6933154 need to add code in fdd-msg to workaround CR 6933053
6922098 fabric-xlate can do beter work when logged PCie header is corrupted
6886597 fmd service transitioned to maintenance on shutdown6906041 Remove unnecessary #include <ldom.h> from generic-mem DE
6841263 Error injection of cpu errors detected by Oberon results in cpumem-diagnosis DE being faulted
6719555 Heap segment of fmd process grows continously when DSCP network on XCSF is unconfigured
6896932 libipmi needs to support the IP transport6925587 fmd is core dumping continuously on specific platforms in s10u9_03--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libipmi/common/ipmi_lan.c => usr/src/lib/libi
6896932 libipmi needs to support the IP transport6925587 fmd is core dumping continuously on specific platforms in s10u9_03--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libipmi/common/ipmi_lan.c => usr/src/lib/libipmi/common/ipmi_lancfg.c
show more ...
6914859 fma reports hardware error fault.cpu.intel.nb.dma
6773920 improvements for sun4v PI c2c and membuf diagnosis
6834746 multiple leaks in cpumem-diagnosis while running fmstress
6911993 Fabric Xlate should not send rc.xx-msgs on systems with a real PCIe RP.
6909794 Diagnosis incorrect for errors pex_rec_ca_pio_wr_req and pex_rec_ur_pio_wr_req
6915578 MUTEX_HELD() and RW_LOCK_HELD() macros should be available to Posix threads
6679339 undiag messages should be converted to a more useful event6904865 memory leaks in fmd_case_add_suspect() if defects are diagnosed6904867 can get spurious "nosub" ereports if defects are dia
6679339 undiag messages should be converted to a more useful event6904865 memory leaks in fmd_case_add_suspect() if defects are diagnosed6904867 can get spurious "nosub" ereports if defects are diagnosed6904912 fmd_fmri_replaced() call missing in some schemes6904933 memory leak in eval_func()6905391 should not recalculate asru on restart if resource has been replaced6911452 fmadm faulty -f displays list of all cases including resolved ones6911457 fmadm faulty -f should not display dict info6911461 fmadm faulty -f should not display information for faults/defects where there is no fru/resource6913573 fmadm reset can leave cases stuck in "closed" state
6893742 "fmstat -s -m cpumem-diagnosis" can cause fmd to overflow stack
6738558 fmd dumps core during initialization due to Lxcache event
6908560 Nodiag for ereport.cpu.intel.quickpath.mem_redundant
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris supp
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platformsPSARC 2009/389 Sun4v faulted SP events extensionPSARC 2009/533 CRYPTO_HMAC_NO_UPDATE - A new KCF SPI flagPSARC 2009/605 more sun4v platform-independent cpu/mem FMA eventsPSARC 2009/649 Generic PCIe root complex FMA events6704999 extend xaui enum to work in platform independent world6773223 RFE: guest epkt for faulted SP6773225 RFE: Diagnosis of a faulted SP6797776 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platforms
6902204 Minor to Major Change for Power Supply Event
6891395 libfmd_agent does not scale to large numbers of cpu's6898698 Add timer constrain to discard_fatal fault prop statement
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems with adding serial numbers in fmd_case_add_suspect()6900161 ur-u, ca-u and badreq-u propagation errors missing where faulty device is beneath pcie-pci bridge6900163 need to handle ereport.io.pciex.pl.sd6900189 should allow drivers to override serd parameters for pciex correctable errors6900146 fmd is core dumping on snv_1276895743 fmadm faulty hangs in door call to deadlocked fmd6900624 If too many open files, shouldn't just blame the fmd module that discovers it6879476 syseventd core dumps during S3 suspend/resume
6893457 CMS_API_VERSION needs to be bumped6900835 fix nhmex KAs "Suggested Action..." to be more precise
PSARC/2009/554 door_xcreate - extended door creation interface for private doorsPSARC/2009/573 libfmevent - external subscriptions to FMA protocol eventsPSARC/2009/574 GPEC interface changes and ad
PSARC/2009/554 door_xcreate - extended door creation interface for private doorsPSARC/2009/573 libfmevent - external subscriptions to FMA protocol eventsPSARC/2009/574 GPEC interface changes and additions6893144 add door_xcreate for creating private doors with per-door thread creation control6896220 sysevent_evc_xsubscribe and other GPEC modifications6900975 sysevent_evc_{unbind,unsubscribe} off-by-one in subscriber list traversal6868087 facility to allow external processes to subscribe to FMA protocol events6896205 fmd module to forward selected protocol events for external subscription
6502086 DBU errors should be diagnosed as HV defect/fault6502089 ferg.invalid errors should be diagnosed as a fault
6894028 Some fm libraries are not lint clean6897387 IPMI facility provider methods not registered on some platforms6893713 Some fm cmds are not lint clean
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work w
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work with integer type