.L fmtbase formats a base base representation for number . If "prefix != 0" then the base prefix is included in the formatted string. If "number == 0" or "base == 0" then the output is signed base 10.
.L fmtdev returns the device handle name specified by the .L stat structure st . This is the device information displayed by "ls -l" .
.L fmtelapsed formats the elapsed time for (count/persec) seconds. The two largest time units are used, limiting the return value length to at most 6 characters. The units are:
s seconds
m minutes
h hours
M months
Y years
S scores
.L fmterror returns the system error message text for the error number errno .
.L fmtesc formats non-ASCII characters in string into C-style \e sequences. These sequences are understood by .L chresc and .LR chrtoi .
.L fmtfs returns the file system type name corresponding to the .L stat structure st .
.L fmtgid returns the group name for gid .
.L fmtmatch returns the .L strmatch equivalent pattern for the regular expression pattern re . 0 is returned for invalid re .
.L fmtmode returns the "ls -l" mode string for the file mode bits in mode . If "external != 0" then mode is modecanon (3) canonical.
.L fmtperm returns the chmod permission string for the permission bits in perm .
.L fmtre returns the regular expression equivalent pattern for the .L strmatch pattern pattern . 0 is returned for invalid pattern .
.L fmtsignal returns the signal name, sans .LR SIG , for the signal number sig . If "sig < 0" then the description text for -sig is returned.
.L fmttime returns the results of "tmfmt(buf,sizeof(buf),format,tm)" in the private buffer buf .
.L fmtuid returns the user name for uid .