Lines Matching full:string

130 >0  string  fmt\x20
133 >0 string LIST
135 >0 string DISP
137 >0 string bext
139 >0 string Fake
141 >0 string fact
144 >0 string VP8\x20
162 >0 string VP8L
165 >0 string VP8X
176 #>0 string x we got %s
239 0 string RIFF RIFF (little-endian) data
245 >8 string PAL\ \b, palette
252 >>12 string plth \b, extended
254 >>12 string data
269 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
271 >>16 string BM
284 >8 string RMID \b, MIDI
291 >8 string RMMP \b, multimedia movie
295 >8 string RMP3 \b, MPEG Layer 3 audio
299 >8 string WAVE \b, WAVE audio
305 >>12 string >\0
314 >8 string/c cdr
316 >>8 string !CDRXcont
321 >>8 string =CDRXcont \b, Corel Clipart
325 #>>>20 string x \b, 3rd '%-s'
331 >8 string CDT
334 >8 string CDST
337 >8 string PAT
342 >8 string DES
343 >>8 string !DESC
346 >>8 string =DESC
355 >8 string shw4 \b, CorelSHOW presentation, version 4
361 >8 string shw5 \b, CorelSHOW presentation, version 5
367 >8 string shl5 \b, CorelSHOW Background, version 5
374 >8 string shr5 \b, CorelSHOW player data, version 5
379 >8 string NUNDROOT \b, Steinberg CuBase
387 >8 string IDF\ LIST \b, MIDI Instrument Definition File
393 #>>0x14 string x \b, 4th "%-8.8s"
396 >>0x30 string x "%s"
400 >>>&0x24 string x "%s"
406 >8 string MDL
407 >>12 string MDLH \b, Microsoft Flight Simulator 3D model
411 #>>>8 string MDL8 \b, version 8?
414 >8 string AVI\040 \b, AVI
420 >>12 string LIST
421 >>>20 string hdrlavih
476 >>>88 string LIST
477 >>>>96 string strlstrh
478 >>>>>108 string vids video:
481 >>>>>>(104.l+108) string strf
483 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c anim Intel RDX
484 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c aur2 AuraVision Aura 2
485 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c aura AuraVision Aura
486 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c bt20 Brooktree MediaStream
487 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c btcv Brooktree Composite Video
488 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cc12 Intel YUV12
489 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cdvc Canopus DV
490 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cham Winnov Caviara Cham
491 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cljr Proprietary YUV 4 pixels
492 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cmyk Common Data Format in Printing
493 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cpla Weitek 4:2:0 YUV Planar
494 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cvid Cinepak
495 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cwlt Microsoft Color WLT DIB
496 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c cyuv Creative Labs YUV
497 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c d261 H.261
498 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c d263 H.263
499 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c duck TrueMotion 1.0
500 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c dve2 DVE-2 Videoconferencing
501 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c fljp Field Encoded Motion JPEG
502 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c fvf1 Fractal Video Frame
503 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c gwlt Microsoft Greyscale WLT DIB
504 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h260 H.260
505 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h261 H.261
506 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h262 H.262
507 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h263 H.263
508 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h264 H.264
509 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h265 H.265
510 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h266 H.266
511 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h267 H.267
512 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h268 H.268
513 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h269 H.269
514 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c i263 Intel I.263
515 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c i420 Intel Indeo 4
516 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c ian Intel RDX
517 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iclb CellB Videoconferencing Codec
518 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c ilvc Intel Layered Video
519 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c ilvr ITU-T H.263+
520 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iraw Intel YUV Uncompressed
521 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv30 Intel Indeo 3
522 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv31 Intel Indeo 3.1
523 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv32 Intel Indeo 3.2
524 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv33 Intel Indeo 3.3
525 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv34 Intel Indeo 3.4
526 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv35 Intel Indeo 3.5
527 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv36 Intel Indeo 3.6
528 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv37 Intel Indeo 3.7
529 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv38 Intel Indeo 3.8
530 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv39 Intel Indeo 3.9
531 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv40 Intel Indeo 4.0
532 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv41 Intel Indeo 4.1
533 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv42 Intel Indeo 4.2
534 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv43 Intel Indeo 4.3
535 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv44 Intel Indeo 4.4
536 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv45 Intel Indeo 4.5
537 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv46 Intel Indeo 4.6
538 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv47 Intel Indeo 4.7
539 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv48 Intel Indeo 4.8
540 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv49 Intel Indeo 4.9
541 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c iv50 Intel Indeo 5.0
542 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mpeg MPEG 1 Video Frame
543 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mjpg Motion JPEG
544 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mp42 Microsoft MPEG-4 v2
545 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mp43 Microsoft MPEG-4 v3
546 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mrca MR Codec
547 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c mrle Run Length Encoding
548 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c msvc Microsoft Video 1
549 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c phmo Photomotion
550 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c qpeq QPEG 1.1 Format Video
551 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c rgbt RGBT
552 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c rle4 Run Length Encoded 4
553 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c rle8 Run Length Encoded 8
554 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c rt21 Intel Indeo 2.1
555 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c rvx Intel RDX
556 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c sdcc Sun Digital Camera Codec
557 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c sfmc Crystal Net SFM Codec
558 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c smsc SMSC
559 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c smsd SMSD
560 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c splc Splash Studios ACM Audio Codec
561 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c sqz2 Microsoft VXtreme Video Codec
562 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c sv10 Sorenson Video R1
563 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tlms TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec A
564 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tlst TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec B
565 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tm20 TrueMotion 2.0
566 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tmic TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec 2
567 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tmot TrueMotion Video Compression
568 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c tr20 TrueMotion RT 2.0
569 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c ulti Ultimotion
570 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c uyvy UYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering
571 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c v422 24-bit YUV 4:2:2 format
572 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c v655 16-bit YUV 4:2:2 format
573 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr1 ATI VCR 1.0
574 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr2 ATI VCR 2.0
575 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr3 ATI VCR 3.0
576 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr4 ATI VCR 4.0
577 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr5 ATI VCR 5.0
578 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr6 ATI VCR 6.0
579 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr7 ATI VCR 7.0
580 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr8 ATI VCR 8.0
581 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vcr9 ATI VCR 9.0
582 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vdct Video Maker Pro DIB
583 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vids YUV 4:2:2 CCIR 601 for V422
584 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vivo Vivo H.263
585 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vixl VIXL
586 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c vlv1 VLCAP.DRV
587 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c wbvc W9960
588 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c x263 mmioFOURCC('X','2','6','3')
589 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c xlv0 XL Video Decoder
590 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y211 YUV 2:1:1 Packed
591 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y411 YUV 4:1:1 Packed
592 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y41b YUV 4:1:1 Planar
593 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y41p PC1 4:1:1
594 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y41t PC1 4:1:1 with transparency
595 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y42b YUV 4:2:2 Planar
596 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c y42t PC1 4:2:2 with transparency
597 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c yc12 Intel YUV12 Codec
598 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c yuv8 Winnov Caviar YUV8
599 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c yuv9 YUV9
600 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c yuy2 YUY2 4:2:2 byte ordering packed
601 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c yuyv BI_YUYV, Canopus
602 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c fmp4 FFMpeg MPEG-4
603 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c div3 DivX 3
604 >>>>>>>>112 string/c div3 Low-Motion
605 >>>>>>>>112 string/c div4 Fast-Motion
606 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c divx DivX 4
607 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c dx50 DivX 5
608 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c xvid XviD
609 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h264 H.264
610 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c wmv3 Windows Media Video 9
611 >>>>>>>(104.l+132) string/c h264 X.264 or H.264
613 ##>>>>>>>(104.l+132) string x (%.4s)
615 >>>>(92.l+96) string LIST
616 >>>>>(92.l+104) string strlstrh
617 >>>>>>(92.l+116) string auds \b, audio:
619 >>>>>>>(92.l+172) string strf
634 >>>>>>>(92.l+180) string strf
650 >8 string VDRM \b, VirtualDub link
653 >>12 string PATH \b, PATH
660 >8 string ACON \b, animated cursor
666 >>24 string INAM
673 >8 string sfbk \b, SoundFont/Bank
678 >8 string CDXA \b, wrapped MPEG-1 (CDXA)
682 >8 string 4XMV \b, 4X Movie file
686 >8 string AMV\040 \b, AMV
692 >8 string WEBP \b, Web/P image
698 >8 string MIDS \b, MIDI Stream
704 >8 string TRID \b, TrID defs package
714 >8 string imag \b, Easy CD Creator disk image
734 #>8 string x \b, [8]=%.8s
735 >0 string x \b, Corel Draw
739 >>8 string CDT
741 >>>12 string =fver Picture template (root.dat)
744 >>>12 string !fver
746 >>>>11 string >E Picture template (riffData.cdr)
749 >>>>11 string <F Picture template
752 >>8 string CDST Picture template
755 >>8 string DESC Picture template
758 >>8 string PAT Pattern
771 >>>>12 string =vrsn
778 >>>>12 string =fver Picture (root.dat)
781 >11 string x \b, version
782 >11 string >\040 '%-.1s'
789 #>12 string x \b, TAG "%-4.4s"
796 #>>22 string x \b, 4th "%-4.4s"
799 #>>(26.l+30) string x \b, 5th "%-4.4s"
807 #>8 string x \b, [8]=%.8s
808 >12 string x \b, Corel DESIGNER
812 >12 string =fver graphics (root.dat)
815 >12 string !fver
817 >>11 string >D graphics (riffData.cdr)
820 >>11 string <E graphics
823 >11 string x \b, version '%-.1s'
826 >11 string >D
829 #>>22 string x \b, 4th "%-4.4s"
832 #>>(26.l+30) string x \b, 5th "%-4.4s"
841 0 string RIFX RIFF (big-endian) data
843 >8 string PAL \b, palette
847 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
848 >>16 string BM
860 >8 string RMID \b, MIDI
862 >8 string RMMP \b, multimedia movie
864 >8 string WAVE \b, WAVE audio
872 #>8 string CDRA \b, Corel Draw Picture
873 #>8 string CDR6 \b, Corel Draw Picture, version 6
874 >8 string CDR
878 >8 string AVI\040 \b, AVI
880 >8 string ACON \b, animated cursor
882 >8 string NIFF \b, Notation Interchange File Format
884 >8 string sfbk SoundFont/Bank
890 0 string riff\x2E\x91\xCF\x11\xA5\xD6\x28\xDB\x04\xC1\x00\x00 Sony Wave64 RIFF data
893 >24 string wave\xF3\xAC\xD3\x11\x8C\xD1\x00\xC0\x4F\x8E\xDB\x8A \b, WAVE 64 audio
905 0 string RF64\xff\xff\xff\xffWAVEds64 MBWF/RF64 audio