xref: /titanic_51/usr/src/lib/libdwarf/common/pro_error.c (revision 7fd791373689a6af05e27efec3b1ab556e02aa23)
1*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi /*
2*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
3*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
4*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
5*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
7*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
9*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
10*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
13*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
14*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
15*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
16*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
17*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
18*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   other software, or any other product whatsoever.
19*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
20*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software
22*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301,
23*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   USA.
24*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
25*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   Contact information:  Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1500 Crittenden Lane,
26*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
27*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
28*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   http://www.sgi.com
29*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
30*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   For further information regarding this notice, see:
31*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
32*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi   http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan
33*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
34*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi */
35*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
36*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
37*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
38*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include "config.h"
39*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include "libdwarfdefs.h"
40*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #ifdef HAVE_ELF_H
41*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include <elf.h>
42*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #endif
43*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
44*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include <stdio.h>
45*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include <sys/stat.h>
46*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include <sys/types.h>
47*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include <stdlib.h>
48*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi #include "pro_incl.h"
49*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
50*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi extern char *_dwarf_errmsgs[];
51*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
52*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi /*
53*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     This function performs error handling as described in the
54*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     libdwarf consumer document section 3.  Dbg is the Dwarf_P_debug
55*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     structure being processed.  Error is a pointer to the pointer
56*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     to the error descriptor that will be returned.  Errval is an
57*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     error code listed in dwarf_error.h.
58*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi */
59*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi void
60*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi _dwarf_p_error(Dwarf_P_Debug dbg,
61*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi                Dwarf_Error * error, Dwarf_Word errval)
62*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi {
63*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     Dwarf_Error errptr;
64*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
65*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     /* Allow NULL dbg on entry, since sometimes that can happen and we
66*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi        want to report the upper-level error, not this one. */
67*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     if ((Dwarf_Sword) errval < 0)
68*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         printf("ERROR VALUE: %ld - %s\n",
69*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi                (long) errval, _dwarf_errmsgs[-errval - 1]);
70*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     if (error != NULL) {
71*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         errptr = (Dwarf_Error)
72*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             _dwarf_p_get_alloc(dbg, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Error_s));
73*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         if (errptr == NULL) {
74*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             fprintf(stderr,
75*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi                     "Could not allocate Dwarf_Error structure\n");
76*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             abort();
77*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         }
78*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         errptr->er_errval = (Dwarf_Sword) errval;
79*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         *error = errptr;
80*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         return;
81*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     }
82*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
83*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     if (dbg != NULL && dbg->de_errhand != NULL) {
84*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         errptr = (Dwarf_Error)
85*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             _dwarf_p_get_alloc(dbg, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Error_s));
86*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         if (errptr == NULL) {
87*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             fprintf(stderr,
88*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi                     "Could not allocate Dwarf_Error structure\n");
89*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi             abort();
90*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         }
91*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         errptr->er_errval = (Dwarf_Sword) errval;
92*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         dbg->de_errhand(errptr, dbg->de_errarg);
93*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi         return;
94*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     }
95*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 
96*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi     abort();
97*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi }