xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/awk/gnu/gsubtst7.awk (revision ed093b41a93e8563e6e1e5dae0768dda2a7bcc27)
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47# From: Kacper Kornet <draenog@pld-linux.org>
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73# Hi,
75# I have observed the following changed behavior between gawk-3.8.1 and
76# gakw-4.0.0. While in the former
78# echo -ne ' aaa' | gawk '{for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) {gsub("foo", "bar", $c); print}}'
80# prints:
82#  aaa
84# the gawk-4.0.0 does not preserve the leading spaces and prints:
86# aaa
88# Best regards,
89# --
90#   Kacper
92{for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) {gsub("foo", "bar", $c); print}}