1*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi /* 2*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 3*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Copyright (C) 2000,2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 5*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 6*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License 7*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi as published by the Free Software Foundation. 8*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 9*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but 10*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 12*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 13*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is 14*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement 15*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or 16*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if 17*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with 18*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi other software, or any other product whatsoever. 19*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 20*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 21*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software 22*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, 23*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi USA. 24*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 25*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1500 Crittenden Lane, 26*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Mountain View, CA 94043, or: 27*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 28*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi http://www.sgi.com 29*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 30*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi For further information regarding this notice, see: 31*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 32*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan 33*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 34*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi */ 35*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 36*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 37*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi /* 38*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi If ag_end_symbol_index is zero, 39*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi ag_length must be known and non-zero. 40*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 41*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 42*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Deals with length being known costant or fr 43*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi assembler output, not known. 44*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 45*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi */ 46*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 47*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi struct Dwarf_P_Arange_s { 48*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_Addr ag_begin_address; /* known address or for 49*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi symbolic assem output, 50*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi offset of symbol */ 51*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_Addr ag_length; /* zero or address or offset */ 52*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_Unsigned ag_symbol_index; 53*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 54*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_P_Arange ag_next; 55*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 56*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_Unsigned ag_end_symbol_index; /* zero or index/id of end 57*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi symbol */ 58*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi Dwarf_Addr ag_end_symbol_offset; /* known address or for 59*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi symbolic assem output, 60*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi offset of end symbol */ 61*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi 62*7fd79137SRobert Mustacchi }; 63