xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libsqlite/src/pager.c (revision 9b9d39d2a32ff806d2431dbcc50968ef1e6d46b2)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
3  * Use is subject to license terms.
4  */
6 /*
7 ** 2001 September 15
8 **
9 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
10 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
11 **
12 **    May you do good and not evil.
13 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
14 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
15 **
16 *************************************************************************
17 ** This is the implementation of the page cache subsystem or "pager".
18 **
19 ** The pager is used to access a database disk file.  It implements
20 ** atomic commit and rollback through the use of a journal file that
21 ** is separate from the database file.  The pager also implements file
22 ** locking to prevent two processes from writing the same database
23 ** file simultaneously, or one process from reading the database while
24 ** another is writing.
25 **
26 ** @(#) $Id: pager.c,v 1.101 2004/02/25 02:20:41 drh Exp $
27 */
28 #include "os.h"         /* Must be first to enable large file support */
29 #include "sqliteInt.h"
30 #include "pager.h"
31 #include <assert.h>
32 #include <string.h>
34 /*
35 ** Macros for troubleshooting.  Normally turned off
36 */
37 #if 0
38 static Pager *mainPager = 0;
39 #define SET_PAGER(X)  if( mainPager==0 ) mainPager = (X)
40 #define CLR_PAGER(X)  if( mainPager==(X) ) mainPager = 0
41 #define TRACE1(X)     if( pPager==mainPager ) fprintf(stderr,X)
42 #define TRACE2(X,Y)   if( pPager==mainPager ) fprintf(stderr,X,Y)
43 #define TRACE3(X,Y,Z) if( pPager==mainPager ) fprintf(stderr,X,Y,Z)
44 #else
45 #define SET_PAGER(X)
46 #define CLR_PAGER(X)
47 #define TRACE1(X)
48 #define TRACE2(X,Y)
49 #define TRACE3(X,Y,Z)
50 #endif
53 /*
54 ** The page cache as a whole is always in one of the following
55 ** states:
56 **
57 **   SQLITE_UNLOCK       The page cache is not currently reading or
58 **                       writing the database file.  There is no
59 **                       data held in memory.  This is the initial
60 **                       state.
61 **
62 **   SQLITE_READLOCK     The page cache is reading the database.
63 **                       Writing is not permitted.  There can be
64 **                       multiple readers accessing the same database
65 **                       file at the same time.
66 **
67 **   SQLITE_WRITELOCK    The page cache is writing the database.
68 **                       Access is exclusive.  No other processes or
69 **                       threads can be reading or writing while one
70 **                       process is writing.
71 **
72 ** The page cache comes up in SQLITE_UNLOCK.  The first time a
73 ** sqlite_page_get() occurs, the state transitions to SQLITE_READLOCK.
74 ** After all pages have been released using sqlite_page_unref(),
75 ** the state transitions back to SQLITE_UNLOCK.  The first time
76 ** that sqlite_page_write() is called, the state transitions to
77 ** SQLITE_WRITELOCK.  (Note that sqlite_page_write() can only be
78 ** called on an outstanding page which means that the pager must
79 ** be in SQLITE_READLOCK before it transitions to SQLITE_WRITELOCK.)
80 ** The sqlite_page_rollback() and sqlite_page_commit() functions
81 ** transition the state from SQLITE_WRITELOCK back to SQLITE_READLOCK.
82 */
83 #define SQLITE_UNLOCK      0
84 #define SQLITE_READLOCK    1
85 #define SQLITE_WRITELOCK   2
88 /*
89 ** Each in-memory image of a page begins with the following header.
90 ** This header is only visible to this pager module.  The client
91 ** code that calls pager sees only the data that follows the header.
92 **
93 ** Client code should call sqlitepager_write() on a page prior to making
94 ** any modifications to that page.  The first time sqlitepager_write()
95 ** is called, the original page contents are written into the rollback
96 ** journal and PgHdr.inJournal and PgHdr.needSync are set.  Later, once
97 ** the journal page has made it onto the disk surface, PgHdr.needSync
98 ** is cleared.  The modified page cannot be written back into the original
99 ** database file until the journal pages has been synced to disk and the
100 ** PgHdr.needSync has been cleared.
101 **
102 ** The PgHdr.dirty flag is set when sqlitepager_write() is called and
103 ** is cleared again when the page content is written back to the original
104 ** database file.
105 */
106 typedef struct PgHdr PgHdr;
107 struct PgHdr {
108   Pager *pPager;                 /* The pager to which this page belongs */
109   Pgno pgno;                     /* The page number for this page */
110   PgHdr *pNextHash, *pPrevHash;  /* Hash collision chain for PgHdr.pgno */
111   int nRef;                      /* Number of users of this page */
112   PgHdr *pNextFree, *pPrevFree;  /* Freelist of pages where nRef==0 */
113   PgHdr *pNextAll, *pPrevAll;    /* A list of all pages */
114   PgHdr *pNextCkpt, *pPrevCkpt;  /* List of pages in the checkpoint journal */
115   u8 inJournal;                  /* TRUE if has been written to journal */
116   u8 inCkpt;                     /* TRUE if written to the checkpoint journal */
117   u8 dirty;                      /* TRUE if we need to write back changes */
118   u8 needSync;                   /* Sync journal before writing this page */
119   u8 alwaysRollback;             /* Disable dont_rollback() for this page */
120   PgHdr *pDirty;                 /* Dirty pages sorted by PgHdr.pgno */
121   /* SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE bytes of page data follow this header */
122   /* Pager.nExtra bytes of local data follow the page data */
123 };
126 /*
127 ** A macro used for invoking the codec if there is one
128 */
130 # define CODEC(P,D,N,X) if( P->xCodec ){ P->xCodec(P->pCodecArg,D,N,X); }
131 #else
132 # define CODEC(P,D,N,X)
133 #endif
135 /*
136 ** Convert a pointer to a PgHdr into a pointer to its data
137 ** and back again.
138 */
139 #define PGHDR_TO_DATA(P)  ((void*)(&(P)[1]))
140 #define DATA_TO_PGHDR(D)  (&((PgHdr*)(D))[-1])
141 #define PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(P) ((void*)&((char*)(&(P)[1]))[SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE])
143 /*
144 ** How big to make the hash table used for locating in-memory pages
145 ** by page number.
146 */
147 #define N_PG_HASH 2048
149 /*
150 ** Hash a page number
151 */
152 #define pager_hash(PN)  ((PN)&(N_PG_HASH-1))
154 /*
155 ** A open page cache is an instance of the following structure.
156 */
157 struct Pager {
158   char *zFilename;            /* Name of the database file */
159   char *zJournal;             /* Name of the journal file */
160   char *zDirectory;           /* Directory hold database and journal files */
161   OsFile fd, jfd;             /* File descriptors for database and journal */
162   OsFile cpfd;                /* File descriptor for the checkpoint journal */
163   int dbSize;                 /* Number of pages in the file */
164   int origDbSize;             /* dbSize before the current change */
165   int ckptSize;               /* Size of database (in pages) at ckpt_begin() */
166   off_t ckptJSize;            /* Size of journal at ckpt_begin() */
167   int nRec;                   /* Number of pages written to the journal */
168   u32 cksumInit;              /* Quasi-random value added to every checksum */
169   int ckptNRec;               /* Number of records in the checkpoint journal */
170   int nExtra;                 /* Add this many bytes to each in-memory page */
171   void (*xDestructor)(void*); /* Call this routine when freeing pages */
172   int nPage;                  /* Total number of in-memory pages */
173   int nRef;                   /* Number of in-memory pages with PgHdr.nRef>0 */
174   int mxPage;                 /* Maximum number of pages to hold in cache */
175   int nHit, nMiss, nOvfl;     /* Cache hits, missing, and LRU overflows */
176   void (*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int); /* Routine for en/decoding data */
177   void *pCodecArg;            /* First argument to xCodec() */
178   u8 journalOpen;             /* True if journal file descriptors is valid */
179   u8 journalStarted;          /* True if header of journal is synced */
180   u8 useJournal;              /* Use a rollback journal on this file */
181   u8 ckptOpen;                /* True if the checkpoint journal is open */
182   u8 ckptInUse;               /* True we are in a checkpoint */
183   u8 ckptAutoopen;            /* Open ckpt journal when main journal is opened*/
184   u8 noSync;                  /* Do not sync the journal if true */
185   u8 fullSync;                /* Do extra syncs of the journal for robustness */
186   u8 state;                   /* SQLITE_UNLOCK, _READLOCK or _WRITELOCK */
187   u8 errMask;                 /* One of several kinds of errors */
188   u8 tempFile;                /* zFilename is a temporary file */
189   u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
190   u8 needSync;                /* True if an fsync() is needed on the journal */
191   u8 dirtyFile;               /* True if database file has changed in any way */
192   u8 alwaysRollback;          /* Disable dont_rollback() for all pages */
193   u8 *aInJournal;             /* One bit for each page in the database file */
194   u8 *aInCkpt;                /* One bit for each page in the database */
195   PgHdr *pFirst, *pLast;      /* List of free pages */
196   PgHdr *pFirstSynced;        /* First free page with PgHdr.needSync==0 */
197   PgHdr *pAll;                /* List of all pages */
198   PgHdr *pCkpt;               /* List of pages in the checkpoint journal */
199   PgHdr *aHash[N_PG_HASH];    /* Hash table to map page number of PgHdr */
200 };
202 /*
203 ** These are bits that can be set in Pager.errMask.
204 */
205 #define PAGER_ERR_FULL     0x01  /* a write() failed */
206 #define PAGER_ERR_MEM      0x02  /* malloc() failed */
207 #define PAGER_ERR_LOCK     0x04  /* error in the locking protocol */
208 #define PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT  0x08  /* database or journal corruption */
209 #define PAGER_ERR_DISK     0x10  /* general disk I/O error - bad hard drive? */
211 /*
212 ** The journal file contains page records in the following
213 ** format.
214 **
215 ** Actually, this structure is the complete page record for pager
216 ** formats less than 3.  Beginning with format 3, this record is surrounded
217 ** by two checksums.
218 */
219 typedef struct PageRecord PageRecord;
220 struct PageRecord {
221   Pgno pgno;                      /* The page number */
222   char aData[SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE];   /* Original data for page pgno */
223 };
225 /*
226 ** Journal files begin with the following magic string.  The data
227 ** was obtained from /dev/random.  It is used only as a sanity check.
228 **
229 ** There are three journal formats (so far). The 1st journal format writes
230 ** 32-bit integers in the byte-order of the host machine.  New
231 ** formats writes integers as big-endian.  All new journals use the
232 ** new format, but we have to be able to read an older journal in order
233 ** to rollback journals created by older versions of the library.
234 **
235 ** The 3rd journal format (added for 2.8.0) adds additional sanity
236 ** checking information to the journal.  If the power fails while the
237 ** journal is being written, semi-random garbage data might appear in
238 ** the journal file after power is restored.  If an attempt is then made
239 ** to roll the journal back, the database could be corrupted.  The additional
240 ** sanity checking data is an attempt to discover the garbage in the
241 ** journal and ignore it.
242 **
243 ** The sanity checking information for the 3rd journal format consists
244 ** of a 32-bit checksum on each page of data.  The checksum covers both
245 ** the page number and the SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE bytes of data for the page.
246 ** This cksum is initialized to a 32-bit random value that appears in the
247 ** journal file right after the header.  The random initializer is important,
248 ** because garbage data that appears at the end of a journal is likely
249 ** data that was once in other files that have now been deleted.  If the
250 ** garbage data came from an obsolete journal file, the checksums might
251 ** be correct.  But by initializing the checksum to random value which
252 ** is different for every journal, we minimize that risk.
253 */
254 static const unsigned char aJournalMagic1[] = {
255   0xd9, 0xd5, 0x05, 0xf9, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xd4,
256 };
257 static const unsigned char aJournalMagic2[] = {
258   0xd9, 0xd5, 0x05, 0xf9, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xd5,
259 };
260 static const unsigned char aJournalMagic3[] = {
261   0xd9, 0xd5, 0x05, 0xf9, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xd6,
262 };
263 #define JOURNAL_FORMAT_1 1
264 #define JOURNAL_FORMAT_2 2
265 #define JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 3
267 /*
268 ** The following integer determines what format to use when creating
269 ** new primary journal files.  By default we always use format 3.
270 ** When testing, we can set this value to older journal formats in order to
271 ** make sure that newer versions of the library are able to rollback older
272 ** journal files.
273 **
274 ** Note that checkpoint journals always use format 2 and omit the header.
275 */
276 #ifdef SQLITE_TEST
277 int journal_format = 3;
278 #else
279 # define journal_format 3
280 #endif
282 /*
283 ** The size of the header and of each page in the journal varies according
284 ** to which journal format is being used.  The following macros figure out
285 ** the sizes based on format numbers.
286 */
287 #define JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(X) \
288    (sizeof(aJournalMagic1) + sizeof(Pgno) + ((X)>=3)*2*sizeof(u32))
289 #define JOURNAL_PG_SZ(X) \
290    (SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE + sizeof(Pgno) + ((X)>=3)*sizeof(u32))
292 /*
293 ** Enable reference count tracking here:
294 */
295 #ifdef SQLITE_TEST
296   int pager_refinfo_enable = 0;
297   static void pager_refinfo(PgHdr *p){
298     static int cnt = 0;
299     if( !pager_refinfo_enable ) return;
300     printf(
301        "REFCNT: %4d addr=0x%08x nRef=%d\n",
302        p->pgno, (int)PGHDR_TO_DATA(p), p->nRef
303     );
304     cnt++;   /* Something to set a breakpoint on */
305   }
306 # define REFINFO(X)  pager_refinfo(X)
307 #else
308 # define REFINFO(X)
309 #endif
311 /*
312 ** Read a 32-bit integer from the given file descriptor.  Store the integer
313 ** that is read in *pRes.  Return SQLITE_OK if everything worked, or an
314 ** error code is something goes wrong.
315 **
316 ** If the journal format is 2 or 3, read a big-endian integer.  If the
317 ** journal format is 1, read an integer in the native byte-order of the
318 ** host machine.
319 */
320 static int read32bits(int format, OsFile *fd, u32 *pRes){
321   u32 res;
322   int rc;
323   rc = sqliteOsRead(fd, &res, sizeof(res));
324   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && format>JOURNAL_FORMAT_1 ){
325     unsigned char ac[4];
326     memcpy(ac, &res, 4);
327     res = (ac[0]<<24) | (ac[1]<<16) | (ac[2]<<8) | ac[3];
328   }
329   *pRes = res;
330   return rc;
331 }
333 /*
334 ** Write a 32-bit integer into the given file descriptor.  Return SQLITE_OK
335 ** on success or an error code is something goes wrong.
336 **
337 ** If the journal format is 2 or 3, write the integer as 4 big-endian
338 ** bytes.  If the journal format is 1, write the integer in the native
339 ** byte order.  In normal operation, only formats 2 and 3 are used.
340 ** Journal format 1 is only used for testing.
341 */
342 static int write32bits(OsFile *fd, u32 val){
343   unsigned char ac[4];
344   if( journal_format<=1 ){
345     return sqliteOsWrite(fd, &val, 4);
346   }
347   ac[0] = (val>>24) & 0xff;
348   ac[1] = (val>>16) & 0xff;
349   ac[2] = (val>>8) & 0xff;
350   ac[3] = val & 0xff;
351   return sqliteOsWrite(fd, ac, 4);
352 }
354 /*
355 ** Write a 32-bit integer into a page header right before the
356 ** page data.  This will overwrite the PgHdr.pDirty pointer.
357 **
358 ** The integer is big-endian for formats 2 and 3 and native byte order
359 ** for journal format 1.
360 */
361 static void store32bits(u32 val, PgHdr *p, int offset){
362   unsigned char *ac;
363   ac = &((unsigned char*)PGHDR_TO_DATA(p))[offset];
364   if( journal_format<=1 ){
365     memcpy(ac, &val, 4);
366   }else{
367     ac[0] = (val>>24) & 0xff;
368     ac[1] = (val>>16) & 0xff;
369     ac[2] = (val>>8) & 0xff;
370     ac[3] = val & 0xff;
371   }
372 }
375 /*
376 ** Convert the bits in the pPager->errMask into an approprate
377 ** return code.
378 */
379 static int pager_errcode(Pager *pPager){
380   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
381   if( pPager->errMask & PAGER_ERR_LOCK )    rc = SQLITE_PROTOCOL;
382   if( pPager->errMask & PAGER_ERR_DISK )    rc = SQLITE_IOERR;
383   if( pPager->errMask & PAGER_ERR_FULL )    rc = SQLITE_FULL;
384   if( pPager->errMask & PAGER_ERR_MEM )     rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
385   if( pPager->errMask & PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
386   return rc;
387 }
389 /*
390 ** Add or remove a page from the list of all pages that are in the
391 ** checkpoint journal.
392 **
393 ** The Pager keeps a separate list of pages that are currently in
394 ** the checkpoint journal.  This helps the sqlitepager_ckpt_commit()
395 ** routine run MUCH faster for the common case where there are many
396 ** pages in memory but only a few are in the checkpoint journal.
397 */
398 static void page_add_to_ckpt_list(PgHdr *pPg){
399   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
400   if( pPg->inCkpt ) return;
401   assert( pPg->pPrevCkpt==0 && pPg->pNextCkpt==0 );
402   pPg->pPrevCkpt = 0;
403   if( pPager->pCkpt ){
404     pPager->pCkpt->pPrevCkpt = pPg;
405   }
406   pPg->pNextCkpt = pPager->pCkpt;
407   pPager->pCkpt = pPg;
408   pPg->inCkpt = 1;
409 }
410 static void page_remove_from_ckpt_list(PgHdr *pPg){
411   if( !pPg->inCkpt ) return;
412   if( pPg->pPrevCkpt ){
413     assert( pPg->pPrevCkpt->pNextCkpt==pPg );
414     pPg->pPrevCkpt->pNextCkpt = pPg->pNextCkpt;
415   }else{
416     assert( pPg->pPager->pCkpt==pPg );
417     pPg->pPager->pCkpt = pPg->pNextCkpt;
418   }
419   if( pPg->pNextCkpt ){
420     assert( pPg->pNextCkpt->pPrevCkpt==pPg );
421     pPg->pNextCkpt->pPrevCkpt = pPg->pPrevCkpt;
422   }
423   pPg->pNextCkpt = 0;
424   pPg->pPrevCkpt = 0;
425   pPg->inCkpt = 0;
426 }
428 /*
429 ** Find a page in the hash table given its page number.  Return
430 ** a pointer to the page or NULL if not found.
431 */
432 static PgHdr *pager_lookup(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
433   PgHdr *p = pPager->aHash[pager_hash(pgno)];
434   while( p && p->pgno!=pgno ){
435     p = p->pNextHash;
436   }
437   return p;
438 }
440 /*
441 ** Unlock the database and clear the in-memory cache.  This routine
442 ** sets the state of the pager back to what it was when it was first
443 ** opened.  Any outstanding pages are invalidated and subsequent attempts
444 ** to access those pages will likely result in a coredump.
445 */
446 static void pager_reset(Pager *pPager){
447   PgHdr *pPg, *pNext;
448   for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pNext){
449     pNext = pPg->pNextAll;
450     sqliteFree(pPg);
451   }
452   pPager->pFirst = 0;
453   pPager->pFirstSynced = 0;
454   pPager->pLast = 0;
455   pPager->pAll = 0;
456   memset(pPager->aHash, 0, sizeof(pPager->aHash));
457   pPager->nPage = 0;
458   if( pPager->state>=SQLITE_WRITELOCK ){
459     sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
460   }
461   sqliteOsUnlock(&pPager->fd);
462   pPager->state = SQLITE_UNLOCK;
463   pPager->dbSize = -1;
464   pPager->nRef = 0;
465   assert( pPager->journalOpen==0 );
466 }
468 /*
469 ** When this routine is called, the pager has the journal file open and
470 ** a write lock on the database.  This routine releases the database
471 ** write lock and acquires a read lock in its place.  The journal file
472 ** is deleted and closed.
473 **
474 ** TODO: Consider keeping the journal file open for temporary databases.
475 ** This might give a performance improvement on windows where opening
476 ** a file is an expensive operation.
477 */
478 static int pager_unwritelock(Pager *pPager){
479   int rc;
480   PgHdr *pPg;
481   if( pPager->state<SQLITE_WRITELOCK ) return SQLITE_OK;
482   sqlitepager_ckpt_commit(pPager);
483   if( pPager->ckptOpen ){
484     sqliteOsClose(&pPager->cpfd);
485     pPager->ckptOpen = 0;
486   }
487   if( pPager->journalOpen ){
488     sqliteOsClose(&pPager->jfd);
489     pPager->journalOpen = 0;
490     sqliteOsDelete(pPager->zJournal);
491     sqliteFree( pPager->aInJournal );
492     pPager->aInJournal = 0;
493     for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pPg->pNextAll){
494       pPg->inJournal = 0;
495       pPg->dirty = 0;
496       pPg->needSync = 0;
497     }
498   }else{
499     assert( pPager->dirtyFile==0 || pPager->useJournal==0 );
500   }
501   rc = sqliteOsReadLock(&pPager->fd);
502   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
503     pPager->state = SQLITE_READLOCK;
504   }else{
505     /* This can only happen if a process does a BEGIN, then forks and the
506     ** child process does the COMMIT.  Because of the semantics of unix
507     ** file locking, the unlock will fail.
508     */
509     pPager->state = SQLITE_UNLOCK;
510   }
511   return rc;
512 }
514 /*
515 ** Compute and return a checksum for the page of data.
516 **
517 ** This is not a real checksum.  It is really just the sum of the
518 ** random initial value and the page number.  We considered do a checksum
519 ** of the database, but that was found to be too slow.
520 */
521 static u32 pager_cksum(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno, const char *aData){
522   u32 cksum = pPager->cksumInit + pgno;
523   return cksum;
524 }
526 /*
527 ** Read a single page from the journal file opened on file descriptor
528 ** jfd.  Playback this one page.
529 **
530 ** There are three different journal formats.  The format parameter determines
531 ** which format is used by the journal that is played back.
532 */
533 static int pager_playback_one_page(Pager *pPager, OsFile *jfd, int format){
534   int rc;
535   PgHdr *pPg;              /* An existing page in the cache */
536   PageRecord pgRec;
537   u32 cksum;
539   rc = read32bits(format, jfd, &pgRec.pgno);
540   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
541   rc = sqliteOsRead(jfd, &pgRec.aData, sizeof(pgRec.aData));
542   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
544   /* Sanity checking on the page.  This is more important that I originally
545   ** thought.  If a power failure occurs while the journal is being written,
546   ** it could cause invalid data to be written into the journal.  We need to
547   ** detect this invalid data (with high probability) and ignore it.
548   */
549   if( pgRec.pgno==0 ){
550     return SQLITE_DONE;
551   }
552   if( pgRec.pgno>(unsigned)pPager->dbSize ){
553     return SQLITE_OK;
554   }
555   if( format>=JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 ){
556     rc = read32bits(format, jfd, &cksum);
557     if( rc ) return rc;
558     if( pager_cksum(pPager, pgRec.pgno, pgRec.aData)!=cksum ){
559       return SQLITE_DONE;
560     }
561   }
563   /* Playback the page.  Update the in-memory copy of the page
564   ** at the same time, if there is one.
565   */
566   pPg = pager_lookup(pPager, pgRec.pgno);
567   TRACE2("PLAYBACK %d\n", pgRec.pgno);
568   sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->fd, (pgRec.pgno-1)*(off_t)SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
569   rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->fd, pgRec.aData, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
570   if( pPg ){
571     /* No page should ever be rolled back that is in use, except for page
572     ** 1 which is held in use in order to keep the lock on the database
573     ** active.  However, such a page may be rolled back as a result of an
574     ** internal error resulting in an automatic call to
575     ** sqlitepager_rollback(), so we can't assert() it.
576     */
577     /* assert( pPg->nRef==0 || pPg->pgno==1 ) */
578     memcpy(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), pgRec.aData, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
579     memset(PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(pPg), 0, pPager->nExtra);
580     pPg->dirty = 0;
581     pPg->needSync = 0;
582     CODEC(pPager, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), pPg->pgno, 3);
583   }
584   return rc;
585 }
587 /*
588 ** Playback the journal and thus restore the database file to
589 ** the state it was in before we started making changes.
590 **
591 ** The journal file format is as follows:
592 **
593 **    *  8 byte prefix.  One of the aJournalMagic123 vectors defined
594 **       above.  The format of the journal file is determined by which
595 **       of the three prefix vectors is seen.
596 **    *  4 byte big-endian integer which is the number of valid page records
597 **       in the journal.  If this value is 0xffffffff, then compute the
598 **       number of page records from the journal size.  This field appears
599 **       in format 3 only.
600 **    *  4 byte big-endian integer which is the initial value for the
601 **       sanity checksum.  This field appears in format 3 only.
602 **    *  4 byte integer which is the number of pages to truncate the
603 **       database to during a rollback.
604 **    *  Zero or more pages instances, each as follows:
605 **        +  4 byte page number.
606 **        +  SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE bytes of data.
607 **        +  4 byte checksum (format 3 only)
608 **
609 ** When we speak of the journal header, we mean the first 4 bullets above.
610 ** Each entry in the journal is an instance of the 5th bullet.  Note that
611 ** bullets 2 and 3 only appear in format-3 journals.
612 **
613 ** Call the value from the second bullet "nRec".  nRec is the number of
614 ** valid page entries in the journal.  In most cases, you can compute the
615 ** value of nRec from the size of the journal file.  But if a power
616 ** failure occurred while the journal was being written, it could be the
617 ** case that the size of the journal file had already been increased but
618 ** the extra entries had not yet made it safely to disk.  In such a case,
619 ** the value of nRec computed from the file size would be too large.  For
620 ** that reason, we always use the nRec value in the header.
621 **
622 ** If the nRec value is 0xffffffff it means that nRec should be computed
623 ** from the file size.  This value is used when the user selects the
624 ** no-sync option for the journal.  A power failure could lead to corruption
625 ** in this case.  But for things like temporary table (which will be
626 ** deleted when the power is restored) we don't care.
627 **
628 ** Journal formats 1 and 2 do not have an nRec value in the header so we
629 ** have to compute nRec from the file size.  This has risks (as described
630 ** above) which is why all persistent tables have been changed to use
631 ** format 3.
632 **
633 ** If the file opened as the journal file is not a well-formed
634 ** journal file then the database will likely already be
635 ** corrupted, so the PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT bit is set in pPager->errMask
636 ** and SQLITE_CORRUPT is returned.  If it all works, then this routine
637 ** returns SQLITE_OK.
638 */
639 static int pager_playback(Pager *pPager, int useJournalSize){
640   off_t szJ;               /* Size of the journal file in bytes */
641   int nRec;                /* Number of Records in the journal */
642   int i;                   /* Loop counter */
643   Pgno mxPg = 0;           /* Size of the original file in pages */
644   int format;              /* Format of the journal file. */
645   unsigned char aMagic[sizeof(aJournalMagic1)];
646   int rc;
648   /* Figure out how many records are in the journal.  Abort early if
649   ** the journal is empty.
650   */
651   assert( pPager->journalOpen );
652   sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->jfd, 0);
653   rc = sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->jfd, &szJ);
654   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
655     goto end_playback;
656   }
658   /* If the journal file is too small to contain a complete header,
659   ** it must mean that the process that created the journal was just
660   ** beginning to write the journal file when it died.  In that case,
661   ** the database file should have still been completely unchanged.
662   ** Nothing needs to be rolled back.  We can safely ignore this journal.
663   */
664   if( szJ < sizeof(aMagic)+sizeof(Pgno) ){
665     goto end_playback;
666   }
668   /* Read the beginning of the journal and truncate the
669   ** database file back to its original size.
670   */
671   rc = sqliteOsRead(&pPager->jfd, aMagic, sizeof(aMagic));
672   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
673     rc = SQLITE_PROTOCOL;
674     goto end_playback;
675   }
676   if( memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic3, sizeof(aMagic))==0 ){
677     format = JOURNAL_FORMAT_3;
678   }else if( memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic2, sizeof(aMagic))==0 ){
679     format = JOURNAL_FORMAT_2;
680   }else if( memcmp(aMagic, aJournalMagic1, sizeof(aMagic))==0 ){
681     format = JOURNAL_FORMAT_1;
682   }else{
683     rc = SQLITE_PROTOCOL;
684     goto end_playback;
685   }
686   if( format>=JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 ){
687     if( szJ < sizeof(aMagic) + 3*sizeof(u32) ){
688       /* Ignore the journal if it is too small to contain a complete
689       ** header.  We already did this test once above, but at the prior
690       ** test, we did not know the journal format and so we had to assume
691       ** the smallest possible header.  Now we know the header is bigger
692       ** than the minimum so we test again.
693       */
694       goto end_playback;
695     }
696     rc = read32bits(format, &pPager->jfd, (u32*)&nRec);
697     if( rc ) goto end_playback;
698     rc = read32bits(format, &pPager->jfd, &pPager->cksumInit);
699     if( rc ) goto end_playback;
700     if( nRec==0xffffffff || useJournalSize ){
701       nRec = (szJ - JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(3))/JOURNAL_PG_SZ(3);
702     }
703   }else{
704     nRec = (szJ - JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(2))/JOURNAL_PG_SZ(2);
705     assert( nRec*JOURNAL_PG_SZ(2)+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(2)==szJ );
706   }
707   rc = read32bits(format, &pPager->jfd, &mxPg);
708   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
709     goto end_playback;
710   }
711   assert( pPager->origDbSize==0 || pPager->origDbSize==mxPg );
712   rc = sqliteOsTruncate(&pPager->fd, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE*(off_t)mxPg);
713   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
714     goto end_playback;
715   }
716   pPager->dbSize = mxPg;
718   /* Copy original pages out of the journal and back into the database file.
719   */
720   for(i=0; i<nRec; i++){
721     rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &pPager->jfd, format);
722     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
723       if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
724         rc = SQLITE_OK;
725       }
726       break;
727     }
728   }
730   /* Pages that have been written to the journal but never synced
731   ** where not restored by the loop above.  We have to restore those
732   ** pages by reading them back from the original database.
733   */
734   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
735     PgHdr *pPg;
736     for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pPg->pNextAll){
737       char zBuf[SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE];
738       if( !pPg->dirty ) continue;
739       if( (int)pPg->pgno <= pPager->origDbSize ){
740         sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->fd, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE*(off_t)(pPg->pgno-1));
741         rc = sqliteOsRead(&pPager->fd, zBuf, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
742         TRACE2("REFETCH %d\n", pPg->pgno);
743         CODEC(pPager, zBuf, pPg->pgno, 2);
744         if( rc ) break;
745       }else{
746         memset(zBuf, 0, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
747       }
748       if( pPg->nRef==0 || memcmp(zBuf, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE) ){
749         memcpy(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), zBuf, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
750         memset(PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(pPg), 0, pPager->nExtra);
751       }
752       pPg->needSync = 0;
753       pPg->dirty = 0;
754     }
755   }
757 end_playback:
758   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
759     pager_unwritelock(pPager);
760     pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT;
761     rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
762   }else{
763     rc = pager_unwritelock(pPager);
764   }
765   return rc;
766 }
768 /*
769 ** Playback the checkpoint journal.
770 **
771 ** This is similar to playing back the transaction journal but with
772 ** a few extra twists.
773 **
774 **    (1)  The number of pages in the database file at the start of
775 **         the checkpoint is stored in pPager->ckptSize, not in the
776 **         journal file itself.
777 **
778 **    (2)  In addition to playing back the checkpoint journal, also
779 **         playback all pages of the transaction journal beginning
780 **         at offset pPager->ckptJSize.
781 */
782 static int pager_ckpt_playback(Pager *pPager){
783   off_t szJ;               /* Size of the full journal */
784   int nRec;                /* Number of Records */
785   int i;                   /* Loop counter */
786   int rc;
788   /* Truncate the database back to its original size.
789   */
790   rc = sqliteOsTruncate(&pPager->fd, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE*(off_t)pPager->ckptSize);
791   pPager->dbSize = pPager->ckptSize;
793   /* Figure out how many records are in the checkpoint journal.
794   */
795   assert( pPager->ckptInUse && pPager->journalOpen );
796   sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->cpfd, 0);
797   nRec = pPager->ckptNRec;
799   /* Copy original pages out of the checkpoint journal and back into the
800   ** database file.  Note that the checkpoint journal always uses format
801   ** 2 instead of format 3 since it does not need to be concerned with
802   ** power failures corrupting the journal and can thus omit the checksums.
803   */
804   for(i=nRec-1; i>=0; i--){
805     rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &pPager->cpfd, 2);
806     assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
807     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_ckpt_playback;
808   }
810   /* Figure out how many pages need to be copied out of the transaction
811   ** journal.
812   */
813   rc = sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->jfd, pPager->ckptJSize);
814   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
815     goto end_ckpt_playback;
816   }
817   rc = sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->jfd, &szJ);
818   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
819     goto end_ckpt_playback;
820   }
821   nRec = (szJ - pPager->ckptJSize)/JOURNAL_PG_SZ(journal_format);
822   for(i=nRec-1; i>=0; i--){
823     rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager, &pPager->jfd, journal_format);
824     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
825       assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
826       goto end_ckpt_playback;
827     }
828   }
830 end_ckpt_playback:
831   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
832     pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT;
833     rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
834   }
835   return rc;
836 }
838 /*
839 ** Change the maximum number of in-memory pages that are allowed.
840 **
841 ** The maximum number is the absolute value of the mxPage parameter.
842 ** If mxPage is negative, the noSync flag is also set.  noSync bypasses
843 ** calls to sqliteOsSync().  The pager runs much faster with noSync on,
844 ** but if the operating system crashes or there is an abrupt power
845 ** failure, the database file might be left in an inconsistent and
846 ** unrepairable state.
847 */
848 void sqlitepager_set_cachesize(Pager *pPager, int mxPage){
849   if( mxPage>=0 ){
850     pPager->noSync = pPager->tempFile;
851     if( pPager->noSync==0 ) pPager->needSync = 0;
852   }else{
853     pPager->noSync = 1;
854     mxPage = -mxPage;
855   }
856   if( mxPage>10 ){
857     pPager->mxPage = mxPage;
858   }
859 }
861 /*
862 ** Adjust the robustness of the database to damage due to OS crashes
863 ** or power failures by changing the number of syncs()s when writing
864 ** the rollback journal.  There are three levels:
865 **
866 **    OFF       sqliteOsSync() is never called.  This is the default
867 **              for temporary and transient files.
868 **
869 **    NORMAL    The journal is synced once before writes begin on the
870 **              database.  This is normally adequate protection, but
871 **              it is theoretically possible, though very unlikely,
872 **              that an inopertune power failure could leave the journal
873 **              in a state which would cause damage to the database
874 **              when it is rolled back.
875 **
876 **    FULL      The journal is synced twice before writes begin on the
877 **              database (with some additional information - the nRec field
878 **              of the journal header - being written in between the two
879 **              syncs).  If we assume that writing a
880 **              single disk sector is atomic, then this mode provides
881 **              assurance that the journal will not be corrupted to the
882 **              point of causing damage to the database during rollback.
883 **
884 ** Numeric values associated with these states are OFF==1, NORMAL=2,
885 ** and FULL=3.
886 */
887 void sqlitepager_set_safety_level(Pager *pPager, int level){
888   pPager->noSync =  level==1 || pPager->tempFile;
889   pPager->fullSync = level==3 && !pPager->tempFile;
890   if( pPager->noSync==0 ) pPager->needSync = 0;
891 }
893 /*
894 ** Open a temporary file.  Write the name of the file into zName
895 ** (zName must be at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE bytes long.)  Write
896 ** the file descriptor into *fd.  Return SQLITE_OK on success or some
897 ** other error code if we fail.
898 **
899 ** The OS will automatically delete the temporary file when it is
900 ** closed.
901 */
902 static int sqlitepager_opentemp(char *zFile, OsFile *fd){
903   int cnt = 8;
904   int rc;
905   do{
906     cnt--;
907     sqliteOsTempFileName(zFile);
908     rc = sqliteOsOpenExclusive(zFile, fd, 1);
909   }while( cnt>0 && rc!=SQLITE_OK );
910   return rc;
911 }
913 /*
914 ** Create a new page cache and put a pointer to the page cache in *ppPager.
915 ** The file to be cached need not exist.  The file is not locked until
916 ** the first call to sqlitepager_get() and is only held open until the
917 ** last page is released using sqlitepager_unref().
918 **
919 ** If zFilename is NULL then a randomly-named temporary file is created
920 ** and used as the file to be cached.  The file will be deleted
921 ** automatically when it is closed.
922 */
923 int sqlitepager_open(
924   Pager **ppPager,         /* Return the Pager structure here */
925   const char *zFilename,   /* Name of the database file to open */
926   int mxPage,              /* Max number of in-memory cache pages */
927   int nExtra,              /* Extra bytes append to each in-memory page */
928   int useJournal           /* TRUE to use a rollback journal on this file */
929 ){
930   Pager *pPager;
931   char *zFullPathname;
932   int nameLen;
933   OsFile fd;
934   int rc, i;
935   int tempFile;
936   int readOnly = 0;
937   char zTemp[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE];
939   *ppPager = 0;
940   if( sqlite_malloc_failed ){
941     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
942   }
943   if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
944     zFullPathname = sqliteOsFullPathname(zFilename);
945     rc = sqliteOsOpenReadWrite(zFullPathname, &fd, &readOnly);
946     tempFile = 0;
947   }else{
948     rc = sqlitepager_opentemp(zTemp, &fd);
949     zFilename = zTemp;
950     zFullPathname = sqliteOsFullPathname(zFilename);
951     tempFile = 1;
952   }
953   if( sqlite_malloc_failed ){
954     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
955   }
956   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
957     sqliteFree(zFullPathname);
958     return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
959   }
960   nameLen = strlen(zFullPathname);
961   pPager = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(*pPager) + nameLen*3 + 30 );
962   if( pPager==0 ){
963     sqliteOsClose(&fd);
964     sqliteFree(zFullPathname);
965     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
966   }
967   SET_PAGER(pPager);
968   pPager->zFilename = (char*)&pPager[1];
969   pPager->zDirectory = &pPager->zFilename[nameLen+1];
970   pPager->zJournal = &pPager->zDirectory[nameLen+1];
971   strcpy(pPager->zFilename, zFullPathname);
972   strcpy(pPager->zDirectory, zFullPathname);
973   for(i=nameLen; i>0 && pPager->zDirectory[i-1]!='/'; i--){}
974   if( i>0 ) pPager->zDirectory[i-1] = 0;
975   strcpy(pPager->zJournal, zFullPathname);
976   sqliteFree(zFullPathname);
977   strcpy(&pPager->zJournal[nameLen], "-journal");
978   pPager->fd = fd;
979   pPager->journalOpen = 0;
980   pPager->useJournal = useJournal;
981   pPager->ckptOpen = 0;
982   pPager->ckptInUse = 0;
983   pPager->nRef = 0;
984   pPager->dbSize = -1;
985   pPager->ckptSize = 0;
986   pPager->ckptJSize = 0;
987   pPager->nPage = 0;
988   pPager->mxPage = mxPage>5 ? mxPage : 10;
989   pPager->state = SQLITE_UNLOCK;
990   pPager->errMask = 0;
991   pPager->tempFile = tempFile;
992   pPager->readOnly = readOnly;
993   pPager->needSync = 0;
994   pPager->noSync = pPager->tempFile || !useJournal;
995   pPager->pFirst = 0;
996   pPager->pFirstSynced = 0;
997   pPager->pLast = 0;
998   pPager->nExtra = nExtra;
999   memset(pPager->aHash, 0, sizeof(pPager->aHash));
1000   *ppPager = pPager;
1001   return SQLITE_OK;
1002 }
1004 /*
1005 ** Set the destructor for this pager.  If not NULL, the destructor is called
1006 ** when the reference count on each page reaches zero.  The destructor can
1007 ** be used to clean up information in the extra segment appended to each page.
1008 **
1009 ** The destructor is not called as a result sqlitepager_close().
1010 ** Destructors are only called by sqlitepager_unref().
1011 */
1012 void sqlitepager_set_destructor(Pager *pPager, void (*xDesc)(void*)){
1013   pPager->xDestructor = xDesc;
1014 }
1016 /*
1017 ** Return the total number of pages in the disk file associated with
1018 ** pPager.
1019 */
1020 int sqlitepager_pagecount(Pager *pPager){
1021   off_t n;
1022   assert( pPager!=0 );
1023   if( pPager->dbSize>=0 ){
1024     return pPager->dbSize;
1025   }
1026   if( sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->fd, &n)!=SQLITE_OK ){
1027     pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_DISK;
1028     return 0;
1029   }
1030   n /= SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE;
1031   if( pPager->state!=SQLITE_UNLOCK ){
1032     pPager->dbSize = n;
1033   }
1034   return n;
1035 }
1037 /*
1038 ** Forward declaration
1039 */
1040 static int syncJournal(Pager*);
1042 /*
1043 ** Truncate the file to the number of pages specified.
1044 */
1045 int sqlitepager_truncate(Pager *pPager, Pgno nPage){
1046   int rc;
1047   if( pPager->dbSize<0 ){
1048     sqlitepager_pagecount(pPager);
1049   }
1050   if( pPager->errMask!=0 ){
1051     rc = pager_errcode(pPager);
1052     return rc;
1053   }
1054   if( nPage>=(unsigned)pPager->dbSize ){
1055     return SQLITE_OK;
1056   }
1057   syncJournal(pPager);
1058   rc = sqliteOsTruncate(&pPager->fd, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE*(off_t)nPage);
1059   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1060     pPager->dbSize = nPage;
1061   }
1062   return rc;
1063 }
1065 /*
1066 ** Shutdown the page cache.  Free all memory and close all files.
1067 **
1068 ** If a transaction was in progress when this routine is called, that
1069 ** transaction is rolled back.  All outstanding pages are invalidated
1070 ** and their memory is freed.  Any attempt to use a page associated
1071 ** with this page cache after this function returns will likely
1072 ** result in a coredump.
1073 */
1074 int sqlitepager_close(Pager *pPager){
1075   PgHdr *pPg, *pNext;
1076   switch( pPager->state ){
1077     case SQLITE_WRITELOCK: {
1078       sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1079       sqliteOsUnlock(&pPager->fd);
1080       assert( pPager->journalOpen==0 );
1081       break;
1082     }
1083     case SQLITE_READLOCK: {
1084       sqliteOsUnlock(&pPager->fd);
1085       break;
1086     }
1087     default: {
1088       /* Do nothing */
1089       break;
1090     }
1091   }
1092   for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pNext){
1093     pNext = pPg->pNextAll;
1094     sqliteFree(pPg);
1095   }
1096   sqliteOsClose(&pPager->fd);
1097   assert( pPager->journalOpen==0 );
1098   /* Temp files are automatically deleted by the OS
1099   ** if( pPager->tempFile ){
1100   **   sqliteOsDelete(pPager->zFilename);
1101   ** }
1102   */
1103   CLR_PAGER(pPager);
1104   if( pPager->zFilename!=(char*)&pPager[1] ){
1105     assert( 0 );  /* Cannot happen */
1106     sqliteFree(pPager->zFilename);
1107     sqliteFree(pPager->zJournal);
1108     sqliteFree(pPager->zDirectory);
1109   }
1110   sqliteFree(pPager);
1111   return SQLITE_OK;
1112 }
1114 /*
1115 ** Return the page number for the given page data.
1116 */
1117 Pgno sqlitepager_pagenumber(void *pData){
1118   PgHdr *p = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1119   return p->pgno;
1120 }
1122 /*
1123 ** Increment the reference count for a page.  If the page is
1124 ** currently on the freelist (the reference count is zero) then
1125 ** remove it from the freelist.
1126 */
1127 #define page_ref(P)   ((P)->nRef==0?_page_ref(P):(void)(P)->nRef++)
1128 static void _page_ref(PgHdr *pPg){
1129   if( pPg->nRef==0 ){
1130     /* The page is currently on the freelist.  Remove it. */
1131     if( pPg==pPg->pPager->pFirstSynced ){
1132       PgHdr *p = pPg->pNextFree;
1133       while( p && p->needSync ){ p = p->pNextFree; }
1134       pPg->pPager->pFirstSynced = p;
1135     }
1136     if( pPg->pPrevFree ){
1137       pPg->pPrevFree->pNextFree = pPg->pNextFree;
1138     }else{
1139       pPg->pPager->pFirst = pPg->pNextFree;
1140     }
1141     if( pPg->pNextFree ){
1142       pPg->pNextFree->pPrevFree = pPg->pPrevFree;
1143     }else{
1144       pPg->pPager->pLast = pPg->pPrevFree;
1145     }
1146     pPg->pPager->nRef++;
1147   }
1148   pPg->nRef++;
1149   REFINFO(pPg);
1150 }
1152 /*
1153 ** Increment the reference count for a page.  The input pointer is
1154 ** a reference to the page data.
1155 */
1156 int sqlitepager_ref(void *pData){
1157   PgHdr *pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1158   page_ref(pPg);
1159   return SQLITE_OK;
1160 }
1162 /*
1163 ** Sync the journal.  In other words, make sure all the pages that have
1164 ** been written to the journal have actually reached the surface of the
1165 ** disk.  It is not safe to modify the original database file until after
1166 ** the journal has been synced.  If the original database is modified before
1167 ** the journal is synced and a power failure occurs, the unsynced journal
1168 ** data would be lost and we would be unable to completely rollback the
1169 ** database changes.  Database corruption would occur.
1170 **
1171 ** This routine also updates the nRec field in the header of the journal.
1172 ** (See comments on the pager_playback() routine for additional information.)
1173 ** If the sync mode is FULL, two syncs will occur.  First the whole journal
1174 ** is synced, then the nRec field is updated, then a second sync occurs.
1175 **
1176 ** For temporary databases, we do not care if we are able to rollback
1177 ** after a power failure, so sync occurs.
1178 **
1179 ** This routine clears the needSync field of every page current held in
1180 ** memory.
1181 */
1182 static int syncJournal(Pager *pPager){
1183   PgHdr *pPg;
1184   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1186   /* Sync the journal before modifying the main database
1187   ** (assuming there is a journal and it needs to be synced.)
1188   */
1189   if( pPager->needSync ){
1190     if( !pPager->tempFile ){
1191       assert( pPager->journalOpen );
1192       /* assert( !pPager->noSync ); // noSync might be set if synchronous
1193       ** was turned off after the transaction was started.  Ticket #615 */
1194 #ifndef NDEBUG
1195       {
1196         /* Make sure the pPager->nRec counter we are keeping agrees
1197         ** with the nRec computed from the size of the journal file.
1198         */
1199         off_t hdrSz, pgSz, jSz;
1200         hdrSz = JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(journal_format);
1201         pgSz = JOURNAL_PG_SZ(journal_format);
1202         rc = sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->jfd, &jSz);
1203         if( rc!=0 ) return rc;
1204         assert( pPager->nRec*pgSz+hdrSz==jSz );
1205       }
1206 #endif
1207       if( journal_format>=3 ){
1208         /* Write the nRec value into the journal file header */
1209         off_t szJ;
1210         if( pPager->fullSync ){
1211           TRACE1("SYNC\n");
1212           rc = sqliteOsSync(&pPager->jfd);
1213           if( rc!=0 ) return rc;
1214         }
1215         sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->jfd, sizeof(aJournalMagic1));
1216         rc = write32bits(&pPager->jfd, pPager->nRec);
1217         if( rc ) return rc;
1218         szJ = JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(journal_format) +
1219                  pPager->nRec*JOURNAL_PG_SZ(journal_format);
1220         sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->jfd, szJ);
1221       }
1222       TRACE1("SYNC\n");
1223       rc = sqliteOsSync(&pPager->jfd);
1224       if( rc!=0 ) return rc;
1225       pPager->journalStarted = 1;
1226     }
1227     pPager->needSync = 0;
1229     /* Erase the needSync flag from every page.
1230     */
1231     for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pPg->pNextAll){
1232       pPg->needSync = 0;
1233     }
1234     pPager->pFirstSynced = pPager->pFirst;
1235   }
1237 #ifndef NDEBUG
1238   /* If the Pager.needSync flag is clear then the PgHdr.needSync
1239   ** flag must also be clear for all pages.  Verify that this
1240   ** invariant is true.
1241   */
1242   else{
1243     for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pPg->pNextAll){
1244       assert( pPg->needSync==0 );
1245     }
1246     assert( pPager->pFirstSynced==pPager->pFirst );
1247   }
1248 #endif
1250   return rc;
1251 }
1253 /*
1254 ** Given a list of pages (connected by the PgHdr.pDirty pointer) write
1255 ** every one of those pages out to the database file and mark them all
1256 ** as clean.
1257 */
1258 static int pager_write_pagelist(PgHdr *pList){
1259   Pager *pPager;
1260   int rc;
1262   if( pList==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
1263   pPager = pList->pPager;
1264   while( pList ){
1265     assert( pList->dirty );
1266     sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->fd, (pList->pgno-1)*(off_t)SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1267     CODEC(pPager, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pList), pList->pgno, 6);
1268     TRACE2("STORE %d\n", pList->pgno);
1269     rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->fd, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pList), SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1270     CODEC(pPager, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pList), pList->pgno, 0);
1271     if( rc ) return rc;
1272     pList->dirty = 0;
1273     pList = pList->pDirty;
1274   }
1275   return SQLITE_OK;
1276 }
1278 /*
1279 ** Collect every dirty page into a dirty list and
1280 ** return a pointer to the head of that list.  All pages are
1281 ** collected even if they are still in use.
1282 */
1283 static PgHdr *pager_get_all_dirty_pages(Pager *pPager){
1284   PgHdr *p, *pList;
1285   pList = 0;
1286   for(p=pPager->pAll; p; p=p->pNextAll){
1287     if( p->dirty ){
1288       p->pDirty = pList;
1289       pList = p;
1290     }
1291   }
1292   return pList;
1293 }
1295 /*
1296 ** Acquire a page.
1297 **
1298 ** A read lock on the disk file is obtained when the first page is acquired.
1299 ** This read lock is dropped when the last page is released.
1300 **
1301 ** A _get works for any page number greater than 0.  If the database
1302 ** file is smaller than the requested page, then no actual disk
1303 ** read occurs and the memory image of the page is initialized to
1304 ** all zeros.  The extra data appended to a page is always initialized
1305 ** to zeros the first time a page is loaded into memory.
1306 **
1307 ** The acquisition might fail for several reasons.  In all cases,
1308 ** an appropriate error code is returned and *ppPage is set to NULL.
1309 **
1310 ** See also sqlitepager_lookup().  Both this routine and _lookup() attempt
1311 ** to find a page in the in-memory cache first.  If the page is not already
1312 ** in memory, this routine goes to disk to read it in whereas _lookup()
1313 ** just returns 0.  This routine acquires a read-lock the first time it
1314 ** has to go to disk, and could also playback an old journal if necessary.
1315 ** Since _lookup() never goes to disk, it never has to deal with locks
1316 ** or journal files.
1317 */
1318 int sqlitepager_get(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno, void **ppPage){
1319   PgHdr *pPg;
1320   int rc;
1322   /* Make sure we have not hit any critical errors.
1323   */
1324   assert( pPager!=0 );
1325   assert( pgno!=0 );
1326   *ppPage = 0;
1327   if( pPager->errMask & ~(PAGER_ERR_FULL) ){
1328     return pager_errcode(pPager);
1329   }
1331   /* If this is the first page accessed, then get a read lock
1332   ** on the database file.
1333   */
1334   if( pPager->nRef==0 ){
1335     rc = sqliteOsReadLock(&pPager->fd);
1336     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1337       return rc;
1338     }
1339     pPager->state = SQLITE_READLOCK;
1341     /* If a journal file exists, try to play it back.
1342     */
1343     if( pPager->useJournal && sqliteOsFileExists(pPager->zJournal) ){
1344        int rc;
1346        /* Get a write lock on the database
1347        */
1348        rc = sqliteOsWriteLock(&pPager->fd);
1349        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1350          if( sqliteOsUnlock(&pPager->fd)!=SQLITE_OK ){
1351            /* This should never happen! */
1352            rc = SQLITE_INTERNAL;
1353          }
1354          return rc;
1355        }
1356        pPager->state = SQLITE_WRITELOCK;
1358        /* Open the journal for reading only.  Return SQLITE_BUSY if
1359        ** we are unable to open the journal file.
1360        **
1361        ** The journal file does not need to be locked itself.  The
1362        ** journal file is never open unless the main database file holds
1363        ** a write lock, so there is never any chance of two or more
1364        ** processes opening the journal at the same time.
1365        */
1366        rc = sqliteOsOpenReadOnly(pPager->zJournal, &pPager->jfd);
1367        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1368          rc = sqliteOsUnlock(&pPager->fd);
1369          assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1370          return SQLITE_BUSY;
1371        }
1372        pPager->journalOpen = 1;
1373        pPager->journalStarted = 0;
1375        /* Playback and delete the journal.  Drop the database write
1376        ** lock and reacquire the read lock.
1377        */
1378        rc = pager_playback(pPager, 0);
1379        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1380          return rc;
1381        }
1382     }
1383     pPg = 0;
1384   }else{
1385     /* Search for page in cache */
1386     pPg = pager_lookup(pPager, pgno);
1387   }
1388   if( pPg==0 ){
1389     /* The requested page is not in the page cache. */
1390     int h;
1391     pPager->nMiss++;
1392     if( pPager->nPage<pPager->mxPage || pPager->pFirst==0 ){
1393       /* Create a new page */
1394       pPg = sqliteMallocRaw( sizeof(*pPg) + SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE
1395                               + sizeof(u32) + pPager->nExtra );
1396       if( pPg==0 ){
1397         pager_unwritelock(pPager);
1398         pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_MEM;
1399         return SQLITE_NOMEM;
1400       }
1401       memset(pPg, 0, sizeof(*pPg));
1402       pPg->pPager = pPager;
1403       pPg->pNextAll = pPager->pAll;
1404       if( pPager->pAll ){
1405         pPager->pAll->pPrevAll = pPg;
1406       }
1407       pPg->pPrevAll = 0;
1408       pPager->pAll = pPg;
1409       pPager->nPage++;
1410     }else{
1411       /* Find a page to recycle.  Try to locate a page that does not
1412       ** require us to do an fsync() on the journal.
1413       */
1414       pPg = pPager->pFirstSynced;
1416       /* If we could not find a page that does not require an fsync()
1417       ** on the journal file then fsync the journal file.  This is a
1418       ** very slow operation, so we work hard to avoid it.  But sometimes
1419       ** it can't be helped.
1420       */
1421       if( pPg==0 ){
1422         int rc = syncJournal(pPager);
1423         if( rc!=0 ){
1424           sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1425           return SQLITE_IOERR;
1426         }
1427         pPg = pPager->pFirst;
1428       }
1429       assert( pPg->nRef==0 );
1431       /* Write the page to the database file if it is dirty.
1432       */
1433       if( pPg->dirty ){
1434         assert( pPg->needSync==0 );
1435         pPg->pDirty = 0;
1436         rc = pager_write_pagelist( pPg );
1437         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1438           sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1439           return SQLITE_IOERR;
1440         }
1441       }
1442       assert( pPg->dirty==0 );
1444       /* If the page we are recycling is marked as alwaysRollback, then
1445       ** set the global alwaysRollback flag, thus disabling the
1446       ** sqlite_dont_rollback() optimization for the rest of this transaction.
1447       ** It is necessary to do this because the page marked alwaysRollback
1448       ** might be reloaded at a later time but at that point we won't remember
1449       ** that is was marked alwaysRollback.  This means that all pages must
1450       ** be marked as alwaysRollback from here on out.
1451       */
1452       if( pPg->alwaysRollback ){
1453         pPager->alwaysRollback = 1;
1454       }
1456       /* Unlink the old page from the free list and the hash table
1457       */
1458       if( pPg==pPager->pFirstSynced ){
1459         PgHdr *p = pPg->pNextFree;
1460         while( p && p->needSync ){ p = p->pNextFree; }
1461         pPager->pFirstSynced = p;
1462       }
1463       if( pPg->pPrevFree ){
1464         pPg->pPrevFree->pNextFree = pPg->pNextFree;
1465       }else{
1466         assert( pPager->pFirst==pPg );
1467         pPager->pFirst = pPg->pNextFree;
1468       }
1469       if( pPg->pNextFree ){
1470         pPg->pNextFree->pPrevFree = pPg->pPrevFree;
1471       }else{
1472         assert( pPager->pLast==pPg );
1473         pPager->pLast = pPg->pPrevFree;
1474       }
1475       pPg->pNextFree = pPg->pPrevFree = 0;
1476       if( pPg->pNextHash ){
1477         pPg->pNextHash->pPrevHash = pPg->pPrevHash;
1478       }
1479       if( pPg->pPrevHash ){
1480         pPg->pPrevHash->pNextHash = pPg->pNextHash;
1481       }else{
1482         h = pager_hash(pPg->pgno);
1483         assert( pPager->aHash[h]==pPg );
1484         pPager->aHash[h] = pPg->pNextHash;
1485       }
1486       pPg->pNextHash = pPg->pPrevHash = 0;
1487       pPager->nOvfl++;
1488     }
1489     pPg->pgno = pgno;
1490     if( pPager->aInJournal && (int)pgno<=pPager->origDbSize ){
1491       sqliteCheckMemory(pPager->aInJournal, pgno/8);
1492       assert( pPager->journalOpen );
1493       pPg->inJournal = (pPager->aInJournal[pgno/8] & (1<<(pgno&7)))!=0;
1494       pPg->needSync = 0;
1495     }else{
1496       pPg->inJournal = 0;
1497       pPg->needSync = 0;
1498     }
1499     if( pPager->aInCkpt && (int)pgno<=pPager->ckptSize
1500              && (pPager->aInCkpt[pgno/8] & (1<<(pgno&7)))!=0 ){
1501       page_add_to_ckpt_list(pPg);
1502     }else{
1503       page_remove_from_ckpt_list(pPg);
1504     }
1505     pPg->dirty = 0;
1506     pPg->nRef = 1;
1507     REFINFO(pPg);
1508     pPager->nRef++;
1509     h = pager_hash(pgno);
1510     pPg->pNextHash = pPager->aHash[h];
1511     pPager->aHash[h] = pPg;
1512     if( pPg->pNextHash ){
1513       assert( pPg->pNextHash->pPrevHash==0 );
1514       pPg->pNextHash->pPrevHash = pPg;
1515     }
1516     if( pPager->nExtra>0 ){
1517       memset(PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(pPg), 0, pPager->nExtra);
1518     }
1519     if( pPager->dbSize<0 ) sqlitepager_pagecount(pPager);
1520     if( pPager->errMask!=0 ){
1521       sqlitepager_unref(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg));
1522       rc = pager_errcode(pPager);
1523       return rc;
1524     }
1525     if( pPager->dbSize<(int)pgno ){
1526       memset(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), 0, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1527     }else{
1528       int rc;
1529       sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->fd, (pgno-1)*(off_t)SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1530       rc = sqliteOsRead(&pPager->fd, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1531       TRACE2("FETCH %d\n", pPg->pgno);
1532       CODEC(pPager, PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), pPg->pgno, 3);
1533       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1534         off_t fileSize;
1535         if( sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->fd,&fileSize)!=SQLITE_OK
1536                || fileSize>=pgno*SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE ){
1537           sqlitepager_unref(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg));
1538           return rc;
1539         }else{
1540           memset(PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), 0, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1541         }
1542       }
1543     }
1544   }else{
1545     /* The requested page is in the page cache. */
1546     pPager->nHit++;
1547     page_ref(pPg);
1548   }
1549   *ppPage = PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg);
1550   return SQLITE_OK;
1551 }
1553 /*
1554 ** Acquire a page if it is already in the in-memory cache.  Do
1555 ** not read the page from disk.  Return a pointer to the page,
1556 ** or 0 if the page is not in cache.
1557 **
1558 ** See also sqlitepager_get().  The difference between this routine
1559 ** and sqlitepager_get() is that _get() will go to the disk and read
1560 ** in the page if the page is not already in cache.  This routine
1561 ** returns NULL if the page is not in cache or if a disk I/O error
1562 ** has ever happened.
1563 */
1564 void *sqlitepager_lookup(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
1565   PgHdr *pPg;
1567   assert( pPager!=0 );
1568   assert( pgno!=0 );
1569   if( pPager->errMask & ~(PAGER_ERR_FULL) ){
1570     return 0;
1571   }
1572   /* if( pPager->nRef==0 ){
1573   **  return 0;
1574   ** }
1575   */
1576   pPg = pager_lookup(pPager, pgno);
1577   if( pPg==0 ) return 0;
1578   page_ref(pPg);
1579   return PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg);
1580 }
1582 /*
1583 ** Release a page.
1584 **
1585 ** If the number of references to the page drop to zero, then the
1586 ** page is added to the LRU list.  When all references to all pages
1587 ** are released, a rollback occurs and the lock on the database is
1588 ** removed.
1589 */
1590 int sqlitepager_unref(void *pData){
1591   PgHdr *pPg;
1593   /* Decrement the reference count for this page
1594   */
1595   pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1596   assert( pPg->nRef>0 );
1597   pPg->nRef--;
1598   REFINFO(pPg);
1600   /* When the number of references to a page reach 0, call the
1601   ** destructor and add the page to the freelist.
1602   */
1603   if( pPg->nRef==0 ){
1604     Pager *pPager;
1605     pPager = pPg->pPager;
1606     pPg->pNextFree = 0;
1607     pPg->pPrevFree = pPager->pLast;
1608     pPager->pLast = pPg;
1609     if( pPg->pPrevFree ){
1610       pPg->pPrevFree->pNextFree = pPg;
1611     }else{
1612       pPager->pFirst = pPg;
1613     }
1614     if( pPg->needSync==0 && pPager->pFirstSynced==0 ){
1615       pPager->pFirstSynced = pPg;
1616     }
1617     if( pPager->xDestructor ){
1618       pPager->xDestructor(pData);
1619     }
1621     /* When all pages reach the freelist, drop the read lock from
1622     ** the database file.
1623     */
1624     pPager->nRef--;
1625     assert( pPager->nRef>=0 );
1626     if( pPager->nRef==0 ){
1627       pager_reset(pPager);
1628     }
1629   }
1630   return SQLITE_OK;
1631 }
1633 /*
1634 ** Create a journal file for pPager.  There should already be a write
1635 ** lock on the database file when this routine is called.
1636 **
1637 ** Return SQLITE_OK if everything.  Return an error code and release the
1638 ** write lock if anything goes wrong.
1639 */
1640 static int pager_open_journal(Pager *pPager){
1641   int rc;
1642   assert( pPager->state==SQLITE_WRITELOCK );
1643   assert( pPager->journalOpen==0 );
1644   assert( pPager->useJournal );
1645   sqlitepager_pagecount(pPager);
1646   pPager->aInJournal = sqliteMalloc( pPager->dbSize/8 + 1 );
1647   if( pPager->aInJournal==0 ){
1648     sqliteOsReadLock(&pPager->fd);
1649     pPager->state = SQLITE_READLOCK;
1650     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
1651   }
1652   rc = sqliteOsOpenExclusive(pPager->zJournal, &pPager->jfd,pPager->tempFile);
1653   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1654     sqliteFree(pPager->aInJournal);
1655     pPager->aInJournal = 0;
1656     sqliteOsReadLock(&pPager->fd);
1657     pPager->state = SQLITE_READLOCK;
1658     return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
1659   }
1660   sqliteOsOpenDirectory(pPager->zDirectory, &pPager->jfd);
1661   pPager->journalOpen = 1;
1662   pPager->journalStarted = 0;
1663   pPager->needSync = 0;
1664   pPager->alwaysRollback = 0;
1665   pPager->nRec = 0;
1666   if( pPager->errMask!=0 ){
1667     rc = pager_errcode(pPager);
1668     return rc;
1669   }
1670   pPager->origDbSize = pPager->dbSize;
1671   if( journal_format==JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 ){
1672     rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->jfd, aJournalMagic3, sizeof(aJournalMagic3));
1673     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1674       rc = write32bits(&pPager->jfd, pPager->noSync ? 0xffffffff : 0);
1675     }
1676     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1677       sqliteRandomness(sizeof(pPager->cksumInit), &pPager->cksumInit);
1678       rc = write32bits(&pPager->jfd, pPager->cksumInit);
1679     }
1680   }else if( journal_format==JOURNAL_FORMAT_2 ){
1681     rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->jfd, aJournalMagic2, sizeof(aJournalMagic2));
1682   }else{
1683     assert( journal_format==JOURNAL_FORMAT_1 );
1684     rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->jfd, aJournalMagic1, sizeof(aJournalMagic1));
1685   }
1686   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1687     rc = write32bits(&pPager->jfd, pPager->dbSize);
1688   }
1689   if( pPager->ckptAutoopen && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1690     rc = sqlitepager_ckpt_begin(pPager);
1691   }
1692   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1693     rc = pager_unwritelock(pPager);
1694     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1695       rc = SQLITE_FULL;
1696     }
1697   }
1698   return rc;
1699 }
1701 /*
1702 ** Acquire a write-lock on the database.  The lock is removed when
1703 ** the any of the following happen:
1704 **
1705 **   *  sqlitepager_commit() is called.
1706 **   *  sqlitepager_rollback() is called.
1707 **   *  sqlitepager_close() is called.
1708 **   *  sqlitepager_unref() is called to on every outstanding page.
1709 **
1710 ** The parameter to this routine is a pointer to any open page of the
1711 ** database file.  Nothing changes about the page - it is used merely
1712 ** to acquire a pointer to the Pager structure and as proof that there
1713 ** is already a read-lock on the database.
1714 **
1715 ** A journal file is opened if this is not a temporary file.  For
1716 ** temporary files, the opening of the journal file is deferred until
1717 ** there is an actual need to write to the journal.
1718 **
1719 ** If the database is already write-locked, this routine is a no-op.
1720 */
1721 int sqlitepager_begin(void *pData){
1722   PgHdr *pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1723   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
1724   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1725   assert( pPg->nRef>0 );
1726   assert( pPager->state!=SQLITE_UNLOCK );
1727   if( pPager->state==SQLITE_READLOCK ){
1728     assert( pPager->aInJournal==0 );
1729     rc = sqliteOsWriteLock(&pPager->fd);
1730     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1731       return rc;
1732     }
1733     pPager->state = SQLITE_WRITELOCK;
1734     pPager->dirtyFile = 0;
1735     TRACE1("TRANSACTION\n");
1736     if( pPager->useJournal && !pPager->tempFile ){
1737       rc = pager_open_journal(pPager);
1738     }
1739   }
1740   return rc;
1741 }
1743 /*
1744 ** Mark a data page as writeable.  The page is written into the journal
1745 ** if it is not there already.  This routine must be called before making
1746 ** changes to a page.
1747 **
1748 ** The first time this routine is called, the pager creates a new
1749 ** journal and acquires a write lock on the database.  If the write
1750 ** lock could not be acquired, this routine returns SQLITE_BUSY.  The
1751 ** calling routine must check for that return value and be careful not to
1752 ** change any page data until this routine returns SQLITE_OK.
1753 **
1754 ** If the journal file could not be written because the disk is full,
1755 ** then this routine returns SQLITE_FULL and does an immediate rollback.
1756 ** All subsequent write attempts also return SQLITE_FULL until there
1757 ** is a call to sqlitepager_commit() or sqlitepager_rollback() to
1758 ** reset.
1759 */
1760 int sqlitepager_write(void *pData){
1761   PgHdr *pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1762   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
1763   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
1765   /* Check for errors
1766   */
1767   if( pPager->errMask ){
1768     return pager_errcode(pPager);
1769   }
1770   if( pPager->readOnly ){
1771     return SQLITE_PERM;
1772   }
1774   /* Mark the page as dirty.  If the page has already been written
1775   ** to the journal then we can return right away.
1776   */
1777   pPg->dirty = 1;
1778   if( pPg->inJournal && (pPg->inCkpt || pPager->ckptInUse==0) ){
1779     pPager->dirtyFile = 1;
1780     return SQLITE_OK;
1781   }
1783   /* If we get this far, it means that the page needs to be
1784   ** written to the transaction journal or the ckeckpoint journal
1785   ** or both.
1786   **
1787   ** First check to see that the transaction journal exists and
1788   ** create it if it does not.
1789   */
1790   assert( pPager->state!=SQLITE_UNLOCK );
1791   rc = sqlitepager_begin(pData);
1792   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1793     return rc;
1794   }
1795   assert( pPager->state==SQLITE_WRITELOCK );
1796   if( !pPager->journalOpen && pPager->useJournal ){
1797     rc = pager_open_journal(pPager);
1798     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
1799   }
1800   assert( pPager->journalOpen || !pPager->useJournal );
1801   pPager->dirtyFile = 1;
1803   /* The transaction journal now exists and we have a write lock on the
1804   ** main database file.  Write the current page to the transaction
1805   ** journal if it is not there already.
1806   */
1807   if( !pPg->inJournal && pPager->useJournal ){
1808     if( (int)pPg->pgno <= pPager->origDbSize ){
1809       int szPg;
1810       u32 saved;
1811       if( journal_format>=JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 ){
1812         u32 cksum = pager_cksum(pPager, pPg->pgno, pData);
1813         saved = *(u32*)PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(pPg);
1814         store32bits(cksum, pPg, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1815         szPg = SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE+8;
1816       }else{
1817         szPg = SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE+4;
1818       }
1819       store32bits(pPg->pgno, pPg, -4);
1820       CODEC(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 7);
1821       rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->jfd, &((char*)pData)[-4], szPg);
1822       TRACE3("JOURNAL %d %d\n", pPg->pgno, pPg->needSync);
1823       CODEC(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 0);
1824       if( journal_format>=JOURNAL_FORMAT_3 ){
1825         *(u32*)PGHDR_TO_EXTRA(pPg) = saved;
1826       }
1827       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1828         sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1829         pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_FULL;
1830         return rc;
1831       }
1832       pPager->nRec++;
1833       assert( pPager->aInJournal!=0 );
1834       pPager->aInJournal[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1835       pPg->needSync = !pPager->noSync;
1836       pPg->inJournal = 1;
1837       if( pPager->ckptInUse ){
1838         pPager->aInCkpt[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1839         page_add_to_ckpt_list(pPg);
1840       }
1841     }else{
1842       pPg->needSync = !pPager->journalStarted && !pPager->noSync;
1843       TRACE3("APPEND %d %d\n", pPg->pgno, pPg->needSync);
1844     }
1845     if( pPg->needSync ){
1846       pPager->needSync = 1;
1847     }
1848   }
1850   /* If the checkpoint journal is open and the page is not in it,
1851   ** then write the current page to the checkpoint journal.  Note that
1852   ** the checkpoint journal always uses the simplier format 2 that lacks
1853   ** checksums.  The header is also omitted from the checkpoint journal.
1854   */
1855   if( pPager->ckptInUse && !pPg->inCkpt && (int)pPg->pgno<=pPager->ckptSize ){
1856     assert( pPg->inJournal || (int)pPg->pgno>pPager->origDbSize );
1857     store32bits(pPg->pgno, pPg, -4);
1858     CODEC(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 7);
1859     rc = sqliteOsWrite(&pPager->cpfd, &((char*)pData)[-4], SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE+4);
1860     TRACE2("CKPT-JOURNAL %d\n", pPg->pgno);
1861     CODEC(pPager, pData, pPg->pgno, 0);
1862     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
1863       sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1864       pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_FULL;
1865       return rc;
1866     }
1867     pPager->ckptNRec++;
1868     assert( pPager->aInCkpt!=0 );
1869     pPager->aInCkpt[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1870     page_add_to_ckpt_list(pPg);
1871   }
1873   /* Update the database size and return.
1874   */
1875   if( pPager->dbSize<(int)pPg->pgno ){
1876     pPager->dbSize = pPg->pgno;
1877   }
1878   return rc;
1879 }
1881 /*
1882 ** Return TRUE if the page given in the argument was previously passed
1883 ** to sqlitepager_write().  In other words, return TRUE if it is ok
1884 ** to change the content of the page.
1885 */
1886 int sqlitepager_iswriteable(void *pData){
1887   PgHdr *pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1888   return pPg->dirty;
1889 }
1891 /*
1892 ** Replace the content of a single page with the information in the third
1893 ** argument.
1894 */
1895 int sqlitepager_overwrite(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno, void *pData){
1896   void *pPage;
1897   int rc;
1899   rc = sqlitepager_get(pPager, pgno, &pPage);
1900   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1901     rc = sqlitepager_write(pPage);
1902     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
1903       memcpy(pPage, pData, SQLITE_PAGE_SIZE);
1904     }
1905     sqlitepager_unref(pPage);
1906   }
1907   return rc;
1908 }
1910 /*
1911 ** A call to this routine tells the pager that it is not necessary to
1912 ** write the information on page "pgno" back to the disk, even though
1913 ** that page might be marked as dirty.
1914 **
1915 ** The overlying software layer calls this routine when all of the data
1916 ** on the given page is unused.  The pager marks the page as clean so
1917 ** that it does not get written to disk.
1918 **
1919 ** Tests show that this optimization, together with the
1920 ** sqlitepager_dont_rollback() below, more than double the speed
1921 ** of large INSERT operations and quadruple the speed of large DELETEs.
1922 **
1923 ** When this routine is called, set the alwaysRollback flag to true.
1924 ** Subsequent calls to sqlitepager_dont_rollback() for the same page
1925 ** will thereafter be ignored.  This is necessary to avoid a problem
1926 ** where a page with data is added to the freelist during one part of
1927 ** a transaction then removed from the freelist during a later part
1928 ** of the same transaction and reused for some other purpose.  When it
1929 ** is first added to the freelist, this routine is called.  When reused,
1930 ** the dont_rollback() routine is called.  But because the page contains
1931 ** critical data, we still need to be sure it gets rolled back in spite
1932 ** of the dont_rollback() call.
1933 */
1934 void sqlitepager_dont_write(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno){
1935   PgHdr *pPg;
1937   pPg = pager_lookup(pPager, pgno);
1938   pPg->alwaysRollback = 1;
1939   if( pPg && pPg->dirty ){
1940     if( pPager->dbSize==(int)pPg->pgno && pPager->origDbSize<pPager->dbSize ){
1941       /* If this pages is the last page in the file and the file has grown
1942       ** during the current transaction, then do NOT mark the page as clean.
1943       ** When the database file grows, we must make sure that the last page
1944       ** gets written at least once so that the disk file will be the correct
1945       ** size. If you do not write this page and the size of the file
1946       ** on the disk ends up being too small, that can lead to database
1947       ** corruption during the next transaction.
1948       */
1949     }else{
1950       TRACE2("DONT_WRITE %d\n", pgno);
1951       pPg->dirty = 0;
1952     }
1953   }
1954 }
1956 /*
1957 ** A call to this routine tells the pager that if a rollback occurs,
1958 ** it is not necessary to restore the data on the given page.  This
1959 ** means that the pager does not have to record the given page in the
1960 ** rollback journal.
1961 */
1962 void sqlitepager_dont_rollback(void *pData){
1963   PgHdr *pPg = DATA_TO_PGHDR(pData);
1964   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
1966   if( pPager->state!=SQLITE_WRITELOCK || pPager->journalOpen==0 ) return;
1967   if( pPg->alwaysRollback || pPager->alwaysRollback ) return;
1968   if( !pPg->inJournal && (int)pPg->pgno <= pPager->origDbSize ){
1969     assert( pPager->aInJournal!=0 );
1970     pPager->aInJournal[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1971     pPg->inJournal = 1;
1972     if( pPager->ckptInUse ){
1973       pPager->aInCkpt[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1974       page_add_to_ckpt_list(pPg);
1975     }
1976     TRACE2("DONT_ROLLBACK %d\n", pPg->pgno);
1977   }
1978   if( pPager->ckptInUse && !pPg->inCkpt && (int)pPg->pgno<=pPager->ckptSize ){
1979     assert( pPg->inJournal || (int)pPg->pgno>pPager->origDbSize );
1980     assert( pPager->aInCkpt!=0 );
1981     pPager->aInCkpt[pPg->pgno/8] |= 1<<(pPg->pgno&7);
1982     page_add_to_ckpt_list(pPg);
1983   }
1984 }
1986 /*
1987 ** Commit all changes to the database and release the write lock.
1988 **
1989 ** If the commit fails for any reason, a rollback attempt is made
1990 ** and an error code is returned.  If the commit worked, SQLITE_OK
1991 ** is returned.
1992 */
1993 int sqlitepager_commit(Pager *pPager){
1994   int rc;
1995   PgHdr *pPg;
1997   if( pPager->errMask==PAGER_ERR_FULL ){
1998     rc = sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
1999     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2000       rc = SQLITE_FULL;
2001     }
2002     return rc;
2003   }
2004   if( pPager->errMask!=0 ){
2005     rc = pager_errcode(pPager);
2006     return rc;
2007   }
2008   if( pPager->state!=SQLITE_WRITELOCK ){
2009     return SQLITE_ERROR;
2010   }
2011   TRACE1("COMMIT\n");
2012   if( pPager->dirtyFile==0 ){
2013     /* Exit early (without doing the time-consuming sqliteOsSync() calls)
2014     ** if there have been no changes to the database file. */
2015     assert( pPager->needSync==0 );
2016     rc = pager_unwritelock(pPager);
2017     pPager->dbSize = -1;
2018     return rc;
2019   }
2020   assert( pPager->journalOpen );
2021   rc = syncJournal(pPager);
2022   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2023     goto commit_abort;
2024   }
2025   pPg = pager_get_all_dirty_pages(pPager);
2026   if( pPg ){
2027     rc = pager_write_pagelist(pPg);
2028     if( rc || (!pPager->noSync && sqliteOsSync(&pPager->fd)!=SQLITE_OK) ){
2029       goto commit_abort;
2030     }
2031   }
2032   rc = pager_unwritelock(pPager);
2033   pPager->dbSize = -1;
2034   return rc;
2036   /* Jump here if anything goes wrong during the commit process.
2037   */
2038 commit_abort:
2039   rc = sqlitepager_rollback(pPager);
2040   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
2041     rc = SQLITE_FULL;
2042   }
2043   return rc;
2044 }
2046 /*
2047 ** Rollback all changes.  The database falls back to read-only mode.
2048 ** All in-memory cache pages revert to their original data contents.
2049 ** The journal is deleted.
2050 **
2051 ** This routine cannot fail unless some other process is not following
2052 ** the correct locking protocol (SQLITE_PROTOCOL) or unless some other
2053 ** process is writing trash into the journal file (SQLITE_CORRUPT) or
2054 ** unless a prior malloc() failed (SQLITE_NOMEM).  Appropriate error
2055 ** codes are returned for all these occasions.  Otherwise,
2056 ** SQLITE_OK is returned.
2057 */
2058 int sqlitepager_rollback(Pager *pPager){
2059   int rc;
2060   TRACE1("ROLLBACK\n");
2061   if( !pPager->dirtyFile || !pPager->journalOpen ){
2062     rc = pager_unwritelock(pPager);
2063     pPager->dbSize = -1;
2064     return rc;
2065   }
2067   if( pPager->errMask!=0 && pPager->errMask!=PAGER_ERR_FULL ){
2068     if( pPager->state>=SQLITE_WRITELOCK ){
2069       pager_playback(pPager, 1);
2070     }
2071     return pager_errcode(pPager);
2072   }
2073   if( pPager->state!=SQLITE_WRITELOCK ){
2074     return SQLITE_OK;
2075   }
2076   rc = pager_playback(pPager, 1);
2077   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
2078     rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
2079     pPager->errMask |= PAGER_ERR_CORRUPT;
2080   }
2081   pPager->dbSize = -1;
2082   return rc;
2083 }
2085 /*
2086 ** Return TRUE if the database file is opened read-only.  Return FALSE
2087 ** if the database is (in theory) writable.
2088 */
2089 int sqlitepager_isreadonly(Pager *pPager){
2090   return pPager->readOnly;
2091 }
2093 /*
2094 ** This routine is used for testing and analysis only.
2095 */
2096 int *sqlitepager_stats(Pager *pPager){
2097   static int a[9];
2098   a[0] = pPager->nRef;
2099   a[1] = pPager->nPage;
2100   a[2] = pPager->mxPage;
2101   a[3] = pPager->dbSize;
2102   a[4] = pPager->state;
2103   a[5] = pPager->errMask;
2104   a[6] = pPager->nHit;
2105   a[7] = pPager->nMiss;
2106   a[8] = pPager->nOvfl;
2107   return a;
2108 }
2110 /*
2111 ** Set the checkpoint.
2112 **
2113 ** This routine should be called with the transaction journal already
2114 ** open.  A new checkpoint journal is created that can be used to rollback
2115 ** changes of a single SQL command within a larger transaction.
2116 */
2117 int sqlitepager_ckpt_begin(Pager *pPager){
2118   int rc;
2119   char zTemp[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE];
2120   if( !pPager->journalOpen ){
2121     pPager->ckptAutoopen = 1;
2122     return SQLITE_OK;
2123   }
2124   assert( pPager->journalOpen );
2125   assert( !pPager->ckptInUse );
2126   pPager->aInCkpt = sqliteMalloc( pPager->dbSize/8 + 1 );
2127   if( pPager->aInCkpt==0 ){
2128     sqliteOsReadLock(&pPager->fd);
2129     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
2130   }
2131 #ifndef NDEBUG
2132   rc = sqliteOsFileSize(&pPager->jfd, &pPager->ckptJSize);
2133   if( rc ) goto ckpt_begin_failed;
2134   assert( pPager->ckptJSize ==
2135     pPager->nRec*JOURNAL_PG_SZ(journal_format)+JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(journal_format) );
2136 #endif
2137   pPager->ckptJSize = pPager->nRec*JOURNAL_PG_SZ(journal_format)
2138                          + JOURNAL_HDR_SZ(journal_format);
2139   pPager->ckptSize = pPager->dbSize;
2140   if( !pPager->ckptOpen ){
2141     rc = sqlitepager_opentemp(zTemp, &pPager->cpfd);
2142     if( rc ) goto ckpt_begin_failed;
2143     pPager->ckptOpen = 1;
2144     pPager->ckptNRec = 0;
2145   }
2146   pPager->ckptInUse = 1;
2147   return SQLITE_OK;
2149 ckpt_begin_failed:
2150   if( pPager->aInCkpt ){
2151     sqliteFree(pPager->aInCkpt);
2152     pPager->aInCkpt = 0;
2153   }
2154   return rc;
2155 }
2157 /*
2158 ** Commit a checkpoint.
2159 */
2160 int sqlitepager_ckpt_commit(Pager *pPager){
2161   if( pPager->ckptInUse ){
2162     PgHdr *pPg, *pNext;
2163     sqliteOsSeek(&pPager->cpfd, 0);
2164     /* sqliteOsTruncate(&pPager->cpfd, 0); */
2165     pPager->ckptNRec = 0;
2166     pPager->ckptInUse = 0;
2167     sqliteFree( pPager->aInCkpt );
2168     pPager->aInCkpt = 0;
2169     for(pPg=pPager->pCkpt; pPg; pPg=pNext){
2170       pNext = pPg->pNextCkpt;
2171       assert( pPg->inCkpt );
2172       pPg->inCkpt = 0;
2173       pPg->pPrevCkpt = pPg->pNextCkpt = 0;
2174     }
2175     pPager->pCkpt = 0;
2176   }
2177   pPager->ckptAutoopen = 0;
2178   return SQLITE_OK;
2179 }
2181 /*
2182 ** Rollback a checkpoint.
2183 */
2184 int sqlitepager_ckpt_rollback(Pager *pPager){
2185   int rc;
2186   if( pPager->ckptInUse ){
2187     rc = pager_ckpt_playback(pPager);
2188     sqlitepager_ckpt_commit(pPager);
2189   }else{
2190     rc = SQLITE_OK;
2191   }
2192   pPager->ckptAutoopen = 0;
2193   return rc;
2194 }
2196 /*
2197 ** Return the full pathname of the database file.
2198 */
2199 const char *sqlitepager_filename(Pager *pPager){
2200   return pPager->zFilename;
2201 }
2203 /*
2204 ** Set the codec for this pager
2205 */
2206 void sqlitepager_set_codec(
2207   Pager *pPager,
2208   void (*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int),
2209   void *pCodecArg
2210 ){
2211   pPager->xCodec = xCodec;
2212   pPager->pCodecArg = pCodecArg;
2213 }
2215 #ifdef SQLITE_TEST
2216 /*
2217 ** Print a listing of all referenced pages and their ref count.
2218 */
2219 void sqlitepager_refdump(Pager *pPager){
2220   PgHdr *pPg;
2221   for(pPg=pPager->pAll; pPg; pPg=pPg->pNextAll){
2222     if( pPg->nRef<=0 ) continue;
2223     printf("PAGE %3d addr=0x%08x nRef=%d\n",
2224        pPg->pgno, (int)PGHDR_TO_DATA(pPg), pPg->nRef);
2225   }
2226 }
2227 #endif