History log of /titanic_52/usr/src/cmd/svc/startd/transition.c (Results 1 – 7 of 7)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 845e9415 10-Apr-2009 Renaud Manus <Renaud.Manus@Sun.COM>

6622195 SMF occasionally does not honor prerequisite dependencies and take service offline when deps fail
6471257 *svc.startd* may leak the restarter_fmri buffer in configure_vertex()
6826704 Unecess

6622195 SMF occasionally does not honor prerequisite dependencies and take service offline when deps fail
6471257 *svc.startd* may leak the restarter_fmri buffer in configure_vertex()
6826704 Unecessary test in run_sulogin() can be removed

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# 207246e9 12-Dec-2008 Renaud Manus <Renaud.Manus@Sun.COM>

6760182 depends_04[56] failing across the board since snv_100
6754648 vertex transitionning to MAINTENANCE should also have their GV_TODISABLE flag removed
6761838 offline -> disabled transition shou

6760182 depends_04[56] failing across the board since snv_100
6754648 vertex transitionning to MAINTENANCE should also have their GV_TODISABLE flag removed
6761838 offline -> disabled transition should remove _TOOFFLINE & _TODISABLE flags
6768429 *svc.startd* can fail to detect that require_any dependencies are satisfied

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# aca380d7 18-Sep-2008 Renaud Manus <Renaud.Manus@Sun.COM>

6422793 when running "svcadm disable" shutdown dependents before shutting down requested service
6718310 shutdown fails when exclude_all dependency is offline

# 73b709ea 13-Feb-2007 rm88369 <none@none>

6469233 multi-user fails to come online even though dependencies are resolved
6469521 Sometimes svc.startd speaks in code
6515840 boot performance from milestone=none can be improved

# 56e23938 16-Sep-2006 bustos <none@none>

6448732 shutdown is vulnerable to restarting services
6468801 ::startd_log doesn't work on snv_48 and beyond

# cd3bce3e 11-Jul-2006 lianep <none@none>

6440500 no login prompt (hang) when filesystem/local fails

# 99b44c3b 10-May-2006 lianep <none@none>

6321540 service failures must go to syslog
6322272 svc.startd's "options/logging" setting doesn't work