History log of /titanic_44/usr/src/stand/sys/salib.h (Results 1 – 3 of 3)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 4a634bb8 29-May-2008 ga159272 <none@none>

6372205 __i386 code under usr/src/stand is dead

# 30f5cf21 12-Jul-2005 jg <none@none>

6291360 usr/src/psm and usr/src/stand are no longer being linted
6293022 multiple inconsistent definitions of struct file_ident in ufsboot and the kernel

rename : usr/src/stand/sys/filep.h =>

6291360 usr/src/psm and usr/src/stand are no longer being linted
6293022 multiple inconsistent definitions of struct file_ident in ufsboot and the kernel

rename : usr/src/stand/sys/filep.h => deleted_files/usr/src/stand/sys/filep.h

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# 7c478bd9 14-Jun-2005 stevel@tonic-gate <none@none>

OpenSolaris Launch