched
670 your kernel. Adding an individual tag will also ensure the kernel's image and
674 creating a 'localversion' file in your build directory from which the kernel
683 Define the build configuration for your kernel
686 *Create the build configuration for your kernel based on an existing
698 * These targets will reuse a kernel build configuration in your build directory
702 * The make targets try to find the configuration for your running kernel
711 might want to use a configuration as base which your distribution utilized
719 among others will disable many kernel features that were introduced after your
732 can easily happen that your self-built kernel will lack modules for tasks you
753 reduce the risk by recording which modules your system loads over the course of
764 ``lsmod > lsmod_foo-machine`` on it and transfer that file to your build host.
768 as well and place it as .config in your build directory.
780 Depending on your needs you at this point might want or have to adjust some
795 Having debug symbols available can be important when your kernel throws a
839 * Remove a stale reference to a certificate file that would cause your build to
847 -- or generate your own, as explained in
871 Build your kernel
874 *Build the image and the modules of your kernel* [:ref:`... <build_sbs>`]
877 yourself. Another subsection explains how to directly package your kernel up as
883 When a build error occurs, it might be caused by some aspect of your machine's
900 avoid or remove anything that looks remotely system-specific, like your username
901 or local path names like ``/home/username/linux/``. First try your regular
906 often one of the hits will provide a solution for your problem, too. If you
907 do not find anything that matches your problem, try again from a different angle
908 by modifying your search terms or using another line from the error messages.
911 reported by others already. That includes issues where the cause is not your
913 solution (e.g. a patch) or workaround for your problem, too.
915 Package your kernel up
919 'modules' on x86) to build the image and the modules of your kernel, which later
934 step-by-step guide's instructions on installing and removing your kernel;
939 those formats, they thus will sometimes behave differently than your
946 Install your kernel
949 *Now install your kernel* [:ref:`... <install_sbs>`]
960 actual installation of your kernel's image and related files to this executable.
962 <your kernel's release name>' and put a '<your kernel's release
963 name>' alongside it. Your kernel will thus be installed in parallel to any
969 guide, as things will go sideways if you install your kernel's image before its
970 modules. Often installkernel will then add your kernel to the bootloader
972 yourself, if your distributions installkernel doesn't handle them.
982 If your distribution boots with the help of an initramfs, now generate one for
983 your kernel using the tools your distribution provides for this process.
984 Afterwards add your kernel to your bootloader configuration and reboot.
1000 adjust your build configurations to the needs of the kernel version you are
1015 *All parts of your installed kernel are identifiable by its release name and
1018 Do not worry installing your kernel manually and thus bypassing your
1019 distribution's packaging system will totally mess up your machine: all parts of
1020 your kernel are easy to remove later, as files are stored in two places only and
1025 name; hence, to remove all modules for one of your kernels, simply remove its
1030 their file name, but how many files and their name depends somewhat on your
1034 and the entry for your kernel in the bootloader configuration at the same time,
1044 name and delete them as well. Now remove the kernel from your bootloader's
1083 and 'sign-off' your contribution as
1085 your work - the Developer's Certificate of Origin'.