xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/test/util-tests/tests/awk/examples/out/t.8.x (revision 78801af7286cd73dbc996d470f789e75993cf15d)
1 /dev/rrp3: /dev/rrp3:
3 17379 17379
4 16693 16693 me
5 16116 16116 him someone else
6 15713 15713
7 11895 11895
8 10409 10409
9 10252 10252
10 9853 9853
11 9748 9748
12 9492 9492
13 9190 9190
14 8912 8912
15 8895 8895
16 8491 8491
17 8372 8372
18 8252 8252
19 7450 7450
20 7360 7360
21 7273 7273
22 7080 7080
23 7063 7063
24 6567 6567
25 6462 6462
26 6291 6291
27 6211 6211
28 5671 5671
29 5373 5373
30 5220 5220
31 5167 5167
32 5007 5007
33 3963 3963
34 3895 3895
35 3796 3796
36 3481 3481
37 3200 3200
38 2845 2845
39 2774 2774
40 2641 2641
41 2566 2566
42 2511 2511
43 2479 2479
44 2127 2127
45 1989 1989
46 1989 1989
47 1933 1933
48 1801 1801
49 1590 1590
50 1385 1385
51 1370 1370
52 1316 1316
53 1205 1205
54 1194 1194
55 1153 1153
56 1150 1150
57 1031 1031
58 1018 1018
59 950 950
60 931 931
61 898 898
62 865 865
63 822 822
64 803 803
65 700 700
66 624 624
67 559 559
68 541 541
69 523 523
70 495 495
71 456 456
72 414 414
73 386 386
74 375 375
75 348 348
76 344 344
77 327 327
78 288 288
79 272 272
80 263 263
81 253 253
82 251 251
83 248 248
84 224 224
85 222 222
86 213 213
87 201 201
88 184 184
89 176 176
90 166 166
91 163 163
92 144 144
93 143 143
94 123 123
95 116 116
96 95 95
97 80 80
98 79 79
99 79 79
100 64 64
101 62 62
102 56 56
103 54 54
104 47 47
105 45 45
106 45 45
107 44 44
108 43 43
109 43 43
110 37 37
111 32 32
112 31 31
113 29 29
114 25 25
115 22 22
116 15 15
117 10 10
118 10 10
119 6 6
120 6 6
121 5 5
122 4 4
123 4 4
124 4 4
125 3 3
126 3 3
127 3 3
128 3 3
129 2 2
130 2 2
131 2 2
132 1 1
133 1 1
134 1 1
135 1 1
136 1 1
137 1 1
138 1 1
139 1 1
140 1root:EMpNB8Zp56:0:0:Super-User,,,,,,,:/:/bin/sh 1root:EMpNB8Zp56:0:0:Super-User,,,,,,,:/:/bin/sh
141 2roottcsh:*:0:0:Super-User 2roottcsh:*:0:0:Super-User tcsh [cbm]:/:/bin/tcsh
142 3sysadm:*:0:0:System 3sysadm:*:0:0:System Administration:/usr/admin:/bin/sh
143 4diag:*:0:996:Hardware 4diag:*:0:996:Hardware
144 5daemon:*:1:1:daemons:/:/bin/sh 5daemon:*:1:1:daemons:/:/bin/sh
145 6bin:*:2:2:System 6bin:*:2:2:System Owner:/bin:/dev/null
146 7nuucp:BJnuQbAo:6:10:UUCP.Admin:/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucico 7nuucp:BJnuQbAo:6:10:UUCP.Admin:/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucico
147 8uucp:*:3:5:UUCP.Admin:/usr/lib/uucp: 8uucp:*:3:5:UUCP.Admin:/usr/lib/uucp:
148 9sys:*:4:0:System 9sys:*:4:0:System Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/sh
149 10adm:*:5:3:Accounting 10adm:*:5:3:Accounting Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/sh
150 11lp:*:9:9:Print 11lp:*:9:9:Print Owner:/var/spool/lp:/bin/sh
151 12auditor:*:11:0:Audit 12auditor:*:11:0:Audit Owner:/auditor:/bin/sh
152 13dbadmin:*:12:0:Security 13dbadmin:*:12:0:Security Owner:/dbadmin:/bin/sh
153 14bootes:dcon:50:1:Tom 14bootes:dcon:50:1:Tom (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp:
154 15cdjuke:dcon:51:1:Tom 15cdjuke:dcon:51:1:Tom (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp:
155 16rfindd:*:66:1:Rfind 16rfindd:*:66:1:Rfind and Fsdump:/var/rfindd:/bin/sh
156 17EZsetup:*:992:998:System 17EZsetup:*:992:998:System
157 18demos:*:993:997:Demonstration 18demos:*:993:997:Demonstration
158 19tutor:*:994:997:Tutorial 19tutor:*:994:997:Tutorial
159 20tour:*:995:997:IRIS 20tour:*:995:997:IRIS Tour:/usr/people/tour:/bin/csh
160 21guest:nfP4/Wpvio/Rw:998:998:Guest 21guest:nfP4/Wpvio/Rw:998:998:Guest
161 224Dgifts:0nWRTZsOMt.:999:998:4Dgifts 224Dgifts:0nWRTZsOMt.:999:998:4Dgifts
162 23nobody:*:60001:60001:SVR4 23nobody:*:60001:60001:SVR4 uid:/dev/null:/dev/null
163 24noaccess:*:60002:60002:uid 24noaccess:*:60002:60002:uid access:/dev/null:/dev/null
164 25nobody:*:-2:-2:original 25nobody:*:-2:-2:original uid:/dev/null:/dev/null
165 26rje:*:8:8:RJE 26rje:*:8:8:RJE
166 27changes:*:11:11:system 27changes:*:11:11:system log:/:
167 28dist:sorry:9999:4:file 28dist:sorry:9999:4:file
168 29man:*:99:995:On-line 29man:*:99:995:On-line Owner:/:
169 30phoneca:*:991:991:phone 30phoneca:*:991:991:phone log [tom]:/v/adm/log:/v/bin/sh
170 1r 1r EMpNB8Zp56 0 0 Super-User,,,,,,, / /bin/sh
171 2r 2r * 0 0 Super-User running tcsh [cbm] / /bin/tcsh
172 3s 3s * 0 0 System V Administration /usr/admin /bin/sh
173 4d 4d * 0 996 Hardware Diagnostics /usr/diags /bin/csh
174 5d 5d * 1 1 daemons / /bin/sh
175 6b 6b * 2 2 System Tools Owner /bin /dev/null
176 7n 7n BJnuQbAo 6 10 UUCP.Admin /usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
177 8u 8u * 3 5 UUCP.Admin /usr/lib/uucp
178 9s 9s * 4 0 System Activity Owner /usr/adm /bin/sh
179 10 10 * 5 3 Accounting Files Owner /usr/adm /bin/sh
180 11 11 * 9 9 Print Spooler Owner /var/spool/lp /bin/sh
181 12 12 * 11 0 Audit Activity Owner /auditor /bin/sh
182 13 13 * 12 0 Security Database Owner /dbadmin /bin/sh
183 14 14 dcon 50 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp
184 15 15 dcon 51 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp
185 16 16 * 66 1 Rfind Daemon and Fsdump /var/rfindd /bin/sh
186 17 17 * 992 998 System Setup /var/sysadmdesktop/EZsetup /bin/csh
187 18 18 * 993 997 Demonstration User /usr/demos /bin/csh
188 19 19 * 994 997 Tutorial User /usr/tutor /bin/csh
189 20 20 * 995 997 IRIS Space Tour /usr/people/tour /bin/csh
190 21 21 nfP4/Wpvio/Rw 998 998 Guest Account /usr/people/guest /bin/csh
191 22 22 0nWRTZsOMt. 999 998 4Dgifts Account /usr/people/4Dgifts /bin/csh
192 23 23 * 60001 60001 SVR4 nobody uid /dev/null /dev/null
193 24 24 * 60002 60002 uid no access /dev/null /dev/null
194 25 25 * -2 -2 original nobody uid /dev/null /dev/null
195 26 26 * 8 8 RJE Owner /usr/spool/rje
196 27 27 * 11 11 system change log /
197 28 28 sorry 9999 4 file distributions /v/adm/dist /v/bin/sh
198 29 29 * 99 995 On-line Manual Owner /
199 30 30 * 991 991 phone call log [tom] /v/adm/log /v/bin/sh