xref: /titanic_51/usr/src/man/man1m/ldapclient.1m (revision 071ca66ea5e45078699d3a2ade8c6ca5c00bba2c)
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LDAPCLIENT 1M "Feb 14, 2009"
ldapclient - initialize LDAP client machine or output an LDAP client profile in LDIF format

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] init [-a profileName=profileName]
 [-a domainName=domain] [-a proxyDN=proxyDN]
 [-a proxyPassword=password]
 [-a authenticationMethod=authenticationMethod]
 [-a enableShadowUpdate=true | false]
 [-a adminDN=adminDN]
 [-a adminPassword=adminPassword]
 [-a certificatePath=path] [-d bindDN] [-w bindPassword]
 [-j passwdFile] [-y passwdFile]
 [-z adminrPasswdFile] LDAP_server[:port_number]

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] manual [-a attrName=attrVal]

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] mod [-a attrName=attrVal]

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] list

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] uninit

/usr/sbin/ldapclient [-v | -q] genprofile -a profileName=profileName
 [-a attrName=attrVal]

The ldapclient utility can be used to:

initialize LDAP client machines

restore the network service environment on LDAP clients

list the contents of the LDAP client cache in human readable format.

The init form of the ldapclient utility is used to initialize an LDAP client machine, using a profile stored on an LDAP server specified by LDAP_server. The LDAP client will use the attributes in the specified profile to determine the configuration of the LDAP client. Using a configuration profile allows for easy installation of LDAP client and propagation of configuration changes to LDAP clients. The ldap_cachemgr(1M) utility will update the LDAP client configuration when its cache expires by reading the profile. For more information on the configuration profile refer to IETF document A Configuration Schema for LDAP Based Directory User Agents.

The manual form of the ldapclient utility is used to initialize an LDAP client machine manually. The LDAP client will use the attributes specified on the command line. Any unspecified attributes will be assigned their default values. At least one server must be specified in the defaultServerList or the preferredServerList attributes.The domainName attribute must be specified if the client's domainName is not set.

The mod form of the ldapclient utility is used to modify the configuration of an LDAP client machine that was setup manually. This option modifies only those LDAP client configuration attributes specified on the command line. The mod option should only be used on LDAP clients that were initialized using the manual option.

Regardless of which method is used for initialization, if a client is to be configured to use a proxy credentialLevel, proxy credentials must be provided using -a proxyDN=proxyDN and -a proxyPassword=proxyPassword options. However, if -a proxyPassword=proxyPassword is not specified, ldapclient will prompt for it. Note that NULL passwords are not allowed in LDAP. If a self credentialLevel is configured, authenticationMethod must be sasl/GSSAPI.

Similarily, if a client is to be configured to enable shadow information update and use a proxy credentialLevel, administrator credentials must be provided using -a adminDN=adminDN and -a adminPassword=adminPassword. However, the shadow information update does not need the administrator credentials if a self credentialLevel is configured.

If any file is modified during installation, it will be backed up to /var/ldap/restore. The files that are typically modified during initialization are:

/etc/defaultdomain (if it exists)

/var/yp/binding/`domainname` (for a NIS(YP) client)

/var/nis/NIS_COLD_START (for a NIS+ client)

/var/ldap/ldap_client_file (for an existing LDAP client)

/var/ldap/ldap_client_cred (for an existing LDAP client)

ldapclient does not set up a client to resolve hostnames using DNS. It simply copies /etc/nsswitch.ldap to /etc/nsswitch.conf. If you prefer to use DNS for host resolution, please refer to the DNS documentation for information on setting up DNS. See resolv.conf(4). If you want to use sasl/GSSAPI as the authentication method, you have to use DNS for hosts and ipnodes resolution.

The list form of the ldapclient utility is used to list the LDAP client configuration. The output will be human readable. LDAP configuration files are not guaranteed to be human readable. Note that for security reason, the values for adminDN and adminPassword will not be displayed.

The uninit form of the ldapclient utility is used to uninitialize the network service environment, restoring it to the state it was in prior to the last execution of ldapclient using init or manual. The restoration will succeed only if the machine was initialized with the init or manual form of ldapclient, as it uses the backup files created by these options.

The genprofile option is used to write an LDIF formatted configuration profile based on the attributes specified on the command line to standard output. This profile can then be loaded into an LDAP server to be used as the client profile, which can be downloaded by means of the ldapclient init command. Loading the LDIF formatted profile to the directory server can be done through ldapadd(1), or through any server specific import tool. Note that the attributes proxyDN, proxyPassword, certificatePath, domainName, enableShadowUpdate, adminDN, and adminPassword are not part of the configuration profile and thus are not permitted.

You must have superuser privileges to run the ldapclient command, except with the genprofile option.

To access the information stored in the directory, clients can either authenticate to the directory, or use an unauthenticated connection. The LDAP client is configured to have a credential level of either anonymous or proxy. In the first case, the client does not authenticate to the directory. In the second case, client authenticates to the directory using a proxy identity for read access, and using a administrator identity for write access if enableShadowUpdate is configured. In the third case, client authenticates to the directory using a Kerberos principal that is mapped to an LDAP identity by the LDAP server. Refer to the chapter on implementing security in the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) or your appropriate directory server documentation for identity mapping details.

If a client is configured to use an identity, you can configure which authentication method the client will use. The LDAP client supports the following authentication methods:










Note that some directory servers may not support all of these authentication methods. For simple, be aware that the bind password will be sent in the clear to the LDAP server. For those authentication methods using TLS (transport layer security), the entire session is encrypted. You will need to install the appropriate certificate databases to use TLS. Note that the tls:none authentication method requires a credentialLevel of proxy to take effect.


The following commands are supported: init

Initialize client from a profile on a server.


Manually initialize client with the specified attribute values.


Modify attribute values in the configuration file after a manual initialization of the client.


Write the contents of the LDAP client cache to standard output in human readable form.


Uninitialize an LDAP client, assuming that ldapclient was used to initialize the client.


Generate a configuration profile in LDIF format that can then be stored in the directory for clients to use, with the init form of this command.


The following attributes are supported: adminDN

Specify the Bind Distinguished Name for the administrator identity that is used for shadow information update. This option is required if the credential level is proxy, and enableShadowUpdate is set to true. There is no default value.


Specify the administrator password. This option is required if the credential level is proxy, and enableShadowUpdate is set to true. There is no default value.


Specify a mapping from an attribute defined by a service to an attribute in an alternative schema. This can be used to change the default schema used for a given service. The syntax of attributeMap is defined in the profile IETF draft. This option can be specified multiple times. The default value for all services is NULL. In the example,

attributeMap: passwd:uid=employeeNumber
the LDAP client would use the LDAP attribute employeeNumber rather than uid for the passwd service. This is a multivalued attribute. To use rfc2307bis style groups (with a DN rather than username as the attribute value), map the memberUid attribute to the group attribute being used (typically either uniqueMember or member), for example:
attributeMap: group:memberUid=uniqueMember
Group membership in a given directory is expected to be maintained with either username format member attributes, or DN format member attributes. If both are present they must describe identical memberships or unexpected results may be obtained. For DN format attributes, the username is required to be the RDN of the entry. Note that nested groups are not currently supported, and unexpected results may be obtained if they are used.

Specify the default authentication method used by all services unless overridden by the serviceAuthenticationMethod attribute. Multiple values can be specified by using a semicolon-separated list. The default value is none. For those services that use credentialLevel and credentialLevel is anonymous, this attribute is ignored. Services such as pam_ldap will use this attribute, even if credentialLevel is anonymous. The supported authentication methods are described above. If the authenticationMethod is sasl/GSSAPI, the hosts and ipnodes of /etc/nsswitch.conf must be configured with DNS support, for example:

hosts: dns files
ipnodes: dns files

The maximum time in seconds that a client should spend performing a bind operation. Set this to a positive integer. The default value is 30.


The certificate path for the location of the certificate database. The value is the path where security database files reside. This is used for TLS support, which is specified in the authenticationMethod and serviceAuthenticationMethod attributes. The default is /var/ldap.


Specify the credential level the client should use to contact the directory. The credential levels supported are either anonymous or proxy. If a proxy credential level is specified, then the authenticationMethod attribute must be specified to determine the authentication mechanism. Also, if the credential level is proxy and at least one of the authentication methods require a bind DN, the proxyDN and proxyPassword attribute values must be set. In addition, if enableShadowUpdate is set to true, the adminDN and adminPassword values must be set. If a self credential level is specified, the authenticationMethod must be sasl/GSSAPI.


Specify the default search base DN. There is no default. The serviceSearchDescriptor attribute can be used to override the defaultSearchBase for given services.

defaultSearchScope=one | sub

Specify the default search scope for the client's search operations. This default can be overridden for a given service by specifying a serviceSearchDescriptor. The default is one level search.


A space separated list of server names or server addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6. If you specify server names, be sure that the LDAP client can resolve the name without the LDAP name service. You must resolve the LDAP servers' names by using either files or dns. If the LDAP server name cannot be resolved, your naming service will fail. The port number is optional. If not specified, the default LDAP server port number 389 is used, except when TLS is specified in the authentication method. In this case, the default LDAP server port number is 636. The format to specify the port number for an IPv6 address is:

To specify the port number for an IPv4 address, use the following format:
If the host name is specified, use the format:
If you use TLS, the LDAP server's hostname must match the hostname in the TLS certificate. Typically, the hostname in the TLS certificate is a fully qualified domain name. With TLS, the LDAP server host addresses must resolve to the hostnames in the TLS certificate. You must use files or dns to resolve the host address.

Specify the DNS domain name. This becomes the default domain for the machine. The default is the current domain name. This attribute is only used in client initialization.

enableShadowUpdate=true | false

Specify whether the client is allowed to update shadow information. If set to true and the credential level is proxy, adminDN and adminPassword must be specified.

followReferrals=true | false

Specify the referral setting. A setting of true implies that referrals will be automatically followed and false would result in referrals not being followed. The default is true.


Specify a mapping from an objectclass defined by a service to an objectclass in an alternative schema. This can be used to change the default schema used for a given service. The syntax of objectclassMap is defined in the profile IETF draft. This option can be specified multiple times. The default value for all services is NULL. In the example,

the LDAP client would use the LDAP objectclass of unixAccount rather than the posixAccount for the passwd service. This is a multivalued attribute.

Specify the space separated list of server names or server addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6, to be contacted before servers specified by the defaultServerList attribute. If you specify server names, be sure that the LDAP client can resolve the name without the LDAP name service. You must resolve the LDAP servers' names by using either files or dns. If the LDAP server name cannot be resolved, your naming service will fail. The port number is optional. If not specified, the default LDAP server port number 389 is used, except when TLS is specified in the authentication method. In this case, the default LDAP server port number is 636. The format to specify the port number for an IPv6 address is:

To specify the port number for an IPv4 address, use the following format:
If the host name is specified, use the format:
If you use TLS, the LDAP server's hostname must match the hostname in the TLS certificate. Typically, the hostname in the TLS certificate is a fully qualified domain name. With TLS, the LDAP server host addresses must resolve to the hostnames in the TLS certificate. You must use files or dns to resolve the host address.

Specify the profile name. For ldapclient init, this attribute is the name of an existing profile which may be downloaded periodically depending on the value of the profileTTL attribute. For ldapclient genprofile, this is the name of the profile to be generated. The default value is default.


Specify the TTL value in seconds for the client information. This is only relevant if the machine was initialized with a client profile. If you do not want ldap_cachemgr(1M) to attempt to refresh the LDAP client configuration from the LDAP server, set profileTTL to 0 (zero). Valid values are either zero 0 (for no expiration) or a positive integer in seconds. The default value is 12 hours.


Specify the Bind Distinguished Name for the proxy identity. This option is required if the credential level is proxy, and at least one of the authentication methods requires a bind DN. There is no default value.


Specify client proxy password. This option is required if the credential level is proxy, and at least one of the authentication methods requires a bind DN. There is no default.


Specify maximum number of seconds allowed for an LDAP search operation. The default is 30 seconds. The server may have its own search time limit.


Specify authentication methods to be used by a service in the form servicename:authenticationmethod, for example:

For multiple authentication methods, use a semicolon-separated list. The default value is no service authentication methods, in which case, each service would default to the authenticationMethod value. The supported authentications are described above. Three services support this feature: passwd-cmd, keyserv, and pam_ldap. The passwd-cmd service is used to define the authentication method to be used by passwd(1) to change the user's password and other attributes. The keyserv service is used to identify the authentication method to be used by the chkey(1) and newkey(1M) utilities. The pam_ldap service defines the authentication method to be used for authenticating users when pam_ldap(5) is configured. If this attribute is not set for any of these services, the authenticationMethod attribute is used to define the authentication method. This is a multivalued attribute.

Specify credential level to be used by a service. Multiple values can be specified in a space-separated list. The default value for all services is NULL. The supported credential levels are: anonymous or proxy. At present, no service uses this attribute. This is a multivalued attribute.


Override the default base DN for LDAP searches for a given service. The format of the descriptors also allow overriding the default search scope and search filter for each service. The syntax of serviceSearchDescriptor is defined in the profile IETF draft. The default value for all services is NULL. This is a multivalued attribute. In the example,

the LDAP client would do a one level search in ou=people,dc=a1,dc=acme,dc=com rather than ou=people,defaultSearchBase for the passwd service.

The following options are supported: -a attrName=attrValue

Specify attrName and its value. See SYNOPSIS for a complete list of possible attribute names and values.

-D bindDN

Specifies an entry that has read permission for the requested database.

-j passwdFile

Specify a file containing the password for the bind DN or the password for the SSL client's key database. To protect the password, use this option in scripts and place the password in a secure file. This option is mutually exclusive of the -w option.


Quiet mode. No output is generated.


Verbose output.

-w bindPassword

Password to be used for authenticating the bind DN. If this parameter is missing, the command will prompt for a password. NULL passwords are not supported in LDAP. When you use -w bindPassword to specify the password to be used for authentication, the password is visible to other users of the system by means of the ps command, in script files, or in shell history. If you supply "-" (hyphen) as a password, the command will prompt for a password.

-y passwdFile

Specify a file containing the password for the proxy DN. To protect the password, use this option in scripts and place the password in a secure file. This option is mutually exclusive of the -a proxyPassword option.

-z adminrPasswdFile

Specify a file containing the password for the adminDN. To protect the password, use this option in scripts and place the password in a secure file. This option is mutually exclusive of the -a adminPassword option.


The following operand is supported: LDAP_server

An address or a name for the LDAP server from which the profile will be loaded. The current naming service specified in the nsswitch.conf file is used. Once the profile is loaded, the preferredServerList and defaultServerList specified in the profile are used.


Example 1 Setting Up a Client By Using the Default Profile Stored on a Specified LDAP Server

The following example shows how to set up a client using the default profile stored on the specified LDAP server. This command will only be successful if either the credential level in the profile is set to anonymous or the authentication method is set to none.

example# ldapclient init

Example 2 Setting Up a Client By Using the simple Profile Stored on a Specified LDAP Server

The following example shows how to set up a client using the simple profile stored on the specified LDAP server. The domainname is set to xyz.mycompany.com and the proxyPassword is secret.

example# ldapclient init -a profileName=simple \e
-a domainName=xyz.mycompany.com \e
-a proxyDN=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=xyz,dc=mycompany,dc=com \e
-a proxyPassword=secret '['fe80::a00:20ff:fea3:388']':386

Example 3 Setting Up a Client Using Only One Server

The following example shows how to set up a client using only one server. The authentication method is set to none, and the search base is dc=mycompany,dc=com.

example# ldapclient manual -a authenticationMethod=none \e
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=mycompany,dc=com \e
-a defaultServerList=

Example 4 Setting Up a Client Using Only One Server That Does Not Follow Referrals

The following example shows how to set up a client using only one server. The credential level is set to proxy. The authentication method of is sasl/CRAM-MD5, with the option not to follow referrals. The domain name is xyz.mycompany.com, and the LDAP server is running on port number 386 at IP address

example# ldapclient manual \e
-a credentialLevel=proxy \e
-a authenticationMethod=sasl/CRAM-MD5 \e
-a proxyPassword=secret \e
-a proxyDN=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=xyz,dc=mycompany,dc=com \e
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=xyz,dc=mycompany,dc=com \e
-a domainName=xyz.mycompany.com \e
-a followReferrals=false \e
-a defaultServerList=

Example 5 Using genprofile to Set Only the defaultSearchBase and the Server Addresses

The following example shows how to use the genprofile command to set the defaultSearchBase and the server addresses.

example# ldapclient genprofile -a profileName=myprofile \e
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=eng,dc=sun,dc=com \e
-a "defaultServerList=" \e
> myprofile.ldif

Example 6 Creating a Profile on IPv6 servers

The following example creates a profile on IPv6 servers

example# ldapclient genprofile -a profileName=eng \e
-a credentialLevel=proxy \e
-a authenticationMethod=sasl/DIGEST-MD5 \e
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=eng,dc=acme,dc=com \e
-a "serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:ou=people,dc=a1,dc=acme,dc=com?one"\e
-a preferredServerList= '['fe80::a00:20ff:fea3:388']' \e
-a "defaultServerList='['fec0::111:a00:20ff:fea3:edcf']' \e
 '['fec0::111:a00:20ff:feb5:e41']'" > eng.ldif

Example 7 Creating a Profile That Overrides Every Default Value

The following example shows a profile that overrides every default value.

example# ldapclient genprofile -a profileName=eng \e
-a credentialLevel=proxy -a authenticationMethod=sasl/DIGEST-MD5 \e
-a bindTimeLimit=20 \e
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=eng,dc=acme,dc=com \e
-a "serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:ou=people,dc=a1,dc=acme,dc=com?one"\e
-a serviceAuthenticationMethod=pam_ldap:tls:simple \e
-a defaultSearchScope=sub \e
-a attributeMap=passwd:uid=employeeNumber \e
-a objectclassMap=passwd:posixAccount=unixAccount \e
-a followReferrals=false -a profileTTL=6000 \e
-a preferredServerList= -a searchTimeLimit=30 \e
-a "defaultServerList=" > eng.ldif

The following exit values are returned: 0

The command successfully executed.


An error occurred. An error message is output.


proxyDN and proxyPassword attributes are required, but they are not provided.



Contain the LDAP configuration of the client. These files are not to be modified manually. Their content is not guaranteed to be human readable. Use ldapclient to update them.


System default domain name, matching the domain name of the data in the LDAP servers. See defaultdomain(4).


Configuration file for the name-service switch. See nsswitch.conf(4).


Sample configuration file for the name-service switch configured with LDAP and files.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability Evolving

chkey(1), ldap(1), ldapadd(1), ldapdelete(1), ldaplist(1), ldapmodify(1), ldapmodrdn(1), ldapsearch(1), idsconfig(1M), ldapaddent(1M), ldap_cachemgr(1M), suninstall(1M), defaultdomain(4), nsswitch.conf(4), resolv.conf(4), attributes(5)


Currently StartTLS is not supported by libldap.so.5, therefore the port number provided refers to the port used during a TLS open, rather than the port used as part of a StartTLS sequence. To avoid timeout delays, mixed use of TLS and non-TLS authentication mechanisms is not recommended.

For example:

-h foo:1000 -a authenticationMethod=tls:simple


defaultServerList= foo:1000
authenticationMethod= tls:simple

The preceding refers to a raw TLS open on host foo port 1000, not an open, StartTLS sequence on an unsecured port 1000. If port 1000 is unsecured the connection will not be made.

As a second example, the following will incur a significant timeout delay while attempting the connection to foo:636 with an unsecured bind.

defaultServerList= foo:636 foo:389
authenticationMethod= simple