PSARC 2009/347 cryptoadm(1M) enhancement for FIPS-140 mode6787364 Administration and policy configuration changes to support FIPS 140-26867384 Solaris Crypto Framework needs to implement self tests
PSARC 2009/347 cryptoadm(1M) enhancement for FIPS-140 mode6787364 Administration and policy configuration changes to support FIPS 140-26867384 Solaris Crypto Framework needs to implement self tests for FIPS 140-2 compliance
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6666204 meta slot opens and closes /dev/urandom needlessly for every read6722460 finish moving /dev/random and /dev/urandom seeding and usage to libcryptoutil
6562402 kernel software provider for Elliptic Curve mechanisms (fix license issue)
6562402 kernel software provider for Elliptic Curve mechanisms (fix unref)--HG--rename : usr/src/common/crypto/ecc/ec2_proj.c => deleted_files/usr/src/common/crypto/ecc/ec2_proj.c
PSARC 2007/446 Elliptic-Curve Cryptography for Solaris5066901 Offer the PKCS#11 Elliptic Curve based mechanisms in Solaris6562402 kernel software provider for Elliptic Curve mechanisms