xref: /titanic_52/usr/src/tools/scripts/jstyle.pl (revision c711c1a516b4c85e511ccee93ad91975615887a0)
178fe7221Sdduvall#!/usr/bin/perl -w
378fe7221Sdduvall# CDDL HEADER START
578fe7221Sdduvall# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
678fe7221Sdduvall# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
778fe7221Sdduvall# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
978fe7221Sdduvall# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
1078fe7221Sdduvall# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
1178fe7221Sdduvall# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
1278fe7221Sdduvall# and limitations under the License.
1478fe7221Sdduvall# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
1578fe7221Sdduvall# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
1678fe7221Sdduvall# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
1778fe7221Sdduvall# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
1878fe7221Sdduvall# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
2078fe7221Sdduvall# CDDL HEADER END
24*c711c1a5SToomas Soome# Copyright 2015 Toomas Soome <tsoome@me.com>
25cdf0c1d5Smjnelson# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2678fe7221Sdduvall# Use is subject to license terms.
2878fe7221Sdduvall# jstyle - check for some common stylistic errors.
3178fe7221Sdduvallrequire 5.006;
3278fe7221Sdduvalluse Getopt::Std;
3378fe7221Sdduvalluse strict;
3578fe7221Sdduvallmy $usage =
3678fe7221Sdduvall"usage: jstyle [-c] [-h] [-p] [-t] [-v] [-C] file ...
3778fe7221Sdduvall	-c	check continuation line indenting
3878fe7221Sdduvall	-h	perform heuristic checks that are sometimes wrong
3978fe7221Sdduvall	-p	perform some of the more picky checks
4078fe7221Sdduvall	-t	insist on indenting by tabs
4178fe7221Sdduvall	-v	verbose
4278fe7221Sdduvall	-C	don't check anything in header block comments
4578fe7221Sdduvallmy %opts;
4778fe7221Sdduvall# Keep -s, as it's been around for a while.  It just doesn't do anything
4878fe7221Sdduvall# anymore.
4978fe7221Sdduvallif (!getopts("chpstvC", \%opts)) {
5078fe7221Sdduvall	print $usage;
51cdf0c1d5Smjnelson	exit 2;
5478fe7221Sdduvallmy $check_continuation = $opts{'c'};
5578fe7221Sdduvallmy $heuristic = $opts{'h'};
5678fe7221Sdduvallmy $picky = $opts{'p'};
5778fe7221Sdduvallmy $tabs = $opts{'t'};
5878fe7221Sdduvallmy $verbose = $opts{'v'};
5978fe7221Sdduvallmy $ignore_hdr_comment = $opts{'C'};
6178fe7221Sdduvallmy ($filename, $line, $prev);
62cdf0c1d5Smjnelsonmy $err_stat = 0;		# Exit status
6478fe7221Sdduvallmy $fmt;
6678fe7221Sdduvallif ($verbose) {
6778fe7221Sdduvall	$fmt = "%s: %d: %s\n%s\n";
6878fe7221Sdduvall} else {
6978fe7221Sdduvall	$fmt = "%s: %d: %s\n";
7278fe7221Sdduvall# Note, following must be in single quotes so that \s and \w work right.
7378fe7221Sdduvallmy $typename = '(int|char|boolean|byte|short|long|float|double)';
7478fe7221Sdduvallmy $keywords = '(for|if|while|switch|return|catch|synchronized|throw|assert)';
7578fe7221Sdduvall# See perlre(1) for the meaning of (??{ ... })
7678fe7221Sdduvallmy $annotations = ""; $annotations = qr/@\w+\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{ $annotations }))*\)/;
7778fe7221Sdduvallmy $generics = ""; $generics = qr/<(([\s\w,.?[\]]| & )+|(??{ $generics }))*>/;
7878fe7221Sdduvallmy $relationalops = qr/>=|<=|<|>|!=|==/;
7978fe7221Sdduvallmy $shiftops = qr/<<<|>>>|<<|>>/;
8078fe7221Sdduvallmy $shiftassignmentops = qr/[<>]{2,3}=/;
8178fe7221Sdduvallmy $assignmentops = qr/[-+\/*|&^%]?=/;
8278fe7221Sdduvall# These need to be in decreasing order of length
8378fe7221Sdduvallmy $allops = qr/$shiftassignmentops|$shiftops|$relationalops|$assignmentops/;
8578fe7221Sdduvallif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
8678fe7221Sdduvall	foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
8778fe7221Sdduvall		if (!open(STDIN, $arg)) {
8878fe7221Sdduvall			printf "%s: can not open\n", $arg;
8978fe7221Sdduvall		} else {
9078fe7221Sdduvall			&jstyle($arg);
9178fe7221Sdduvall			close STDIN;
9278fe7221Sdduvall		}
9378fe7221Sdduvall	}
9478fe7221Sdduvall} else {
9578fe7221Sdduvall	&jstyle("<stdin>");
97cdf0c1d5Smjnelsonexit $err_stat;
9978fe7221Sdduvallsub err($) {
100*c711c1a5SToomas Soome	if ($verbose) {
10178fe7221Sdduvall		printf $fmt, $filename, $., $_[0], $line;
102*c711c1a5SToomas Soome	} else {
103*c711c1a5SToomas Soome		printf $fmt, $filename, $., $_[0];
104*c711c1a5SToomas Soome	}
105cdf0c1d5Smjnelson	$err_stat = 1;
10878fe7221Sdduvallsub jstyle($) {
11078fe7221Sdduvallmy $in_comment = 0;
11178fe7221Sdduvallmy $in_header_comment = 0;
11278fe7221Sdduvallmy $in_continuation = 0;
11378fe7221Sdduvallmy $in_class = 0;
11478fe7221Sdduvallmy $in_declaration = 0;
11578fe7221Sdduvallmy $nextok = 0;
11678fe7221Sdduvallmy $nocheck = 0;
11778fe7221Sdduvallmy $expect_continuation = 0;
11878fe7221Sdduvallmy $continuation_indent;
11978fe7221Sdduvallmy $okmsg;
12078fe7221Sdduvallmy $comment_prefix;
12178fe7221Sdduvallmy $comment_done;
12278fe7221Sdduvallmy $cpp_comment;
12478fe7221Sdduvall$filename = $_[0];
12678fe7221Sdduvallline: while (<STDIN>) {
12778fe7221Sdduvall	s/\r?\n$//;	# strip return and newline
12978fe7221Sdduvall	# save the original line, then remove all text from within
13078fe7221Sdduvall	# double or single quotes, we do not want to check such text.
13278fe7221Sdduvall	$line = $_;
13378fe7221Sdduvall	s/"[^"]*"/\"\"/g;
13478fe7221Sdduvall	s/'.'/''/g;
13678fe7221Sdduvall	# an /* END JSTYLED */ comment ends a no-check block.
13778fe7221Sdduvall	if ($nocheck) {
13878fe7221Sdduvall		if (/\/\* *END *JSTYLED *\*\//) {
13978fe7221Sdduvall			$nocheck = 0;
14078fe7221Sdduvall		} else {
14178fe7221Sdduvall			next line;
14278fe7221Sdduvall		}
14378fe7221Sdduvall	}
14578fe7221Sdduvall	# a /*JSTYLED*/ comment indicates that the next line is ok.
14678fe7221Sdduvall	if ($nextok) {
14778fe7221Sdduvall		if ($okmsg) {
14878fe7221Sdduvall			err($okmsg);
14978fe7221Sdduvall		}
15078fe7221Sdduvall		$nextok = 0;
15178fe7221Sdduvall		$okmsg = 0;
15278fe7221Sdduvall		if (/\/\* *JSTYLED.*\*\//) {
15378fe7221Sdduvall			/^.*\/\* *JSTYLED *(.*) *\*\/.*$/;
15478fe7221Sdduvall			$okmsg = $1;
15578fe7221Sdduvall			$nextok = 1;
15678fe7221Sdduvall		}
15778fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
15878fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
15978fe7221Sdduvall	}
16178fe7221Sdduvall	# remember whether we expect to be inside a continuation line.
16278fe7221Sdduvall	$in_continuation = $expect_continuation;
16478fe7221Sdduvall	# check for proper continuation line.  blank lines
16578fe7221Sdduvall	# in the middle of the
16678fe7221Sdduvall	# continuation do not count.
16778fe7221Sdduvall	# XXX - only check within functions.
16878fe7221Sdduvall	if ($check_continuation && $expect_continuation && $in_class &&
16978fe7221Sdduvall	    !/^\s*$/) {
17078fe7221Sdduvall		# continuation line must start with whitespace of
17178fe7221Sdduvall		# previous line, plus either 4 spaces or a tab, but
17278fe7221Sdduvall		# do not check lines that start with a string constant
17378fe7221Sdduvall		# since they are often shifted to the left to make them
17478fe7221Sdduvall		# fit on the line.
17578fe7221Sdduvall		if (!/^$continuation_indent    \S/ &&
17678fe7221Sdduvall		    !/^$continuation_indent\t\S/ && !/^\s*"/) {
17778fe7221Sdduvall			err("continuation line improperly indented");
17878fe7221Sdduvall		}
17978fe7221Sdduvall		$expect_continuation = 0;
18078fe7221Sdduvall	}
18278fe7221Sdduvall	# a /* BEGIN JSTYLED */ comment starts a no-check block.
18378fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\/\* *BEGIN *JSTYLED *\*\//) {
18478fe7221Sdduvall		$nocheck = 1;
18578fe7221Sdduvall	}
18778fe7221Sdduvall	# a /*JSTYLED*/ comment indicates that the next line is ok.
18878fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\/\* *JSTYLED.*\*\//) {
18978fe7221Sdduvall		/^.*\/\* *JSTYLED *(.*) *\*\/.*$/;
19078fe7221Sdduvall		$okmsg = $1;
19178fe7221Sdduvall		$nextok = 1;
19278fe7221Sdduvall	}
19378fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\/\/ *JSTYLED/) {
19478fe7221Sdduvall		/^.*\/\/ *JSTYLED *(.*)$/;
19578fe7221Sdduvall		$okmsg = $1;
19678fe7221Sdduvall		$nextok = 1;
19778fe7221Sdduvall	}
19978fe7221Sdduvall	# is this the beginning or ending of a class?
20078fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^(public\s+)*\w(class|interface)\s/) {
20178fe7221Sdduvall		$in_class = 1;
20278fe7221Sdduvall		$in_declaration = 1;
20378fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
20478fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
20578fe7221Sdduvall	}
20678fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^}\s*(\/\*.*\*\/\s*)*$/) {
20778fe7221Sdduvall		$in_class = 0;
20878fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
20978fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
21078fe7221Sdduvall	}
21278fe7221Sdduvall	if ($comment_done) {
21378fe7221Sdduvall		$in_comment = 0;
21478fe7221Sdduvall		$in_header_comment = 0;
21578fe7221Sdduvall		$comment_done = 0;
21678fe7221Sdduvall	}
21778fe7221Sdduvall	# does this looks like the start of a block comment?
21878fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^\s*\/\*/ && !/^\s*\/\*.*\*\//) {
21978fe7221Sdduvall		if (/^\s*\/\*./ && !/^\s*\/\*\*$/) {
22078fe7221Sdduvall			err("improper first line of block comment");
22178fe7221Sdduvall		}
22278fe7221Sdduvall		if (!/^(\t|    )*\/\*/) {
22378fe7221Sdduvall			err("block comment not indented properly");
22478fe7221Sdduvall		}
22578fe7221Sdduvall		$in_comment = 1;
22678fe7221Sdduvall		/^(\s*)\//;
22778fe7221Sdduvall		$comment_prefix = $1;
22878fe7221Sdduvall		if ($comment_prefix eq "") {
22978fe7221Sdduvall			$in_header_comment = 1;
23078fe7221Sdduvall		}
23178fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
23278fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
23378fe7221Sdduvall	}
23478fe7221Sdduvall	# are we still in the block comment?
23578fe7221Sdduvall	if ($in_comment) {
23678fe7221Sdduvall		if (/^$comment_prefix \*\/$/) {
23778fe7221Sdduvall			$comment_done = 1;
23878fe7221Sdduvall		} elsif (/\*\//) {
23978fe7221Sdduvall			$comment_done = 1;
24078fe7221Sdduvall			err("improper block comment close")
24178fe7221Sdduvall			    unless ($ignore_hdr_comment && $in_header_comment);
24278fe7221Sdduvall		} elsif (!/^$comment_prefix \*[ \t]/ &&
24378fe7221Sdduvall		    !/^$comment_prefix \*$/) {
24478fe7221Sdduvall			err("improper block comment")
24578fe7221Sdduvall			    unless ($ignore_hdr_comment && $in_header_comment);
24678fe7221Sdduvall		}
24778fe7221Sdduvall	}
24978fe7221Sdduvall	if ($in_header_comment && $ignore_hdr_comment) {
25078fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
25178fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
25278fe7221Sdduvall	}
25478fe7221Sdduvall	# check for errors that might occur in comments and in code.
25678fe7221Sdduvall	# check length of line.
25778fe7221Sdduvall	# first, a quick check to see if there is any chance of being too long.
25878fe7221Sdduvall	if ($line =~ tr/\t/\t/ * 7 + length($line) > 80) {
25978fe7221Sdduvall		# yes, there is a chance.
26078fe7221Sdduvall		# replace tabs with spaces and check again.
26178fe7221Sdduvall		my $eline = $line;
26278fe7221Sdduvall		1 while $eline =~
26378fe7221Sdduvall		    s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e;
26478fe7221Sdduvall		if (length($eline) > 80) {
26578fe7221Sdduvall			err("line > 80 characters");
26678fe7221Sdduvall		}
26778fe7221Sdduvall	}
269dd2b4cceSdduvall	# Allow spaces to be used to draw pictures in header comments, but
270dd2b4cceSdduvall	# disallow blocks of spaces almost everywhere else.  In particular,
271dd2b4cceSdduvall	# five spaces are also allowed at the end of a line's indentation
272dd2b4cceSdduvall	# if the rest of the line belongs to a block comment.
273dd2b4cceSdduvall	if (!$in_header_comment &&
274dd2b4cceSdduvall	    /[^ ]     / &&
275dd2b4cceSdduvall	    !(/^\t*     \*/ && !/^\t*     \*.*     /)) {
27678fe7221Sdduvall		err("spaces instead of tabs");
27778fe7221Sdduvall	}
27878fe7221Sdduvall	if ($tabs && /^ / && !/^ \*[ \t\/]/ && !/^ \*$/ &&
27978fe7221Sdduvall	    (!/^    \w/ || $in_class != 0)) {
28078fe7221Sdduvall		err("indent by spaces instead of tabs");
28178fe7221Sdduvall	}
28278fe7221Sdduvall	if (!$in_comment && (/^(\t    )* {1,3}\S/ || /^(\t    )* {5,7}\S/) &&
28378fe7221Sdduvall	    !(/^\s*[-+|&\/?:=]/ || ($prev =~ /,\s*$/))) {
28478fe7221Sdduvall		err("indent not a multiple of 4");
28578fe7221Sdduvall	}
28678fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\s$/) {
28778fe7221Sdduvall		err("space or tab at end of line");
28878fe7221Sdduvall	}
28978fe7221Sdduvallif (0) {
29078fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^[\t]+ [^ \t\*]/ || /^[\t]+  \S/ || /^[\t]+   \S/) {
29178fe7221Sdduvall		err("continuation line not indented by 4 spaces");
29278fe7221Sdduvall	}
29478fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\/\//) {
29578fe7221Sdduvall		$cpp_comment = 1;
29678fe7221Sdduvall	}
29778fe7221Sdduvall	if (!$cpp_comment && /[^ \t(\/]\/\*/ && !/\w\(\/\*.*\*\/\);/) {
29878fe7221Sdduvall		err("comment preceded by non-blank");
29978fe7221Sdduvall	}
30078fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\t +\t/) {
30178fe7221Sdduvall		err("spaces between tabs");
30278fe7221Sdduvall	}
30378fe7221Sdduvall	if (/ \t+ /) {
30478fe7221Sdduvall		err("tabs between spaces");
30578fe7221Sdduvall	}
30778fe7221Sdduvall	if ($in_comment) {	# still in comment
30878fe7221Sdduvall		$prev = $line;
30978fe7221Sdduvall		next line;
31078fe7221Sdduvall	}
31278fe7221Sdduvall	if (!$cpp_comment && ((/\/\*\S/ && !/\/\*\*/) || /\/\*\*\S/)) {
31378fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing blank after open comment");
31478fe7221Sdduvall	}
31578fe7221Sdduvall	if (!$cpp_comment && /\S\*\//) {
31678fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing blank before close comment");
31778fe7221Sdduvall	}
31878fe7221Sdduvall	# check for unterminated single line comments.
31978fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\S.*\/\*/ && !/\S.*\/\*.*\*\//) {
32078fe7221Sdduvall		err("unterminated single line comment");
32178fe7221Sdduvall	}
32378fe7221Sdduvall	# delete any comments and check everything else.  Be sure to leave
32478fe7221Sdduvall	# //-style comments intact, and if there are multiple comments on a
32578fe7221Sdduvall	# line, preserve whatever's in between.
32678fe7221Sdduvall	s/(?<!\/)\/\*.*?\*\///g;
32778fe7221Sdduvall	# Check for //-style comments only outside of block comments
32878fe7221Sdduvall	if (m{(//(?!$))} && substr($_, $+[0], 1) !~ /[ \t]/) {
32978fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing blank after start comment");
33078fe7221Sdduvall	}
33178fe7221Sdduvall	s/\/\/.*$//;		# C++ comments
33278fe7221Sdduvall	$cpp_comment = 0;
33478fe7221Sdduvall	# delete any trailing whitespace; we have already checked for that.
33578fe7221Sdduvall	s/\s*$//;
33778fe7221Sdduvall	# We don't style (yet) what's inside annotations, so just delete them.
33878fe7221Sdduvall	s/$annotations//;
34078fe7221Sdduvall	# following checks do not apply to text in comments.
34278fe7221Sdduvall	# if it looks like an operator at the end of the line, and it is
34378fe7221Sdduvall	# not really the end of a comment (...*/), and it is not really
34478fe7221Sdduvall	# a label (done:), and it is not a case label (case FOO:),
34578fe7221Sdduvall	# or we are not in a function definition (ANSI C style) and the
34678fe7221Sdduvall	# operator is a "," (to avoid hitting "int\nfoo(\n\tint i,\n\tint j)"),
34778fe7221Sdduvall	# or we are in a function and the operator is a
34878fe7221Sdduvall	# "*" (to avoid hitting on "char*\nfunc()").
34978fe7221Sdduvall	if ((/[-+|&\/?:=]$/ && !/\*\/$/ && !/^\s*\w*:$/ &&
35078fe7221Sdduvall	    !/^\s\s*case\s\s*\w*:$/) ||
35178fe7221Sdduvall	    /,$/ ||
35278fe7221Sdduvall	    ($in_class && /\*$/)) {
35378fe7221Sdduvall		$expect_continuation = 1;
35478fe7221Sdduvall		if (!$in_continuation) {
35578fe7221Sdduvall			/^(\s*)\S/;
35678fe7221Sdduvall			$continuation_indent = $1;
35778fe7221Sdduvall		}
35878fe7221Sdduvall	}
35978fe7221Sdduvall	while (/($allops)/g) {
36078fe7221Sdduvall		my $z = substr($_, $-[1] - 1);
36178fe7221Sdduvall		if ($z !~ /\s\Q$1\E(?:\s|$)/) {
36278fe7221Sdduvall			my $m = $1;
36378fe7221Sdduvall			my $shift;
36478fe7221Sdduvall			# @+ is available only in the currently active
36578fe7221Sdduvall			# dynamic scope.  Assign it to a new variable
36678fe7221Sdduvall			# to pass it into the if block.
36778fe7221Sdduvall			if ($z =~ /($generics)/ &&
36878fe7221Sdduvall			    ($shift = $+[1])) {
36978fe7221Sdduvall				pos $_ += $shift;
37078fe7221Sdduvall				next;
37178fe7221Sdduvall			}
37378fe7221Sdduvall			# These need to be in decreasing order of length
37478fe7221Sdduvall			# (violable as long as there's no ambiguity)
37578fe7221Sdduvall			my $nospace = "missing space around";
37678fe7221Sdduvall			if ($m =~ $shiftassignmentops) {
37778fe7221Sdduvall				err("$nospace assignment operator");
37878fe7221Sdduvall			} elsif ($m =~ $shiftops) {
37978fe7221Sdduvall				err("$nospace shift operator");
38078fe7221Sdduvall			} elsif ($m =~ $relationalops) {
38178fe7221Sdduvall				err("$nospace relational operator");
38278fe7221Sdduvall			} elsif ($m =~ $assignmentops) {
38378fe7221Sdduvall				err("$nospace assignment operator");
38478fe7221Sdduvall			}
38578fe7221Sdduvall		}
38678fe7221Sdduvall	}
38778fe7221Sdduvall	if (/[,;]\S/ && !/\bfor \(;;\)/) {
38878fe7221Sdduvall		err("comma or semicolon followed by non-blank");
38978fe7221Sdduvall	}
39078fe7221Sdduvall	# allow "for" statements to have empty "while" clauses
39178fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\s[,;]/ && !/^[\t]+;$/ && !/^\s*for \([^;]*; ;[^;]*\)/) {
39278fe7221Sdduvall		err("comma or semicolon preceded by blank");
39378fe7221Sdduvall	}
39478fe7221Sdduvallif (0) {
39578fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^\s*(&&|\|\|)/) {
39678fe7221Sdduvall		err("improper boolean continuation");
39778fe7221Sdduvall	}
39978fe7221Sdduvall	if ($picky && /\S   *(&&|\|\|)/ || /(&&|\|\|)   *\S/) {
40078fe7221Sdduvall		err("more than one space around boolean operator");
40178fe7221Sdduvall	}
40278fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\b$keywords\(/) {
40378fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing space between keyword and paren");
40478fe7221Sdduvall	}
40578fe7221Sdduvall	if (/(\b$keywords\b.*){2,}/ && !/\bcase\b.*/) { # "case" excepted
40678fe7221Sdduvall		err("more than one keyword on line");
40778fe7221Sdduvall	}
40878fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\b$keywords\s\s+\(/ &&
40978fe7221Sdduvall	    !/^#if\s+\(/) {
41078fe7221Sdduvall		err("extra space between keyword and paren");
41178fe7221Sdduvall	}
41278fe7221Sdduvall	# try to detect "func (x)" but not "if (x)" or
41378fe7221Sdduvall	# "int (*func)();"
41478fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\w\s\(/) {
41578fe7221Sdduvall		my $save = $_;
41678fe7221Sdduvall		# strip off all keywords on the line
41778fe7221Sdduvall		s/\b$keywords\s\(/XXX(/g;
41878fe7221Sdduvall		#s/\b($typename|void)\s+\(+/XXX(/og;
41978fe7221Sdduvall		if (/\w\s\(/) {
42078fe7221Sdduvall			err("extra space between function name and left paren");
42178fe7221Sdduvall		}
42278fe7221Sdduvall		$_ = $save;
42378fe7221Sdduvall	}
42478fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\(\s/) {
42578fe7221Sdduvall		err("whitespace after left paren");
42678fe7221Sdduvall	}
42778fe7221Sdduvall	# allow "for" statements to have empty "continue" clauses
42878fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\s\)/ && !/^\s*for \([^;]*;[^;]*; \)/) {
42978fe7221Sdduvall		err("whitespace before right paren");
43078fe7221Sdduvall	}
43178fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^\s*\(void\)[^ ]/) {
43278fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing space after (void) cast");
43378fe7221Sdduvall	}
434*c711c1a5SToomas Soome	if (/\S\{/ && !/\{\{/) {
43578fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing space before left brace");
43678fe7221Sdduvall	}
43778fe7221Sdduvall	if ($in_class && /^\s+{/ && ($prev =~ /\)\s*$/)) {
43878fe7221Sdduvall		err("left brace starting a line");
43978fe7221Sdduvall	}
44078fe7221Sdduvall	if (/}(else|while)/) {
44178fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing space after right brace");
44278fe7221Sdduvall	}
44378fe7221Sdduvall	if (/}\s\s+(else|while)/) {
44478fe7221Sdduvall		err("extra space after right brace");
44578fe7221Sdduvall	}
44678fe7221Sdduvall	if (/\b$typename\*/o) {
44778fe7221Sdduvall		err("missing space between type name and *");
44878fe7221Sdduvall	}
44978fe7221Sdduvall	if ($heuristic) {
45078fe7221Sdduvall		# cannot check this everywhere due to "struct {\n...\n} foo;"
45178fe7221Sdduvall		if ($in_class && !$in_declaration &&
45278fe7221Sdduvall		    /}./ && !/}\s+=/ && !/{.*}[;,]$/ && !/}(\s|)*$/ &&
45378fe7221Sdduvall		    !/} (else|while)/ && !/}}/) {
45478fe7221Sdduvall			err("possible bad text following right brace");
45578fe7221Sdduvall		}
45678fe7221Sdduvall		# cannot check this because sub-blocks in
45778fe7221Sdduvall		# the middle of code are ok
45878fe7221Sdduvall		if ($in_class && /^\s+{/) {
45978fe7221Sdduvall			err("possible left brace starting a line");
46078fe7221Sdduvall		}
46178fe7221Sdduvall	}
46278fe7221Sdduvall	if (/^\s*else\W/) {
46378fe7221Sdduvall		if ($prev =~ /^\s*}$/) {
46478fe7221Sdduvall			my $str = "else and right brace should be on same line";
46578fe7221Sdduvall			printf $fmt, $filename, $., $str, $prev;
46678fe7221Sdduvall			if ($verbose) {
46778fe7221Sdduvall				printf "%s\n", $line;
46878fe7221Sdduvall			}
46978fe7221Sdduvall		}
47078fe7221Sdduvall	}
47178fe7221Sdduvall	$prev = $line;
47478fe7221Sdduvallif ($picky && $prev eq "") {
47578fe7221Sdduvall	err("last line in file is blank");