History log of /illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/sparc/os/driver_aliases (Results 1 – 25 of 27)
Revision Date Author Comments
# ead1f93e 03-Mar-2010 Liane Praza <Liane.Praza@Sun.COM>

PSARC 2010/067 Interim modernization updates
6915312 ON should be able to build IPS packages natively
6281004 docbook.dtd is obsolete and unused
6490919 strange file in onnv-gate
6878498 update tools

PSARC 2010/067 Interim modernization updates
6915312 ON should be able to build IPS packages natively
6281004 docbook.dtd is obsolete and unused
6490919 strange file in onnv-gate
6878498 update tools proto ${ROOT} to include ${MACH} and make nightly.sh copy it into parent repository
6888427 SVM packages should drop legacy objects
6893530 Some header files can be opened up
6903324 sharemgr should either use isaexec or not build 64-bit commands
6920651 mktpl will inadvertently reuse stale license files for empty license lists
6920674 svvs kmods should not be built during an open build
Portions contributed by Rich Lowe <richlowe@richlowe.net>

rename : usr/src/cmd/oamuser/user/stdprofile => usr/src/cmd/nsadmin/dot-profile.sh
rename : usr/src/cmd/nsadmin/profile => usr/src/cmd/nsadmin/etc-profile.sh
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/common_files/i.manifest => usr/src/cmd/svc/common/i.manifest
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/common_files/r.manifest => usr/src/cmd/svc/common/r.manifest
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/Makefile => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/Makefile
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/Makefile => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/zone/Makefile
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/SUNWblank.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/zone/SUNWblank.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/SUNWdefault.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/zone/SUNWdefault.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/config.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/zone/config.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/platform.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/ipkg/zone/platform.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/Makefile => usr/src/lib/brand/labeled/Makefile
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/Makefile => usr/src/lib/brand/labeled/zone/Makefile
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/config.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/labeled/zone/config.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/platform.xml => usr/src/lib/brand/labeled/zone/platform.xml
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/common.ksh => usr/src/lib/brand/shared/common.ksh
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/query.ksh => usr/src/lib/brand/shared/query.ksh
rename : usr/src/lib/brand/native/zone/uninstall.ksh => usr/src/lib/brand/shared/uninstall.ksh
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/common_files/i.rbac => usr/src/lib/libsecdb/common/i.rbac
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/common_files/r.rbac => usr/src/lib/libsecdb/common/r.rbac
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/cr_ATT => usr/src/pkg/license_files/cr_ATT
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWfipe/cr_Intel => usr/src/pkg/license_files/cr_Intel.SUNWfipe
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWintgige/cr_Intel => usr/src/pkg/license_files/cr_Intel.SUNWintgige
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/cr_Sun => usr/src/pkg/license_files/cr_Sun
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWgrub/grubcredits => usr/src/pkg/license_files/grubcredits
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWcsl/lic_AMD => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_AMD
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/lic_CDDL => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_CDDL
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWemlxs/lic_Emulex => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_Emulex
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/lic_GPLv2 => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_GPLv2
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/CPQary3/lic_HP => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_HP
rename : usr/src/tools/opensolaris/BINARYLICENSE.txt => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_OSBL
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/lic_OSBL_preamble => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_OSBL_preamble
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWqlc/lic_Qlogic => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_Qlogic
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWhwdata/LICENSE => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_SUNWhwdata
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWroute/copyright.in => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_SUNWroute
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWgss/gss_license => usr/src/pkg/license_files/lic_gss
rename : usr/src/pkgdefs/license_files/license_in_headers => usr/src/pkg/license_files/license_in_headers
rename : usr/src/uts/intel/os/solaris.xpm.gz => usr/src/uts/intel/os/solaris.xpm

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# 5bdc182b 25-Feb-2010 Garrett D'Amore <Garrett.Damore@Sun.COM>

PSARC 2009/581 EOF of bpp driver
6917429 EOF bpp

# 0c853440 24-Dec-2009 bo zhou - Sun Microsystems - Beijing China <Bo.Zhou@Sun.COM>

6907480 SATA DVD drive does not work on Rainbow Falls platforms

# 4df55fde 11-Dec-2009 Janie Lu <Janie.Lu@Sun.COM>

FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters API
FWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV API
FWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API Update
FWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIs
PSARC 2009/177 Solaris supp

FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters API
FWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV API
FWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API Update
FWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIs
PSARC 2009/177 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platforms
PSARC 2009/389 Sun4v faulted SP events extension
PSARC 2009/605 more sun4v platform-independent cpu/mem FMA events
PSARC 2009/649 Generic PCIe root complex FMA events
6704999 extend xaui enum to work in platform independent world
6773223 RFE: guest epkt for faulted SP
6773225 RFE: Diagnosis of a faulted SP
6797776 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platforms

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# 4c06356b 30-Sep-2009 dh142964 <David.Hollister@Sun.COM>

PSARC 2008/672 thebe SAS/SATA driver
PSARC 2008/755 ddi_ssoft_state(9F) and ddi_isoft_state(9F)
PSARC 2008/764 Cfgadm SCSI-Plugin MPxIO Support
PSARC 2009/125 scsi_device property interfaces

PSARC 2008/672 thebe SAS/SATA driver
PSARC 2008/755 ddi_ssoft_state(9F) and ddi_isoft_state(9F)
PSARC 2008/764 Cfgadm SCSI-Plugin MPxIO Support
PSARC 2009/125 scsi_device property interfaces
6726110 pmcs driver (driver for thebe)
6726867 SCSAv3

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# d4bc0535 28-Jul-2009 Krishna Elango <Krishna.Elango@Sun.COM>

6806540 SPARC and x86 bridge/switch nexus driver should be merged

rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie.c
rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie_fault.c => us

6806540 SPARC and x86 bridge/switch nexus driver should be merged

rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie.c
rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/pcie_fault.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie_fault.c
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pcie_pwr.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcie_pwr.c
rename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_pci.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.c
rename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_pci.conf => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.conf
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/px_pci.h => usr/src/uts/common/io/pciex/pcieb.h
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pcie_pwr.h => usr/src/uts/common/sys/pcie_pwr.h
rename : usr/src/uts/intel/pcie_pci/Makefile => usr/src/uts/intel/pcieb/Makefile
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4/io/px/pxb_plx.h => usr/src/uts/sparc/io/pciex/pcieb_plx.h
rename : usr/src/uts/sparc/px_pci/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/pcieb/Makefile
rename : usr/src/uts/sparc/pxb_bcm/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/pcieb_bcm/Makefile

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# 3f9ec228 07-May-2009 Zhi-Jun Robin Fu <Zhijun.Fu@Sun.COM>

6708175 Elara - Cannot hotplug and initialize Elara Module on x86 w/Nevada 105
6816350 Hot-plug with Hydra NEM shows memory allocation warning in ethernet BASE register

# eeac796a 27-Jun-2008 yd196099 <none@none>

6588176 support needed for LSI 1078 IR mode

# 5c1d0199 04-Oct-2007 gd78059 <none@none>

6317553 Wrong fix implemented in 4877168 for dmfe Rx buffer unavailable messages.
6380155 panic assertion failed: (dmfe_ring_get32(desc...sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_main.c line 1024
6555168 do not deliver dm

6317553 Wrong fix implemented in 4877168 for dmfe Rx buffer unavailable messages.
6380155 panic assertion failed: (dmfe_ring_get32(desc...sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_main.c line 1024
6555168 do not deliver dmfe header files
6592772 'ndd -get /dev/dmfe0 autoneg_cap' prints a value greater than the max allowed in dmfe's nd_params
6603848 dmfe does not restart link when changing advertised parameters with ndd
6603852 dmfe should support x86
6603953 rtls/SPARC needs minor_perm edits
6603955 clone:le entry should be removed from sparc /etc/minor_perm
6603964 afe driver needs minor_perm addition
6603970 mxfe driver needs minor_perm addition

rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe.conf => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe.conf
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/sys/dmfe.h => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe.h
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/sys/dmfe_impl.h => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe_impl.h
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_log.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe_log.c
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_main.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe_main.c
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_mii.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe_mii.c
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/io/dmfe/dmfe_ndd.c => usr/src/uts/common/io/dmfe/dmfe_ndd.c
rename : usr/src/uts/sun4u/dmfe/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/dmfe/Makefile

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# 59ac0c16 26-Jul-2007 davemq <none@none>

6501667 ncp/n2cp drivers should not assume a static number of crypto units
6558981 Allow Errata 175 workaround to be fully enabled/disabled
6519970 Niagara crypto providers should recognize maramba s

6501667 ncp/n2cp drivers should not assume a static number of crypto units
6558981 Allow Errata 175 workaround to be fully enabled/disabled
6519970 Niagara crypto providers should recognize maramba specific device compatibility properties
PSARC 2007/306 Victoria Falls IO FMA
6539545 Support new VF PIU errors
6556056 DE should consume ereport.io.n2.pec.lwc
PSARC 2007/117 Maramba 1u/2u Platform Support
6531673 ON support for vf processor
6491129 psrinfo -pv doesn't report correct chip info on sun4v
6530592 Topo maps for maramba
6551884 Add nxge driver support for Maramba platforms
6560113 nxge driver should send message to console & /var/adm/messages when onboard port0 or 1 is disabled
6569931 Enhance sun4v trapstat to support at least 256 CPUs
FWARC 2007/237 Victoria Falls Perf Regs HV API
6562095 Maramba system panics with send_mondo_set timeout while booting
6437543 sun4v NCPU update to 256

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# c2a75729 28-Feb-2007 dwoods <none@none>

6441349 Deadlock in PX fabric error handler.
6508432 Need to set the proper bits in AER CE Mask Register
6510861 PCIe correctable error causes Solaris Panic due to PLX8114 HW bug

# 44961713 22-Nov-2006 girish <none@none>

FWARC/2006/175 MD definition for N2 CWQ
FWARC/2006/201 sun4v error handling update
FWARC/2006/425 NCS HV API Update 2
FWARC/2006/429 Niagara2 Perf Regs HV API
FWARC/2006/474 pci io hv iommu attribute

FWARC/2006/175 MD definition for N2 CWQ
FWARC/2006/201 sun4v error handling update
FWARC/2006/425 NCS HV API Update 2
FWARC/2006/429 Niagara2 Perf Regs HV API
FWARC/2006/474 pci io hv iommu attributes update
FWARC/2006/481 Niagara-2 Random Number Generator API
FWARC/2006/524 Niagara2 Network Interface Unit Hypervisor API
FWARC/2006/556 NIU/SIU Device Tree Bindings and Machine Description Definitions
FWARC/2006/567 Niagara Crypto & RNG compatible property update
PSARC/2006/459 Huron 1u/2u Platform Support
PSARC/2006/520 Niagara 2 Random Number Generator
PSARC/2006/521 Niagara 2 Cryptographic Provider
PSARC/2006/645 Niagara II NIU 10Gbit Ethernet Driver
6477049 ON support for UltraSPARC-T2 processor
6375797 Add support for SUN4V IOMMU extensions
6480942 Crypto support for UltraSPARC-T2 processor
6480959 NIU support for UltraSPARC-T2 processor
6483040 ON platform support for Huron (SPARC-Enterprise-T5120 & SPARC-Enterprise-T5220)

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# 13683ea2 15-Sep-2006 krishnae <none@none>

6456573 Need permanent workaround for PLX switch bug

# 7e1db6d2 25-Jul-2006 schwartz <none@none>

6450048 Fix fire hardware revision checking
6451125 Cleanup of old px and px_pci driver aliases

# fd845fc0 07-May-2006 ks34972 <none@none>

PSARC 2006/187 Montoya (SUNW,Netra-CP3060)
6372661 need Montoya platform boot support in Solaris ON
6395675 uata driver needs to support the ide in ULI 1575

# d85c7355 02-May-2006 cjj <none@none>

6398779 Need to reduce address limits for devices downstream of a BCM 5708/5714/5715 bridge

# 25cf1a30 08-Apr-2006 jl139090 <none@none>

PSARC 2004/750 Solaris for OPL
6379529 Solaris for OPL Project

rename : usr/src/cmd/sckmd/sparc/sun4u/sckm.sh => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/sckmd/sparc/sun4u/sckm.sh

# cec22612 14-Feb-2006 zx143588 <none@none>

6377502 mpt driver aliases need to change to include correct pciex compatible property

# 8d2ef155 13-Dec-2005 gk73471 <none@none>

6356477 LSI1068 support incomplete

# 1bde0be8 11-Dec-2005 jroberts <none@none>

6358078 Boston/Seattle property usage incorrect for power/pmugpio/mi2cv

# d58fda43 15-Nov-2005 jbeloro <none@none>

PSARC 2005/503 Boston and Seattle Platform Software Support
6342066 Add Boston and Seattle support to Solaris

# 6fec3791 04-Nov-2005 jesseb <none@none>

PSARC 2005/097 Solaris support for LSISAS1064 on Ontario
PSARC 2005/534 Change to RAID_GETCONFIG ioctl for LSISAS1064 support
PSARC 2005/639 Interactive volume creation and deletion for raidctl

PSARC 2005/097 Solaris support for LSISAS1064 on Ontario
PSARC 2005/534 Change to RAID_GETCONFIG ioctl for LSISAS1064 support
PSARC 2005/639 Interactive volume creation and deletion for raidctl
6228874 Raidctl should enable RAID0
6322267 picld crashes in disk_leds_thread on V440
6338401 Incorrect retry logic on Blue LED service channel fd
6339177 raidctl should use an interactive mode for some volume operations on LSI1064
6340900 need LSI1068e changes to mpt driver for Boston

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# fd9cb95c 02-Nov-2005 sethg <none@none>

6340481 Keyboard & mouse do not work on PS/2-port-equipped SPARC systems
6341170 8042 drivers should support suspend/resume
6341171 i8042 should allow itself to be unloaded
6341176 i8042 should reali

6340481 Keyboard & mouse do not work on PS/2-port-equipped SPARC systems
6341170 8042 drivers should support suspend/resume
6341171 i8042 should allow itself to be unloaded
6341176 i8042 should realize when it's talking to a wall
6341179 i8042 should workaround SPARC hardware with PS/2 keyboard/mouse interrupt issues
6341229 vuidps2 doesn't recognize when a simple mouse device doesn't respond to the first wheel mouse cmd
6343601 i8042 updates the wrong device type property

rename : usr/src/uts/intel/sys/mouse.h => usr/src/uts/common/sys/mouse.h

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# c4485e78 16-Sep-2005 jasonwu <none@none>

FWARC 2005/512 sun4v ebus driver binding
6313488 ebus driver does not work on erie

# dbcdd120 19-Aug-2005 wh94709 <none@none>

6312664 sun4v vnex driver should bind to SUNW,sun4v-virtual-devices name