Add preliminary in-tree CI infrastructure for developersThe goal of this project is to integrate the relevant scripts from theFreeBSD-CI project ( into the sr
Add preliminary in-tree CI infrastructure for developersThe goal of this project is to integrate the relevant scripts from theFreeBSD-CI project ( into the srcrepository. This allows developers to run the test suite similar to howit is executed on, and eventually, have it directly usedby our CI system. This effort is also part of the workflow improvementproject, aiming to incorporate pre-merge testing.Current Features:* Does smoke tests using either bhyve(amd64 only) or qemu(Non x86_64 or when defined USE_QEMU=1). Currently defined CITYPE=smoke. Once we have added full tests we can also utilize something like CITYPE=full* Most of the resources are dynamically allocated based on available resources in the host* If CPU supports POPCNT or vmm can be loaded then bhyve is used for amd64 otherwise automatically installs and uses qemu@nox11* When required third party applications or packages for booting non-x86 images are automatically installedCurrent Limitation:* Does not support full tests like the one in our Jenkins* At this moment this is also not suitable to be used in our Jenkins platform as the jobs are divided in multiple smaller tasks and artifacts are moved here and there which are not exactly the scenario for individual developers.Future Works:* Add full tests like the one in* Add different tests or options to disable some tests* Add test profiles full* Possibly add test through Cloud Providers like AWS/GCP/Azure or Cirrus or Github Actions* Update documentationTest Plan:cd /usr/src/tests/cimake cimake TARGET=amd64 TARGET_ARCH=amd64 cimake TARGET=amd64 TARGET_ARCH=amd64 USE_QEMU=1 cimake TARGET=arm64 TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 cimake TARGET=powerpc TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64 cimake TARGET=powerpc TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64le cimake TARGET=riscv TARGET_ARCH=riscv64 ciReviewed by: lwhsuSponsored by: The FreeBSD FoundationDifferential Revision:
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