1.\" 2.\" This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the 3.\" Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. 4.\" You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version 5.\" 1.0 of the CDDL. 6.\" 7.\" A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this 8.\" source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at 9.\" http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. 10.\" 11.\" 12.\" Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. 13.\" 14.Dd May 11, 2016 15.Dt PR_GETSOCKNAME 3PROC 16.Os 17.Sh NAME 18.Nm pr_getsockname 19.Nd inject getsockname library call into victim process 20.Sh SYNOPSIS 21.Lb libproc 22.In libproc.h 23.Ft int 24.Fo pr_getsockname 25.Fa "struct ps_prochandle *P" 26.Fa "int sock" 27.Fa "struct sockaddr *name" 28.Fa "socklen_t *namelen" 29.Fc 30.Sh DESCRIPTION 31The 32.Fn pr_getsockname 33function injects the 34.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET 35library call into the target process 36.Fa P 37by means of the agent LWP. 38If the process handle 39.Fa P 40is the value 41.Dv NULL 42then this will be equivalent to calling 43.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET 44on the currently running process. 45.Pp 46The arguments 47.Fa sock , 48.Fa name , 49and 50.Fa namelen 51have the same meaning as in 52.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET . 53See 54.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET 55for the full description and purpose of the 56.Sy getsockname 57library call and its arguments. 58.Pp 59The 60.Fn pr_getsockname 61function only works on active processes. Process handles that correspond 62to core files, zombie processes, or ELF objects do not support library 63call injection. 64.Sh RETURN VALUES 65Upon successful completion, the 66.Fn pr_getsockname 67function's return value is that described in 68.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET . 69Otherwise, 70.Sy -1 71is returned and 72.Sy errno 73is set to 74.Er ENOSYS 75to indicate that the library call could not be injected. 76.Sh ERRORS 77For the full list of errors see the 78.Sy ERRORS 79section in 80.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET . 81.Pp 82The 83.Fn pr_getsockname 84function will fail if: 85.Bl -tag -width Er 86.It Er ENOSYS 87An error occurred while trying to invoke the agent LWP and inject a 88library call in the process handle 89.Fa P 90or the process handle 91.Fa P 92does not support library call injection. 93.El 94.Sh INTERFACE STABILITY 95.Sy Uncommitted 96.Sh MT-LEVEL 97See 98.Sy LOCKING 99in 100.Xr libproc 3LIB . 101.Sh SEE ALSO 102.Xr libproc 3LIB , 103.Xr getsockname 3SOCKET , 104.Xr proc 4 105