xref: /titanic_52/usr/src/ucblib/libcurses/refresh.c (revision b48b4ad70157f504f1e9b62203d1cc83a5c03104)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
3  * Use is subject to license terms.
4  */
6 /*	Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
7 /*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/
9 /*
10  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
11  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
12  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
13  */
15 #pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"
19 #ifndef lint
20 static char
21 sccsid[] = "@(#)refresh.c 1.8 89/08/24 SMI"; /* from UCB 5.1 85/06/07 */
22 #endif /* not lint */
24 /*
25  * make the current screen look like "win" over the area coverd by
26  * win.
27  */
29 #include	"curses.ext"
30 #include	<term.h>
31 #include	<string.h>
33 #ifdef DEBUG
34 #define	DEBUGSTATIC
35 #else
36 #define	DEBUGSTATIC	static
37 #endif
39 DEBUGSTATIC short	ly, lx;
40 DEBUGSTATIC bool	curwin;
41 WINDOW	*_win = NULL;
43 /* forward declarations */
44 DEBUGSTATIC void domvcur(int, int, int, int);
45 DEBUGSTATIC int makech(WINDOW *, short);
47 int
48 wrefresh(WINDOW *win)
49 {
50 	short	wy;
51 	int	retval;
53 	/*
54 	 * make sure were in visual state
55 	 */
56 	if (_endwin) {
57 		(void) _puts(VS);
58 		(void) _puts(TI);
59 		_endwin = FALSE;
60 	}
62 	/*
63 	 * initialize loop parameters
64 	 */
66 	ly = curscr->_cury;
67 	lx = curscr->_curx;
68 	_win = win;
69 	curwin = (win == curscr);
71 	if (win->_clear || curscr->_clear || curwin) {
72 		if ((win->_flags & _FULLWIN) || curscr->_clear) {
73 			(void) _puts(CL);
74 			ly = 0;
75 			lx = 0;
76 			if (!curwin) {
77 				curscr->_clear = FALSE;
78 				curscr->_cury = 0;
79 				curscr->_curx = 0;
80 				(void) werase(curscr);
81 			}
82 			(void) touchwin(win);
83 		}
84 		win->_clear = FALSE;
85 	}
86 	if (!CA) {
87 		if (win->_curx != 0)
88 			(void) _putchar('\n');
89 		if (!curwin)
90 			(void) werase(curscr);
91 	}
92 #ifdef DEBUG
93 	fprintf(outf, "REFRESH(%0.2o): curwin = %d\n", win, curwin);
94 	fprintf(outf, "REFRESH:\n\tfirstch\tlastch\n");
95 #endif
96 	for (wy = 0; wy < win->_maxy; wy++) {
97 #ifdef DEBUG
98 		fprintf(outf, "%d\t%d\t%d\n", wy, win->_firstch[wy],
99 		    win->_lastch[wy]);
100 #endif
101 		if (win->_firstch[wy] != _NOCHANGE)
102 			if (makech(win, wy) == ERR)
103 				return (ERR);
104 			else {
105 				if (win->_firstch[wy] >= win->_ch_off)
106 					win->_firstch[wy] = win->_maxx +
107 							    win->_ch_off;
108 				if (win->_lastch[wy] < win->_maxx +
109 				    win->_ch_off)
110 					win->_lastch[wy] = win->_ch_off;
111 				if (win->_lastch[wy] < win->_firstch[wy])
112 					win->_firstch[wy] = _NOCHANGE;
113 			}
114 #ifdef DEBUG
115 		fprintf(outf, "\t%d\t%d\n", win->_firstch[wy],
116 		    win->_lastch[wy]);
117 #endif
118 	}
120 	if (win == curscr)
121 		domvcur(ly, lx, win->_cury, win->_curx);
122 	else {
123 		if (win->_leave) {
124 			curscr->_cury = ly;
125 			curscr->_curx = lx;
126 			ly -= win->_begy;
127 			lx -= win->_begx;
128 			if (ly >= 0 && ly < win->_maxy && lx >= 0 &&
129 			    lx < win->_maxx) {
130 				win->_cury = ly;
131 				win->_curx = lx;
132 			}
133 			else
134 				win->_cury = win->_curx = 0;
135 		} else {
136 			domvcur(ly, lx, win->_cury + win->_begy,
137 				win->_curx + win->_begx);
138 			curscr->_cury = win->_cury + win->_begy;
139 			curscr->_curx = win->_curx + win->_begx;
140 		}
141 	}
142 	retval = OK;
144 	_win = NULL;
145 	(void) fflush(stdout);
146 	return (retval);
147 }
149 /*
150  * make a change on the screen
151  */
154 makech(WINDOW *win, short wy)
155 {
156 	char	*nsp, *csp, *ce;
157 	short	wx, lch, y;
158 	intptr_t	nlsp, clsp;	/* last space in lines		*/
160 	wx = win->_firstch[wy] - win->_ch_off;
161 	if (wx >= win->_maxx)
162 		return (OK);
163 	else if (wx < 0)
164 		wx = 0;
165 	lch = win->_lastch[wy] - win->_ch_off;
166 	if (lch < 0)
167 		return (OK);
168 	else if (lch >= win->_maxx)
169 		lch = win->_maxx - 1;
170 	y = wy + win->_begy;
172 	if (curwin)
173 		csp = " ";
174 	else
175 		csp = &curscr->_y[wy + win->_begy][wx + win->_begx];
177 	nsp = &win->_y[wy][wx];
178 	if (CE && !curwin) {
179 		for (ce = &win->_y[wy][win->_maxx - 1]; *ce == ' '; ce--)
180 			if (ce <= win->_y[wy])
181 				break;
182 		nlsp = ce - win->_y[wy];
183 	}
185 	if (!curwin)
186 		ce = CE;
187 	else
188 		ce = NULL;
190 	while (wx <= lch) {
191 		if (*nsp != *csp) {
192 			domvcur(ly, lx, y, wx + win->_begx);
193 #ifdef DEBUG
194 			fprintf(outf, "MAKECH: 1: wx = %d, lx = %d\n", wx, lx);
195 #endif
196 			ly = y;
197 			lx = wx + win->_begx;
198 			while (wx <= lch && *nsp != *csp) {
199 				if (ce != NULL && wx >= nlsp && *nsp == ' ') {
200 					/*
201 					 * check for clear to end-of-line
202 					 */
203 					ce = &curscr->_y[ly][COLS - 1];
204 					while (*ce == ' ')
205 						if (ce-- <= csp)
206 							break;
207 					clsp = ce - curscr->_y[ly] - win->_begx;
208 #ifdef DEBUG
209 					fprintf(outf, "MAKECH: clsp = %d,"
210 					    " nlsp = %d\n", clsp, nlsp);
211 #endif
212 					if (clsp - nlsp >= strlen(CE) &&
213 					    clsp < win->_maxx) {
214 #ifdef DEBUG
215 						fprintf(outf, "MAKECH: using"
216 						    " CE\n");
217 #endif
218 						(void) _puts(CE);
219 						lx = wx + win->_begx;
220 						while (wx++ <= clsp)
221 							*csp++ = ' ';
222 						return (OK);
223 					}
224 					ce = NULL;
225 				}
226 				/*
227 				 * enter/exit standout mode as appropriate
228 				 */
229 				if (SO && (*nsp&_STANDOUT) !=
230 				    (curscr->_flags&_STANDOUT)) {
231 					if (*nsp & _STANDOUT) {
232 						(void) _puts(SO);
233 						curscr->_flags |= _STANDOUT;
234 					} else {
235 						(void) _puts(SE);
236 						curscr->_flags &= ~_STANDOUT;
237 					}
238 				}
239 				wx++;
240 				if (wx >= win->_maxx && wy == win->_maxy - 1)
241 					if (win->_scroll) {
242 					    if ((curscr->_flags&_STANDOUT) &&
243 						(win->_flags & _ENDLINE))
244 						    if (!MS) {
245 							(void) _puts(SE);
246 							curscr->_flags &=
247 							    ~_STANDOUT;
248 						    }
249 					    if (!curwin)
250 						(void) _putchar((*csp = *nsp) &
251 						    0177);
252 					    else
253 						(void) _putchar(*nsp & 0177);
254 					    if (win->_flags&_FULLWIN && !curwin)
255 						(void) scroll(curscr);
256 					    if (!curwin) {
257 						    ly = wy + win->_begy;
258 						    lx = wx + win->_begx;
259 					    } else {
260 						    ly = win->_begy+win->_cury;
261 						    lx = win->_begx+win->_curx;
262 					    }
263 					    return (OK);
264 					} else if (win->_flags&_SCROLLWIN) {
265 					    wx = wx - 1;
266 					    lx = wx;
267 					    return (ERR);
268 					}
269 				if (!curwin)
270 					(void) _putchar((*csp++ = *nsp) & 0177);
271 				else
272 					(void) _putchar(*nsp & 0177);
273 #ifdef FULLDEBUG
274 				fprintf(outf,
275 					"MAKECH:putchar(%c)\n", *nsp & 0177);
276 #endif
277 				if (UC && (*nsp & _STANDOUT)) {
278 					(void) _putchar('\b');
279 					(void) _puts(UC);
280 				}
281 				nsp++;
282 			}
283 #ifdef DEBUG
284 			fprintf(outf, "MAKECH: 2: wx = %d, lx = %d\n", wx, lx);
285 #endif
286 			if (lx == wx + win->_begx)	/* if no change */
287 				break;
288 			lx = wx + win->_begx;
289 			if (lx >= COLS && AM) {
290 				lx = 0;
291 				ly++;
292 				/*
293 				 * xn glitch: chomps a newline after auto-wrap.
294 				 * we just feed it now and forget about it.
295 				 */
296 				if (XN) {
297 					(void) _putchar('\n');
298 					(void) _putchar('\r');
299 				}
300 			}
301 		} else if (wx <= lch)
302 			while (wx <= lch && *nsp == *csp) {
303 				nsp++;
304 				if (!curwin)
305 					csp++;
306 				++wx;
307 			}
308 		else
309 			break;
310 #ifdef DEBUG
311 		fprintf(outf, "MAKECH: 3: wx = %d, lx = %d\n", wx, lx);
312 #endif
313 	}
314 	return (OK);
315 }
317 /*
318  * perform a mvcur, leaving standout mode if necessary
319  */
322 domvcur(int oy, int ox, int ny, int nx)
323 {
324 	if (curscr->_flags & _STANDOUT && !MS) {
325 		(void) _puts(SE);
326 		curscr->_flags &= ~_STANDOUT;
327 	}
328 	(void) mvcur(oy, ox, ny, nx);
329 }