xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libsqlite/tool/spaceanal.tcl (revision 1da57d551424de5a9d469760be7c4b4d4f10a755)
1*c5c4113dSnw141292# Run this TCL script using "testfixture" in order get a report that shows
2*c5c4113dSnw141292# how much disk space is used by a particular data to actually store data
3*c5c4113dSnw141292# versus how much space is unused.
6*c5c4113dSnw141292# Get the name of the database to analyze
8*c5c4113dSnw141292if {[llength $argv]!=1} {
9*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 database-name"
10*c5c4113dSnw141292  exit 1
12*c5c4113dSnw141292set file_to_analyze [lindex $argv 0]
13*c5c4113dSnw141292if {![file exists $file_to_analyze]} {
14*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts stderr "No such file: $file_to_analyze"
15*c5c4113dSnw141292  exit 1
17*c5c4113dSnw141292if {![file readable $file_to_analyze]} {
18*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts stderr "File is not readable: $file_to_analyze"
19*c5c4113dSnw141292  exit 1
21*c5c4113dSnw141292if {[file size $file_to_analyze]<2048} {
22*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts stderr "Empty or malformed database: $file_to_analyze"
23*c5c4113dSnw141292  exit 1
26*c5c4113dSnw141292# Open the database
28*c5c4113dSnw141292sqlite db [lindex $argv 0]
29*c5c4113dSnw141292set DB [btree_open [lindex $argv 0]]
31*c5c4113dSnw141292# In-memory database for collecting statistics
33*c5c4113dSnw141292sqlite mem :memory:
34*c5c4113dSnw141292set tabledef\
35*c5c4113dSnw141292{CREATE TABLE space_used(
36*c5c4113dSnw141292   name clob,        -- Name of a table or index in the database file
37*c5c4113dSnw141292   tblname clob,     -- Name of associated table
38*c5c4113dSnw141292   is_index boolean, -- TRUE if it is an index, false for a table
39*c5c4113dSnw141292   nentry int,       -- Number of entries in the BTree
40*c5c4113dSnw141292   payload int,      -- Total amount of data stored in this table or index
41*c5c4113dSnw141292   mx_payload int,   -- Maximum payload size
42*c5c4113dSnw141292   n_ovfl int,       -- Number of entries that overflow
43*c5c4113dSnw141292   pri_pages int,    -- Number of primary pages used
44*c5c4113dSnw141292   ovfl_pages int,   -- Number of overflow pages used
45*c5c4113dSnw141292   pri_unused int,   -- Number of unused bytes on primary pages
46*c5c4113dSnw141292   ovfl_unused int   -- Number of unused bytes on overflow pages
48*c5c4113dSnw141292mem eval $tabledef
50*c5c4113dSnw141292# This query will be used to find the root page number for every index and
51*c5c4113dSnw141292# table in the database.
53*c5c4113dSnw141292set sql {
54*c5c4113dSnw141292  SELECT name, tbl_name, type, rootpage
55*c5c4113dSnw141292    FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table','index')
56*c5c4113dSnw141292  UNION ALL
57*c5c4113dSnw141292  SELECT 'sqlite_master', 'sqlite_master', 'table', 2
58*c5c4113dSnw141292  ORDER BY 1
61*c5c4113dSnw141292# Analyze every table in the database, one at a time.
63*c5c4113dSnw141292foreach {name tblname type rootpage} [db eval $sql] {
64*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts stderr "Analyzing $name..."
65*c5c4113dSnw141292  set cursor [btree_cursor $DB $rootpage 0]
66*c5c4113dSnw141292  set go [btree_first $cursor]
67*c5c4113dSnw141292  set size 0
68*c5c4113dSnw141292  catch {unset pg_used}
69*c5c4113dSnw141292  set unused_ovfl 0
70*c5c4113dSnw141292  set n_overflow 0
71*c5c4113dSnw141292  set cnt_ovfl 0
72*c5c4113dSnw141292  set n_entry 0
73*c5c4113dSnw141292  set mx_size 0
74*c5c4113dSnw141292  set pg_used($rootpage) 1016
75*c5c4113dSnw141292  while {$go==0} {
76*c5c4113dSnw141292    incr n_entry
77*c5c4113dSnw141292    set payload [btree_payload_size $cursor]
78*c5c4113dSnw141292    incr size $payload
79*c5c4113dSnw141292    set stat [btree_cursor_dump $cursor]
80*c5c4113dSnw141292    set pgno [lindex $stat 0]
81*c5c4113dSnw141292    set freebytes [lindex $stat 4]
82*c5c4113dSnw141292    set pg_used($pgno) $freebytes
83*c5c4113dSnw141292    if {$payload>236} {
84*c5c4113dSnw141292      # if {[lindex $stat 8]==0} {error "overflow is empty with $payload"}
85*c5c4113dSnw141292      set n [expr {($payload-236+1019)/1020}]
86*c5c4113dSnw141292      incr n_overflow $n
87*c5c4113dSnw141292      incr cnt_ovfl
88*c5c4113dSnw141292      incr unused_ovfl [expr {$n*1020+236-$payload}]
89*c5c4113dSnw141292    } else {
90*c5c4113dSnw141292      # if {[lindex $stat 8]!=0} {error "overflow not empty with $payload"}
91*c5c4113dSnw141292    }
92*c5c4113dSnw141292    if {$payload>$mx_size} {set mx_size $payload}
93*c5c4113dSnw141292    set go [btree_next $cursor]
94*c5c4113dSnw141292  }
95*c5c4113dSnw141292  btree_close_cursor $cursor
96*c5c4113dSnw141292  set n_primary [llength [array names pg_used]]
97*c5c4113dSnw141292  set unused_primary 0
98*c5c4113dSnw141292  foreach x [array names pg_used] {incr unused_primary $pg_used($x)}
99*c5c4113dSnw141292  regsub -all ' $name '' name
100*c5c4113dSnw141292  set sql "INSERT INTO space_used VALUES('$name'"
101*c5c4113dSnw141292  regsub -all ' $tblname '' tblname
102*c5c4113dSnw141292  append sql ",'$tblname',[expr {$type=="index"}],$n_entry"
103*c5c4113dSnw141292  append sql ",$size,$mx_size,$cnt_ovfl,"
104*c5c4113dSnw141292  append sql "$n_primary,$n_overflow,$unused_primary,$unused_ovfl);"
105*c5c4113dSnw141292  mem eval $sql
108*c5c4113dSnw141292# Generate a single line of output in the statistics section of the
109*c5c4113dSnw141292# report.
111*c5c4113dSnw141292proc statline {title value {extra {}}} {
112*c5c4113dSnw141292  set len [string length $title]
113*c5c4113dSnw141292  set dots [string range {......................................} $len end]
114*c5c4113dSnw141292  set len [string length $value]
115*c5c4113dSnw141292  set sp2 [string range {          } $len end]
116*c5c4113dSnw141292  if {$extra ne ""} {
117*c5c4113dSnw141292    set extra " $extra"
118*c5c4113dSnw141292  }
119*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts "$title$dots $value$sp2$extra"
122*c5c4113dSnw141292# Generate a formatted percentage value for $num/$denom
124*c5c4113dSnw141292proc percent {num denom} {
125*c5c4113dSnw141292  if {$denom==0.0} {return ""}
126*c5c4113dSnw141292  set v [expr {$num*100.0/$denom}]
127*c5c4113dSnw141292  if {$v>1.0 && $v<99.0} {
128*c5c4113dSnw141292    return [format %4.1f%% $v]
129*c5c4113dSnw141292  } elseif {$v<0.1 || $v>99.9} {
130*c5c4113dSnw141292    return [format %6.3f%% $v]
131*c5c4113dSnw141292  } else {
132*c5c4113dSnw141292    return [format %5.2f%% $v]
133*c5c4113dSnw141292  }
136*c5c4113dSnw141292# Generate a subreport that covers some subset of the database.
137*c5c4113dSnw141292# the $where clause determines which subset to analyze.
139*c5c4113dSnw141292proc subreport {title where} {
140*c5c4113dSnw141292  set hit 0
141*c5c4113dSnw141292  mem eval "SELECT sum(nentry) AS nentry, \
142*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(payload) AS payload, \
143*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(CASE is_index WHEN 1 THEN 0 ELSE payload-4*nentry END) \
144*c5c4113dSnw141292                       AS data, \
145*c5c4113dSnw141292                   max(mx_payload) AS mx_payload, \
146*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(n_ovfl) as n_ovfl, \
147*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(pri_pages) AS pri_pages, \
148*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(ovfl_pages) AS ovfl_pages, \
149*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(pri_unused) AS pri_unused, \
150*c5c4113dSnw141292                   sum(ovfl_unused) AS ovfl_unused \
151*c5c4113dSnw141292            FROM space_used WHERE $where" {} {set hit 1}
152*c5c4113dSnw141292  if {!$hit} {return 0}
153*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts ""
154*c5c4113dSnw141292  set len [string length $title]
155*c5c4113dSnw141292  incr len 5
156*c5c4113dSnw141292  set stars "***********************************"
157*c5c4113dSnw141292  append stars $stars
158*c5c4113dSnw141292  set stars [string range $stars $len end]
159*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts "*** $title $stars"
160*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts ""
161*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Percentage of total database" \
162*c5c4113dSnw141292     [percent [expr {$pri_pages+$ovfl_pages}] $::file_pgcnt]
163*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Number of entries" $nentry
164*c5c4113dSnw141292  set storage [expr {($pri_pages+$ovfl_pages)*1024}]
165*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Bytes of storage consumed" $storage
166*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Bytes of payload" $payload [percent $payload $storage]
167*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Bytes of data" $data [percent $data $storage]
168*c5c4113dSnw141292  set key [expr {$payload-$data}]
169*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Bytes of key" $key [percent $key $storage]
170*c5c4113dSnw141292  set avgpay [expr {$nentry>0?$payload/$nentry:0}]
171*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Average payload per entry" $avgpay
172*c5c4113dSnw141292  set avgunused [expr {$nentry>0?($pri_unused+$ovfl_unused)/$nentry:0}]
173*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Average unused bytes per entry" $avgunused
174*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Average fanout" \
175*c5c4113dSnw141292     [format %.2f [expr {$pri_pages==0?0:($nentry+0.0)/$pri_pages}]]
176*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Maximum payload per entry" $mx_payload
177*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Entries that use overflow" $n_ovfl [percent $n_ovfl $nentry]
178*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Total pages used" [set allpgs [expr {$pri_pages+$ovfl_pages}]]
179*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Primary pages used" $pri_pages ;# [percent $pri_pages $allpgs]
180*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Overflow pages used" $ovfl_pages ;# [percent $ovfl_pages $allpgs]
181*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Unused bytes on primary pages" $pri_unused \
182*c5c4113dSnw141292               [percent $pri_unused [expr {$pri_pages*1024}]]
183*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Unused bytes on overflow pages" $ovfl_unused \
184*c5c4113dSnw141292               [percent $ovfl_unused [expr {$ovfl_pages*1024}]]
185*c5c4113dSnw141292  set allunused [expr {$ovfl_unused+$pri_unused}]
186*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline "Unused bytes on all pages" $allunused \
187*c5c4113dSnw141292               [percent $allunused [expr {$allpgs*1024}]]
188*c5c4113dSnw141292  return 1
191*c5c4113dSnw141292# Output summary statistics:
193*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "/** Disk-Space Utilization Report For $file_to_analyze"
194*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "*** As of [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S}]"
195*c5c4113dSnw141292puts ""
196*c5c4113dSnw141292set fsize [file size [lindex $argv 0]]
197*c5c4113dSnw141292set file_pgcnt [expr {$fsize/1024}]
198*c5c4113dSnw141292set usedcnt [mem eval {SELECT sum(pri_pages+ovfl_pages) FROM space_used}]
199*c5c4113dSnw141292set freecnt [expr {$file_pgcnt-$usedcnt-1}]
200*c5c4113dSnw141292set freecnt2 [lindex [btree_get_meta $DB] 0]
201*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Pages in the whole file (measured)} $file_pgcnt
202*c5c4113dSnw141292set file_pgcnt2 [expr {$usedcnt+$freecnt2+1}]
203*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Pages in the whole file (calculated)} $file_pgcnt2
204*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Pages that store data} $usedcnt [percent $usedcnt $file_pgcnt]
205*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Pages on the freelist (per header)}\
206*c5c4113dSnw141292   $freecnt2 [percent $freecnt2 $file_pgcnt]
207*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Pages on the freelist (calculated)}\
208*c5c4113dSnw141292   $freecnt [percent $freecnt $file_pgcnt]
209*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Header pages} 1 [percent 1 $file_pgcnt]
211*c5c4113dSnw141292set ntable [db eval {SELECT count(*)+1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'}]
212*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Number of tables in the database} $ntable
213*c5c4113dSnw141292set nindex [db eval {SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index'}]
214*c5c4113dSnw141292set autoindex [db eval {SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master
215*c5c4113dSnw141292                        WHERE type='index' AND name LIKE '(% autoindex %)'}]
216*c5c4113dSnw141292set manindex [expr {$nindex-$autoindex}]
217*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Number of indices} $nindex
218*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Number of named indices} $manindex [percent $manindex $nindex]
219*c5c4113dSnw141292statline {Automatically generated indices} $autoindex \
220*c5c4113dSnw141292     [percent $autoindex $nindex]
222*c5c4113dSnw141292set bytes_data [mem eval "SELECT sum(payload-4*nentry) FROM space_used
223*c5c4113dSnw141292                          WHERE NOT is_index AND name!='sqlite_master'"]
224*c5c4113dSnw141292set total_payload [mem eval "SELECT sum(payload) FROM space_used"]
225*c5c4113dSnw141292statline "Size of the file in bytes" $fsize
226*c5c4113dSnw141292statline "Bytes of payload stored" $total_payload \
227*c5c4113dSnw141292    [percent $total_payload $fsize]
228*c5c4113dSnw141292statline "Bytes of user data stored" $bytes_data \
229*c5c4113dSnw141292    [percent $bytes_data $fsize]
231*c5c4113dSnw141292# Output table rankings
233*c5c4113dSnw141292puts ""
234*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "*** Page counts for all tables with their indices ********************"
235*c5c4113dSnw141292puts ""
236*c5c4113dSnw141292mem eval {SELECT tblname, count(*) AS cnt, sum(pri_pages+ovfl_pages) AS size
237*c5c4113dSnw141292          FROM space_used GROUP BY tblname ORDER BY size DESC, tblname} {} {
238*c5c4113dSnw141292  statline [string toupper $tblname] $size [percent $size $file_pgcnt]
241*c5c4113dSnw141292# Output subreports
243*c5c4113dSnw141292if {$nindex>0} {
244*c5c4113dSnw141292  subreport {All tables and indices} 1
246*c5c4113dSnw141292subreport {All tables} {NOT is_index}
247*c5c4113dSnw141292if {$nindex>0} {
248*c5c4113dSnw141292  subreport {All indices} {is_index}
250*c5c4113dSnw141292foreach tbl [mem eval {SELECT name FROM space_used WHERE NOT is_index
251*c5c4113dSnw141292                       ORDER BY name}] {
252*c5c4113dSnw141292  regsub ' $tbl '' qn
253*c5c4113dSnw141292  set name [string toupper $tbl]
254*c5c4113dSnw141292  set n [mem eval "SELECT count(*) FROM space_used WHERE tblname='$qn'"]
255*c5c4113dSnw141292  if {$n>1} {
256*c5c4113dSnw141292    subreport "Table $name and all its indices" "tblname='$qn'"
257*c5c4113dSnw141292    subreport "Table $name w/o any indices" "name='$qn'"
258*c5c4113dSnw141292    subreport "Indices of table $name" "tblname='$qn' AND is_index"
259*c5c4113dSnw141292  } else {
260*c5c4113dSnw141292    subreport "Table $name" "name='$qn'"
261*c5c4113dSnw141292  }
264*c5c4113dSnw141292# Output instructions on what the numbers above mean.
266*c5c4113dSnw141292puts {
267*c5c4113dSnw141292*** Definitions ******************************************************
269*c5c4113dSnw141292Number of pages in the whole file
271*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of 1024-byte pages that go into forming the complete database
273*c5c4113dSnw141292Pages that store data
275*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of pages that store data, either as primary B*Tree pages or
276*c5c4113dSnw141292    as overflow pages.  The number at the right is the data pages divided by
277*c5c4113dSnw141292    the total number of pages in the file.
279*c5c4113dSnw141292Pages on the freelist
281*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of pages that are not currently in use but are reserved for
282*c5c4113dSnw141292    future use.  The percentage at the right is the number of freelist pages
283*c5c4113dSnw141292    divided by the total number of pages in the file.
285*c5c4113dSnw141292Header pages
287*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of pages of header overhead in the database.  This value is
288*c5c4113dSnw141292    always 1.  The percentage at the right is the number of header pages
289*c5c4113dSnw141292    divided by the total number of pages in the file.
291*c5c4113dSnw141292Number of tables in the database
293*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of tables in the database, including the SQLITE_MASTER table
294*c5c4113dSnw141292    used to store schema information.
296*c5c4113dSnw141292Number of indices
298*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of indices in the database.
300*c5c4113dSnw141292Number of named indices
302*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of indices created using an explicit CREATE INDEX statement.
304*c5c4113dSnw141292Automatically generated indices
306*c5c4113dSnw141292    The number of indices used to implement PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints
307*c5c4113dSnw141292    on tables.
309*c5c4113dSnw141292Size of the file in bytes
311*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total amount of disk space used by the entire database files.
313*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of payload stored
315*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of bytes of payload stored in the database.  Payload
316*c5c4113dSnw141292    includes both key and data.  The content of the SQLITE_MASTER table is
317*c5c4113dSnw141292    counted when computing this number.  The percentage at the right shows
318*c5c4113dSnw141292    the payload divided by the total file size.
320*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of user data stored
322*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of bytes of data stored in the database, not counting
323*c5c4113dSnw141292    the database schema information stored in the SQLITE_MASTER table.  The
324*c5c4113dSnw141292    percentage at the right is the user data size divided by the total file
325*c5c4113dSnw141292    size.
327*c5c4113dSnw141292Percentage of total database
329*c5c4113dSnw141292    The amount of the complete database file that is devoted to storing
330*c5c4113dSnw141292    information described by this category.
332*c5c4113dSnw141292Number of entries
334*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of B*Tree key/value pairs stored under this category.
336*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of storage consumed
338*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total amount of disk space required to store all B*Tree entries
339*c5c4113dSnw141292    under this category.  The is the total number of pages used times
340*c5c4113dSnw141292    the pages size (1024).
342*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of payload
344*c5c4113dSnw141292    The amount of payload stored under this category.  Payload is the sum
345*c5c4113dSnw141292    of keys and data.  Each table entry has 4 bytes of key and an arbitrary
346*c5c4113dSnw141292    amount of data.  Each index entry has 4 or more bytes of key and no
347*c5c4113dSnw141292    data.  The percentage at the right is the bytes of payload divided by
348*c5c4113dSnw141292    the bytes of storage consumed.
350*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of data
352*c5c4113dSnw141292    The amount of data stored under this category.  The data space reported
353*c5c4113dSnw141292    includes formatting information such as nul-terminators and field-lengths
354*c5c4113dSnw141292    that are stored with the data.  The percentage at the right is the bytes
355*c5c4113dSnw141292    of data divided by bytes of storage consumed.
357*c5c4113dSnw141292Bytes of key
359*c5c4113dSnw141292    The sum of the sizes of all keys under this category.  The percentage at
360*c5c4113dSnw141292    the right is the bytes of key divided by the bytes of storage consumed.
362*c5c4113dSnw141292Average payload per entry
364*c5c4113dSnw141292    The average amount of payload on each entry.  This is just the bytes of
365*c5c4113dSnw141292    payload divided by the number of entries.
367*c5c4113dSnw141292Average unused bytes per entry
369*c5c4113dSnw141292    The average amount of free space remaining on all pages under this
370*c5c4113dSnw141292    category on a per-entry basis.  This is the number of unused bytes on
371*c5c4113dSnw141292    all pages divided by the number of entries.
373*c5c4113dSnw141292Maximum payload per entry
375*c5c4113dSnw141292    The largest payload size of any entry.
377*c5c4113dSnw141292Entries that use overflow
379*c5c4113dSnw141292    Up to 236 bytes of payload for each entry are stored directly in the
380*c5c4113dSnw141292    primary B*Tree page.  Any additional payload is stored on a linked list
381*c5c4113dSnw141292    of overflow pages.  This is the number of entries that exceed 236 bytes
382*c5c4113dSnw141292    in size.  The value to the right is the number of entries that overflow
383*c5c4113dSnw141292    divided by the total number of entries.
385*c5c4113dSnw141292Total pages used
387*c5c4113dSnw141292    This is the number of 1024 byte pages used to hold all information in
388*c5c4113dSnw141292    the current category.  This is the sum of primary and overflow pages.
390*c5c4113dSnw141292Primary pages used
392*c5c4113dSnw141292    This is the number of primary B*Tree pages used.
394*c5c4113dSnw141292Overflow pages used
396*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of overflow pages used for this category.
398*c5c4113dSnw141292Unused bytes on primary pages
400*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary pages.  The
401*c5c4113dSnw141292    percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
402*c5c4113dSnw141292    total number of bytes on primary pages.
404*c5c4113dSnw141292Unused bytes on overflow pages
406*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of bytes of unused space on all overflow pages.  The
407*c5c4113dSnw141292    percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the
408*c5c4113dSnw141292    total number of bytes on overflow pages.
410*c5c4113dSnw141292Unused bytes on all pages
412*c5c4113dSnw141292    The total number of bytes of unused space on all primary and overflow
413*c5c4113dSnw141292    pages.  The percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes
414*c5c4113dSnw141292    divided by the total number of bytes.
417*c5c4113dSnw141292# Output the database
419*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "**********************************************************************"
420*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "The entire text of this report can be sourced into any SQL database"
421*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "engine for further analysis.  All of the text above is an SQL comment."
422*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "The data used to generate this report follows:"
423*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "*/"
424*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "BEGIN;"
425*c5c4113dSnw141292puts $tabledef
426*c5c4113dSnw141292unset -nocomplain x
427*c5c4113dSnw141292mem eval {SELECT * FROM space_used} x {
428*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts -nonewline "INSERT INTO space_used VALUES("
429*c5c4113dSnw141292  regsub ' $x(name) '' qn
430*c5c4113dSnw141292  regsub ' $x(tblname) '' qtn
431*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts -nonewline "'$qn','$qtn',"
432*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts -nonewline "$x(is_index),$x(nentry),$x(payload),$x(mx_payload),"
433*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts -nonewline "$x(n_ovfl),$x(pri_pages),$x(ovfl_pages),$x(pri_unused),"
434*c5c4113dSnw141292  puts "$x(ovfl_unused));"
436*c5c4113dSnw141292puts "COMMIT;"