1#!@PYTHON@ 2# 3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 5# as published by the Free Software Foundation. 6# 7# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 8# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 9# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 10# GNU General Public License for more details. 11# 12# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 13# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 14# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 15# 16 17# 18# Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 19# Copyright 2008, 2012 Richard Lowe 20# Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <garrett@damore.org> 21# Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved. 22# Copyright 2016 Nexenta Systems, Inc. 23# Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc. 24# 25 26import getopt 27import os 28import re 29import subprocess 30import sys 31import tempfile 32 33from cStringIO import StringIO 34 35# 36# Adjust the load path based on our location and the version of python into 37# which it is being loaded. This assumes the normal onbld directory 38# structure, where we are in bin/ and the modules are in 39# lib/python(version)?/onbld/Scm/. If that changes so too must this. 40# 41sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "lib", 42 "python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2])) 43 44# 45# Add the relative path to usr/src/tools to the load path, such that when run 46# from the source tree we use the modules also within the source tree. 47# 48sys.path.insert(2, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) 49 50from onbld.Scm import Ignore 51from onbld.Checks import Comments, Copyright, CStyle, HdrChk, WsCheck 52from onbld.Checks import JStyle, Keywords, ManLint, Mapfile, SpellCheck 53 54 55class GitError(Exception): 56 pass 57 58def git(command): 59 """Run a command and return a stream containing its stdout (and write its 60 stderr to its stdout)""" 61 62 if type(command) != list: 63 command = command.split() 64 65 command = ["git"] + command 66 67 try: 68 tmpfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix="git-nits") 69 except EnvironmentError, e: 70 raise GitError("Could not create temporary file: %s\n" % e) 71 72 try: 73 p = subprocess.Popen(command, 74 stdout=tmpfile, 75 stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 76 except OSError, e: 77 raise GitError("could not execute %s: %s\n" % (command, e)) 78 79 err = p.wait() 80 if err != 0: 81 raise GitError(p.stderr.read()) 82 83 tmpfile.seek(0) 84 return tmpfile 85 86 87def git_root(): 88 """Return the root of the current git workspace""" 89 90 p = git('rev-parse --git-dir') 91 92 if not p: 93 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git workspace\n") 94 sys.exit(err) 95 96 return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p.readlines()[0], 97 os.path.pardir)) 98 99 100def git_branch(): 101 """Return the current git branch""" 102 103 p = git('branch') 104 105 if not p: 106 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git branch\n") 107 sys.exit(err) 108 109 for elt in p: 110 if elt[0] == '*': 111 if elt.endswith('(no branch)'): 112 return None 113 return elt.split()[1] 114 115 116def git_parent_branch(branch): 117 """Return the parent of the current git branch. 118 119 If this branch tracks a remote branch, return the remote branch which is 120 tracked. If not, default to origin/master.""" 121 122 if not branch: 123 return None 124 125 p = git(["for-each-ref", "--format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)", 126 "refs/heads/"]) 127 128 if not p: 129 sys.stderr.write("Failed finding git parent branch\n") 130 sys.exit(err) 131 132 for line in p: 133 # Git 1.7 will leave a ' ' trailing any non-tracking branch 134 if ' ' in line and not line.endswith(' \n'): 135 local, remote = line.split() 136 if local == branch: 137 return remote 138 return 'origin/master' 139 140 141def git_comments(parent): 142 """Return a list of any checkin comments on this git branch""" 143 144 p = git('log --pretty=tformat:%%B:SEP: %s..' % parent) 145 146 if not p: 147 sys.stderr.write("Failed getting git comments\n") 148 sys.exit(err) 149 150 return [x.strip() for x in p.readlines() if x != ':SEP:\n'] 151 152 153def git_file_list(parent, paths=None): 154 """Return the set of files which have ever changed on this branch. 155 156 NB: This includes files which no longer exist, or no longer actually 157 differ.""" 158 159 p = git("log --name-only --pretty=format: %s.. %s" % 160 (parent, ' '.join(paths))) 161 162 if not p: 163 sys.stderr.write("Failed building file-list from git\n") 164 sys.exit(err) 165 166 ret = set() 167 for fname in p: 168 if fname and not fname.isspace() and fname not in ret: 169 ret.add(fname.strip()) 170 171 return ret 172 173 174def not_check(root, cmd): 175 """Return a function which returns True if a file given as an argument 176 should be excluded from the check named by 'cmd'""" 177 178 ignorefiles = filter(os.path.exists, 179 [os.path.join(root, ".git", "%s.NOT" % cmd), 180 os.path.join(root, "exception_lists", cmd)]) 181 return Ignore.ignore(root, ignorefiles) 182 183 184def gen_files(root, parent, paths, exclude): 185 """Return a function producing file names, relative to the current 186 directory, of any file changed on this branch (limited to 'paths' if 187 requested), and excluding files for which exclude returns a true value """ 188 189 # Taken entirely from Python 2.6's os.path.relpath which we would use if we 190 # could. 191 def relpath(path, here): 192 c = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, path)).split(os.path.sep) 193 s = os.path.abspath(here).split(os.path.sep) 194 l = len(os.path.commonprefix((s, c))) 195 return os.path.join(*[os.path.pardir] * (len(s)-l) + c[l:]) 196 197 def ret(select=None): 198 if not select: 199 select = lambda x: True 200 201 for f in git_file_list(parent, paths): 202 f = relpath(f, '.') 203 try: 204 res = git("diff %s HEAD %s" % (parent, f)) 205 except GitError, e: 206 # This ignores all the errors that can be thrown. Usually, this means 207 # that git returned non-zero because the file doesn't exist, but it 208 # could also fail if git can't create a new file or it can't be 209 # executed. Such errors are 1) unlikely, and 2) will be caught by other 210 # invocations of git(). 211 continue 212 empty = not res.readline() 213 if (os.path.isfile(f) and not empty and select(f) and not exclude(f)): 214 yield f 215 return ret 216 217 218def comchk(root, parent, flist, output): 219 output.write("Comments:\n") 220 221 return Comments.comchk(git_comments(parent), check_db=True, 222 output=output) 223 224 225def mapfilechk(root, parent, flist, output): 226 ret = 0 227 228 # We are interested in examining any file that has the following 229 # in its final path segment: 230 # - Contains the word 'mapfile' 231 # - Begins with 'map.' 232 # - Ends with '.map' 233 # We don't want to match unless these things occur in final path segment 234 # because directory names with these strings don't indicate a mapfile. 235 # We also ignore files with suffixes that tell us that the files 236 # are not mapfiles. 237 MapfileRE = re.compile(r'.*((mapfile[^/]*)|(/map\.+[^/]*)|(\.map))$', 238 re.IGNORECASE) 239 NotMapSuffixRE = re.compile(r'.*\.[ch]$', re.IGNORECASE) 240 241 output.write("Mapfile comments:\n") 242 243 for f in flist(lambda x: MapfileRE.match(x) and not 244 NotMapSuffixRE.match(x)): 245 fh = open(f, 'r') 246 ret |= Mapfile.mapfilechk(fh, output=output) 247 fh.close() 248 return ret 249 250 251def copyright(root, parent, flist, output): 252 ret = 0 253 output.write("Copyrights:\n") 254 for f in flist(): 255 fh = open(f, 'r') 256 ret |= Copyright.copyright(fh, output=output) 257 fh.close() 258 return ret 259 260 261def hdrchk(root, parent, flist, output): 262 ret = 0 263 output.write("Header format:\n") 264 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.h')): 265 fh = open(f, 'r') 266 ret |= HdrChk.hdrchk(fh, lenient=True, output=output) 267 fh.close() 268 return ret 269 270 271def cstyle(root, parent, flist, output): 272 ret = 0 273 output.write("C style:\n") 274 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.c') or x.endswith('.h')): 275 fh = open(f, 'r') 276 ret |= CStyle.cstyle(fh, output=output, picky=True, 277 check_posix_types=True, 278 check_continuation=True) 279 fh.close() 280 return ret 281 282 283def jstyle(root, parent, flist, output): 284 ret = 0 285 output.write("Java style:\n") 286 for f in flist(lambda x: x.endswith('.java')): 287 fh = open(f, 'r') 288 ret |= JStyle.jstyle(fh, output=output, picky=True) 289 fh.close() 290 return ret 291 292 293def manlint(root, parent, flist, output): 294 ret = 0 295 output.write("Man page format/spelling:\n") 296 ManfileRE = re.compile(r'.*\.[0-9][a-z]*$', re.IGNORECASE) 297 for f in flist(lambda x: ManfileRE.match(x)): 298 fh = open(f, 'r') 299 ret |= ManLint.manlint(fh, output=output, picky=True) 300 ret |= SpellCheck.spellcheck(fh, output=output) 301 fh.close() 302 return ret 303 304def keywords(root, parent, flist, output): 305 ret = 0 306 output.write("SCCS Keywords:\n") 307 for f in flist(): 308 fh = open(f, 'r') 309 ret |= Keywords.keywords(fh, output=output) 310 fh.close() 311 return ret 312 313def wscheck(root, parent, flist, output): 314 ret = 0 315 output.write("white space nits:\n") 316 for f in flist(): 317 fh = open(f, 'r') 318 ret |= WsCheck.wscheck(fh, output=output) 319 fh.close() 320 return ret 321 322def run_checks(root, parent, cmds, paths='', opts={}): 323 """Run the checks given in 'cmds', expected to have well-known signatures, 324 and report results for any which fail. 325 326 Return failure if any of them did. 327 328 NB: the function name of the commands passed in is used to name the NOT 329 file which excepts files from them.""" 330 331 ret = 0 332 333 for cmd in cmds: 334 s = StringIO() 335 336 exclude = not_check(root, cmd.func_name) 337 result = cmd(root, parent, gen_files(root, parent, paths, exclude), 338 output=s) 339 ret |= result 340 341 if result != 0: 342 print s.getvalue() 343 344 return ret 345 346 347def nits(root, parent, paths): 348 cmds = [copyright, 349 cstyle, 350 hdrchk, 351 jstyle, 352 keywords, 353 manlint, 354 mapfilechk, 355 wscheck] 356 run_checks(root, parent, cmds, paths) 357 358 359def pbchk(root, parent, paths): 360 cmds = [comchk, 361 copyright, 362 cstyle, 363 hdrchk, 364 jstyle, 365 keywords, 366 manlint, 367 mapfilechk, 368 wscheck] 369 run_checks(root, parent, cmds) 370 371 372def main(cmd, args): 373 parent_branch = None 374 checkname = None 375 376 try: 377 opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'c:p:') 378 except getopt.GetoptError, e: 379 sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') 380 sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s [-c check] [-p branch] [path...]\n" % cmd) 381 sys.exit(1) 382 383 for opt, arg in opts: 384 # backwards compatibility 385 if opt == '-b': 386 parent_branch = arg 387 elif opt == '-c': 388 checkname = arg 389 elif opt == '-p': 390 parent_branch = arg 391 392 if not parent_branch: 393 parent_branch = git_parent_branch(git_branch()) 394 395 if checkname is None: 396 if cmd == 'git-pbchk': 397 checkname= 'pbchk' 398 else: 399 checkname = 'nits' 400 401 if checkname == 'pbchk': 402 if args: 403 sys.stderr.write("only complete workspaces may be pbchk'd\n"); 404 sys.exit(1) 405 pbchk(git_root(), parent_branch, None) 406 elif checkname == 'nits': 407 nits(git_root(), parent_branch, args) 408 else: 409 run_checks(git_root(), parent_branch, [eval(checkname)], args) 410 411if __name__ == '__main__': 412 try: 413 main(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sys.argv[1:]) 414 except GitError, e: 415 sys.stderr.write("failed to run git:\n %s\n" % str(e)) 416 sys.exit(1) 417