PSARC/2009/617 Software Events Notification Parameters CLIPSARC/2009/618 snmp-notify: SNMP Notification Daemon for Software EventsPSARC/2009/619 smtp-notify: Email Notification Daemon for Software
PSARC/2009/617 Software Events Notification Parameters CLIPSARC/2009/618 snmp-notify: SNMP Notification Daemon for Software EventsPSARC/2009/619 smtp-notify: Email Notification Daemon for Software EventsPSARC/2010/225 fmd for non-global Solaris zonesPSARC/2010/226 Solaris Instance UUIDPSARC/2010/227 nvlist_nvflag(3NVPAIR)PSARC/2010/228 libfmevent additionsPSARC/2010/257 sysevent_evc_setpropnvl and sysevent_evc_getpropnvlPSARC/2010/265 FMRI and FMA Event Stabilty, 'ireport' category 1 event class, and the 'sw' FMRI schemePSARC/2010/278 FMA/SMF integration: instance state transitionsPSARC/2010/279 Modelling panics within FMAPSARC/2010/290 logadm.conf upgrade6392476 fmdump needs to pretty-print6393375 userland ereport/ireport event generation interfaces6445732 Add email notification agent for FMA and software events6804168 RFE: Allow an efficient means to monitor SMF services status changes6866661 scf_values_destroy(3SCF) will segfault if is passed NULL6884709 Add snmp notification agent for FMA and software events6884712 Add private interface to tap into libfmd_msg macro expansion capabilities6897919 fmd to run in a non-global zone6897937 fmd use of non-private doors is not safe6900081 add a UUID to Solaris kernel image for use in crashdump identification6914884 model panic events as a defect diagnosis in FMA6944862 fmd_case_open_uuid, fmd_case_uuisresolved, fmd_nvl_create_defect6944866 log legacy sysevents in fmd6944867 enumerate svc scheme in topo6944868 software-diagnosis and software-response fmd modules6944870 model SMF maintenance state as a defect diagnosis in FMA6944876 savecore runs in foreground for systems with zfs root and dedicated dump6965796 Implement notification parameters for SMF state transitions and FMA events6968287 SUN-FM-MIB.mib needs to be updated to reflect Oracle information6972331 logadm.conf upgrade PSARC/2010/290
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6936702 dlmgmtd restart in global zone leaves exclusive stack zones in down state6942573 stale dlmgmtd door handle may result in unusable networking features6938483 NWAM should not ignore VNICs in
6936702 dlmgmtd restart in global zone leaves exclusive stack zones in down state6942573 stale dlmgmtd door handle may result in unusable networking features6938483 NWAM should not ignore VNICs in non-global zones6931751 DATALINK_CLASS_IPTUN should be 0x80 not 0x606939454 dladm show_linkprop -p <private property> truncates DEFAULT value by one character6928716 dladm delete-secobj passing uninitialized memory6896251 dladm show-linkprop -P always exits with 1
PSARC/2010/164 interfaces for basic install network configuration6923163 Automated Install requires mechanism for configuring static IP addresses6923168 Automated Install requires a mechanism for c
PSARC/2010/164 interfaces for basic install network configuration6923163 Automated Install requires mechanism for configuring static IP addresses6923168 Automated Install requires a mechanism for configuring name services for clients
6933909 nwamd has some debug messages logging at the wrong level6960252 nwamd is too verbose: 1: nwamd_loc_check_conditions: winning loc is NoNet
6969190 nwamd needs to be more persistent in the face of dhcp failures6939897 /etc/resolv.conf file content is missing when a profile with a static ip address is active
6960361 wanboot-cgi's name resolution can send clients to unreachable addresses6960356 Network-independent wanboot client configuration
PSARC/2010/111 exclusive IP for s10c6858460 support exclusive stack for solaris10-branded zone6905944 netstat -rn output on solaris10 branded zones differ from native solaris10
6370597 in.dhcpd core dumps. Double free on a DHCP network container record6959836 dhcp server should set file limit even in debug mode.
6956565 Need to remove VLAs from ilbd to avoid triggering of CR 69565446963518 s/\<ILB_SRC\>/ILB_SRCS in ilbadm/Makefile
PSARC 2010/166 layer-3 net properties for exclusive-IP zones6944327 need to support address and defrouter resources for exclusive-IP zones
6677657 smb_list.c shouldn't exist6840819 zfs does not automount directories after the pool is restored6953725 sporadic syseventd core dump during lun expansion due to double free6962880 erroneous
6677657 smb_list.c shouldn't exist6840819 zfs does not automount directories after the pool is restored6953725 sporadic syseventd core dump during lun expansion due to double free6962880 erroneous creation date in usr/src/cmd/mdb/Makefile.common copyright6963174 user-land libraries shouldn't directly compile uts/common/os/list.c--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/os/list.c => usr/src/common/list/list.c
6961070 kssl should send close_notify on socket shutdown6949092 create_instance_name() leaks instance_name
6916796 OSnet mapfiles should use version 2 link-editor syntax--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-common => usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/lin
6916796 OSnet mapfiles should use version 2 link-editor syntax--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-common => usr/src/cmd/sgs/libelf/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-bindings => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-bindingsrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-perfcnt => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-perfcntrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-symbindrep => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-symbindreprename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-truss => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-trussrename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/i386/mapfile-vers-who => usr/src/cmd/sgs/link_audit/common/mapfile-vers-whorename : usr/src/common/mapfiles/i386/map.noexdata => usr/src/common/mapfiles/common/map.noexdatarename : usr/src/lib/libaio/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libaio/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libelfsign/common/ => usr/src/lib/libelfsign/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libpthread/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libpthread/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/librt/amd64/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/librt/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libsys/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libsys/common/mapfile-versrename : usr/src/lib/libthread/sparc/mapfile-vers => usr/src/lib/libthread/common/mapfile-vers
6945640 ipseckey won't create SA between ipv6 link-local and multicast address; dumps core instead6949084 pfp_delete_rule() has use-after-free problem
6953249 memory leak in dlmgmtd6949971 dlmgmtd keeps consuming memory6826131 dlmgmtd's parse_linkprops() suffers from memory mismanagement6846855 vlan rcm support could use a code review
6939100 convert KSSL into a socket filter
PSARC/2009/590 Socket Filter Framework6939085 Socket Filter Framework6802067 connect_failed kernel socket callback is not triggered6776450 time spent in tcp_close could be reduced/deferred to a wo
PSARC/2009/590 Socket Filter Framework6939085 Socket Filter Framework6802067 connect_failed kernel socket callback is not triggered6776450 time spent in tcp_close could be reduced/deferred to a worker thread6828586 assertion failed: family == 26, file: ../../common/fs/sockfs/socksyscalls.c, line: 16086802078 kernel socket 'newconn' callback is passing rcv queue size as an argument
6954468 ifconfig is broken while using a hostname that maps to multiple addresses in /etc/hosts (addif case)
6950944 ifa_addr and friends should be "sockaddr", not "sockaddr_storage"
6954959 libipadm now allows 'ifconfig bge0 removeif <address>' to succeed.
PSARC/2010/142 libinetcfg removal6949257 libinetcfg removal6944403 nwe_if_state structure misses the netmask info6951482 stale ipmgmtd door handle can cause libipadm interfaces to fail
6912900 ksslcfg should bail out immediately when being run from a zone
6953920 switching from Automatic location briefly activates Automatic location
6946945 CVE-2008-4247 ftpd vulnerable to CSRF
6908185 ilbadm and libilb include debug information which changes every build6916798 ilbd include debug information which changes every build