xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/awk/gnu/nlstrina.awk (revision 78801af7286cd73dbc996d470f789e75993cf15d)
1# From E.Ab@chem.rug.nl  Wed Aug  2 13:16:53 2000
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22# Sender: E.Ab@chem.rug.nl
23# Message-ID: <3987E7D5.2BDC5FD3@chem.rug.nl>
24# Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 11:20:21 +0200
25# From: Eiso AB <E.Ab@chem.rug.nl>
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30# Subject: bug? [GNU Awk 3.0.5]
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37# hi Arnold,
40# Please try the script beneath...
41# I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I would expect
42# the empty string as an array index just to be treated
43# like any other string
45# so if ("" in ta) would be true, and for ( i in ta ) should loop only once.
48        v=""
49        ta[v]++
50        if ( v in ta) print "a",v,++ta[v],ta[v]
51	print "b",v,++ta[v],ta[v]
52        for( i in ta) print "c",++c,i,ta[i]
55# goodluck, Eiso
57# --
58#                                 _________
59# _______________________________/ Eiso AB \_________________________
61#            o
63#                  o               Dept. of Biochemistry
64#                                  University of Groningen
65#                                  The Netherlands
66#                   o
67#             . .
68#          o   ^                   mailto:eiso@chem.rug.nl
69#          |   -   _               mailto:eiso@dds.nl
70#           \__|__/                http://md.chem.rug.nl/~eiso
71#              |	                 tel 4326
72#              |
73#             / \
74#            /   \
75#            |   |
76# ________ ._|   |_. ________________________________________________