xref: /titanic_50/usr/src/grub/grub-0.97/netboot/3c90x.c (revision bff3dadc2c9a6711b6e359fc39d0170de218be50)
1 /*
2  * 3c90x.c -- This file implements the 3c90x driver for etherboot.  Written
3  * by Greg Beeley, Greg.Beeley@LightSys.org.  Modified by Steve Smith,
4  * Steve.Smith@Juno.Com. Alignment bug fix Neil Newell (nn@icenoir.net).
5  *
6  * This program Copyright (C) 1999 LightSys Technology Services, Inc.
7  * Portions Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Smith
8  *
9  * This program may be re-distributed in source or binary form, modified,
10  * sold, or copied for any purpose, provided that the above copyright message
11  * and this text are included with all source copies or derivative works, and
12  * provided that the above copyright message and this text are included in the
13  * documentation of any binary-only distributions.  This program is distributed
14  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
15  * PURPOSE or MERCHANTABILITY.  Please read the associated documentation
16  * "3c90x.txt" before compiling and using this driver.
17  *
18  * --------
19  *
20  * Program written with the assistance of the 3com documentation for
21  * the 3c905B-TX card, as well as with some assistance from the 3c59x
22  * driver Donald Becker wrote for the Linux kernel, and with some assistance
23  * from the remainder of the Etherboot distribution.
24  *
26  *
27  * v0.10	1-26-1998	GRB	Initial implementation.
28  * v0.90	1-27-1998	GRB	System works.
29  * v1.00pre1	2-11-1998	GRB	Got prom boot issue fixed.
30  * v2.0		9-24-1999	SCS	Modified for 3c905 (from 3c905b code)
31  *					Re-wrote poll and transmit for
32  *					better error recovery and heavy
33  *					network traffic operation
34  * v2.01    5-26-2003 NN Fixed driver alignment issue which
35  *                  caused system lockups if driver structures
36  *                  not 8-byte aligned.
37  *
38  */
40 #include "etherboot.h"
41 #include "nic.h"
42 #include "pci.h"
43 #include "timer.h"
45 #define	XCVR_MAGIC	(0x5A00)
46 /** any single transmission fails after 16 collisions or other errors
47  ** this is the number of times to retry the transmission -- this should
48  ** be plenty
49  **/
50 #define	XMIT_RETRIES	250
52 /*** Register definitions for the 3c905 ***/
53 enum Registers
54     {
55     regPowerMgmtCtrl_w = 0x7c,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
56     regUpMaxBurst_w = 0x7a,           /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
57     regDnMaxBurst_w = 0x78,           /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
58     regDebugControl_w = 0x74,         /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
59     regDebugData_l = 0x70,            /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
60     regRealTimeCnt_l = 0x40,          /** Universal                          **/
61     regUpBurstThresh_b = 0x3e,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
62     regUpPoll_b = 0x3d,               /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
63     regUpPriorityThresh_b = 0x3c,     /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
64     regUpListPtr_l = 0x38,            /** Universal                          **/
65     regCountdown_w = 0x36,            /** Universal                          **/
66     regFreeTimer_w = 0x34,            /** Universal                          **/
67     regUpPktStatus_l = 0x30,          /** Universal with Exception, pg 130   **/
68     regTxFreeThresh_b = 0x2f,         /** 90X Revision Only                  **/
69     regDnPoll_b = 0x2d,               /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
70     regDnPriorityThresh_b = 0x2c,     /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
71     regDnBurstThresh_b = 0x2a,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
72     regDnListPtr_l = 0x24,            /** Universal with Exception, pg 107   **/
73     regDmaCtrl_l = 0x20,              /** Universal with Exception, pg 106   **/
74                                       /**                                    **/
75     regIntStatusAuto_w = 0x1e,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
76     regTxStatus_b = 0x1b,             /** Universal with Exception, pg 113   **/
77     regTimer_b = 0x1a,                /** Universal                          **/
78     regTxPktId_b = 0x18,              /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
79     regCommandIntStatus_w = 0x0e,     /** Universal (Command Variations)     **/
80     };
82 /** following are windowed registers **/
83 enum Registers7
84     {
85     regPowerMgmtEvent_7_w = 0x0c,     /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
86     regVlanEtherType_7_w = 0x04,      /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
87     regVlanMask_7_w = 0x00,           /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
88     };
90 enum Registers6
91     {
92     regBytesXmittedOk_6_w = 0x0c,     /** Universal                          **/
93     regBytesRcvdOk_6_w = 0x0a,        /** Universal                          **/
94     regUpperFramesOk_6_b = 0x09,      /** Universal                          **/
95     regFramesDeferred_6_b = 0x08,     /** Universal                          **/
96     regFramesRecdOk_6_b = 0x07,       /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 142  **/
97     regFramesXmittedOk_6_b = 0x06,    /** Universal                          **/
98     regRxOverruns_6_b = 0x05,         /** Universal                          **/
99     regLateCollisions_6_b = 0x04,     /** Universal                          **/
100     regSingleCollisions_6_b = 0x03,   /** Universal                          **/
101     regMultipleCollisions_6_b = 0x02, /** Universal                          **/
102     regSqeErrors_6_b = 0x01,          /** Universal                          **/
103     regCarrierLost_6_b = 0x00,        /** Universal                          **/
104     };
106 enum Registers5
107     {
108     regIndicationEnable_5_w = 0x0c,   /** Universal                          **/
109     regInterruptEnable_5_w = 0x0a,    /** Universal                          **/
110     regTxReclaimThresh_5_b = 0x09,    /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
111     regRxFilter_5_b = 0x08,           /** Universal                          **/
112     regRxEarlyThresh_5_w = 0x06,      /** Universal                          **/
113     regTxStartThresh_5_w = 0x00,      /** Universal                          **/
114     };
116 enum Registers4
117     {
118     regUpperBytesOk_4_b = 0x0d,       /** Universal                          **/
119     regBadSSD_4_b = 0x0c,             /** Universal                          **/
120     regMediaStatus_4_w = 0x0a,        /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 201  **/
121     regPhysicalMgmt_4_w = 0x08,       /** Universal                          **/
122     regNetworkDiagnostic_4_w = 0x06,  /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 203  **/
123     regFifoDiagnostic_4_w = 0x04,     /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 196  **/
124     regVcoDiagnostic_4_w = 0x02,      /** Undocumented?                      **/
125     };
127 enum Registers3
128     {
129     regTxFree_3_w = 0x0c,             /** Universal                          **/
130     regRxFree_3_w = 0x0a,             /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 125  **/
131     regResetMediaOptions_3_w = 0x08,  /** Media Options on B Revision,       **/
132                                       /** Reset Options on Non-B Revision    **/
133     regMacControl_3_w = 0x06,         /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 199  **/
134     regMaxPktSize_3_w = 0x04,         /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
135     regInternalConfig_3_l = 0x00,     /** Universal, different bit           **/
136                                       /** definitions, pg 59                 **/
137     };
139 enum Registers2
140     {
141     regResetOptions_2_w = 0x0c,       /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
142     regStationMask_2_3w = 0x06,       /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 127  **/
143     regStationAddress_2_3w = 0x00,    /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 127  **/
144     };
146 enum Registers1
147     {
148     regRxStatus_1_w = 0x0a,           /** 90X Revision Only, Pg 126          **/
149     };
151 enum Registers0
152     {
153     regEepromData_0_w = 0x0c,         /** Universal                          **/
154     regEepromCommand_0_w = 0x0a,      /** Universal                          **/
155     regBiosRomData_0_b = 0x08,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
156     regBiosRomAddr_0_l = 0x04,        /** 905B Revision Only                 **/
157     };
160 /*** The names for the eight register windows ***/
161 enum Windows
162     {
163     winPowerVlan7 = 0x07,
164     winStatistics6 = 0x06,
165     winTxRxControl5 = 0x05,
166     winDiagnostics4 = 0x04,
167     winTxRxOptions3 = 0x03,
168     winAddressing2 = 0x02,
169     winUnused1 = 0x01,
170     winEepromBios0 = 0x00,
171     };
174 /*** Command definitions for the 3c90X ***/
175 enum Commands
176     {
177     cmdGlobalReset = 0x00,             /** Universal with Exceptions, pg 151 **/
178     cmdSelectRegisterWindow = 0x01,    /** Universal                         **/
179     cmdEnableDcConverter = 0x02,       /**                                   **/
180     cmdRxDisable = 0x03,               /**                                   **/
181     cmdRxEnable = 0x04,                /** Universal                         **/
182     cmdRxReset = 0x05,                 /** Universal                         **/
183     cmdStallCtl = 0x06,                /** Universal                         **/
184     cmdTxEnable = 0x09,                /** Universal                         **/
185     cmdTxDisable = 0x0A,               /**                                   **/
186     cmdTxReset = 0x0B,                 /** Universal                         **/
187     cmdRequestInterrupt = 0x0C,        /**                                   **/
188     cmdAcknowledgeInterrupt = 0x0D,    /** Universal                         **/
189     cmdSetInterruptEnable = 0x0E,      /** Universal                         **/
190     cmdSetIndicationEnable = 0x0F,     /** Universal                         **/
191     cmdSetRxFilter = 0x10,             /** Universal                         **/
192     cmdSetRxEarlyThresh = 0x11,        /**                                   **/
193     cmdSetTxStartThresh = 0x13,        /**                                   **/
194     cmdStatisticsEnable = 0x15,        /**                                   **/
195     cmdStatisticsDisable = 0x16,       /**                                   **/
196     cmdDisableDcConverter = 0x17,      /**                                   **/
197     cmdSetTxReclaimThresh = 0x18,      /**                                   **/
198     cmdSetHashFilterBit = 0x19,        /**                                   **/
199     };
202 /*** Values for int status register bitmask **/
203 #define	INT_INTERRUPTLATCH	(1<<0)
204 #define INT_HOSTERROR		(1<<1)
205 #define INT_TXCOMPLETE		(1<<2)
206 #define INT_RXCOMPLETE		(1<<4)
207 #define INT_RXEARLY		(1<<5)
208 #define INT_INTREQUESTED	(1<<6)
209 #define INT_UPDATESTATS		(1<<7)
210 #define INT_LINKEVENT		(1<<8)
211 #define INT_DNCOMPLETE		(1<<9)
212 #define INT_UPCOMPLETE		(1<<10)
213 #define INT_CMDINPROGRESS	(1<<12)
214 #define INT_WINDOWNUMBER	(7<<13)
217 /*** TX descriptor ***/
218 typedef struct
219     {
220     unsigned int	DnNextPtr;
221     unsigned int	FrameStartHeader;
222     unsigned int	HdrAddr;
223     unsigned int	HdrLength;
224     unsigned int	DataAddr;
225     unsigned int	DataLength;
226     }
227     TXD __attribute__ ((aligned(8))); /* 64-bit aligned for bus mastering */
229 /*** RX descriptor ***/
230 typedef struct
231     {
232     unsigned int	UpNextPtr;
233     unsigned int	UpPktStatus;
234     unsigned int	DataAddr;
235     unsigned int	DataLength;
236     }
237     RXD __attribute__ ((aligned(8))); /* 64-bit aligned for bus mastering */
239 /*** Global variables ***/
240 static struct
241     {
242     unsigned char	isBrev;
243     unsigned char	CurrentWindow;
244     unsigned int	IOAddr;
245     unsigned char	HWAddr[ETH_ALEN];
246     TXD			TransmitDPD;
247     RXD			ReceiveUPD;
248     }
249     INF_3C90X;
252 /*** a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand: sends a command to the 3c90x card
253  ***/
254 static int
255 a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(int ioaddr, int cmd, int param)
256     {
257     unsigned int val;
259 	/** Build the cmd. **/
260 	val = cmd;
261 	val <<= 11;
262 	val |= param;
264 	/** Send the cmd to the cmd register **/
265 	outw(val, ioaddr + regCommandIntStatus_w);
267 	/** Wait for the cmd to complete, if necessary **/
268 	while (inw(ioaddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS);
270     return 0;
271     }
274 /*** a3c90x_internal_SetWindow: selects a register window set.
275  ***/
276 static int
277 a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(int ioaddr, int window)
278     {
280 	/** Window already as set? **/
281 	if (INF_3C90X.CurrentWindow == window) return 0;
283 	/** Issue the window command. **/
284 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(ioaddr, cmdSelectRegisterWindow, window);
285 	INF_3C90X.CurrentWindow = window;
287     return 0;
288     }
291 /*** a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom - read data from the serial eeprom.
292  ***/
293 static unsigned short
294 a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(int ioaddr, int address)
295     {
296     unsigned short val;
298 	/** Select correct window **/
299         a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winEepromBios0);
301 	/** Make sure the eeprom isn't busy **/
302 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
304 	/** Read the value. **/
305 	outw(address + ((0x02)<<6), ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
306 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
307 	val = inw(ioaddr + regEepromData_0_w);
309     return val;
310     }
313 #if 0
314 /*** a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord - write a physical word of
315  *** data to the onboard serial eeprom (not the BIOS prom, but the
316  *** nvram in the card that stores, among other things, the MAC
317  *** address).
318  ***/
319 static int
320 a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(int ioaddr, int address, unsigned short value)
321     {
322 	/** Select register window **/
323         a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(ioaddr, winEepromBios0);
325 	/** Verify Eeprom not busy **/
326 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
328 	/** Issue WriteEnable, and wait for completion. **/
329 	outw(0x30, ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
330 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
332 	/** Issue EraseRegister, and wait for completion. **/
333 	outw(address + ((0x03)<<6), ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
334 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
336 	/** Send the new data to the eeprom, and wait for completion. **/
337 	outw(value, ioaddr + regEepromData_0_w);
338 	outw(0x30, ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
339 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
341 	/** Burn the new data into the eeprom, and wait for completion. **/
342 	outw(address + ((0x01)<<6), ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w);
343 	while((1<<15) & inw(ioaddr + regEepromCommand_0_w));
345     return 0;
346     }
347 #endif
349 #if 0
350 /*** a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom - write data to the serial eeprom,
351  *** and re-compute the eeprom checksum.
352  ***/
353 static int
354 a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom(int ioaddr, int address, unsigned short value)
355     {
356     int cksum = 0,v;
357     int i;
358     int maxAddress, cksumAddress;
360 	if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
361 	    {
362 	    maxAddress=0x1f;
363 	    cksumAddress=0x20;
364 	    }
365 	else
366 	    {
367 	    maxAddress=0x16;
368 	    cksumAddress=0x17;
369 	    }
371 	/** Write the value. **/
372 	if (a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(ioaddr, address, value) == -1)
373 	    return -1;
375 	/** Recompute the checksum. **/
376 	for(i=0;i<=maxAddress;i++)
377 	    {
378 	    v = a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(ioaddr, i);
379 	    cksum ^= (v & 0xFF);
380 	    cksum ^= ((v>>8) & 0xFF);
381 	    }
382 	/** Write the checksum to the location in the eeprom **/
383 	if (a3c90x_internal_WriteEepromWord(ioaddr, cksumAddress, cksum) == -1)
384 	    return -1;
386     return 0;
387     }
388 #endif
390 /*** a3c90x_reset: exported function that resets the card to its default
391  *** state.  This is so the Linux driver can re-set the card up the way
392  *** it wants to.  If CFG_3C90X_PRESERVE_XCVR is defined, then the reset will
393  *** not alter the selected transceiver that we used to download the boot
394  *** image.
395  ***/
396 static void a3c90x_reset(void)
397     {
398 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_PRESERVE_XCVR
399     int cfg;
400     /** Read the current InternalConfig value. **/
401     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winTxRxOptions3);
402     cfg = inl(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regInternalConfig_3_l);
403 #endif
405     /** Send the reset command to the card **/
406     printf("Issuing RESET:\n");
407     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdGlobalReset, 0);
409     /** wait for reset command to complete **/
410     while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS);
412     /** global reset command resets station mask, non-B revision cards
413      ** require explicit reset of values
414      **/
415     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winAddressing2);
416     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+0);
417     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+2);
418     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+4);
420 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_PRESERVE_XCVR
421     /** Re-set the original InternalConfig value from before reset **/
422     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winTxRxOptions3);
423     outl(cfg, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regInternalConfig_3_l);
425     /** enable DC converter for 10-Base-T **/
426     if ((cfg&0x0300) == 0x0300)
427 	{
428 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdEnableDcConverter, 0);
429 	}
430 #endif
432     /** Issue transmit reset, wait for command completion **/
433     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxReset, 0);
434     while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS)
435 	;
436     if (! INF_3C90X.isBrev)
437 	outb(0x01, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regTxFreeThresh_b);
438     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxEnable, 0);
440     /**
441      ** reset of the receiver on B-revision cards re-negotiates the link
442      ** takes several seconds (a computer eternity)
443      **/
444     if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
445 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxReset, 0x04);
446     else
447 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxReset, 0x00);
448     while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS);
449 	;
450     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxEnable, 0);
452     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr,
453                                  cmdSetInterruptEnable, 0);
454     /** enable rxComplete and txComplete **/
455     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr,
456                                  cmdSetIndicationEnable, 0x0014);
457     /** acknowledge any pending status flags **/
458     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr,
459                                  cmdAcknowledgeInterrupt, 0x661);
461     return;
462     }
466 /*** a3c90x_transmit: exported function that transmits a packet.  Does not
467  *** return any particular status.  Parameters are:
468  *** d[6] - destination address, ethernet;
469  *** t - protocol type (ARP, IP, etc);
470  *** s - size of the non-header part of the packet that needs transmitted;
471  *** p - the pointer to the packet data itself.
472  ***/
473 static void
474 a3c90x_transmit(struct nic *nic __unused, const char *d, unsigned int t,
475                 unsigned int s, const char *p)
476     {
478     struct eth_hdr
479 	{
480 	unsigned char dst_addr[ETH_ALEN];
481 	unsigned char src_addr[ETH_ALEN];
482 	unsigned short type;
483 	} hdr;
485     unsigned char status;
486     unsigned i, retries;
488     for (retries=0; retries < XMIT_RETRIES ; retries++)
489 	{
490 	/** Stall the download engine **/
491 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdStallCtl, 2);
493 	/** Make sure the card is not waiting on us **/
494 	inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w);
495 	inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w);
497 	while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr+regCommandIntStatus_w) &
499 	    ;
501 	/** Set the ethernet packet type **/
502 	hdr.type = htons(t);
504 	/** Copy the destination address **/
505 	memcpy(hdr.dst_addr, d, ETH_ALEN);
507 	/** Copy our MAC address **/
508 	memcpy(hdr.src_addr, INF_3C90X.HWAddr, ETH_ALEN);
510 	/** Setup the DPD (download descriptor) **/
511 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.DnNextPtr = 0;
512 	/** set notification for transmission completion (bit 15) **/
513 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.FrameStartHeader = (s + sizeof(hdr)) | 0x8000;
514 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.HdrAddr = virt_to_bus(&hdr);
515 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.HdrLength = sizeof(hdr);
516 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.DataAddr = virt_to_bus(p);
517 	INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD.DataLength = s + (1<<31);
519 	/** Send the packet **/
520 	outl(virt_to_bus(&(INF_3C90X.TransmitDPD)),
521 	     INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regDnListPtr_l);
523 	/** End Stall and Wait for upload to complete. **/
524 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdStallCtl, 3);
525 	while(inl(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regDnListPtr_l) != 0)
526 	    ;
528 	/** Wait for NIC Transmit to Complete **/
529 	load_timer2(10*TICKS_PER_MS);	/* Give it 10 ms */
530 	while (!(inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w)&0x0004) &&
531 		timer2_running())
532 		;
534 	if (!(inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w)&0x0004))
535 	    {
536 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Timeout\n");
537 	    continue;
538 	    }
540 	status = inb(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regTxStatus_b);
542 	/** acknowledge transmit interrupt by writing status **/
543 	outb(0x00, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regTxStatus_b);
545 	/** successful completion (sans "interrupt Requested" bit) **/
546 	if ((status & 0xbf) == 0x80)
547 	    return;
549 	   printf("3C90X: Status (%hhX)\n", status);
550 	/** check error codes **/
551 	if (status & 0x02)
552 	    {
553 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Reclaim Error (%hhX)\n", status);
554 	    a3c90x_reset();
555 	    }
556 	else if (status & 0x04)
557 	    {
558 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Status Overflow (%hhX)\n", status);
559 	    for (i=0; i<32; i++)
560 		outb(0x00, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regTxStatus_b);
561 	    /** must re-enable after max collisions before re-issuing tx **/
562 	    a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxEnable, 0);
563 	    }
564 	else if (status & 0x08)
565 	    {
566 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Max Collisions (%hhX)\n", status);
567 	    /** must re-enable after max collisions before re-issuing tx **/
568 	    a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxEnable, 0);
569 	    }
570 	else if (status & 0x10)
571 	    {
572 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Underrun (%hhX)\n", status);
573 	    a3c90x_reset();
574 	    }
575 	else if (status & 0x20)
576 	    {
577 	    printf("3C90X: Tx Jabber (%hhX)\n", status);
578 	    a3c90x_reset();
579 	    }
580 	else if ((status & 0x80) != 0x80)
581 	    {
582 	    printf("3C90X: Internal Error - Incomplete Transmission (%hhX)\n",
583 	           status);
584 	    a3c90x_reset();
585 	    }
586 	}
588     /** failed after RETRY attempts **/
589     printf("Failed to send after %d retries\n", retries);
590     return;
592     }
596 /*** a3c90x_poll: exported routine that waits for a certain length of time
597  *** for a packet, and if it sees none, returns 0.  This routine should
598  *** copy the packet to nic->packet if it gets a packet and set the size
599  *** in nic->packetlen.  Return 1 if a packet was found.
600  ***/
601 static int
602 a3c90x_poll(struct nic *nic, int retrieve)
603     {
604     int i, errcode;
606     if (!(inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w)&0x0010))
607 	{
608 	return 0;
609 	}
611     if ( ! retrieve ) return 1;
613     /** we don't need to acknowledge rxComplete -- the upload engine
614      ** does it for us.
615      **/
617     /** Build the up-load descriptor **/
618     INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpNextPtr = 0;
619     INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpPktStatus = 0;
620     INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.DataAddr = virt_to_bus(nic->packet);
621     INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.DataLength = 1536 + (1<<31);
623     /** Submit the upload descriptor to the NIC **/
624     outl(virt_to_bus(&(INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD)),
625          INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regUpListPtr_l);
627     /** Wait for upload completion (upComplete(15) or upError (14)) **/
628     for(i=0;i<40000;i++);
629     while((INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpPktStatus & ((1<<14) | (1<<15))) == 0)
630 	for(i=0;i<40000;i++);
632     /** Check for Error (else we have good packet) **/
633     if (INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpPktStatus & (1<<14))
634 	{
635 	errcode = INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpPktStatus;
636 	if (errcode & (1<<16))
637 	    printf("3C90X: Rx Overrun (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
638 	else if (errcode & (1<<17))
639 	    printf("3C90X: Runt Frame (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
640 	else if (errcode & (1<<18))
641 	    printf("3C90X: Alignment Error (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
642 	else if (errcode & (1<<19))
643 	    printf("3C90X: CRC Error (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
644 	else if (errcode & (1<<20))
645 	    printf("3C90X: Oversized Frame (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
646 	else
647 	    printf("3C90X: Packet error (%hX)\n",errcode>>16);
648 	return 0;
649 	}
651     /** Ok, got packet.  Set length in nic->packetlen. **/
652     nic->packetlen = (INF_3C90X.ReceiveUPD.UpPktStatus & 0x1FFF);
654     return 1;
655     }
659 /*** a3c90x_disable: exported routine to disable the card.  What's this for?
660  *** the eepro100.c driver didn't have one, so I just left this one empty too.
661  *** Ideas anyone?
662  *** Must turn off receiver at least so stray packets will not corrupt memory
663  *** [Ken]
664  ***/
665 static void
666 a3c90x_disable(struct dev *dev __unused)
667 {
668 	/* reset and disable merge */
669 	a3c90x_reset();
670 	/* Disable the receiver and transmitter. */
671 	outw(cmdRxDisable, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w);
672 	outw(cmdTxDisable, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w);
673 }
675 static void a3c90x_irq(struct nic *nic __unused, irq_action_t action __unused)
676 {
677   switch ( action ) {
678   case DISABLE :
679     break;
680   case ENABLE :
681     break;
682   case FORCE :
683     break;
684   }
685 }
687 /*** a3c90x_probe: exported routine to probe for the 3c905 card and perform
688  *** initialization.  If this routine is called, the pci functions did find the
689  *** card.  We just have to init it here.
690  ***/
691 static int a3c90x_probe(struct dev *dev, struct pci_device *pci)
692 {
693     struct nic *nic = (struct nic *)dev;
694     int i, c;
695     unsigned short eeprom[0x21];
696     unsigned int cfg;
697     unsigned int mopt;
698     unsigned int mstat;
699     unsigned short linktype;
700 #define	HWADDR_OFFSET	10
702     if (pci->ioaddr == 0)
703           return 0;
705     adjust_pci_device(pci);
707     nic->ioaddr = pci->ioaddr & ~3;
708     nic->irqno = 0;
710     INF_3C90X.IOAddr = pci->ioaddr & ~3;
711     INF_3C90X.CurrentWindow = 255;
712     switch (a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, 0x03))
713 	{
714 	case 0x9000: /** 10 Base TPO             **/
715 	case 0x9001: /** 10/100 T4               **/
716 	case 0x9050: /** 10/100 TPO              **/
717 	case 0x9051: /** 10 Base Combo           **/
718 		INF_3C90X.isBrev = 0;
719 		break;
721 	case 0x9004: /** 10 Base TPO             **/
722 	case 0x9005: /** 10 Base Combo           **/
723 	case 0x9006: /** 10 Base TPO and Base2   **/
724 	case 0x900A: /** 10 Base FL              **/
725 	case 0x9055: /** 10/100 TPO              **/
726 	case 0x9056: /** 10/100 T4               **/
727 	case 0x905A: /** 10 Base FX              **/
728 	default:
729 		INF_3C90X.isBrev = 1;
730 		break;
731 	}
733     /** Load the EEPROM contents **/
734     if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
735 	{
736 	for(i=0;i<=0x20;i++)
737 	    {
738 	    eeprom[i] = a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, i);
739 	    }
741 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_BOOTROM_FIX
742 	/** Set xcvrSelect in InternalConfig in eeprom. **/
743 	/* only necessary for 3c905b revision cards with boot PROM bug!!! */
744 	a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, 0x13, 0x0160);
745 #endif
747 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_XCVR
748 	if (CFG_3C90X_XCVR == 255)
749 	    {
750 	    /** Clear the LanWorks register **/
751 	    a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, 0x16, 0);
752 	    }
753 	else
754 	    {
755 	    /** Set the selected permanent-xcvrSelect in the
756 	     ** LanWorks register
757 	     **/
758 	    a3c90x_internal_WriteEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, 0x16,
759 	                    XCVR_MAGIC + ((CFG_3C90X_XCVR) & 0x000F));
760 	    }
761 #endif
762 	}
763     else
764 	{
765 	for(i=0;i<=0x17;i++)
766 	    {
767 	    eeprom[i] = a3c90x_internal_ReadEeprom(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, i);
768 	    }
769 	}
771     /** Print identification message **/
772     printf("\n\n3C90X Driver 2.00 "
773            "Copyright 1999 LightSys Technology Services, Inc.\n"
774            "Portions Copyright 1999 Steve Smith\n");
775     printf("Provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
776 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_BOOTROM_FIX
777     if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
778         {
779         printf("NOTE: 3c905b bootrom fix enabled; has side "
780 	   "effects.  See 3c90x.txt for info.\n");
781 	}
782 #endif
783     printf("-------------------------------------------------------"
784            "------------------------\n");
786     /** Retrieve the Hardware address and print it on the screen. **/
787     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[0] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 0]>>8;
788     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[1] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 0]&0xFF;
789     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[2] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 1]>>8;
790     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[3] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 1]&0xFF;
791     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[4] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 2]>>8;
792     INF_3C90X.HWAddr[5] = eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 2]&0xFF;
793     printf("MAC Address = %!\n", INF_3C90X.HWAddr);
795     /* Test if the link is good, if not continue */
796     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winDiagnostics4);
797     mstat = inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regMediaStatus_4_w);
798     if((mstat & (1<<11)) == 0) {
799 	printf("Valid link not established\n");
800 	return 0;
801     }
803     /** Program the MAC address into the station address registers **/
804     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winAddressing2);
805     outw(htons(eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 0]), INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationAddress_2_3w);
806     outw(htons(eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 1]), INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationAddress_2_3w+2);
807     outw(htons(eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + 2]), INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationAddress_2_3w+4);
808     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+0);
809     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+2);
810     outw(0, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regStationMask_2_3w+4);
812     /** Fill in our entry in the etherboot arp table **/
813     for(i=0;i<ETH_ALEN;i++)
814 	nic->node_addr[i] = (eeprom[HWADDR_OFFSET + i/2] >> (8*((i&1)^1))) & 0xff;
816     /** Read the media options register, print a message and set default
817      ** xcvr.
818      **
819      ** Uses Media Option command on B revision, Reset Option on non-B
820      ** revision cards -- same register address
821      **/
822     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winTxRxOptions3);
823     mopt = inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regResetMediaOptions_3_w);
825     /** mask out VCO bit that is defined as 10baseFL bit on B-rev cards **/
826     if (! INF_3C90X.isBrev)
827 	{
828 	mopt &= 0x7F;
829 	}
831     printf("Connectors present: ");
832     c = 0;
833     linktype = 0x0008;
834     if (mopt & 0x01)
835 	{
836 	printf("%s100Base-T4",(c++)?", ":"");
837 	linktype = 0x0006;
838 	}
839     if (mopt & 0x04)
840 	{
841 	printf("%s100Base-FX",(c++)?", ":"");
842 	linktype = 0x0005;
843 	}
844     if (mopt & 0x10)
845 	{
846 	printf("%s10Base-2",(c++)?", ":"");
847 	linktype = 0x0003;
848 	}
849     if (mopt & 0x20)
850 	{
851 	printf("%sAUI",(c++)?", ":"");
852 	linktype = 0x0001;
853 	}
854     if (mopt & 0x40)
855 	{
856 	printf("%sMII",(c++)?", ":"");
857 	linktype = 0x0006;
858 	}
859     if ((mopt & 0xA) == 0xA)
860 	{
861 	printf("%s10Base-T / 100Base-TX",(c++)?", ":"");
862 	linktype = 0x0008;
863 	}
864     else if ((mopt & 0xA) == 0x2)
865 	{
866 	printf("%s100Base-TX",(c++)?", ":"");
867 	linktype = 0x0008;
868 	}
869     else if ((mopt & 0xA) == 0x8)
870 	{
871 	printf("%s10Base-T",(c++)?", ":"");
872 	linktype = 0x0008;
873 	}
874     printf(".\n");
876     /** Determine transceiver type to use, depending on value stored in
877      ** eeprom 0x16
878      **/
879     if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
880 	{
881 	if ((eeprom[0x16] & 0xFF00) == XCVR_MAGIC)
882 	    {
883 	    /** User-defined **/
884 	    linktype = eeprom[0x16] & 0x000F;
885 	    }
886 	}
887     else
888 	{
889 #ifdef	CFG_3C90X_XCVR
890 	    if (CFG_3C90X_XCVR != 255)
891 		linktype = CFG_3C90X_XCVR;
892 #endif	/* CFG_3C90X_XCVR */
894 	    /** I don't know what MII MAC only mode is!!! **/
895 	    if (linktype == 0x0009)
896 		{
897 		if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
898 			printf("WARNING: MII External MAC Mode only supported on B-revision "
899 			       "cards!!!!\nFalling Back to MII Mode\n");
900 		linktype = 0x0006;
901 		}
902 	}
904     /** enable DC converter for 10-Base-T **/
905     if (linktype == 0x0003)
906 	{
907 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdEnableDcConverter, 0);
908 	}
910     /** Set the link to the type we just determined. **/
911     a3c90x_internal_SetWindow(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, winTxRxOptions3);
912     cfg = inl(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regInternalConfig_3_l);
913     cfg &= ~(0xF<<20);
914     cfg |= (linktype<<20);
915     outl(cfg, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regInternalConfig_3_l);
917     /** Now that we set the xcvr type, reset the Tx and Rx, re-enable. **/
918     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxReset, 0x00);
919     while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS)
920 	;
922     if (!INF_3C90X.isBrev)
923 	outb(0x01, INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regTxFreeThresh_b);
925     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdTxEnable, 0);
927     /**
928      ** reset of the receiver on B-revision cards re-negotiates the link
929      ** takes several seconds (a computer eternity)
930      **/
931     if (INF_3C90X.isBrev)
932 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxReset, 0x04);
933     else
934 	a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxReset, 0x00);
935     while (inw(INF_3C90X.IOAddr + regCommandIntStatus_w) & INT_CMDINPROGRESS)
936 	;
938     /** Set the RX filter = receive only individual pkts & multicast & bcast. **/
939     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdSetRxFilter, 0x01 + 0x02 + 0x04);
940     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdRxEnable, 0);
943     /**
944      ** set Indication and Interrupt flags , acknowledge any IRQ's
945      **/
946     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr, cmdSetInterruptEnable, 0);
947     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr,
948                                  cmdSetIndicationEnable, 0x0014);
949     a3c90x_internal_IssueCommand(INF_3C90X.IOAddr,
950                                  cmdAcknowledgeInterrupt, 0x661);
952     /** Set our exported functions **/
953     dev->disable  = a3c90x_disable;
954     nic->poll     = a3c90x_poll;
955     nic->transmit = a3c90x_transmit;
956     nic->irq      = a3c90x_irq;
958     return 1;
959 }
962 static struct pci_id a3c90x_nics[] = {
963 /* Original 90x revisions: */
964 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9000, "3c905-tpo",     "3Com900-TPO"),	/* 10 Base TPO */
965 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9001, "3c905-t4",      "3Com900-Combo"),	/* 10/100 T4 */
966 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9050, "3c905-tpo100",  "3Com905-TX"),		/* 100 Base TX / 10/100 TPO */
967 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9051, "3c905-combo",   "3Com905-T4"),		/* 100 Base T4 / 10 Base Combo */
968 /* Newer 90xB revisions: */
969 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9004, "3c905b-tpo",    "3Com900B-TPO"),	/* 10 Base TPO */
970 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9005, "3c905b-combo",  "3Com900B-Combo"),	/* 10 Base Combo */
971 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9006, "3c905b-tpb2",   "3Com900B-2/T"),	/* 10 Base TP and Base2 */
972 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x900a, "3c905b-fl",     "3Com900B-FL"),	/* 10 Base FL */
973 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9055, "3c905b-tpo100", "3Com905B-TX"),	/* 10/100 TPO */
974 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9056, "3c905b-t4",     "3Com905B-T4"),	/* 10/100 T4 */
975 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9058, "3c905b-9058",   "3Com905B-9058"),	/* Cyclone 10/100/BNC */
976 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x905a, "3c905b-fx",     "3Com905B-FL"),	/* 100 Base FX / 10 Base FX */
977 /* Newer 90xC revision: */
978 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9200, "3c905c-tpo",    "3Com905C-TXM"),	/* 10/100 TPO (3C905C-TXM) */
979 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9210, "3c920b-emb-wnm","3Com20B-EMB WNM"),
980 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9800, "3c980",         "3Com980-Cyclone"),	/* Cyclone */
981 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x9805, "3c9805",        "3Com9805"),		/* Dual Port Server Cyclone */
982 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x7646, "3csoho100-tx",  "3CSOHO100-TX"),	/* Hurricane */
983 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x4500, "3c450",         "3Com450 HomePNA Tornado"),
984 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x1201, "3c982a",        "3Com982A"),
985 PCI_ROM(0x10b7, 0x1202, "3c982b",        "3Com982B"),
986 };
988 struct pci_driver a3c90x_driver = {
989 	.type     = NIC_DRIVER,
990 	.name     = "3C90X",
991 	.probe    = a3c90x_probe,
992 	.ids      = a3c90x_nics,
993 	.id_count = sizeof(a3c90x_nics)/sizeof(a3c90x_nics[0]),
994 	.class    = 0,
995 };