xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/awk/gnu/compare2.awk (revision ed093b41a93e8563e6e1e5dae0768dda2a7bcc27)
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28# Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 06:37:03 -0600 (MDT)
29# From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <beebe@math.utah.edu>
30# To: arnold@gnu.org
31# Cc: beebe@math.utah.edu
32# X-US-Mail: "Center for Scientific Computing, Department of Mathematics, 322
33#         INSCC, University of Utah, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake City, UT
34#         84112-0090, USA"
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37# X-URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe
38# Subject: awk implementations: a bug, or new dark corner?
39# Message-ID: <CMM.>
40# Status: RO
42# Consider the following program:
44# % cat bug.awk
46    split("00/00/00",mdy,"/")
47    if ((mdy[1] == 0) && (mdy[2] == 0) && (mdy[3] == 0))
48    {
49        print "OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero"
50        exit(0)
51    }
52    else
53    {
54        print "ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero"
55        exit(1)
56    }
59# Here are the awk implementation versions (on Sun Solaris 2.7):
61# 	% awk -V
62# 	awk version 19990416
64# 	% mawk -W version
65# 	mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996, Copyright (C) Michael D. Brennan
67# 	% nawk -V
68# 	awk version 20001115
70# 	% gawk --version
71# 	GNU Awk 3.1.10
72# 	...
74# Here's what they say about the test program:
76# 	foreach f (awk mawk nawk gawk gawk-*)
77# 		echo ======== $f
78# 		$f -f ~/bug.awk
79# 	end
81# 	======== awk
82# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
83# 	======== mawk
84# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
85# 	======== nawk
86# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
87# 	======== gawk
88# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
89# 	======== gawk-3.0.0
90# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
91# 	======== gawk-3.0.1
92# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
93# 	======== gawk-3.0.3
94# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
95# 	======== gawk-3.0.4
96# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
97# 	======== gawk-3.0.5
98# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
99# 	======== gawk-3.0.6
100# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
101# 	======== gawk-3.0.60
102# 	OK: zero strings compare equal to number zero
103# 	======== gawk-3.0.90
104# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
105# 	======== gawk-3.0.91
106# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
107# 	======== gawk-3.0.92
108# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
109# 	======== gawk-3.0.93
110# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
111# 	======== gawk-3.0.94
112# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
113# 	======== gawk-3.0.95
114# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
115# 	======== gawk-3.0.96
116# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
117# 	======== gawk-3.0.97
118# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
119# 	======== gawk-3.1.0
120# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
121# 	======== gawk-3.1.10
122# 	ERROR: zero strings compare unequal to number zero
124# Identical results were obtained on Apple Rhapsody, Apple Darwin,
125# Compaq/DEC Alpha OSF/1, Intel x86 GNU/Linux, SGI IRIX 6.5, DEC Alpha
126# GNU/Linux, and Sun SPARC GNU/Linux, so it definitely is not a C
127# compiler problem.
129# However, the gray awk book, p. 44, says:
131# 	In a comparison expression like:
132# 		x == y
133# 	if both operands have a numeric type, the comparison is numeric;
134# 	otherwise, any numeric operand is converted to a string and the
135# 	comparison is made on the string values.
137# and the new green gawk book, p. 95, says:
139# 	When comparing operands of mixed types, numeric operands are
140# 	converted to strings using the value of `CONVFMT'
142# This suggests that the OK response in bug.awk is wrong, and the ERROR
143# response is correct.  Only recent gawk releases do the right thing,
144# and it is awk, mawk, and nawk that have a bug.
146# If I change the test program from "00/00/00" to "0/0/0", all versions
147# tested produce the OK response.
149# Comments?
151# After reading the two book excerpts, I changed my code to read
153#     if (((0 + mdy[1]) == 0) && ((0 + mdy[2]) == 0) && ((0 + mdy[3]) == 0))
155# and output from all implementations now agrees.
157# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158# - Nelson H. F. Beebe                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254                  -
159# - Center for Scientific Computing       FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148 -
160# - University of Utah                    Internet e-mail: beebe@math.utah.edu  -
161# - Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC      beebe@acm.org  beebe@computer.org -
162# - 155 S 1400 E RM 233                       beebe@ieee.org                    -
163# - Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA    URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe  -
164# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------