xref: /titanic_41/usr/src/uts/sparc/fp/Makefile (revision 7014882c6a3672fd0e5d60200af8643ae53c5928)
1fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
2fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# CDDL HEADER START
3fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
4fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
8fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# and limitations under the License.
12fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
13fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
19fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# CDDL HEADER END
20fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
21fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# uts/sparc/fp/Makefile
22fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
23fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
24fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# Use is subject to license terms.
25fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
26fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# ident "@(#)Makefile 1.10	08/07/25 SMI"
27fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
28fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# This makefile drives the production of fp driver kernel module.
29fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
30fcf3ce44SJohn Forte# i86pc architecture dependent
31fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
32fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
33fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
34fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Path to the base of the uts directory tree (usually /usr/src/uts).
35fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
36fcf3ce44SJohn ForteUTSBASE	= ../..
37fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
38fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
39fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Define the module and object file sets.
40fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
41fcf3ce44SJohn ForteMODULE		= fp
42fcf3ce44SJohn ForteOBJECTS		= $(FP_OBJS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%)
43fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINTS		= $(FP_OBJS:%.o=$(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln)
44fcf3ce44SJohn ForteROOTMODULE	= $(ROOT_DRV_DIR)/$(MODULE)
45fcf3ce44SJohn ForteCONF_SRCDIR     = $(UTSBASE)/sparc/io/fibre-channel/impl/
46fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
47fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
48fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Include common rules.
49fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
50fcf3ce44SJohn Forteinclude $(UTSBASE)/Makefile.uts
51fcf3ce44SJohn Forteinclude $(UTSBASE)/sparc/Makefile.sparc
52fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
53fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
54fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Define targets
55fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
56fcf3ce44SJohn ForteALL_TARGET	= $(BINARY)
57fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINT_TARGET	= $(MODULE).lint
59fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
60fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
61fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	header file directories
62fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
63fcf3ce44SJohn ForteINCS 		+= -I$(SRC)/uts/common/
64fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
65fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLDFLAGS		+= -dy -Nmisc/fctl -Ndrv/fcp -Nmisc/scsi
66fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
67fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
68fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Lint tags
69fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
70fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINTTAGS	+= -erroff=E_ASSIGN_NARROW_CONV
71fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINTTAGS	+= -erroff=E_BAD_PTR_CAST_ALIGN
72fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINTTAGS	+= -erroff=E_SUSPICIOUS_COMPARISON
73fcf3ce44SJohn ForteLINTTAGS	+= -erroff=E_STATIC_UNUSED
74fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
75*7014882cSRichard LoweCERRWARN	+= -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
76*7014882cSRichard LoweCERRWARN	+= -_gcc=-Wno-unused-function
77*7014882cSRichard Lowe
78fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
79fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Default build targets.
80fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
81fcf3ce44SJohn Forte.KEEP_STATE:
82fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
83fcf3ce44SJohn Fortedef:		$(DEF_DEPS)
84fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
85fcf3ce44SJohn Forteall:		$(ALL_DEPS)
86fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
87fcf3ce44SJohn Forteclean:		$(CLEAN_DEPS)
88fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
89fcf3ce44SJohn Forteclobber:	$(CLOBBER_DEPS)
90fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
91fcf3ce44SJohn Fortelint:		$(LINT_DEPS)
92fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
93fcf3ce44SJohn Fortemodlintlib:	$(MODLINTLIB_DEPS)
94fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
95fcf3ce44SJohn Forteclean.lint:	$(CLEAN_LINT_DEPS)
96fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
97fcf3ce44SJohn Forteinstall:	$(INSTALL_DEPS)
98fcf3ce44SJohn Forte
99fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
100fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#	Include common targets.
101fcf3ce44SJohn Forte#
102fcf3ce44SJohn Forteinclude $(UTSBASE)/sparc/Makefile.targ