History log of /titanic_44/usr/src/cmd/fm/schemes/hc/amd64/Makefile (Results 1 – 2 of 2)
Revision Date Author Comments
# 724365f7 20-May-2006 sethg <none@none>

PSARC 2006/221 /dev/bmc interface upgrade
PSARC 2006/322 FMA for Sun Fire X4500 SATA Disks
6414182 bmc_intf.h should be shareable with ON
6416735 Sun Fire X4500 systems need a disk diagnosis engine

PSARC 2006/221 /dev/bmc interface upgrade
PSARC 2006/322 FMA for Sun Fire X4500 SATA Disks
6414182 bmc_intf.h should be shareable with ON
6416735 Sun Fire X4500 systems need a disk diagnosis engine
6419218 Need a way of enumerating sata disks on the Sun Fire X4500
6419771 memory leak from sata.so.1`setup_for_devctl_cmd+0x20
6421449 fmtopo failure paths do not clean up properly
6421627 use after free in topo_tree_destroy causes unpredictable behavior
6421650 topo_modhash_load does not observe proper locking; deadlock ensues
6421659 topo modules' use of global variables causes unpredictable behavior during concurrent usage
6422221 race to populate _topo_* globals causes libumem to abort process
6423975 cfgadm sata plugin wastes tons of time using libdevinfo
6424520 fmd should remove faulty resources from the R$ when they are removed
6424523 hc scheme should do more homework before pronouncing a resource present
6425600 fmd can deadlock when aux threads call fmd_xprt_post at fmd shutdown time
6426514 topo_fmri_compare compares the same scheme leading to erroneous compare results

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# 749f21d3 21-Jan-2006 wesolows <none@none>

PSARC 2005/754 FMA SNMP Agent
6365742 fault management data needs an SNMP interface
6365743 need 64-bit fmd scheme plugins