xref: /titanic_44/usr/src/psm/stand/bootblks/zfs/common/zfs.fth (revision ab6fd898a4f8198d9657172ea3f2c92bcf2a5963)
4\ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5\ Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6\ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8\ You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9\ or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10\ See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11\ and limitations under the License.
13\ When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14\ file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15\ If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16\ fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17\ information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
22\ Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
23\ Use is subject to license terms.
25\ Copyright 2015 Toomas Soome <tsoome@me.com>
28purpose: ZFS file system support package
29copyright: Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
31" /packages" get-package  push-package
34   fs-pkg$  device-name  diag-cr?
36   0 instance value temp-space
39   \ 64b ops
40   \ fcode is still 32b on 64b sparc-v9, so
41   \ we need to override some arithmetic ops
42   \ stack ops and logical ops (dup, and, etc) are 64b
43   : xcmp  ( x1 x2 -- -1|0|1 )
44      xlsplit rot xlsplit        ( x2.lo x2.hi x1.lo x1.hi )
45      rot 2dup  u<  if           ( x2.lo x1.lo x1.hi x2.hi )
46         2drop 2drop  -1         ( lt )
47      else  u>  if               ( x2.lo x1.lo )
48         2drop  1                ( gt )
49      else  swap 2dup u<  if     ( x1.lo x2.lo )
50         2drop  -1               ( lt )
51      else  u>  if               (  )
52         1                       ( gt )
53      else                       (  )
54         0                       ( eq )
55      then then then then        ( -1|0|1 )
56   ;
57   : x<   ( x1 x2 -- <? )   xcmp  -1 =  ;
58   : x>   ( x1 x2 -- >? )   xcmp   1 =  ;
59\  : x=   ( x1 x2 -- =? )   xcmp   0=   ;
60   : x<>  ( x1 x2 -- <>? )  xcmp   0<>  ;
61   : x0=  ( x -- 0=? )      xlsplit 0=  swap 0=  and  ;
63   /buf-len  instance buffer:  numbuf
65   : (xu.)  ( u -- u$ )
66      numbuf /buf-len +  swap         ( adr u )
67      begin
68         d# 10 /mod  swap             ( adr u' rem )
69         ascii 0  +                   ( adr u' c )
70         rot 1-  tuck c!              ( u adr' )
71         swap  dup 0=                 ( adr u done? )
72      until  drop                     ( adr )
73      dup  numbuf -  /buf-len swap -  ( adr len )
74   ;
76   \ pool name
77   /buf-len  instance buffer:  bootprop-buf
78   : bootprop$  ( -- prop$ )  bootprop-buf cscount  ;
80   \ decompression
81   \
82   \ uts/common/os/compress.c has a definitive theory of operation comment
83   \ on lzjb, but here's the reader's digest version:
84   \
85   \ repeated phrases are replaced by referenced to the original
86   \ e.g.,
87   \ y a d d a _ y a d d a _ y a d d a , _ b l a h _ b l a h _ b l a h
88   \ becomes
89   \ y a d d a _ 6 11 , _ b l a h 5 10
90   \ where 6 11 means memmove(ptr, ptr - 6, 11)
91   \
92   \ data is separated from metadata with embedded copymap entries
93   \ every 8 items  e.g.,
94   \ 0x40 y a d d a _ 6 11 , 0x20 _ b l a h 5 10
95   \ the copymap has a set bit for copy refercences
96   \ and a clear bit for bytes to be copied directly
97   \
98   \ the reference marks are encoded with match-bits and match-min
99   \ e.g.,
100   \ byte[0] = ((mlen - MATCH_MIN) << (NBBY - MATCH_BITS) | (off >> NBBY)
101   \ byte[1] = (uint8_t)off
102   \
104   : pow2  ( n -- 2**n )  1 swap lshift  ;
106   \ assume MATCH_BITS=6 and MATCH_MIN=3
107   6                       constant mbits
108   3                       constant mmin
109   8 mbits -               constant mshift
110   d# 16 mbits -  pow2 1-  constant mmask
112   : decode-src  ( src -- mlen off )
113      dup c@  swap  1+ c@              ( c[0] c[1] )
114      over  mshift rshift  mmin +      ( c[0] c[1] mlen )
115      -rot  swap bwjoin  mmask  and    ( mlen off )
116   ;
118   \ equivalent of memmove(dst, dst - off, len)
119   \ src points to a copy reference to be decoded
120   : mcopy  ( dend dst src -- dend dst' )
121      decode-src                         ( dend dst mlen off )
122      2 pick  swap -  >r                 ( dent dst mlen  r: cpy )
123      begin
124         1-  dup 0>=                     ( dend dst mlen' any?  r: cpy )
125         2over >  and                    ( dend dst mlen !done?  r : cpy )
126      while                              ( dend dst mlen  r: cpy )
127         swap  r> dup 1+ >r  c@          ( dend mlen dst c  r: cpy' )
128         over c!  1+  swap               ( dend dst' mlen  r: cpy )
129      repeat                             ( dend dst' mlen  r: cpy )
130      r> 2drop                           ( dend dst )
131   ;
134   : lzjb ( src dst len -- )
135      over +  swap                  ( src dend dst )
136      rot >r                        ( dend dst  r: src )
138      \ setup mask so 1st while iteration fills map
139      0  7 pow2  2swap              ( map mask dend dst  r: src )
141      begin  2dup >  while
142         2swap  1 lshift            ( dend dst map mask'  r: src )
144         dup  8 pow2  =  if
145            \ fetch next copymap
146            2drop                   ( dend dst  r: src )
147            r> dup 1+ >r  c@  1     ( dend dst map' mask'  r: src' )
148         then                       ( dend dst map mask  r: src' )
150         \ if (map & mask) we hit a copy reference
151         \ else just copy 1 byte
152         2swap  2over and  if       ( map mask dend dst  r: src )
153            r> dup 2+ >r            ( map mask dend dst src  r: src' )
154            mcopy                   ( map mask dend dst'  r: src )
155         else
156            r> dup 1+ >r  c@        ( map mask dend dst c  r: src' )
157            over c!  1+             ( map mask dend dst'  r: src )
158         then
159      repeat                        ( map mask dend dst  r: src )
160      2drop 2drop  r> drop          (  )
161   ;
163   \ decode lz4 buffer header, returns src addr and len
164   : lz4_sbuf ( addr -- s_addr s_len )
165      dup C@ 8 lshift swap 1+		( byte0 addr++ )
166      dup C@				( byte0 addr byte1 )
167      rot				( addr byte1 byte0 )
168      or d# 16 lshift swap 1+		( d addr++ )
170      dup C@ 8 lshift			( d addr byte2 )
171      swap 1+				( d byte2 addr++ )
172      dup C@ swap 1+			( d byte2 byte3 addr++ )
173      -rot				( d s_addr byte2 byte3 )
174      or				( d s_addr d' )
175      rot				( s_addr d' d )
176      or				( s_addr s_len )
177    ;
179    4           constant STEPSIZE
180    8           constant COPYLENGTH
181    5           constant LASTLITERALS
182    4           constant ML_BITS
183    d# 15       constant ML_MASK		\ (1<<ML_BITS)-1
184    4           constant RUN_BITS		\ 8 - ML_BITS
185    d# 15       constant RUN_MASK		\ (1<<RUN_BITS)-1
187    \ A32(d) = A32(s); d+=4; s+=4
188    : lz4_copystep ( dest source -- dest' source')
189      2dup swap 4 move
190      swap 4 +
191      swap 4 +		( dest+4 source+4 )
192    ;
194    \ do { LZ4_COPYPACKET(s, d) } while (d < e);
195    : lz4_copy ( e d s -- e d' s' )
196      begin			( e d s )
197        lz4_copystep
198        lz4_copystep		( e d s )
199        over			( e d s d )
200        3 pick < 0=
201      until
202    ;
204    \ lz4 decompress translation from C code
205    \ could use some factorisation
206    : lz4 ( src dest len -- )
207      swap dup >r swap		\ save original dest to return stack.
208      rot			( dest len src )
209      lz4_sbuf			( dest len s_buf s_len )
210      over +			( dest len s_buf s_end )
211      2swap				( s_buf s_end dest len )
212      over +			( s_buf s_end dest dest_end )
213      2swap				( dest dest_end s_buf s_end )
215      \ main loop
216      begin 2dup < while
217         swap dup C@		( dest dest_end s_end s_buf token )
218         swap CHAR+ swap		( dest dest_end s_end s_buf++ token )
219         dup ML_BITS rshift	( dest dest_end s_end s_buf token length )
220         >r rot rot r>		( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf length )
221         dup RUN_MASK = if
222           d# 255 begin		( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf length s )
223             swap		( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf s length )
224             >r >r			( ... R: length s )
225             2dup >			( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf flag )
226             r@ d# 255 = and ( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf flag R: length s )
227             r> swap r> swap ( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf s length flag )
228             >r swap r>	 ( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf length s flag )
229           while
230             drop >r		( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf R: length )
231             dup c@ swap CHAR+	( dest dest_end token s_end s s_buf++ )
232	     swap			( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf s )
233             dup			( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf s s )
234             r> + swap		( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf length s )
235           repeat
236           drop			( dest dest_end token s_end s_buf length )
237         then
239         -rot			( dest dest_end token length s_end s_buf )
240         swap >r >r		( dest dest_end token length R: s_end s_buf )
241         swap >r		( dest dest_end length R: s_end s_buf token )
242         rot			( dest_end length dest )
243         2dup +			( dest_end length dest cpy )
245         2dup > if ( dest > cpy )
246            " lz4 overflow" die
247         then
249         3 pick COPYLENGTH - over < ( dest_end length dest cpy flag )
250         3 pick			( dest_end length dest cpy flag length )
251         r>			( dest_end length dest cpy flag length token )
252         r>	( dest_end length dest cpy flag length token s_buf R: s_end )
253         rot	( dest_end length dest cpy flag token s_buf length )
254         over +	( dest_end length dest cpy flag token s_buf length+s_buf )
255         r@ COPYLENGTH - > ( dest_end length dest cpy flag token s_buf flag )
256         swap >r ( dest_end length dest cpy flag token flag R: s_end s_buf )
257         swap >r ( dest_end length dest cpy flag flag R: s_end s_buf token )
258         or if		( dest_end length dest cpy R: s_end s_buf token )
260           3 pick over swap > if
261             " lz4 write beyond buffer end" die	( write beyond the dest end )
262           then			( dest_end length dest cpy )
264           2 pick			( dest_end length dest cpy length )
265           r> r> swap	( dest_end length dest cpy length s_buf token R: s_end )
266           r>		( dest_end length dest cpy length s_buf token s_end )
267           swap >r >r	( dest_end length dest cpy length s_buf R: token s_end )
269           swap over +	( dest_end length dest cpy s_buf s_buf+length )
270           r@ > if	( dest_end length dest cpy s_buf R: token s_end )
271              " lz4 read beyond source" die	\ read beyond source buffer
272           then
274           nip		( dest_end length dest s_buf R: token s_end )
275           >r		( dest_end length dest R: token s_end s_buf )
276           over r@		( dest_end length dest length s_buf )
277           -rot move	( dest_end length )
279           r> + r> r> drop < if
280             " lz4 format violation" die		\ LZ4 format violation
281           then
283           r> drop		\ drop original dest
284           drop
285           exit			\ parsing done
286         then
288         swap		( dest_end length cpy dest R: s_end s_buf token )
289         r> r> swap >r		( dest_end length cpy dest s_buf R: s_end token )
291         lz4_copy		( dest_end length cpy dest s_buf)
293         -rot			( dest_end length s_buf cpy dest )
294         over -			( dest_end length s_buf cpy dest-cpy )
295         rot			( dest_end length cpy dest-cpy s_buf )
296         swap -			( dest_end length cpy s_buf )
298         dup C@ swap		( dest_end length cpy b s_buf )
299         dup 1+ C@ 8 lshift	( dest_end length cpy b s_buf w )
300         rot or			( dest_end length cpy s_buf w )
301         2 pick swap -		( dest_end length cpy s_buf ref )
302         swap 2 +			( dest_end length cpy ref s_buf+2 )
303			\ note: cpy is also dest, remember to save it
304         -rot			( dest_end length s_buf cpy ref )
305         dup			( dest_end length s_buf cpy ref ref )
307			\ now we need original dest
308         r> r> swap r@		( dest_end length s_buf cpy ref ref s_end token dest )
309         -rot swap >r >r
310         < if
311           " lz4 reference outside buffer" die	\ reference outside dest buffer
312         then			( dest_end length s_buf op ref )
314         2swap			( dest_end op ref length s_buf )
315         swap		( dest_end op ref s_buf length R: dest s_end token )
317         \ get matchlength
318         drop r> ML_MASK and	( dest_end op ref s_buf length R: dest s_end )
319         dup ML_MASK = if	( dest_end op ref s_buf length R: dest s_end )
320           -1		\ flag to top
321           begin
322             rot			( dest_end op ref length flag s_buf )
323	     dup r@ <		( dest_end op ref length flag s_buf flag )
324             rot and		( dest_end op ref length s_buf flag )
325           while
326             dup c@		( dest_end op ref length s_buf s )
327             swap 1+		( dest_end op ref length s s_buf++ )
328             -rot		( dest_end op ref s_buf length s )
329             swap over + swap	( dest_end op ref s_buf length+s s )
330             d# 255 =
331           repeat
332           swap
333         then			( dest_end op ref s_buf length R: dest s_end )
335         2swap			( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
337         \ copy repeated sequence
338         2dup - STEPSIZE < if	( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
339           \ 4 times *op++ = *ref++;
340           dup c@ >r		( dest_end s_buf length op ref R: C )
341           CHAR+ swap		( dest_end s_buf length ref++ op )
342           dup r> swap c! CHAR+ swap    ( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
343           dup c@ >r		( dest_end s_buf length op ref R: C )
344           CHAR+ swap		( dest_end s_buf length ref++ op )
345           dup r> swap c! CHAR+ swap    ( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
346           dup c@ >r		( dest_end s_buf length op ref R: C )
347           CHAR+ swap		( dest_end s_buf length ref++ op )
348           dup r> swap c! CHAR+ swap    ( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
349           dup c@ >r		( dest_end s_buf length op ref R: C )
350           CHAR+ swap		( dest_end s_buf length ref++ op )
351           dup r> swap c! CHAR+ swap    ( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
352           2dup -			( dest_end s_buf length op ref op-ref )
353           case
354             1 of 3 endof
355             2 of 2 endof
356             3 of 3 endof
357               0
358           endcase
359           -			\ ref -= dec
360           2dup swap 4 move	( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
361           swap STEPSIZE 4 - +
362           swap			( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
363        else
364           lz4_copystep		( dest_end s_buf length op ref )
365        then
366        -rot			( dest_end s_buf ref length op )
367        swap over		( dest_end s_buf ref op length op )
368        + STEPSIZE 4 - -	( dest_end s_buf ref op cpy R: dest s_end )
370        \ if cpy > oend - COPYLENGTH
371        4 pick COPYLENGTH -	( dest_end s_buf ref op cpy oend-COPYLENGTH )
372        2dup > if		( dest_end s_buf ref op cpy oend-COPYLENGTH )
373          swap			( dest_end s_buf ref op oend-COPYLENGTH cpy )
375          5 pick over < if
376            " lz4 write outside buffer" die	\ write outside of dest buffer
377          then			( dest_end s_buf ref op oend-COPYLENGTH cpy )
379          >r	( dest_end s_buf ref op oend-COPYLENGTH R: dest s_end cpy )
380          -rot swap		( dest_end s_buf oend-COPYLENGTH op ref )
381          lz4_copy		( dest_end s_buf oend-COPYLENGTH op ref )
382          rot drop swap r>	( dest_end s_buf ref op cpy )
383          begin
384            2dup <
385          while
386            >r			( dest_end s_buf ref op R: cpy )
387            over			( dest_end s_buf ref op ref )
388            c@			( dest_end s_buf ref op C )
389            over c!		( dest_end s_buf ref op )
390            >r 1+ r> 1+ r>	( dest_end s_buf ref++ op++ cpy )
391          repeat
393          nip			( dest_end s_buf ref op )
394          dup 4 pick = if
395            \ op == dest_end  we are done, cleanup
396            r> r> 2drop 2drop 2drop
397            exit
398          then
399				( dest_end s_buf ref op R: dest s_end )
400          nip			( dest_end s_buf op )
401        else
402          drop			( dest_end s_buf ref op cpy R: dest s_end)
403          -rot			( dest_end s_buf cpy ref op )
404          swap			( dest_end s_buf cpy op ref )
405          lz4_copy
406          2drop			( dest_end s_buf op )
407       then
409       -rot r>			( op dest_end s_buf s_end R: dest )
410     repeat
412     r> drop
413     2drop
414     2drop
415   ;
417   \
418   \	ZFS block (SPA) routines
419   \
421   1           constant  def-comp#
422   2           constant  no-comp#
423   3           constant  lzjb-comp#
424   d# 15       constant  lz4-comp#
426   h# 2.0000   constant  /max-bsize
427   d# 512      constant  /disk-block
428   d# 128      constant  /blkp
430   alias  /gang-block  /disk-block
432   \ the ending checksum is larger than 1 byte, but that
433   \ doesn't affect the math here
434   /gang-block 1-
435   /blkp  /    constant  #blks/gang
437   : blk_offset    ( bp -- n )  h#  8 +  x@  -1 h# 7fff.ffff  lxjoin  and  ;
438   : blk_gang      ( bp -- n )  h#  8 +  x@  xlsplit  nip  d# 31 rshift  ;
439   : blk_comp      ( bp -- n )  h# 33 +  c@  ;
440   : blk_psize     ( bp -- n )  h# 34 +  w@  ;
441   : blk_lsize     ( bp -- n )  h# 36 +  w@  ;
442   : blk_birth     ( bp -- n )  h# 50 +  x@  ;
444   0 instance value dev-ih
445   0 instance value blk-space
446   0 instance value gang-space
448   : foff>doff  ( fs-off -- disk-off )    /disk-block *  h# 40.0000 +  ;
449   : fsz>dsz    ( fs-size -- disk-size )  1+  /disk-block *  ;
451   : bp-dsize  ( bp -- dsize )  blk_psize fsz>dsz  ;
452   : bp-lsize  ( bp -- lsize )  blk_lsize fsz>dsz  ;
454   : (read-dva)  ( adr len dva -- )
455      blk_offset foff>doff  dev-ih  read-disk
456   ;
458   : gang-read  ( adr len bp gb-adr -- )    tokenizer[ reveal ]tokenizer
460      \ read gang block
461      tuck  /gang-block rot  (read-dva)   ( adr len gb-adr )
463      \ loop through indirected bp's
464      dup  /blkp #blks/gang *             ( adr len gb-adr bp-list bp-list-len )
465      bounds  do                          ( adr len gb-adr )
466         i blk_offset x0=  ?leave
468         \ calc subordinate read len
469         over  i bp-dsize  min            ( adr len gb-adr sub-len )
470         2swap swap                       ( gb-adr sub-len len adr )
472         \ nested gang block - recurse with new gang block area
473         i blk_gang  if
474            2swap                         ( len adr gb-adr sub-len )
475            3dup  swap  /gang-block +     ( len adr gb-adr sub-len adr sub-len gb-adr' )
476            i swap  gang-read             ( len adr gb-adr sub-len )
477            2swap                         ( gb-adr sub-len len adr )
478         else
479            3dup  nip  swap               ( gb-adr sub-len len adr adr sub-len )
480            i (read-dva)                  ( gb-adr sub-len len adr )
481         then                             ( gb-adr sub-len len adr )
483         \ adjust adr,len and check if done
484         -rot  over -                     ( gb-adr adr sub-len len' )
485         -rot  +  swap                    ( gb-adr adr' len' )
486         dup 0=  ?leave
487         rot                              ( adr' len' gb-adr )
488      /blkp  +loop
489      3drop                               (  )
490   ;
492   : read-dva  ( adr len dva -- )
493      dup  blk_gang  if
494         gang-space  gang-read
495      else
496         (read-dva)
497      then
498   ;
500   \ block read that check for holes, gangs, compression, etc
501   : read-bp  ( adr len bp -- )
502      \ sparse block?
503      dup x@ x0=                         ( addr len bp flag0 )
504      swap dup 8 + x@ x0=                ( addr len flag0 bp flag1 )
505      rot                                ( addr len bp flag1 flag0 )
506      and if
507         drop  erase  exit               (  )
508      then
510      \ no compression?
511      dup blk_comp  no-comp#  =  if
512         read-dva  exit                  (  )
513      then
515      \ lzjb?
516      dup blk_comp  lzjb-comp#  =  if
517         \ read into blk-space and de-compress
518         blk-space  over bp-dsize           ( adr len bp blk-adr rd-len )
519         rot  read-dva                      ( adr len )
520         blk-space -rot  lzjb               (  )
521         exit
522      then
524      dup blk_comp  dup lz4-comp#  <>   ( adr len bp comp lz4? )
525      swap  def-comp#  <>  and  if       ( adr len bp )
526         dup hex . ." BP: "
527         blk_comp decimal .
528         ." : bug, unknown compression algorithm: "
529         " only lzjb and lz4 supported"  die
530      then
532      \ read into blk-space and de-compress
533      blk-space  over bp-dsize           ( adr len bp blk-adr rd-len )
534      rot  read-dva                      ( adr len )
535      blk-space -rot  lz4                (  )
536   ;
538   \
539   \    ZFS vdev routines
540   \
542   h# 1.c000  constant /nvpairs
543   h# 4000    constant nvpairs-off
545   \
546   \ xdr packed nvlist
547   \
548   \  12B header
549   \  array of xdr packed nvpairs
550   \     4B encoded nvpair size
551   \     4B decoded nvpair size
552   \     4B name string size
553   \     name string
554   \     4B data type
555   \     4B # of data elements
556   \     data
557   \  8B of 0
558   \
559   d# 12      constant /nvhead
561   : >nvsize  ( nv -- size )  l@  ;
562   : >nvname  ( nv -- name$ )
563      /l 2* +  dup /l +  swap l@
564   ;
565   : >nvdata  ( nv -- data )
566      >nvname +  /l roundup
567   ;
569   \ convert nvdata to 64b int or string
570   : nvdata>x  ( nvdata -- x )
571      /l 2* +                   ( ptr )
572      dup /l + l@  swap l@      ( x.lo x.hi )
573      lxjoin                    ( x )
574   ;
575   alias nvdata>$ >nvname
577   : nv-lookup  ( nv name$ -- nvdata false  |  true )
578      rot /nvhead +               ( name$ nvpair )
579      begin  dup >nvsize  while
580         dup >r  >nvname          ( name$ nvname$  r: nvpair )
581         2over $=  if             ( name$  r: nvpair )
582            2drop  r> >nvdata     ( nvdata )
583            false exit            ( nvdata found )
584         then                     ( name$  r: nvpair )
585         r>  dup >nvsize  +       ( name$ nvpair' )
586      repeat
587      3drop  true                 ( not-found )
588   ;
590   : scan-vdev  ( -- )
591      temp-space /nvpairs nvpairs-off    ( adr len off )
592      dev-ih  read-disk                  (  )
593      temp-space " txg"  nv-lookup  if
594         " no txg nvpair"  die
595      then  nvdata>x                     ( txg )
596      x0=  if
597         " detached mirror"  die
598      then                               (  )
599      temp-space " name"  nv-lookup  if
600         " no name nvpair"  die
601      then  nvdata>$                     ( pool$ )
602      bootprop-buf swap  move            (  )
603   ;
606   \
607   \	ZFS ueber-block routines
608   \
610   d# 1024                  constant /uber-block
611   d# 128                   constant #ub/label
612   #ub/label /uber-block *  constant /ub-ring
613   h# 2.0000                constant ubring-off
615   : ub_magic      ( ub -- n )          x@  ;
616   : ub_txg        ( ub -- n )  h# 10 + x@  ;
617   : ub_timestamp  ( ub -- n )  h# 20 + x@  ;
618   : ub_rootbp     ( ub -- p )  h# 28 +     ;
620   0 instance value uber-block
622   : ub-cmp  ( ub1 ub2 -- best-ub )
624      \ ub1 wins if ub2 isn't valid
625      dup  ub_magic h# 00bab10c  x<>  if
626         drop  exit                  ( ub1 )
627      then
629      \ if ub1 is 0, ub2 wins by default
630      over 0=  if  nip  exit  then   ( ub2 )
632      \ 2 valid ubs, compare transaction groups
633      over ub_txg  over ub_txg       ( ub1 ub2 txg1 txg2 )
634      2dup x<  if
635         2drop nip  exit             ( ub2 )
636      then                           ( ub1 ub2 txg1 txg2 )
637      x>  if  drop  exit  then       ( ub1 )
639      \ same txg, check timestamps
640      over ub_timestamp  over ub_timestamp  x>  if
641         nip                         ( ub2 )
642      else
643         drop                        ( ub1 )
644      then
645   ;
647   \ find best uber-block in ring, and copy it to uber-block
648   : get-ub  ( -- )
649      temp-space  /ub-ring ubring-off       ( adr len off )
650      dev-ih  read-disk                     (  )
651      0  temp-space /ub-ring                ( null-ub adr len )
652      bounds  do                            ( ub )
653         i ub-cmp                           ( best-ub )
654      /uber-block +loop
656      \ make sure we found a valid ub
657      dup 0=  if  " no ub found" die  then
659      uber-block /uber-block  move          (  )
660   ;
663   \
664   \	ZFS dnode (DMU) routines
665   \
667   d# 44  constant ot-sa#
669   d# 512 constant /dnode
671   : dn_indblkshift   ( dn -- n )  h#   1 +  c@  ;
672   : dn_nlevels       ( dn -- n )  h#   2 +  c@  ;
673   : dn_bonustype     ( dn -- n )  h#   4 +  c@  ;
674   : dn_datablkszsec  ( dn -- n )  h#   8 +  w@  ;
675   : dn_bonuslen      ( dn -- n )  h#   a +  w@  ;
676   : dn_blkptr        ( dn -- p )  h#  40 +      ;
677   : dn_bonus         ( dn -- p )  h#  c0 +      ;
678   : dn_spill         ( dn -- p )  h# 180 +      ;
680   0 instance value dnode
682   \ indirect cache
683   \
684   \ ind-cache is a 1 block indirect block cache from dnode ic-dn
685   \
686   \ ic-bp and ic-bplim point into the ic-dn's block ptr array,
687   \ either in dn_blkptr or in ind-cache   ic-bp is the ic-blk#'th
688   \ block ptr, and ic-bplim is limit of the current bp array
689   \
690   \ the assumption is that reads will be sequential, so we can
691   \ just increment ic-bp
692   \
693   0 instance value  ind-cache
694   0 instance value  ic-dn
695   0 instance value  ic-blk#
696   0 instance value  ic-bp
697   0 instance value  ic-bplim
699   : dn-bsize    ( dn -- bsize )    dn_datablkszsec /disk-block  *  ;
700   : dn-indsize  ( dn -- indsize )  dn_indblkshift  pow2  ;
701   : dn-indmask  ( dn -- mask )     dn-indsize 1-  ;
703   \ recursively climb the block tree from the leaf to the root
704   : blk@lvl>bp  ( dn blk# lvl -- bp )   tokenizer[ reveal ]tokenizer
705      >r  /blkp *  over dn_nlevels         ( dn bp-off #lvls  r: lvl )
707      \ at top, just add dn_blkptr
708      r@  =  if                            ( dn bp-off  r: lvl )
709         swap dn_blkptr  +                 ( bp  r: lvl )
710         r> drop  exit                     ( bp )
711      then                                 ( dn bp-off  r: lvl )
713      \ shift bp-off down and find parent indir blk
714      2dup over  dn_indblkshift  rshift    ( dn bp-off dn blk#  r: lvl )
715      r> 1+  blk@lvl>bp                    ( dn bp-off bp )
717      \ read parent indir blk and index
718      rot tuck dn-indsize                  ( bp-off dn bp len )
719      ind-cache swap rot  read-bp          ( bp-off dn )
720      dn-indmask  and                      ( bp-off' )
721      ind-cache +                          ( bp )
722   ;
724   \ return end of current bp array
725   : bplim ( dn bp -- bp-lim )
726      over dn_nlevels  1  =  if
727          drop dn_blkptr              ( bp0 )
728          3 /blkp *  +                ( bplim )
729      else
730          1+  swap dn-indsize         ( bp+1 indsz )
731          roundup                     ( bplim )
732      then
733   ;
735   \ return the lblk#'th block ptr from dnode
736   : lblk#>bp  ( dn blk# -- bp )
737      2dup                               ( dn blk# dn blk# )
738      ic-blk# <>  swap  ic-dn  <>  or    ( dn blk# cache-miss? )
739      ic-bp  ic-bplim  =                 ( dn blk# cache-miss? cache-empty? )
740      or  if                             ( dn blk# )
741         2dup  1 blk@lvl>bp              ( dn blk# bp )
742         dup         to ic-bp            ( dn blk# bp )
743         swap        to ic-blk#          ( dn bp )
744         2dup bplim  to ic-bplim         ( dn bp )
745         over        to ic-dn
746      then  2drop                        (  )
747      ic-blk# 1+          to ic-blk#
748      ic-bp dup  /blkp +  to ic-bp       ( bp )
749   ;
752   \
753   \	ZFS attribute (ZAP) routines
754   \
756   1        constant  fzap#
757   3        constant  uzap#
759   d# 64    constant  /uzap
761   d# 24    constant  /lf-chunk
762   d# 21    constant  /lf-arr
763   h# ffff  constant  chain-end#
765   h# 100   constant /lf-buf
766   /lf-buf  instance buffer: leaf-value
767   /lf-buf  instance buffer: leaf-name
769   : +le              ( len off -- n )  +  w@  ;
770   : le_next          ( le -- n )  h# 2 +le  ;
771   : le_name_chunk    ( le -- n )  h# 4 +le  ;
772   : le_name_length   ( le -- n )  h# 6 +le  ;
773   : le_value_chunk   ( le -- n )  h# 8 +le  ;
774   : le_value_length  ( le -- n )  h# a +le  ;
776   : la_array  ( la -- adr )  1+  ;
777   : la_next   ( la -- n )    h# 16 +  w@  ;
779   0 instance value zap-space
781   \ setup leaf hash bounds
782   : >leaf-hash  ( dn lh -- hash-adr /hash )
783      /lf-chunk 2*  +                 ( dn hash-adr )
784      \ size = (bsize / 32) * 2
785      swap dn-bsize  4 rshift         ( hash-adr /hash )
786   ;
787   : >leaf-chunks  ( lf -- ch0 )  >leaf-hash +  ;
789   \ convert chunk # to leaf chunk
790   : ch#>lc  ( dn ch# -- lc )
791      /lf-chunk *                     ( dn lc-off )
792      swap zap-space  >leaf-chunks    ( lc-off ch0 )
793      +                               ( lc )
794   ;
796   \ assemble chunk chain into single buffer
797   : get-chunk-data  ( dn ch# adr -- )
798      dup >r  /lf-buf  erase          ( dn ch#  r: adr )
799      begin
800         2dup  ch#>lc  nip            ( dn la  r: adr )
801         dup la_array                 ( dn la la-arr  r: adr )
802         r@  /lf-arr  move            ( dn la  r: adr )
803         r>  /lf-arr +  >r            ( dn la  r: adr' )
804         la_next  dup chain-end#  =   ( dn la-ch# end?  r: adr )
805      until  r> 3drop                 (  )
806   ;
808   \ get leaf entry's name
809   : entry-name$  ( dn le -- name$ )
810      2dup le_name_chunk              ( dn le dn la-ch# )
811      leaf-name  get-chunk-data       ( dn le )
812      nip  le_name_length 1-          ( len )
813      leaf-name swap                  ( name$ )
814   ;
816   \ return entry value as int
817   : entry-int-val  ( dn le -- n )
818      le_value_chunk                  ( dn la-ch# )
819      leaf-value  get-chunk-data      (  )
820      leaf-value x@                   ( n )
821   ;
824[ifdef] strlookup
825   \ get leaf entry's value as string
826   : entry-val$  ( dn le -- val$ )
827      2dup le_value_chunk             ( dn le dn la-ch# )
828      leaf-value  get-chunk-data      ( dn le )
829      nip le_value_length             ( len )
830      leaf-value swap                 ( name$ )
831   ;
834   \ apply xt to entry
835   : entry-apply  ( xt dn le -- xt dn false  |  ??? true )
836      over >r                    ( xt dn le  r: dn )
837      rot  dup >r  execute  if   ( ???  r: xt dn )
838         r> r>  2drop  true      ( ??? true )
839      else                       (  )
840         r> r>  false            ( xt dn false )
841      then
842   ;
844   \ apply xt to every entry in chain
845   : chain-apply  ( xt dn ch# -- xt dn false  |  ??? true )
846      begin
847         2dup  ch#>lc  nip               ( xt dn le )
848         dup >r  entry-apply  if         ( ???  r: le )
849            r> drop  true  exit          ( ??? found )
850         then                            ( xt dn  r: le )
851         r> le_next                      ( xt dn ch# )
852         dup chain-end#  =               ( xt dn ch# end? )
853      until  drop                        ( xt dn )
854      false                              ( xt dn false )
855   ;
857   \ apply xt to every entry in leaf
858   : leaf-apply  ( xt dn blk# -- xt dn false  |  ??? true )
860      \ read zap leaf into zap-space
861      2dup lblk#>bp                       ( xt dn blk# bp )
862      nip  over dn-bsize  zap-space       ( xt dn bp len adr )
863      swap rot  read-bp                   ( xt dn )
865     \ call chunk-look for every valid chunk list
866      dup zap-space  >leaf-hash           ( xt dn hash-adr /hash )
867      bounds  do                          ( xt dn )
868         i w@  dup chain-end#  <>  if     ( xt dn ch# )
869            chain-apply  if               ( ??? )
870               unloop  true  exit         ( ??? found )
871            then                          ( xt dn )
872         else  drop  then                 ( xt dn )
873      /w  +loop
874      false                               ( xt dn not-found )
875   ;
877   \ apply xt to every entry in fzap
878   : fzap-apply  ( xt dn fz -- ??? not-found? )
880      \ blk# 1 is always the 1st leaf
881      >r  1 leaf-apply  if              ( ???  r: fz )
882         r> drop  true  exit            ( ??? found )
883      then  r>                          ( xt dn fz )
885      \ call leaf-apply on every non-duplicate hash entry
886      \ embedded hash is in 2nd half of fzap block
887      over dn-bsize  tuck +             ( xt dn bsize hash-eadr )
888      swap 2dup  2/  -                  ( xt dn hash-eadr bsize hash-adr )
889      nip  do                           ( xt dn )
890         i x@  dup 1  <>  if            ( xt dn blk# )
891            leaf-apply  if              ( ??? )
892               unloop  true  exit       ( ??? found )
893            then                        ( xt dn )
894         else  drop  then               ( xt dn )
895      /x  +loop
896      2drop  false                      ( not-found )
897   ;
899   : mze_value  ( uz -- n )  x@  ;
900   : mze_name   ( uz -- p )  h# e +  ;
902   : uzap-name$  ( uz -- name$ )  mze_name  cscount  ;
904   \ apply xt to each entry in micro-zap
905   : uzap-apply ( xt uz len -- ??? not-found? )
906      bounds  do                      ( xt )
907         i swap  dup >r               ( uz xt  r: xt )
908         execute  if                  ( ???  r: xt )
909            r> drop                   ( ??? )
910            unloop true  exit         ( ??? found )
911         then  r>                     ( xt )
912      /uzap  +loop
913      drop  false                     ( not-found )
914   ;
916   \ match by name
917   : fz-nmlook  ( prop$ dn le -- prop$ false  |  prop$ dn le true )
918      2dup entry-name$        ( prop$ dn le name$ )
919      2rot 2swap              ( dn le prop$ name$ )
920      2over  $=  if           ( dn le prop$ )
921         2swap  true          ( prop$ dn le true )
922      else                    ( dn le prop$ )
923         2swap 2drop  false   ( prop$ false )
924      then                    ( prop$ false  |  prop$ dn le true )
925   ;
927   \ match by name
928   : uz-nmlook  ( prop$ uz -- prop$ false  |  prop$ uz true )
929      dup >r  uzap-name$      ( prop$ name$  r: uz )
930      2over  $=  if           ( prop$  r: uz )
931         r>  true             ( prop$ uz true )
932      else                    ( prop$  r: uz )
933         r> drop  false       ( prop$ false )
934      then                    ( prop$ false  |  prop$ uz true )
935   ;
937   : zap-type   ( zp -- n )     h#  7 + c@  ;
938   : >uzap-ent  ( adr -- ent )  h# 40 +  ;
940   \ read zap block into temp-space
941   : get-zap  ( dn -- zp )
942      dup  0 lblk#>bp    ( dn bp )
943      swap dn-bsize      ( bp len )
944      temp-space swap    ( bp adr len )
945      rot read-bp        (  )
946      temp-space         ( zp )
947   ;
949   \ find prop in zap dnode
950   : zap-lookup  ( dn prop$ -- [ n ] not-found? )
951      rot  dup get-zap                    ( prop$ dn zp )
952      dup zap-type  case
953         uzap#  of
954            >uzap-ent  swap dn-bsize      ( prop$ uz len )
955            ['] uz-nmlook  -rot           ( prop$ xt uz len )
956            uzap-apply  if                ( prop$ uz )
957               mze_value  -rot 2drop      ( n )
958               false                      ( n found )
959            else                          ( prop$ )
960               2drop  true                ( !found )
961            then                          ( [ n ] not-found? )
962         endof
963         fzap#  of
964            ['] fz-nmlook  -rot           ( prop$ xt dn fz )
965            fzap-apply  if                ( prop$ dn le )
966               entry-int-val              ( prop$ n )
967               -rot 2drop  false          ( n found )
968            else                          ( prop$ )
969               2drop  true                ( !found )
970            then                          ( [ n ] not-found? )
971         endof
972         3drop 2drop  true                ( !found )
973      endcase                             ( [ n ] not-found? )
974   ;
976[ifdef] strlookup
977   : zap-lookup-str  ( dn prop$ -- [ val$ ] not-found? )
978      rot  dup get-zap                    ( prop$ dn zp )
979      dup zap-type  fzap#  <>  if         ( prop$ dn zp )
980         2drop 2drop  true  exit          ( !found )
981      then                                ( prop$ dn zp )
982      ['] fz-nmlook -rot                  ( prop$ xt dn fz )
983      fzap-apply  if                      ( prop$ dn le )
984         entry-val$  2swap 2drop  false   ( val$ found )
985      else                                ( prop$ )
986         2drop  true                      ( !found )
987      then                                ( [ val$ ] not-found? )
988   ;
991   : fz-print  ( dn le -- false )
992      entry-name$  type cr  false
993   ;
995   : uz-print  ( uz -- false )
996      uzap-name$  type cr  false
997   ;
999   : zap-print  ( dn -- )
1000      dup get-zap                         ( dn zp )
1001      dup zap-type  case
1002         uzap#  of
1003            >uzap-ent  swap dn-bsize      ( uz len )
1004            ['] uz-print  -rot            ( xt uz len )
1005            uzap-apply                    ( false )
1006         endof
1007         fzap#  of
1008            ['] fz-print -rot             ( xt dn fz )
1009            fzap-apply                    ( false )
1010         endof
1011         3drop  false                     ( false )
1012      endcase                             ( false )
1013      drop                                (  )
1014   ;
1017   \
1018   \	ZFS object set (DSL) routines
1019   \
1021   1 constant pool-dir#
1023   : dd_head_dataset_obj  ( dd -- n )  h#  8 +  x@  ;
1024   : dd_child_dir_zapobj  ( dd -- n )  h# 20 +  x@  ;
1026   : ds_snapnames_zapobj  ( ds -- n )  h# 20 +  x@  ;
1027   : ds_bp                ( ds -- p )  h# 80 +      ;
1029   0 instance value mos-dn
1030   0 instance value obj-dir
1031   0 instance value root-dsl
1032   0 instance value fs-dn
1034   \ dn-cache contains dc-dn's contents at dc-blk#
1035   \ dc-dn will be either mos-dn or fs-dn
1036   0 instance value dn-cache
1037   0 instance value dc-dn
1038   0 instance value dc-blk#
1040   alias  >dsl-dir  dn_bonus
1041   alias  >dsl-ds   dn_bonus
1043   : #dn/blk  ( dn -- n )     dn-bsize /dnode  /  ;
1045   \ read block into dn-cache
1046   : get-dnblk  ( dn blk# -- )
1047      lblk#>bp  dn-cache swap         ( adr bp )
1048      dup bp-lsize swap  read-bp      (  )
1049   ;
1051   \ read obj# from objset dir dn into dnode
1052   : get-dnode  ( dn obj# -- )
1054      \ check dn-cache
1055      2dup  swap #dn/blk  /mod       ( dn obj# off# blk# )
1056      swap >r  nip                   ( dn blk#  r: off# )
1057      2dup  dc-blk#  <>              ( dn blk# dn !blk-hit?  r: off# )
1058      swap dc-dn  <>  or  if         ( dn blk#  r: off# )
1059         \ cache miss, fill from dir
1060         2dup  get-dnblk
1061         over  to dc-dn
1062         dup   to dc-blk#
1063      then                           ( dn blk#  r: off# )
1065      \ index and copy
1066      2drop r>  /dnode *             ( off )
1067      dn-cache +                     ( dn-adr )
1068      dnode  /dnode  move            (  )
1069   ;
1071   \ read meta object set from uber-block
1072   : get-mos  ( -- )
1073      mos-dn uber-block ub_rootbp    ( adr bp )
1074      dup bp-lsize swap read-bp
1075   ;
1077   : get-mos-dnode  ( obj# -- )
1078      mos-dn swap  get-dnode
1079   ;
1081   \ get root dataset
1082   : get-root-dsl  ( -- )
1084      \ read MOS
1085      get-mos
1087      \ read object dir
1088      pool-dir#  get-mos-dnode
1089      dnode obj-dir  /dnode  move
1091      \ read root dataset
1092      obj-dir " root_dataset"  zap-lookup  if
1093         " no root_dataset"  die
1094      then                                   ( obj# )
1095      get-mos-dnode                          (  )
1096      dnode root-dsl  /dnode  move
1097   ;
1099   \ find snapshot of given dataset
1100   : snap-look  ( snap$ ds-obj# -- [ss-obj# ] not-found? )
1101      get-mos-dnode  dnode >dsl-ds         ( snap$ ds )
1102      ds_snapnames_zapobj  get-mos-dnode   ( snap$ )
1103      dnode -rot  zap-lookup               ( [ss-obj# ] not-found? )
1104   ;
1106   \ dsl dir to dataset
1107   : dir>ds   ( dn -- obj# )  >dsl-dir dd_head_dataset_obj  ;
1109   \ look thru the dsl hierarchy for path
1110   \ this looks almost exactly like a FS directory lookup
1111   : dsl-lookup ( path$ -- [ ds-obj# ] not-found? )
1112      root-dsl >r                                 ( path$  r: root-dn )
1113      begin
1114         ascii /  left-parse-string               ( path$ file$  r: dn )
1115      dup  while
1117         \ get child dir zap dnode
1118         r>  >dsl-dir dd_child_dir_zapobj         ( path$ file$ obj# )
1119         get-mos-dnode                            ( path$ file$ )
1121         \ check for snapshot names
1122         ascii @  left-parse-string               ( path$ snap$ file$ )
1124         \ search it
1125         dnode -rot zap-lookup  if                ( path$ snap$ )
1126            \ not found
1127            2drop 2drop true  exit                ( not-found )
1128         then                                     ( path$ snap$ obj# )
1129         get-mos-dnode                            ( path$ snap$ )
1131         \ lookup any snapshot name
1132         dup  if
1133            \ must be last path component
1134            2swap  nip  if                        ( snap$ )
1135               2drop true  exit                   ( not-found )
1136            then
1137            dnode dir>ds  snap-look  if           (  )
1138               true  exit                         ( not-found )
1139            then                                  ( obj# )
1140            false  exit                           ( obj# found )
1141         else  2drop  then                        ( path$ )
1143         dnode >r                                 ( path$  r: dn )
1144      repeat                                      ( path$ file$  r: dn)
1145      2drop 2drop  r> drop                        (  )
1147      \ found it, return dataset obj#
1148      dnode  dir>ds                               ( ds-obj# )
1149      false                                       ( ds-obj# found )
1150   ;
1152   \ get objset from dataset
1153   : get-objset  ( adr dn -- )
1154      >dsl-ds ds_bp  dup bp-lsize swap  read-bp
1155   ;
1158   \
1159   \	ZFS file-system (ZPL) routines
1160   \
1162   1       constant master-node#
1164   0 instance value bootfs-obj#
1165   0 instance value root-obj#
1166   0 instance value current-obj#
1167   0 instance value search-obj#
1169   instance defer fsize         ( dn -- size )
1170   instance defer mode          ( dn -- mode )
1171   instance defer parent        ( dn -- obj# )
1172   instance defer readlink      ( dst dn -- )
1174   \
1175   \ routines when bonus pool contains a znode
1176   \
1177   d# 264  constant /znode
1178   d#  56  constant /zn-slink
1180   : zp_mode    ( zn -- n )  h# 48 +  x@  ;
1181   : zp_size    ( zn -- n )  h# 50 +  x@  ;
1182   : zp_parent  ( zn -- n )  h# 58 +  x@  ;
1184   alias  >znode  dn_bonus
1186   : zn-fsize     ( dn -- n )  >znode zp_size    ;
1187   : zn-mode      ( dn -- n )  >znode zp_mode    ;
1188   : zn-parent    ( dn -- n )  >znode zp_parent  ;
1190   \ copy symlink target to dst
1191   : zn-readlink  ( dst dn -- )
1192      dup zn-fsize  tuck /zn-slink  >  if ( dst size dn )
1193         \ contents in 1st block
1194         temp-space  over dn-bsize        ( dst size dn t-adr bsize )
1195         rot  0 lblk#>bp  read-bp         ( dst size )
1196         temp-space                       ( dst size src )
1197      else                                ( dst size dn )
1198         \ contents in dnode
1199         >znode  /znode +                 ( dst size src )
1200      then                                ( dst size src )
1201      -rot  move                          (  )
1202   ;
1204   \
1205   \ routines when bonus pool contains sa's
1206   \
1208   \ SA header size when link is in dn_bonus
1209   d# 16  constant  /sahdr-link
1211   : sa_props  ( sa -- n )   h# 4 +  w@  ;
1213   : sa-hdrsz  ( sa -- sz )  sa_props h# 7  >>  ;
1215   alias  >sa  dn_bonus
1217   : >sadata    ( dn -- adr )  >sa dup  sa-hdrsz  +  ;
1218   : sa-mode    ( dn -- n )    >sadata           x@  ;
1219   : sa-fsize   ( dn -- n )    >sadata  h#  8 +  x@  ;
1220   : sa-parent  ( dn -- n )    >sadata  h# 28 +  x@  ;
1222   \ copy symlink target to dst
1223   : sa-readlink  ( dst dn -- )
1224      dup  >sa sa-hdrsz  /sahdr-link  <>  if
1225         \ contents in 1st attr of dn_spill
1226         temp-space  over dn_spill           ( dst dn t-adr bp )
1227         dup bp-lsize  swap  read-bp         ( dst dn )
1228         sa-fsize                            ( dst size )
1229         temp-space dup sa-hdrsz  +          ( dst size src )
1230      else                                   ( dst dn )
1231         \ content in bonus buf
1232         dup dn_bonus  over  dn_bonuslen  +  ( dst dn ebonus )
1233         swap sa-fsize  tuck  -              ( dst size src )
1234      then                                   ( dst size src )
1235      -rot  move                             (  )
1236   ;
1239   \ setup attr routines for dn
1240   : set-attr  ( dn -- )
1241      dn_bonustype  ot-sa#  =  if
1242         ['] sa-fsize     to  fsize
1243         ['] sa-mode      to  mode
1244         ['] sa-parent    to  parent
1245         ['] sa-readlink  to  readlink
1246      else
1247         ['] zn-fsize     to  fsize
1248         ['] zn-mode      to  mode
1249         ['] zn-parent    to  parent
1250         ['] zn-readlink  to  readlink
1251      then
1252   ;
1254   : ftype     ( dn -- type )  mode   h# f000  and  ;
1255   : dir?      ( dn -- flag )  ftype  h# 4000  =  ;
1256   : symlink?  ( dn -- flag )  ftype  h# a000  =  ;
1258   \ read obj# from fs objset
1259   : get-fs-dnode  ( obj# -- )
1260      dup to current-obj#
1261      fs-dn swap  get-dnode    (  )
1262   ;
1264   \ get root-obj# from dataset
1265   : get-rootobj#  ( ds-obj# -- fsroot-obj# )
1266      dup to bootfs-obj#
1267      get-mos-dnode                   (  )
1268      fs-dn dnode  get-objset
1270      \ get root obj# from master node
1271      master-node#  get-fs-dnode
1272      dnode  " ROOT"  zap-lookup  if
1273         " no ROOT"  die
1274      then                             ( fsroot-obj# )
1275   ;
1277   : prop>rootobj#  ( -- )
1278      obj-dir " pool_props" zap-lookup  if
1279         " no pool_props"  die
1280      then                               ( prop-obj# )
1281      get-mos-dnode                      (  )
1282      dnode " bootfs" zap-lookup  if
1283         " no bootfs"  die
1284      then                               ( ds-obj# )
1285      get-rootobj#                       ( fsroot-obj# )
1286   ;
1288   : fs>rootobj#  ( fs$ -- root-obj# not-found? )
1290      \ skip pool name
1291      ascii /  left-parse-string  2drop
1293      \ lookup fs in dsl
1294      dsl-lookup  if                   (  )
1295         true  exit                    ( not-found )
1296      then                             ( ds-obj# )
1298      get-rootobj#                     ( fsroot-obj# )
1299      false                            ( fsroot-obj# found )
1300   ;
1302   \ lookup file is current directory
1303   : dirlook  ( file$ dn -- not-found? )
1304      \ . and .. are magic
1305      -rot  2dup " ."  $=  if     ( dn file$ )
1306         3drop  false  exit       ( found )
1307      then
1309      2dup " .."  $=  if
1310         2drop  parent            ( obj# )
1311      else                        ( dn file$ )
1312         \ search dir
1313         current-obj# to search-obj#
1314         zap-lookup  if           (  )
1315            true  exit            ( not-found )
1316         then                     ( obj# )
1317      then                        ( obj# )
1318      get-fs-dnode
1319      dnode  set-attr
1320      false                       ( found )
1321   ;
1323   /buf-len  instance buffer: fpath-buf
1324   /buf-len  instance buffer: tpath-buf
1326   : tpath-buf$  ( -- path$ )  tpath-buf cscount  ;
1327   : fpath-buf$  ( -- path$ )  fpath-buf cscount  ;
1329   \ modify tail to account for symlink
1330   : follow-symlink  ( tail$ -- tail$' )
1331      \ read target
1332      tpath-buf /buf-len  erase
1333      tpath-buf dnode  readlink
1335      \ append current path
1336      ?dup  if                                  ( tail$ )
1337	 " /" tpath-buf$  $append               ( tail$ )
1338	 tpath-buf$  $append                    (  )
1339      else  drop  then                          (  )
1341      \ copy to fpath
1342      fpath-buf  /buf-len  erase
1343      tpath-buf$  fpath-buf  swap move
1344      fpath-buf$                                ( path$ )
1346      \ get directory that starts changed path
1347      over c@  ascii /  =  if                   ( path$ )
1348	 str++  root-obj#                       ( path$' obj# )
1349      else                                      ( path$ )
1350         search-obj#                            ( path$ obj# )
1351      then                                      ( path$ obj# )
1352      get-fs-dnode                              ( path$ )
1353      dnode  set-attr
1354   ;
1356   \ open dnode at path
1357   : lookup  ( path$ -- not-found? )
1359      \ get directory that starts path
1360      over c@  ascii /  =  if
1361         str++  root-obj#                         ( path$' obj# )
1362      else
1363         current-obj#                             ( path$ obj# )
1364      then                                        ( path$ obj# )
1365      get-fs-dnode                                ( path$ )
1366      dnode  set-attr
1368      \ lookup each path component
1369      begin                                       ( path$ )
1370         ascii /  left-parse-string               ( path$ file$ )
1371      dup  while
1372         dnode dir?  0=  if
1373            2drop true  exit                      ( not-found )
1374         then                                     ( path$ file$ )
1375         dnode dirlook  if                        ( path$ )
1376            2drop true  exit                      ( not-found )
1377         then                                     ( path$ )
1378         dnode symlink?  if
1379            follow-symlink                        ( path$' )
1380         then                                     ( path$ )
1381      repeat                                      ( path$ file$ )
1382      2drop 2drop  false                          ( found )
1383   ;
1385   \
1386   \   ZFS volume (ZVOL) routines
1387   \
1388   1 constant  zvol-data#
1389   2 constant  zvol-prop#
1391   0 instance value zv-dn
1393   : get-zvol  ( zvol$ -- not-found? )
1394      dsl-lookup  if
1395         drop true  exit           ( failed )
1396      then                         ( ds-obj# )
1398      \ get zvol objset
1399      get-mos-dnode                (  )
1400      zv-dn dnode  get-objset
1401      false                        ( succeeded )
1402   ;
1404   \ get zvol data dnode
1405   : zvol-data  ( -- )
1406      zv-dn zvol-data#  get-dnode
1407   ;
1409   : zvol-size  ( -- size )
1410       zv-dn zvol-prop#   get-dnode
1411       dnode " size"  zap-lookup  if
1412          " no zvol size"  die
1413       then                            ( size )
1414   ;
1417   \
1418   \	ZFS installation routines
1419   \
1421   \ ZFS file interface
1422   struct
1423      /x     field >busy
1424      /x     field >offset
1425      /x     field >fsize
1426      /dnode field >dnode
1427   constant /file-record
1429   d# 10                  constant #opens
1430   #opens /file-record *  constant /file-records
1432   /file-records  instance buffer: file-records
1434   -1 instance value current-fd
1436   : fd>record     ( fd -- rec )  /file-record *  file-records +  ;
1437   : file-offset@  ( -- off )     current-fd fd>record >offset  x@  ;
1438   : file-offset!  ( off -- )     current-fd fd>record >offset  x!  ;
1439   : file-dnode    ( -- dn )      current-fd fd>record >dnode  ;
1440   : file-size     ( -- size )    current-fd fd>record >fsize  x@  ;
1441   : file-bsize    ( -- bsize )   file-dnode  dn-bsize  ;
1443   \ find free fd slot
1444   : get-slot  ( -- fd false | true )
1445      #opens 0  do
1446         i fd>record >busy x@  0=  if
1447            i false  unloop exit
1448         then
1449      loop  true
1450   ;
1452   : free-slot  ( fd -- )
1453      0 swap  fd>record >busy  x!
1454   ;
1456   \ init fd to offset 0 and copy dnode
1457   : init-fd  ( fsize fd -- )
1458      fd>record                ( fsize rec )
1459      dup  >busy  1 swap  x!
1460      dup  >dnode  dnode swap  /dnode  move
1461      dup  >fsize  rot swap  x!     ( rec )
1462      >offset  0 swap  x!      (  )
1463   ;
1465   \ make fd current
1466   : set-fd  ( fd -- error? )
1467      dup fd>record  >busy x@  0=  if   ( fd )
1468         drop true  exit                ( failed )
1469      then                              ( fd )
1470      to current-fd  false              ( succeeded )
1471   ;
1473   \ read next fs block
1474   : file-bread  ( adr -- )
1475      file-bsize                      ( adr len )
1476      file-offset@ over  /            ( adr len blk# )
1477      file-dnode swap  lblk#>bp       ( adr len bp )
1478      read-bp                         ( )
1479   ;
1481   \ advance file io stack by n
1482   : fio+  ( # adr len n -- #+n adr+n len-n )
1483      dup file-offset@ +  file-offset!
1484      dup >r  -  -rot   ( len' # adr  r: n )
1485      r@  +  -rot       ( adr' len' #  r: n )
1486      r>  +  -rot       ( #' adr' len' )
1487   ;
1490   /max-bsize    5 *
1491   /uber-block        +
1492   /dnode        6 *  +
1493   /disk-block   6 *  +    ( size )
1494   \ ugh - sg proms can't free 512k allocations
1495   \ that aren't a multiple of 512k in size
1496   h# 8.0000  roundup      ( size' )
1497   constant  alloc-size
1500   : allocate-buffers  ( -- )
1501      alloc-size h# a0.0000 vmem-alloc  dup 0=  if
1502         " no memory"  die
1503      then                                ( adr )
1504      dup to temp-space    /max-bsize  +  ( adr )
1505      dup to dn-cache      /max-bsize  +  ( adr )
1506      dup to blk-space     /max-bsize  +  ( adr )
1507      dup to ind-cache     /max-bsize  +  ( adr )
1508      dup to zap-space     /max-bsize  +  ( adr )
1509      dup to uber-block    /uber-block +  ( adr )
1510      dup to mos-dn        /dnode      +  ( adr )
1511      dup to obj-dir       /dnode      +  ( adr )
1512      dup to root-dsl      /dnode      +  ( adr )
1513      dup to fs-dn         /dnode      +  ( adr )
1514      dup to zv-dn         /dnode      +  ( adr )
1515      dup to dnode         /dnode      +  ( adr )
1516          to gang-space                   (  )
1518      \ zero instance buffers
1519      file-records /file-records  erase
1520      bootprop-buf /buf-len  erase
1521   ;
1523   : release-buffers  ( -- )
1524      temp-space  alloc-size  mem-free
1525   ;
1527   external
1529   : open ( -- okay? )
1530      my-args dev-open  dup 0=  if
1531         exit                       ( failed )
1532      then  to dev-ih
1534      allocate-buffers
1535      scan-vdev
1536      get-ub
1537      get-root-dsl
1538      true
1539   ;
1541   : open-fs  ( fs$ -- okay? )
1542      fs>rootobj#  if        (  )
1543         false               ( failed )
1544      else                   ( obj# )
1545         to root-obj#  true  ( succeeded )
1546      then                   ( okay? )
1547   ;
1549   : close  ( -- )
1550      dev-ih dev-close
1551      0 to dev-ih
1552      release-buffers
1553   ;
1555   : open-file  ( path$ -- fd true | false )
1557      \ open default fs if no open-fs
1558      root-obj# 0=  if
1559         prop>rootobj#  to root-obj#
1560      then
1562      get-slot  if
1563         2drop false  exit         ( failed )
1564      then  -rot                   ( fd path$ )
1566      lookup  if                   ( fd )
1567         drop false  exit          ( failed )
1568      then                         ( fd )
1570      dnode fsize  over init-fd
1571      true                         ( fd succeeded )
1572   ;
1574   : open-volume ( vol$ -- okay? )
1575      get-slot  if
1576         2drop false  exit         ( failed )
1577      then  -rot                   ( fd vol$ )
1579      get-zvol  if                 ( fd )
1580         drop false  exit          ( failed )
1581      then
1583      zvol-size over               ( fd size fd )
1584      zvol-data init-fd            ( fd )
1585      true                         ( fd succeeded )
1586   ;
1588   : close-file  ( fd -- )
1589      free-slot   (  )
1590   ;
1592   : size-file  ( fd -- size )
1593      set-fd  if  0  else  file-size  then
1594   ;
1596   : seek-file  ( off fd -- off true | false )
1597      set-fd  if                ( off )
1598         drop false  exit       ( failed )
1599      then                      ( off )
1601      dup file-size x>  if      ( off )
1602         drop false  exit       ( failed )
1603      then                      ( off )
1604      dup  file-offset!  true   ( off succeeded )
1605   ;
1607   : read-file  ( adr len fd -- #read )
1608      set-fd  if                   ( adr len )
1609         2drop 0  exit             ( 0 )
1610      then                         ( adr len )
1612      \ adjust len if reading past eof
1613      dup  file-offset@ +  file-size  x>  if
1614         dup  file-offset@ +  file-size -  -
1615      then
1616      dup 0=  if  nip exit  then
1618      0 -rot                              ( #read adr len )
1620      \ initial partial block
1621      file-offset@ file-bsize  mod  ?dup  if  ( #read adr len off )
1622         temp-space  file-bread
1623         2dup  file-bsize  swap -  min    ( #read adr len off cpy-len )
1624         2over drop -rot                  ( #read adr len adr off cpy-len )
1625         >r  temp-space +  swap           ( #read adr len cpy-src adr  r: cpy-len )
1626         r@  move  r> fio+                ( #read' adr' len' )
1627      then                                ( #read adr len )
1629      dup file-bsize /  0  ?do            ( #read adr len )
1630         over  file-bread
1631         file-bsize fio+                  ( #read' adr' len' )
1632      loop                                ( #read adr len )
1634      \ final partial block
1635      dup  if                             ( #read adr len )
1636         temp-space  file-bread
1637         2dup temp-space -rot  move       ( #read adr len )
1638         dup fio+                         ( #read' adr' 0 )
1639      then  2drop                         ( #read )
1640   ;
1642   : cinfo-file  ( fd -- bsize fsize comp? )
1643      set-fd  if
1644         0 0 0
1645      else
1646         file-bsize  file-size             ( bsize fsize )
1647         \ zfs does internal compression
1648         0                                 ( bsize fsize comp? )
1649      then
1650   ;
1652   \ read ramdisk fcode at rd-offset
1653   : get-rd   ( adr len -- )
1654      rd-offset dev-ih  read-disk
1655   ;
1657   : bootprop
1658      " /"  bootprop$  $append
1659      bootfs-obj# (xu.)  bootprop$  $append
1660      bootprop$  encode-string  " zfs-bootfs"   ( propval propname )
1661      true
1662   ;
1665   : chdir  ( dir$ -- )
1666      current-obj# -rot            ( obj# dir$ )
1667      lookup  if                   ( obj# )
1668         to current-obj#           (  )
1669         ." no such dir" cr  exit
1670      then                         ( obj# )
1671      dnode dir?  0=  if           ( obj# )
1672         to current-obj#           (  )
1673         ." not a dir" cr  exit
1674      then  drop                   (  )
1675   ;
1677   : dir  ( -- )
1678      current-obj# get-fs-dnode
1679      dnode zap-print
1680   ;