xref: /titanic_52/usr/src/lib/libunistat/common/solaris/solaris.err (revision e0724c534a46ca4754330bc022bf1e2a68f5bb93)
3# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
4# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
5# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
8# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
9# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
10# and limitations under the License.
12# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
13# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
14# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
15# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
16# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
20# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
21# Use is subject to license terms.
23PERM = Not super-user
24NOENT = No such file or directory
25SRCH = No such process
26INTR = interrupted system call
27IO = I/O error
28NXIO = No such device or address
292BIG = Arg list too long
30NOEXEC = Exec format error
31BADF = Bad file number
32CHILD = No children
33AGAIN = Resource temporarily unavailable
34NOMEM = Not enough core
35ACCES = Permission denied
36FAULT = Bad address
37NOTBLK = Block device required
38BUSY = Mount device busy
39EXIST = File exists
40XDEV = Cross-device link
41NODEV = No such device
42NOTDIR = Not a directory
43ISDIR = Is a directory
44INVAL = Invalid argument
45NFILE = File table overflow
46MFILE = Too many open files
47NOTTY = Inappropriate ioctl for device
48TXTBSY = Text file busy
49FBIG = File too large
50NOSPC = No space left on device
51SPIPE = Illegal seek
52ROFS = Read only file system
53MLINK = Too many links
54PIPE = Broken pipe
55DOM = Math arg out of domain of func
56RANGE = Math result not representable
57NOMSG = No message of desired type
58IDRM = Identifier removed
59CHRNG = Channel number out of range
60L2NSYNC = Level 2 not synchronized
61L3HLT = Level 3 halted
62L3RST = Level 3 reset
63LNRNG = Link number out of range
64UNATCH = Protocol driver not attached
65NOCSI = No CSI structure available
66L2HLT = Level 2 halted
67DEADLK = Deadlock condition.
68NOLCK = No record locks available.
69CANCELED = Operation canceled
70NOTSUP = Operation not supported
71DQUOT = Disc quota exceeded
72BADE = invalid exchange
73BADR = invalid request descriptor
74XFULL = exchange full
75NOANO = no anode
76BADRQC = invalid request code
77BADSLT = invalid slot
78DEADLOCK = file locking deadlock error
79BFONT = bad font file fmt
80UNUSED58 = not defined
81UNUSED59 = not defined
82NOSTR = Device not a stream
83NODATA = no data (for no delay io)
84TIME = timer expired
85NOSR = out of streams resources
86NONET = Machine is not on the network
87NOPKG = Package not installed
88REMOTE = The object is remote
89NOLINK = the link has been severed
90ADV = advertise error
91SRMNT = srmount error
92COMM = Communication error on send
93PROTO = Protocol error
94UNISED72 = undefined
95UNISED73 = undefined
96MULTIHOP = multihop attempted
97UNISED75 = undefined
98UNISED76 = undefined
99BADMSG = trying to read unreadable message
100NAMETOOLONG = path name is too long
101OVERFLOW = value too large to be stored in data type
102NOTUNIQ = given log. name not unique
103BADFD = f.d. invalid for this operation
104REMCHG = Remote address changed
105LIBACC = Can't access a needed shared lib.
106LIBBAD = Accessing a corrupted shared lib.
107LIBSCN = .lib section in a.out corrupted.
108LIBMAX = Attempting to link in too many libs.
109LIBEXEC = Attempting to exec a shared library.
110ILSEQ = Illegal byte sequence.
111NOSYS = Unsupported file system operation
112LOOP = Symbolic link loop
113RESTART = Restartable system call
114STRPIPE = if pipe/FIFO, don't sleep in stream head
115NOTEMPTY = directory not empty
116USERS = Too many users (for UFS)
117NOTSOCK = Socket operation on non-socket
118DESTADDRREQ = Destination address required
119MSGSIZE = Message too long
120PROTOTYPE = Protocol wrong type for socket
121NOPROTOOPT = Protocol not available
122UNUSED100 = undefined
123UNUSED101 = undefined
124UNUSED102 = undefined
125UNUSED103 = undefined
126UNUSED104 = undefined
127UNUSED105 = undefined
128UNUSED106 = undefined
129UNUSED107 = undefined
130UNUSED108 = undefined
131UNUSED109 = undefined
132UNUSED110 = undefined
133UNUSED111 = undefined
134UNUSED112 = undefined
135UNUSED113 = undefined
136UNUSED114 = undefined
137UNUSED115 = undefined
138UNUSED116 = undefined
139UNUSED117 = undefined
140UNUSED118 = undefined
141UNUSED119 = undefined
142PROTONOSUPPORT = Protocol not supported
143SOCKTNOSUPPORT = Socket type not supported
144OPNOTSUPP = Operation not supported on socket
145PFNOSUPPORT = Protocol family not supported
146AFNOSUPPORT = Address family not supported by protocol family
147ADDRINUSE = Address already in use
148ADDRNOTAVAIL = Can't assign requested address operational errors
149NETDOWN = Network is down
150NETUNREACH = Network is unreachable
151NETRESET = Network dropped connection because of reset
152CONNABORTED = Software caused connection abort
153CONNRESET = Connection reset by peer
154NOBUFS = No buffer space available
155ISCONN = Socket is already connected
156NOTCONN = Socket is not connected
157XENIX135 = XENIX 135
158XENIX136 = XENIX 136
159XENIX137 = XENIX 137
160XENIX138 = XENIX 138
161XENIX139 = XENIX 139
162XENIX140 = XENIX 140
163XENIX141 = XENIX 141
164XENIX142 = XENIX 142
165SHUTDOWN = Can't send after socket shutdown
166TOOMANYREFS = Too many references: can't splice
167TIMEDOUT = Connection timed out
168CONNREFUSED = Connection refused
169HOSTDOWN = Host is down
170HOSTUNREACH = No route to host
171ALREADY = operation already in progress
172INPROGRESS = operation now in progress
173STALE = Stale NFS file handle