xref: /titanic_52/usr/src/cmd/backup/dump/dumpoptr.c (revision b48b4ad70157f504f1e9b62203d1cc83a5c03104)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  */
6 /*	Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
7 /*	  All Rights Reserved	*/
9 /*
10  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
11  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
12  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
13  */
15 #pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include "dump.h"
20 static unsigned int timeout;		/* current timeout */
21 static char *attnmessage, *saveattn;	/* attention message */
23 #ifdef __STDC__
24 static void alarmcatch();
25 static int idatesort(const void *, const void *);
26 #else /* !__STDC__ */
27 static void alarmcatch();
28 static int idatesort();
29 #endif
31 #ifdef DEBUG
32 extern int xflag;
33 #endif
35 /*
36  *	Query the operator; This fascist piece of code requires
37  *	an exact response.
38  *	It is intended to protect dump aborting by inquisitive
39  *	people banging on the console terminal to see what is
40  *	happening which might cause dump to croak, destroying
41  *	a large number of hours of work.
42  *
43  *	Every time += 2 minutes we reprint the message, alerting others
44  *	that dump needs attention.
45  */
46 int
47 query(question)
48 	char	*question;
49 {
50 	int def = -1;
52 	while (def == -1)
53 		def = query_once(question, -1);
54 	return (def);
55 }
57 static int in_query_once;
58 static jmp_buf sjalarmbuf;
60 /* real simple check-sum */
61 static int
62 addem(s)
63 	char *s;
64 {
65 	int total = 0;
67 	if (s == (char *)NULL)
68 		return (total);
69 	while (*s)
70 		total += *s++;
71 	return (total);
72 }
74 int
75 query_once(question, def)
76 	char	*question;
77 	int	def;
78 {
79 	static char *lastmsg;
80 	static int lastmsgsum;
81 	int	msgsum;
82 	char	replybuffer[BUFSIZ];
83 	int	back;
84 	time32_t timeclockstate;
85 	pollfd_t pollset;
86 	struct sigvec sv;
88 	/* special hook to flush timeout cache */
89 	if (question == NULL) {
90 		lastmsg = (char *)NULL;
91 		lastmsgsum = 0;
92 		return (0);
93 	}
95 	attnmessage = question;
96 	/*
97 	 * Only reset the state if the message changed somehow
98 	 */
99 	msgsum = addem(question);
100 	if (lastmsg != question || lastmsgsum != msgsum) {
101 		timeout = 0;
102 		if (telapsed && tstart_writing)
103 			*telapsed += time((time_t *)0) - *tstart_writing;
104 		lastmsg = question;
105 		lastmsgsum = msgsum;
106 	}
107 	timeclockstate = timeclock((time_t)0);
108 	if (setjmp(sjalarmbuf) != 0) {
109 		if (def != -1) {
110 			if (def)
111 				msgtail(gettext("YES\n"));
112 			else
113 				msgtail(gettext("NO\n"));
114 		}
115 		back = def;
116 		goto done;
117 	}
118 	alarmcatch();
119 	in_query_once = 1;
120 	pollset.fd = -1;
121 	pollset.events = 0;
122 	pollset.revents = 0;
123 	if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
124 		pollset.fd = fileno(stdin);
125 		pollset.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND;
126 	} else {
127 		dumpabort();
128 		/*NOTREACHED*/
129 	}
130 	for (;;) {
131 		if (poll(&pollset, 1, -1) < 0) {
132 			if (errno == EINTR)
133 				continue;
134 			perror("poll(stdin)");
135 			dumpabort();
136 			/*NOTREACHED*/
137 		}
138 		if (pollset.revents == 0)
139 			continue;	/* sanity check */
140 		if (fgets(replybuffer, sizeof (replybuffer), stdin) == NULL) {
141 			if (ferror(stdin)) {
142 				clearerr(stdin);
143 				continue;
144 			} else {
145 				dumpabort();
146 				/*NOTREACHED*/
147 			}
148 		}
149 		timeout = 0;
150 		if (strcasecmp(replybuffer, gettext("yes\n")) == 0) {
151 			back = 1;
152 			lastmsg = (char *)NULL;
153 			lastmsgsum = 0;
154 			goto done;
155 		} else if (strcasecmp(replybuffer, gettext("no\n")) == 0) {
156 			back = 0;
157 			lastmsg = (char *)NULL;
158 			lastmsgsum = 0;
159 			goto done;
160 		} else {
161 			msg(gettext("\"yes\" or \"no\"?\n"));
162 			in_query_once = 0;
163 			alarmcatch();
164 			in_query_once = 1;
165 		}
166 	}
167 done:
168 	/*
169 	 * Turn off the alarm, and reset the signal to trap out..
170 	 */
171 	(void) alarm(0);
172 	attnmessage = NULL;
173 	sv.sv_handler = sigAbort;
174 	sv.sv_flags = SA_RESTART;
175 	(void) sigemptyset(&sv.sa_mask);
176 	(void) sigvec(SIGALRM, &sv, (struct sigvec *)0);
177 	if (tstart_writing)
178 		(void) time(tstart_writing);
179 	(void) timeclock(timeclockstate);
180 	in_query_once = 0;
181 	return (back);
182 }
183 /*
184  *	Alert the console operator, and enable the alarm clock to
185  *	sleep for time += 2 minutes in case nobody comes to satisfy dump
186  *	If the alarm goes off while in the query_once for loop, we just
187  *	longjmp back there and return the default answer.
188  */
189 static void
190 #ifdef __STDC__
191 alarmcatch(void)
192 #else
193 alarmcatch()
194 #endif
195 {
196 	struct sigvec sv;
198 	if (in_query_once) {
199 		longjmp(sjalarmbuf, 1);
200 	}
201 	if (timeout) {
202 		msgtail("\n");
203 	}
205 	timeout += 120;
206 	msg(gettext("NEEDS ATTENTION: %s"), attnmessage);
207 	sv.sv_handler = alarmcatch;
208 	sv.sv_flags = SA_RESTART;
209 	(void) sigemptyset(&sv.sa_mask);
210 	(void) sigvec(SIGALRM, &sv, (struct sigvec *)0);
211 	(void) alarm(timeout);
212 }
214 /*
215  *	Here if an inquisitive operator interrupts the dump program
216  */
217 /*ARGSUSED*/
218 void
219 interrupt(sig)
220 	int	sig;
221 {
222 	if (!saveattn) {
223 		saveattn = attnmessage;
224 	}
225 	msg(gettext("Interrupt received.\n"));
226 	if (query(gettext(
227 	    "Do you want to abort dump?: (\"yes\" or \"no\") "))) {
228 		dumpabort();
229 		/*NOTREACHED*/
230 	}
231 	if (saveattn) {
232 		attnmessage = saveattn;
233 		saveattn = NULL;
234 		alarmcatch();
235 	}
236 }
238 /*
239  *	We use wall(1) to do the actual broadcasting, so
240  *	that we don't have to worry about duplicated code
241  *	only getting fixed in one place.  This also saves
242  *	us from having to worry about process groups,
243  *	controlling terminals, and the like.
244  */
245 void
246 broadcast(message)
247 	char	*message;
248 {
249 	time_t	clock;
250 	pid_t	pid;
251 	int	saverr;
252 	int	fildes[2];
253 	FILE	*wall;
254 	struct tm *localclock;
256 	if (!notify)
257 		return;
259 	if (pipe(fildes) < 0) {
260 		saverr = errno;
261 		msg(gettext("pipe: %s\n"), strerror(saverr));
262 		return;
263 	}
265 	switch (pid = fork()) {
266 	case -1:
267 		return;
268 	case 0:
269 		close(fildes[0]);
270 		if (dup2(fildes[1], 0) < 0) {
271 			saverr = errno;
272 			msg(gettext("dup2: %s\n"), strerror(saverr));
273 			exit(1);
274 		}
275 		execl("/usr/sbin/wall", "wall", "-g", OPGRENT, (char *)NULL);
276 		saverr = errno;
277 		msg(gettext("execl: %s\n"), strerror(saverr));
278 		exit(1);
279 	default:
280 		break;		/* parent */
281 	}
283 	close(fildes[1]);
284 	wall = fdopen(fildes[0], "r+");
285 	if (wall == (FILE *)NULL) {
286 		saverr = errno;
287 		msg(gettext("fdopen: %s\n"), strerror(saverr));
288 		return;
289 	}
291 	clock = time((time_t *)0);
292 	localclock = localtime(&clock);
294 	(void) fprintf(wall, gettext(
295 "\n\007\007\007Message from the dump program to all operators at \
296 %d:%02d ...\n\n%s"),
297 	    localclock->tm_hour, localclock->tm_min, message);
298 	fclose(wall);
300 	while (wait((int *)0) != pid) {
301 		continue;
302 		/*LINTED [empty loop body]*/
303 	}
304 }
306 /*
307  *	print out an estimate of the amount of time left to do the dump
308  */
309 #define	EST_SEC	600			/* every 10 minutes */
310 void
311 timeest(force, blkswritten)
312 	int force;
313 	int blkswritten;
314 {
315 	time_t tnow, deltat;
316 	char *msgp;
318 	if (tschedule == NULL)
319 		return;
320 	if (*tschedule == 0)
321 		*tschedule = time((time_t *)0) + EST_SEC;
322 	(void) time(&tnow);
323 	if ((force || tnow >= *tschedule) && blkswritten) {
324 		*tschedule = tnow + EST_SEC;
325 		if (!force && blkswritten < 50 * ntrec)
326 			return;
327 		deltat = (*telapsed + (tnow - *tstart_writing))
328 				* ((double)esize / blkswritten - 1.0);
329 		msgp = gettext("%3.2f%% done, finished in %d:%02d\n");
330 		msg(msgp, (blkswritten*100.0)/esize,
331 			deltat/3600, (deltat%3600)/60);
332 	}
333 }
335 #include <stdarg.h>
337 /* VARARGS1 */
338 void
339 msg(const char *fmt, ...)
340 {
341 	char buf[1024], *cp;
342 	size_t size;
343 	va_list args;
345 	va_start(args, fmt);
346 	(void) strcpy(buf, "  DUMP: ");
347 	cp = &buf[strlen(buf)];
348 #ifdef TDEBUG
349 	(void) sprintf(cp, "pid=%d ", getpid());
350 	cp = &buf[strlen(buf)];
351 #endif
352 	/* don't need -1, vsnprintf does it right */
353 	/* LINTED pointer arithmetic result fits in size_t */
354 	size = ((size_t)sizeof (buf)) - (size_t)(cp - buf);
355 	(void) vsnprintf(cp, size, fmt, args);
356 	(void) fputs(buf, stderr);
357 	(void) fflush(stdout);
358 	(void) fflush(stderr);
359 	va_end(args);
360 }
362 /* VARARGS1 */
363 void
364 msgtail(const char *fmt, ...)
365 {
366 	va_list args;
368 	va_start(args, fmt);
369 	(void) vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
370 	va_end(args);
371 }
373 #define	MINUTES(x)	((x) * 60)
375 /*
376  *	Tell the operator what has to be done;
377  *	we don't actually do it
378  */
379 void
380 lastdump(arg)		/* w ==> just what to do; W ==> most recent dumps */
381 	int	arg;
382 {
383 	char *lastname;
384 	char *date;
385 	int i;
386 	time_t tnow, ddate;
387 	struct mntent *dt;
388 	int dumpme = 0;
389 	struct idates *itwalk;
391 	(void) time(&tnow);
392 	mnttabread();		/* /etc/fstab input */
393 	inititimes();		/* /etc/dumpdates input */
395 	/* Don't use msg(), this isn't a tell-the-world kind of thing */
396 	if (arg == 'w')
397 		(void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Dump these file systems:\n"));
398 	else
399 		(void) fprintf(stdout, gettext(
400 		    "Last dump(s) done (Dump '>' file systems):\n"));
402 	if (idatev != NULL) {
403 		qsort((char *)idatev, nidates, sizeof (*idatev), idatesort);
404 		lastname = "??";
405 		ITITERATE(i, itwalk) {
406 			if (strncmp(lastname, itwalk->id_name,
407 			    sizeof (itwalk->id_name)) == 0)
408 				continue;
409 			/* must be ctime(), per ufsdump(4) */
410 			ddate = itwalk->id_ddate;
411 			date = (char *)ctime(&ddate);
412 			date[16] = '\0';	/* blow away seconds and year */
413 			lastname = itwalk->id_name;
414 			dt = mnttabsearch(itwalk->id_name, 0);
415 			if ((time_t)(itwalk->id_ddate) < (tnow - DAY)) {
416 				dumpme = 1;
417 			}
419 			if ((arg == 'w') && dumpme) {
420 				/*
421 				 * Handle the w option: print out file systems
422 				 * which haven't been backed up within a day.
423 				 */
424 				(void) printf(gettext("%8s\t(%6s)\n"),
425 				    itwalk->id_name, dt ? dt->mnt_dir : "");
426 			}
427 			if (arg == 'W') {
428 				/*
429 				 * Handle the W option: print out ALL
430 				 * filesystems including recent dump dates and
431 				 * dump levels.  Mark the backup-needing
432 				 * filesystems with a >.
433 				 */
434 				(void) printf(gettext(
435 			    "%c %8s\t(%6s) Last dump: Level %c, Date %s\n"),
436 				    dumpme ? '>' : ' ',
437 				    itwalk->id_name,
438 				    dt ? dt->mnt_dir : "",
439 				    (uchar_t)itwalk->id_incno,
440 				    date);
441 			}
442 			dumpme = 0;
443 		}
444 	}
445 }
447 static int
448 idatesort(v1, v2)
449 #ifdef __STDC__
450 	const void *v1;
451 	const void *v2;
452 #else
453 	void *v1;
454 	void *v2;
455 #endif
456 {
457 	struct idates **p1 = (struct idates **)v1;
458 	struct idates **p2 = (struct idates **)v2;
459 	int diff;
461 	diff = strcoll((*p1)->id_name, (*p2)->id_name);
462 	if (diff == 0) {
463 		/*
464 		 * Time may eventually become unsigned, so can't
465 		 * rely on subtraction to give a useful result.
466 		 * Note that we are sorting dates into reverse
467 		 * order, so that we will report based on the
468 		 * most-recent record for a particular filesystem.
469 		 */
470 		if ((*p1)->id_ddate > (*p2)->id_ddate)
471 			diff = -1;
472 		else if ((*p1)->id_ddate < (*p2)->id_ddate)
473 			diff = 1;
474 	}
475 	return (diff);
476 }