History log of /titanic_52/usr/src/cmd/picl/plugins/sun4u/chicago/envd/piclenvsetup.c (Results 1 – 4 of 4)
Revision Date Author Comments
# b29b9e18 19-Oct-2005 venki <none@none>

6333857 picl needs to monitor psu temperature

# 1653ff84 09-Aug-2005 venki <none@none>

6274184 chicago environmental SW should not hard code WARNING/SHUTDOWN limits

# 66e1f439 06-Jul-2005 venki <none@none>

6281099 prtfru on chicago doesn't show disk frus
6282831 SAS-BP and IOFB reported as FRU's instead of containers
6284996 chicago didn't shutdown or warn when front panel threshold was exceeded

6281099 prtfru on chicago doesn't show disk frus
6282831 SAS-BP and IOFB reported as FRU's instead of containers
6284996 chicago didn't shutdown or warn when front panel threshold was exceeded
6293610 Chicago P0.1/Fire 2.0 - "prtdiag -v" reports "Fan Status" failed
6293882 chicago picl plugin code needs cleanup

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# 7c478bd9 14-Jun-2005 stevel@tonic-gate <none@none>

OpenSolaris Launch