xref: /titanic_51/usr/src/lib/libbc/libc/gen/common/hsearch.c (revision 8eea8e29cc4374d1ee24c25a07f45af132db3499)
1 /*
3  *
4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
7  * with the License.
8  *
9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
12  * and limitations under the License.
13  *
14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
19  *
21  */
22 /*
23  * Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
24  * Use is subject to license terms.
25  */
27 /*	Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
28 /*	  All Rights Reserved	*/
30 #pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"
33 /* Compile time switches:
35    MULT - use a multiplicative hashing function.
36    DIV - use the remainder mod table size as a hashing function.
37    CHAINED - use a linked list to resolve collisions.
38    OPEN - use open addressing to resolve collisions.
39    BRENT - use Brent's modification to improve the OPEN algorithm.
40    SORTUP - CHAINED list is sorted in increasing order.
41    SORTDOWN - CHAINED list is sorted in decreasing order.
42    START - CHAINED list with entries appended at front.
43    DRIVER - compile in a main program to drive the tests.
44    DEBUG - compile some debugging printout statements.
45    USCR - user supplied comparison routine.
46 */
48 #include <stdio.h>
49 #include <limits.h>
51 #define SUCCEED		0
52 #define FAIL		1
53 #define TRUE		1
54 #define FALSE		0
55 #define repeat		for(;;)
56 #define until(A)	if(A) break;
58 #ifdef OPEN
59 #    undef CHAINED
60 #else
61 #ifndef CHAINED
62 #    define OPEN
63 #endif
64 #endif
66 #ifdef MULT
67 #    undef DIV
68 #else
69 #ifndef DIV
70 #    define MULT
71 #endif
72 #endif
74 #ifdef START
75 #    undef SORTUP
76 #    undef SORTDOWN
77 #else
78 #ifdef SORTUP
79 #    undef SORTDOWN
80 #endif
81 #endif
83 #ifdef USCR
84 #    define COMPARE(A, B) (* hcompar)((A), (B))
85      extern int (* hcompar)();
86 #else
87 #    define COMPARE(A, B) strcmp((A), (B))
88 #endif
90 #ifdef MULT
91 #    define SHIFT ((bitsper * sizeof(int)) - m) /* Shift factor */
92 #    define FACTOR 035761254233	/* Magic multiplication factor */
93 #    define HASH hashm		/* Multiplicative hash function */
94 #    define HASH2 hash2m	/* Secondary hash function */
95 static unsigned int bitsper;	/* Bits per byte */
96 static unsigned int hashm();
97 static unsigned int hash2m();
98 #else
99 #ifdef DIV
100 #    define HASH hashd		/* Division hashing routine */
101 #    define HASH2(A) 1		/* Secondary hash function */
102 static unsigned int hashd();
103 #endif
104 #endif
106 typedef enum {
107     FIND,		/* Find, if present */
108     ENTER		/* Find; enter if not present */
109 } ACTION;
110 typedef char *POINTER;
111 typedef struct entry {	/* Hash table entry */
112     POINTER key;
113     POINTER data;
114 } ENTRY;
116 #ifdef CHAINED
117 typedef struct node {	/* Part of the linked list of entries */
118 	ENTRY item;
119 	struct node *next;
120 } NODE;
121 typedef NODE *TABELEM;
122 static NODE **table;	/* The address of the hash table */
123 static ENTRY *build();
124 #else
125 #ifdef OPEN
126 typedef ENTRY TABELEM;	/* What the table contains (TABle ELEMents) */
127 static TABELEM *table;	/* The address of the hash table */
128 static unsigned int count = 0;	/* Number of entries in hash table */
129 #endif
130 #endif
132 static unsigned int length;	/* Size of the hash table */
133 static unsigned int m;		/* Log base 2 of length */
134 static unsigned int prcnt;	/* Number of probes this item */
136 extern void free();
137 extern int printf(), fprintf();
138 extern char *malloc(), *calloc(), *strcpy();
140 int hcreate();
141 void hdestroy();
142 ENTRY *hsearch();
143 static unsigned int crunch();
145 #ifdef DRIVER
146 static void hdump();
148 main()
149 {
150     char line[80];	/* Room for the input line */
151     int i = 0;		/* Data generator */
152     ENTRY *res;		/* Result of hsearch */
153     ENTRY *new;		/* Test entry */
155     if(hcreate(5))
156 	printf("Length = %u, m = %u\n", length, m);
157     else {
158 	fprintf(stderr, "Out of core\n");
159 	exit(FAIL);
160     }
162     repeat {
163 	hdump();
164 	printf("Enter a probe: ");
165 	until (EOF == scanf("%s", line));
166 #ifdef DEBUG
167 	printf("%s, ", line);
168 	printf("division: %d, ", hashd(line));
169 	printf("multiplication: %d\n", hashm(line));
170 #endif
171 	new = (ENTRY *) malloc(sizeof(ENTRY));
172 	if(new == NULL) {
173 	    fprintf(stderr, "Out of core \n");
174 	    exit(FAIL);
175 	}
176 	else {
177 	    new->key = malloc((unsigned) strlen(line) + 1);
178 	    if(new->key == NULL) {
179 		fprintf(stderr, "Out of core \n");
180 		exit(FAIL);
181 	    }
182 	    strcpy(new->key, line);
183 	    new->data = malloc(sizeof(int));
184 	    if(new->data == NULL) {
185 		fprintf(stderr, "Out of core \n");
186 		exit(FAIL);
187 	    }
188 	    *new->data = i++;
189 	}
190 	res = hsearch(*new, ENTER);
191 	printf("The number of probes required was %d\n", prcnt);
192 	if(res == (ENTRY *) 0)
193 	    printf("Table is full\n");
194 	else {
195 	    printf("Success: ");
196 	    printf("Key = %s, Value = %d\n", res->key, *res->data);
197 	}
198     }
199     exit(SUCCEED);
200 }
201 #endif
203 int
204 hcreate(size)		/* Create a hash table no smaller than size */
205 int size;		/* Minimum size for hash table */
206 {
207     unsigned int unsize;	/* Holds the shifted size */
209     if(size <= 0)
210 	return(FALSE);
212     unsize = size;	/* +1 for empty table slot; -1 for ceiling */
213     length = 1;		/* Maximum entries in tabbe */
214     m = 0;		/* Log2 length */
215     while(unsize) {
216 	unsize >>= 1;
217 	length <<= 1;
218 	m++;
219     }
221     table = (TABELEM *) calloc(length, sizeof(TABELEM));
222     return(table != NULL);
223 }
225 void
226 hdestroy()	/* Reset the module to its initial state */
227 {
228     free((POINTER) table);
229 #ifdef OPEN
230     count = 0;
231 #endif
232 }
234 #ifdef OPEN
235 /* Hash search of a fixed-capacity table.  Open addressing used to
236    resolve collisions.  Algorithm modified from Knuth, Volume 3,
237    section 6.4, algorithm D.  Labels flag corresponding actions.
238 */
241 *hsearch(item, action)	/* Find or insert the item into the table */
242 ENTRY item;		/* Item to be inserted or found */
243 ACTION action;		/* FIND or ENTER */
244 {
245     unsigned int i;	/* Insertion index */
246     unsigned int c;	/* Secondary probe displacement */
248     prcnt = 1;
250 /* D1: */
251     i = HASH(item.key);	/* Primary hash on key */
252 #ifdef DEBUG
253     if(action == ENTER)
254 	printf("hash = %o\n", i);
255 #endif
257 /* D2: */
258     if(table[i].key == NULL)	/* Empty slot? */
259 	goto D6;
260     else if(COMPARE(table[i].key, item.key) == 0)	/* Match? */
261 	return(&table[i]);
263 /* D3: */
264     c = HASH2(item.key);	/* No match => compute secondary hash */
265 #ifdef DEBUG
266     if(action == ENTER)
267 	printf("hash2 = %o\n", c);
268 #endif
270 D4:
271     i = (i + c) % length;	/* Advance to next slot */
272     prcnt++;
274 /* D5: */
275     if(table[i].key == NULL)	/* Empty slot? */
276 	goto D6;
277     else if(COMPARE(table[i].key, item.key) == 0)	/* Match? */
278 	return(&table[i]);
279     else
280 	goto D4;
282 D6: if(action == FIND)		/* Insert if requested */
283 	return((ENTRY *) NULL);
284     if(count == (length - 1))	/* Table full? */
285 	return((ENTRY *) 0);
287 #ifdef BRENT
288 /* Brent's variation of the open addressing algorithm.  Do extra
289    work during insertion to speed retrieval.  May require switching
290    of previously placed items.  Adapted from Knuth, Volume 3, section
291    4.6 and Brent's article in CACM, volume 10, #2, February 1973.
292 */
294     {   unsigned int p0 = HASH(item.key);   /* First probe index */
295 	unsigned int c0 = HASH2(item.key);  /* Main branch increment */
296 	unsigned int r = prcnt - 1; /* Current minimum distance */
297 	unsigned int j;         /* Counts along main branch */
298 	unsigned int k;         /* Counts along secondary branch */
299 	unsigned int curj;      /* Current best main branch site */
300 	unsigned int curpos;    /* Current best table index */
301 	unsigned int pj;        /* Main branch indices */
302 	unsigned int cj;        /* Secondary branch increment distance*/
303 	unsigned int pjk;       /* Secondary branch probe indices */
305 	if(prcnt >= 3) {
306 	    for(j = 0; j < prcnt; j++) {   /* Count along main branch */
307 		pj = (p0 + j * c0) % length; /* New main branch index */
308 		cj = HASH2(table[pj].key); /* Secondary branch incr. */
309 		for(k=1; j+k <= r; k++) { /* Count on secondary branch*/
310 		    pjk = (pj + k * cj) % length; /* Secondary probe */
311 		    if(table[pjk].key == NULL) { /* Improvement found */
312 		        r = j + k;	/* Decrement upper bound */
313 		        curj = pj;	/* Save main probe index */
314 		        curpos = pjk;	/* Save secondeary index */
315 		    }
316 		}
317 	    }
318 	    if(r != prcnt - 1) {       /* If an improvement occurred */
319 		table[curpos] = table[curj]; /* Old key to new site */
320 #ifdef DEBUG
321 		printf("Switch curpos = %o, curj = %o, oldi = %o\n",
322 		    curj, curpos, i);
323 #endif
324 		i = curj;
325 	    }
326 	}
327     }
328 #endif
329     count++;			/* Increment table occupancy count */
330     table[i] = item;		/* Save item */
331     return(&table[i]);		/* Address of item is returned */
332 }
333 #endif
335 #ifdef USCR
336 #    ifdef DRIVER
337 static int
338 compare(a, b)
339 POINTER a;
340 POINTER b;
341 {
342     return(strcmp(a, b));
343 }
345 int (* hcompar)() = compare;
346 #    endif
347 #endif
349 #ifdef CHAINED
350 #    ifdef SORTUP
351 #        define STRCMP(A, B) (COMPARE((A), (B)) > 0)
352 #    else
353 #    ifdef SORTDOWN
354 #        define STRCMP(A, B) (COMPARE((A), (B)) < 0)
355 #    else
356 #        define STRCMP(A, B) (COMPARE((A), (B)) != 0)
357 #    endif
358 #    endif
361 *hsearch(item, action)	/* Chained search with sorted lists */
362 ENTRY item;		/* Item to be inserted or found */
363 ACTION action;		/* FIND or ENTER */
364 {
365     NODE *p;		/* Searches through the linked list */
366     NODE **q;		/* Where to store the pointer to a new NODE */
367     unsigned int i;	/* Result of hash */
368     int res;		/* Result of string comparison */
370     prcnt = 1;
372     i = HASH(item.key);	/* Table[i] contains list head */
374     if(table[i] == (NODE*)NULL) { /* List has not yet been begun */
375 	if(action == FIND)
376 	    return((ENTRY *) NULL);
377 	else
378 	    return(build(&table[i], (NODE *) NULL, item));
379     }
380     else {			/* List is not empty */
381 	q = &table[i];
382 	p = table[i];
383 	while(p != NULL && (res = STRCMP(item.key, p->item.key))) {
384 	    prcnt++;
385 	    q = &(p->next);
386 	    p = p->next;
387 	}
389 	if(p != NULL && res == 0)	/* Item has been found */
390 	    return(&(p->item));
391 	else {			/* Item is not yet on list */
392 	    if(action == FIND)
393 		return((ENTRY *) NULL);
394 	    else
395 #ifdef START
396 		return(build(&table[i], table[i], item));
397 #else
398 		return(build(q, p, item));
399 #endif
400 	}
401     }
402 }
404 static ENTRY
405 *build(last, next, item)
406 NODE **last;		/* Where to store in last list item */
407 NODE *next;		/* Link to next list item */
408 ENTRY item;		/* Item to be kept in node */
409 {
410     NODE *p = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
412     if(p != NULL) {
413 	p->item = item;
414 	*last = p;
415 	p->next = next;
416 	return(&(p->item));
417     }
418     else
419 	return(NULL);
420 }
421 #endif
423 #ifdef DIV
424 static unsigned int
425 hashd(key)		/* Division hashing scheme */
426 POINTER key;		/* Key to be hashed */
427 {
428     return(crunch(key) % length);
429 }
430 #else
431 #ifdef MULT
432 /*
433     NOTE: The following algorithm only works on machines where
434     the results of multiplying two integers is the least
435     significant part of the double word integer required to hold
436     the result.  It is adapted from Knuth, Volume 3, section 6.4.
437 */
439 static unsigned int
440 hashm(key)		/* Multiplication hashing scheme */
441 POINTER key;		/* Key to be hashed */
442 {
443     static int first = TRUE;	/* TRUE on the first call only */
445     if(first) {		/* Compute the number of bits in a byte */
446 	unsigned char c = UCHAR_MAX;	/* A byte full of 1's */
447 	bitsper = 0;
448 	while(c) {		/* Shift until no more 1's */
449 	    c >>= 1;
450 	    bitsper++;		/* Count number of shifts */
451 	}
452 	first = FALSE;
453     }
454     return((int) (((unsigned) (crunch(key) * FACTOR)) >> SHIFT));
455 }
457 /*
458  * Secondary hashing, for use with multiplicitive hashing scheme.
459  * Adapted from Knuth, Volume 3, section 6.4.
460  */
462 static unsigned int
463 hash2m(key)		/* Secondary hashing routine */
464 POINTER key;		/* String to be hashed */
465 {
466     return((int) (((unsigned) ((crunch(key) * FACTOR) << m) >> SHIFT) | 1));
467 }
468 #endif
469 #endif
471 static unsigned int
472 crunch(key)		/* Convert multicharacter key to unsigned int */
473 POINTER key;
474 {
475     unsigned int sum = 0;	/* Results */
476     int s;			/* Length of the key */
478     for(s = 0; *key; s++)	/* Simply add up the bytes */
479 	sum += *key++;
481     return(sum + s);
482 }
484 #ifdef DRIVER
485 static void
486 hdump()			/* Dumps loc, data, probe count, key */
487 {
488     unsigned int i;	/* Counts table slots */
489 #ifdef OPEN
490     unsigned int sum = 0;	/* Counts probes */
491 #else
492 #ifdef CHAINED
493     NODE *a;		/* Current Node on list */
494 #endif
495 #endif
497     for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
498 #ifdef OPEN
499 	if(table[i].key == NULL)
500 	    printf("%o.\t-,\t-,\t(NULL)\n", i);
501 	else {
502 	    unsigned int oldpr = prcnt; /* Save current probe count */
503 	    hsearch(table[i], FIND);
504 	    sum += prcnt;
505 	    printf("%o.\t%d,\t%d,\t%s\n", i,
506 		*table[i].data, prcnt, table[i].key);
507 	    prcnt = oldpr;
508 	}
509     printf("Total probes = %d\n", sum);
510 #else
511 #ifdef CHAINED
512 	if(table[i] == NULL)
513 	    printf("%o.\t-,\t-,\t(NULL)\n", i);
514 	else {
515 	    printf("%o.", i);
516 	    for(a = table[i]; a != NULL; a = a->next)
517 		printf("\t%d,\t%#0.4x,\t%s\n",
518 		    *a->item.data, a, a->item.key);
519 	}
520 #endif
521 #endif
522 }
523 #endif