MAC: mac.h: Separately test inclusion from userspaceReviewed by: jamieApproved by: markj (mentor)MFC after: 5 daysSponsored by: The FreeBSD FoundationDifferential Revision: https:
MAC: mac.h: Separately test inclusion from userspaceReviewed by: jamieApproved by: markj (mentor)MFC after: 5 daysSponsored by: The FreeBSD FoundationDifferential Revision:
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sys: Avoid relying on pollution from refcount.hFix up headers which previously assumed that refcount.h includessystm.h, and make them more self-contained. Then, replace the systm.hinclude in ref
sys: Avoid relying on pollution from refcount.hFix up headers which previously assumed that refcount.h includessystm.h, and make them more self-contained. Then, replace the systm.hinclude in refcount with kassert.h.Reviewed by: imp, kibMFC after: 1 weekDifferential Revision:
test-includes: Add -ansi to the compile line to catch problemsWe support C89 files, but compile everything in the tree with C99 ornewer. By compiling these -ansi, that will force C89 which doesn't
test-includes: Add -ansi to the compile line to catch problemsWe support C89 files, but compile everything in the tree with C99 ornewer. By compiling these -ansi, that will force C89 which doesn'tunderstand inline. All our header files must use __inline instead ofinline when they define inline functions.Sponsored by: NetflixReviewed by: emasteDifferential Revision:
test-includes: improve portabilityFreeBSD's shell permits [^bar] to match characters not in [bar] likecommon regular expressions. This is non-portable and '!' should beused in place of '^' for po
test-includes: improve portabilityFreeBSD's shell permits [^bar] to match characters not in [bar] likecommon regular expressions. This is non-portable and '!' should beused in place of '^' for portability.Reported by: Nathaniel Wesley FilardoIssue: by: impDifferential Revision:
test-includes: temporarily add back net/pfvar.hnet/pfvar.h is installed unconditionally, but depends on files that areinstalled conditionally. Until that can be sorted out, temporarily addthis ba
test-includes: temporarily add back net/pfvar.hnet/pfvar.h is installed unconditionally, but depends on files that areinstalled conditionally. Until that can be sorted out, temporarily addthis back to to cope with MK_PF=no failing.Sponsored by: Netflix
test-includes: Simplify $OBJDIR requirementss=/=_=g in tested names so that all the objects live in $OBJDIR. This ismore robust than depending on side effects of auto OBJDIR features andshould fi
test-includes: Simplify $OBJDIR requirementss=/=_=g in tested names so that all the objects live in $OBJDIR. This ismore robust than depending on side effects of auto OBJDIR features andshould fix buildworld issues some people have seen.Suggested by: sjg@Sponsored by: Netflix
net/if_pfsync.h: Add back to bad filesThis file does not build for WITHOUT_PF sometimes. Looking at variousways to cope (it exposes other issues too), but in the mean time justadd it back here to
net/if_pfsync.h: Add back to bad filesThis file does not build for WITHOUT_PF sometimes. Looking at variousways to cope (it exposes other issues too), but in the mean time justadd it back here to unbreak WITHOUT_PF in some scenarios.Sponsored by: Netflix
headers: make a few more headers self-containedSponsored by: Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")
test-includes: update badfiles.incRebuild after recent fixes.Sponsored by: Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")Differential Revision:
test-includes: use the same header set for as for testingThis ensures we don't end up listing files we've excluded (e.g. thosestarting with _).Add a slight hack to preserve the exist
test-includes: use the same header set for as for testingThis ensures we don't end up listing files we've excluded (e.g. thosestarting with _).Add a slight hack to preserve the existing order (sys, then net) by: impSponsored by: Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")Differential Revision:
test-includes: Build a library instead of a binaryWe need to build the .o's, but don't need to link. Build a staticlibrary instead of a binary to accmoplish this. This removes the need tohave all
test-includes: Build a library instead of a binaryWe need to build the .o's, but don't need to link. Build a staticlibrary instead of a binary to accmoplish this. This removes the need tohave all the libc and crt stuff built, which is required for abinary. In addition, trying to build a non-standard binary runs intotrouble with undefined symbols on arm related to EABI, even when using asimplified startup with -nostdlib -e start.Turn back on testing includes, now that it works.Sponsored by: NetflixReviewed by: brooks, markj (prior version)Differential Revision:
test-includes: add missing fileFixes: dd55767b86bcSponsored by: Netflix
Test various header files to ensure they can be included by themselves.A number of header files in sys/* have, going back to 7th Edition Unixin 1979, reqiured other files (like sys/types.h) to com
Test various header files to ensure they can be included by themselves.A number of header files in sys/* have, going back to 7th Edition Unixin 1979, reqiured other files (like sys/types.h) to compile. Likewisethe 4BSD networking code has had prerequisites. However, going back toaround the turn of the 21st century, other systems have made them beindependently include-able (wide-spread header include protectionpost-dates 7th edition Unix by maybe 3 or so years judging from USENETsource postings). Start down the path of making them all independentlyinclude-able by creating this test that fails buildworld when they arenot.The file '' contains a list of the currently broken filesthat cannot be included w/o any prerequisites. As files are fixed, '' should be re-run to remove them from the list. Note: Allfiles that start with an underscore are considered internal and nottested.Please note: once a file is removed from, it must pass onall architectures. Buildworld through at least the _includes target isneeded to ensure its working (though a buildkernel should also be doneon all architectures as well).Sponsored by: NetflixReviewed by: brooks, markjDifferential Revision: