xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/awk/gnu/nested.awk (revision d48be21240dfd051b689384ce2b23479d757f2d8)
1# From james@ruari-quinn.demon.co.uk  Thu Jun  5 11:43:58 2003
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39# 	for <bug-gawk@gnu.org>; Wed, 04 Jun 2003 17:53:56 +0100
40# To: bug-gawk@gnu.org
41# Subject: 3.1.0 regression
42# Mail-Copies-To: never
43# From: James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
44# User-Agent: Gnus/5.090017 (Oort Gnus v0.17) Emacs/20.7 (gnu/linux)
45# Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 17:53:56 +0100
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59# Hi Aharon,
61# This bug report comes from the Debian bug tracking system.  You can
62# view the full log at:
64#  http://bugs.debian.org/188345
66# Like my other bug, this is a regression from 3.1.0 and I've reproduced
67# this problem with 3.1.2d.
69# "Nikita V. Youshchenko" <yoush@cs.msu.su> writes:
71# | Package: gawk
72# | Version: 1:3.1.2-2
73# | Severity: normal
74# | Tags: sid
75# |
76# | After upgrading gawk from woody to sid, I found one of my scripts not
77# | working. I explored this a little and found minimal script to reproduce
78# | the problem.
79# |
80# | File bug.awk is the following:
81# |
82BEGIN  {
83  WI_total = 0
86  WI_total++
87  {
88    split (  $1, sws, "_" )
89    a = sws[1]
90  }
91  print(sws[1])
92  print(a)
94# |
95# | The second print should output the same what first print poutputs, but
96# | with gawk 3.1.2-2 it outputs nothing:
97# | > echo a_b | gawk -f bug.awk
98# | a
99# |
100# | >
101# |
102# | With gawk from stable I get what expexted:
103# | > echo a_b | gawk -f bug.awk
104# | a
105# | a
106# | >
107# |
108# | If I remove "WI_total++" line, bug disapperas
109# |
110# | -- System Information:
111# | Debian Release: 3.0
112# | Architecture: i386
113# | Kernel: Linux zigzag 2.4.19 16:49:13 MSK 2003 i686
114# | Locale: LANG=ru_RU.KOI8-R, LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R
115# |
116# | Versions of packages gawk depends on:
117# | ii  libc6                         2.3.1-16   GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
118# |
119# | -- no debconf information
121# --
122# James