xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libnsl/rpc/clnt_dg.c (revision ce326879a41b052db3abafb44e551f9d9c40cdba)
1 /*
3  *
4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
7  * with the License.
8  *
9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
12  * and limitations under the License.
13  *
14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
19  *
21  */
23 /*
24  * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
25  * Use is subject to license terms.
26  */
27 /*
28  * Copyright 2014 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
29  * Copyright (c) 2016 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
30  */
32 /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */
33 /* All Rights Reserved */
34 /*
35  * Portions of this source code were derived from Berkeley
36  * 4.3 BSD under license from the Regents of the University of
37  * California.
38  */
39 /*
40  * Copyright 2014 Shruti V Sampat <shrutisampat@gmail.com>
41  */
43 /*
44  * Implements a connectionless client side RPC.
45  */
47 #include "mt.h"
48 #include "rpc_mt.h"
49 #include <assert.h>
50 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
51 #include <errno.h>
52 #include <sys/poll.h>
53 #include <syslog.h>
54 #include <sys/types.h>
55 #include <sys/kstat.h>
56 #include <sys/time.h>
57 #include <stdlib.h>
58 #include <unistd.h>
59 #include <sys/types.h>
60 #include <sys/stat.h>
61 #include <strings.h>
62 #include <note.h>
64 extern int __rpc_timeval_to_msec(struct timeval *);
65 extern bool_t xdr_opaque_auth(XDR *, struct opaque_auth *);
66 extern bool_t __rpc_gss_wrap(AUTH *, char *, uint_t, XDR *, bool_t (*)(),
67 								caddr_t);
68 extern bool_t __rpc_gss_unwrap(AUTH *, XDR *, bool_t (*)(), caddr_t);
71 static struct clnt_ops *clnt_dg_ops(void);
72 static bool_t time_not_ok(struct timeval *);
74 /*
75  *	This machinery implements per-fd locks for MT-safety.  It is not
76  *	sufficient to do per-CLIENT handle locks for MT-safety because a
77  *	user may create more than one CLIENT handle with the same fd behind
78  *	it.
79  *
80  *	The current implementation holds locks across the entire RPC and reply,
81  *	including retransmissions.  Yes, this is silly, and as soon as this
82  *	code is proven to work, this should be the first thing fixed.  One step
83  *	at a time.
84  */
86 /*
87  * FD Lock handle used by various MT sync. routines
88  */
89 static mutex_t dgtbl_lock = DEFAULTMUTEX;
90 static	void	*dgtbl = NULL;
92 static const char mem_err_clnt_dg[] = "clnt_dg_create: out of memory";
95 #define	MCALL_MSG_SIZE 24
97 /*
98  * Private data kept per client handle
99  */
100 struct cu_data {
101 	int			cu_fd;		/* connections fd */
102 	bool_t			cu_closeit;	/* opened by library */
103 	struct netbuf		cu_raddr;	/* remote address */
104 	struct timeval		cu_wait;	/* retransmit interval */
105 	struct timeval		cu_total;	/* total time for the call */
106 	struct rpc_err		cu_error;
107 	struct t_unitdata	*cu_tr_data;
108 	XDR			cu_outxdrs;
109 	char			*cu_outbuf_start;
110 	char			cu_outbuf[MCALL_MSG_SIZE];
111 	uint_t			cu_xdrpos;
112 	uint_t			cu_sendsz;	/* send size */
113 	uint_t			cu_recvsz;	/* recv size */
114 	struct pollfd		pfdp;
115 	char			cu_inbuf[1];
116 };
118 static int _rcv_unitdata_err(struct cu_data *cu);
120 /*
121  * Connection less client creation returns with client handle parameters.
122  * Default options are set, which the user can change using clnt_control().
123  * fd should be open and bound.
124  * NB: The rpch->cl_auth is initialized to null authentication.
125  * 	Caller may wish to set this something more useful.
126  *
127  * sendsz and recvsz are the maximum allowable packet sizes that can be
128  * sent and received. Normally they are the same, but they can be
129  * changed to improve the program efficiency and buffer allocation.
130  * If they are 0, use the transport default.
131  *
132  * If svcaddr is NULL, returns NULL.
133  */
134 CLIENT *
135 clnt_dg_create(const int fd, struct netbuf *svcaddr, const rpcprog_t program,
136 	const rpcvers_t version, const uint_t sendsz, const uint_t recvsz)
137 {
138 	CLIENT *cl = NULL;		/* client handle */
139 	struct cu_data *cu = NULL;	/* private data */
140 	struct t_unitdata *tr_data;
141 	struct t_info tinfo;
142 	struct timeval now;
143 	struct rpc_msg call_msg;
144 	uint_t ssz;
145 	uint_t rsz;
147 	sig_mutex_lock(&dgtbl_lock);
148 	if ((dgtbl == NULL) && ((dgtbl = rpc_fd_init()) == NULL)) {
149 		sig_mutex_unlock(&dgtbl_lock);
150 		goto err1;
151 	}
152 	sig_mutex_unlock(&dgtbl_lock);
154 	if (svcaddr == NULL) {
155 		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_UNKNOWNADDR;
156 		return (NULL);
157 	}
158 	if (t_getinfo(fd, &tinfo) == -1) {
159 		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_TLIERROR;
160 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0;
161 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_terrno = t_errno;
162 		return (NULL);
163 	}
164 	/*
165 	 * Setup to rcv datagram error, we ignore any errors returned from
166 	 * __rpc_tli_set_options() as SO_DGRAM_ERRIND is only relevant to
167 	 * udp/udp6 transports and this point in the code we only know that
168 	 * we are using a connection less transport.
169 	 */
170 	if (tinfo.servtype == T_CLTS)
171 		(void) __rpc_tli_set_options(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DGRAM_ERRIND,
172 		    1);
173 	/*
174 	 * Find the receive and the send size
175 	 */
176 	ssz = __rpc_get_t_size((int)sendsz, tinfo.tsdu);
177 	rsz = __rpc_get_t_size((int)recvsz, tinfo.tsdu);
178 	if ((ssz == 0) || (rsz == 0)) {
179 		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_TLIERROR; /* XXX */
180 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0;
181 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_terrno = 0;
182 		return (NULL);
183 	}
185 	if ((cl = malloc(sizeof (CLIENT))) == NULL)
186 		goto err1;
187 	/*
188 	 * Should be multiple of 4 for XDR.
189 	 */
190 	ssz = ((ssz + 3) / 4) * 4;
191 	rsz = ((rsz + 3) / 4) * 4;
192 	cu = malloc(sizeof (*cu) + ssz + rsz);
193 	if (cu == NULL)
194 		goto err1;
195 	if ((cu->cu_raddr.buf = malloc(svcaddr->len)) == NULL)
196 		goto err1;
197 	(void) memcpy(cu->cu_raddr.buf, svcaddr->buf, (size_t)svcaddr->len);
198 	cu->cu_raddr.len = cu->cu_raddr.maxlen = svcaddr->len;
199 	cu->cu_outbuf_start = &cu->cu_inbuf[rsz];
200 	/* Other values can also be set through clnt_control() */
201 	cu->cu_wait.tv_sec = 15;	/* heuristically chosen */
202 	cu->cu_wait.tv_usec = 0;
203 	cu->cu_total.tv_sec = -1;
204 	cu->cu_total.tv_usec = -1;
205 	cu->cu_sendsz = ssz;
206 	cu->cu_recvsz = rsz;
207 	(void) gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
208 	call_msg.rm_xid = getpid() ^ now.tv_sec ^ now.tv_usec;
209 	call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = program;
210 	call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = version;
211 	xdrmem_create(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), cu->cu_outbuf, ssz, XDR_ENCODE);
212 	if (!xdr_callhdr(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), &call_msg)) {
213 		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;  /* XXX */
214 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0;
215 		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_terrno = 0;
216 		goto err2;
217 	}
218 	cu->cu_xdrpos = XDR_GETPOS(&(cu->cu_outxdrs));
219 	XDR_DESTROY(&(cu->cu_outxdrs));
220 	xdrmem_create(&(cu->cu_outxdrs), cu->cu_outbuf_start, ssz, XDR_ENCODE);
221 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
222 	tr_data = (struct t_unitdata *)t_alloc(fd, T_UNITDATA, T_ADDR | T_OPT);
223 	if (tr_data == NULL) {
224 		goto err1;
225 	}
226 	tr_data->udata.maxlen = cu->cu_recvsz;
227 	tr_data->udata.buf = cu->cu_inbuf;
228 	cu->cu_tr_data = tr_data;
230 	/*
231 	 * By default, closeit is always FALSE. It is users responsibility
232 	 * to do a t_close on it, else the user may use clnt_control
233 	 * to let clnt_destroy do it for them.
234 	 */
235 	cu->cu_closeit = FALSE;
236 	cu->cu_fd = fd;
237 	cl->cl_ops = clnt_dg_ops();
238 	cl->cl_private = (caddr_t)cu;
239 	cl->cl_auth = authnone_create();
240 	cl->cl_tp = NULL;
241 	cl->cl_netid = NULL;
242 	cu->pfdp.fd = cu->cu_fd;
243 	cu->pfdp.events = MASKVAL;
244 	return (cl);
245 err1:
246 	(void) syslog(LOG_ERR, mem_err_clnt_dg);
247 	rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_SYSTEMERROR;
248 	rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = errno;
249 	rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_terrno = 0;
250 err2:
251 	if (cl) {
252 		free(cl);
253 		if (cu) {
254 			free(cu->cu_raddr.buf);
255 			free(cu);
256 		}
257 	}
258 	return (NULL);
259 }
261 static enum clnt_stat
262 clnt_dg_call(CLIENT *cl, rpcproc_t proc, xdrproc_t xargs, caddr_t argsp,
263 	xdrproc_t xresults, caddr_t resultsp, struct timeval utimeout)
264 {
265 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
266 	struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private;
267 	XDR *xdrs;
268 	int outlen;
269 	struct rpc_msg reply_msg;
270 	XDR reply_xdrs;
271 	struct timeval time_waited;
272 	bool_t ok;
273 	int nrefreshes = 2;		/* number of times to refresh cred */
274 	struct timeval timeout;
275 	struct timeval retransmit_time;
276 	struct timeval poll_time;
277 	struct timeval startime, curtime;
278 	struct t_unitdata tu_data;
279 	int res;			/* result of operations */
280 	uint32_t x_id;
282 	if (rpc_fd_lock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd)) {
283 		rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_FAILED;
284 		rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
285 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
286 		return (RPC_FAILED);
287 	}
289 	if (cu->cu_total.tv_usec == -1) {
290 		timeout = utimeout;	/* use supplied timeout */
291 	} else {
292 		timeout = cu->cu_total;	/* use default timeout */
293 	}
295 	time_waited.tv_sec = 0;
296 	time_waited.tv_usec = 0;
297 	retransmit_time = cu->cu_wait;
299 	tu_data.addr = cu->cu_raddr;
301 call_again:
302 	xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs);
303 	xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
304 	XDR_SETPOS(xdrs, 0);
305 	/*
306 	 * Due to little endian byte order, it is necessary to convert to host
307 	 * format before incrementing xid.
308 	 */
309 	/* LINTED pointer cast */
310 	x_id = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf)) + 1;		/* set XID */
311 	/* LINTED pointer cast */
312 	*(uint32_t *)cu->cu_outbuf = htonl(x_id);
314 	if (cl->cl_auth->ah_cred.oa_flavor != RPCSEC_GSS) {
315 		if ((!XDR_PUTBYTES(xdrs, cu->cu_outbuf, cu->cu_xdrpos)) ||
316 		    (!XDR_PUTINT32(xdrs, (int32_t *)&proc)) ||
317 		    (!AUTH_MARSHALL(cl->cl_auth, xdrs)) ||
318 		    (!xargs(xdrs, argsp))) {
319 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
320 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS);
321 		}
322 	} else {
323 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
324 		uint32_t *u = (uint32_t *)&cu->cu_outbuf[cu->cu_xdrpos];
325 		IXDR_PUT_U_INT32(u, proc);
326 		if (!__rpc_gss_wrap(cl->cl_auth, cu->cu_outbuf,
327 		    ((char *)u) - cu->cu_outbuf, xdrs, xargs, argsp)) {
328 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
329 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS);
330 		}
331 	}
332 	outlen = (int)XDR_GETPOS(xdrs);
334 send_again:
335 	tu_data.udata.buf = cu->cu_outbuf_start;
336 	tu_data.udata.len = outlen;
337 	tu_data.opt.len = 0;
338 	if (t_sndudata(cu->cu_fd, &tu_data) == -1) {
339 		rpc_callerr.re_terrno = t_errno;
340 		rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
341 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
342 		return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND);
343 	}
345 	/*
346 	 * Hack to provide rpc-based message passing
347 	 */
348 	if (timeout.tv_sec == 0 && timeout.tv_usec == 0) {
349 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
350 		return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT);
351 	}
352 	/*
353 	 * sub-optimal code appears here because we have
354 	 * some clock time to spare while the packets are in flight.
355 	 * (We assume that this is actually only executed once.)
356 	 */
357 	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
358 	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = NULL;
359 	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xdr_void;
361 	/*
362 	 * Set polling time so that we don't wait for
363 	 * longer than specified by the total time to wait,
364 	 * or the retransmit time.
365 	 */
366 	poll_time.tv_sec = timeout.tv_sec - time_waited.tv_sec;
367 	poll_time.tv_usec = timeout.tv_usec - time_waited.tv_usec;
368 	while (poll_time.tv_usec < 0) {
369 		poll_time.tv_usec += 1000000;
370 		poll_time.tv_sec--;
371 	}
373 	if (poll_time.tv_sec < 0 || (poll_time.tv_sec == 0 &&
374 	    poll_time.tv_usec == 0)) {
375 		/*
376 		 * this could happen if time_waited >= timeout
377 		 */
378 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
379 		return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT);
380 	}
382 	if (poll_time.tv_sec > retransmit_time.tv_sec ||
383 	    (poll_time.tv_sec == retransmit_time.tv_sec &&
384 	    poll_time.tv_usec > retransmit_time.tv_usec))
385 		poll_time = retransmit_time;
388 	for (;;) {
390 		(void) gettimeofday(&startime, NULL);
392 		switch (poll(&cu->pfdp, 1,
393 		    __rpc_timeval_to_msec(&poll_time))) {
394 		case -1:
395 			if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
396 				rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
397 				rpc_callerr.re_terrno = 0;
398 				rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
399 				return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV);
400 			}
401 			/*FALLTHROUGH*/
403 		case 0:
404 			/*
405 			 * update time waited
406 			 */
407 timeout:			(void) gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);
408 			time_waited.tv_sec += curtime.tv_sec - startime.tv_sec;
409 			time_waited.tv_usec += curtime.tv_usec -
410 			    startime.tv_usec;
411 			while (time_waited.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
412 				time_waited.tv_usec -= 1000000;
413 				time_waited.tv_sec++;
414 			}
415 			while (time_waited.tv_usec < 0) {
416 				time_waited.tv_usec += 1000000;
417 				time_waited.tv_sec--;
418 			}
420 			/*
421 			 * decrement time left to poll by same amount
422 			 */
423 			poll_time.tv_sec -= curtime.tv_sec - startime.tv_sec;
424 			poll_time.tv_usec -= curtime.tv_usec - startime.tv_usec;
425 			while (poll_time.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
426 				poll_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
427 				poll_time.tv_sec++;
428 			}
429 			while (poll_time.tv_usec < 0) {
430 				poll_time.tv_usec += 1000000;
431 				poll_time.tv_sec--;
432 			}
434 			/*
435 			 * if there's time left to poll, poll again
436 			 */
437 			if (poll_time.tv_sec > 0 ||
438 			    (poll_time.tv_sec == 0 && poll_time.tv_usec > 0))
439 				continue;
441 			/*
442 			 * if there's more time left, retransmit;
443 			 * otherwise, return timeout error
444 			 */
445 			if (time_waited.tv_sec < timeout.tv_sec ||
446 			    (time_waited.tv_sec == timeout.tv_sec &&
447 			    time_waited.tv_usec < timeout.tv_usec)) {
448 				/*
449 				 * update retransmit_time
450 				 */
451 				retransmit_time.tv_usec *= 2;
452 				retransmit_time.tv_sec *= 2;
453 				while (retransmit_time.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
454 					retransmit_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
455 					retransmit_time.tv_sec++;
456 				}
457 				if (retransmit_time.tv_sec >= RPC_MAX_BACKOFF) {
458 					retransmit_time.tv_sec =
459 					    RPC_MAX_BACKOFF;
460 					retransmit_time.tv_usec = 0;
461 				}
462 				/*
463 				 * redo AUTH_MARSHAL if AUTH_DES or RPCSEC_GSS.
464 				 */
465 				if (cl->cl_auth->ah_cred.oa_flavor ==
466 				    AUTH_DES ||
467 				    cl->cl_auth->ah_cred.oa_flavor ==
468 				    RPCSEC_GSS)
469 					goto call_again;
470 				else
471 					goto send_again;
472 			}
473 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
474 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT);
476 		default:
477 			break;
478 		}
480 		if (cu->pfdp.revents & POLLNVAL || (cu->pfdp.revents == 0)) {
481 			rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV;
482 			/*
483 			 *	Note:  we're faking errno here because we
484 			 *	previously would have expected select() to
485 			 *	return -1 with errno EBADF.  Poll(BA_OS)
486 			 *	returns 0 and sets the POLLNVAL revents flag
487 			 *	instead.
488 			 */
489 			rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno = EBADF;
490 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
491 			return (-1);
492 		}
494 		/* We have some data now */
495 		do {
496 			int moreflag;		/* flag indicating more data */
498 			moreflag = 0;
500 			res = t_rcvudata(cu->cu_fd, cu->cu_tr_data, &moreflag);
502 			if (moreflag & T_MORE) {
503 				/*
504 				 * Drop this packet. I aint got any
505 				 * more space.
506 				 */
507 				res = -1;
508 				/* I should not really be doing this */
509 				errno = 0;
510 				/*
511 				 * XXX: Not really Buffer overflow in the
512 				 * sense of TLI.
513 				 */
514 				t_errno = TBUFOVFLW;
515 			}
516 		} while (res < 0 && (t_errno == TSYSERR && errno == EINTR));
517 		if (res < 0) {
518 			int err, errnoflag = FALSE;
519 #ifdef sun
520 			if (t_errno == TSYSERR && errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
521 #else
522 			if (t_errno == TSYSERR && errno == EAGAIN)
523 #endif
524 				continue;
525 			if (t_errno == TLOOK) {
526 				if ((err = _rcv_unitdata_err(cu)) == 0)
527 					continue;
528 				else if (err == 1)
529 					errnoflag = TRUE;
530 			} else {
531 				rpc_callerr.re_terrno = t_errno;
532 			}
533 			if (errnoflag == FALSE)
534 				rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
535 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
536 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV);
537 		}
538 		if (cu->cu_tr_data->udata.len < (uint_t)sizeof (uint32_t))
539 			continue;
540 		/* see if reply transaction id matches sent id */
541 		/* LINTED pointer alignment */
542 		if (*((uint32_t *)(cu->cu_inbuf)) !=
543 		    /* LINTED pointer alignment */
544 		    *((uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf)))
545 			goto timeout;
546 		/* we now assume we have the proper reply */
547 		break;
548 	}
550 	/*
551 	 * now decode and validate the response
552 	 */
554 	xdrmem_create(&reply_xdrs, cu->cu_inbuf,
555 	    (uint_t)cu->cu_tr_data->udata.len, XDR_DECODE);
556 	ok = xdr_replymsg(&reply_xdrs, &reply_msg);
557 	/* XDR_DESTROY(&reply_xdrs);	save a few cycles on noop destroy */
558 	if (ok) {
559 		if ((reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
560 		    (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS))
561 			rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS;
562 		else
563 			__seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(rpc_callerr));
565 		if (rpc_callerr.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) {
566 			if (!AUTH_VALIDATE(cl->cl_auth,
567 			    &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) {
568 				rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
569 				rpc_callerr.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP;
570 			} else if (cl->cl_auth->ah_cred.oa_flavor !=
571 			    RPCSEC_GSS) {
572 				if (!(*xresults)(&reply_xdrs, resultsp)) {
573 					if (rpc_callerr.re_status ==
574 					    RPC_SUCCESS)
575 						rpc_callerr.re_status =
576 						    RPC_CANTDECODERES;
577 				}
578 			} else if (!__rpc_gss_unwrap(cl->cl_auth, &reply_xdrs,
579 			    xresults, resultsp)) {
580 				if (rpc_callerr.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
581 					rpc_callerr.re_status =
583 			}
584 		}		/* end successful completion */
585 		/*
586 		 * If unsuccesful AND error is an authentication error
587 		 * then refresh credentials and try again, else break
588 		 */
589 		else if (rpc_callerr.re_status == RPC_AUTHERROR)
590 			/* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */
591 			if (nrefreshes-- &&
592 			    AUTH_REFRESH(cl->cl_auth, &reply_msg))
593 				goto call_again;
594 			else
595 				/*
596 				 * We are setting rpc_callerr here given that
597 				 * libnsl is not reentrant thereby
598 				 * reinitializing the TSD.  If not set here then
599 				 * success could be returned even though refresh
600 				 * failed.
601 				 */
602 				rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
604 		/* end of unsuccessful completion */
605 		/* free verifier */
606 		if (reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED &&
607 		    reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL) {
608 			xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
609 			(void) xdr_opaque_auth(xdrs,
610 			    &(reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf));
611 		}
612 	}	/* end of valid reply message */
613 	else {
614 		rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;
616 	}
617 	rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
618 	return (rpc_callerr.re_status);
619 }
621 static enum clnt_stat
622 clnt_dg_send(CLIENT *cl, rpcproc_t proc, xdrproc_t xargs, caddr_t argsp)
623 {
624 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
625 	struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private;
626 	XDR *xdrs;
627 	int outlen;
628 	struct t_unitdata tu_data;
629 	uint32_t x_id;
631 	if (rpc_fd_lock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd)) {
632 		rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_FAILED;
633 		rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
634 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
635 		return (RPC_FAILED);
636 	}
638 	tu_data.addr = cu->cu_raddr;
640 	xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs);
641 	xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
642 	XDR_SETPOS(xdrs, 0);
643 	/*
644 	 * Due to little endian byte order, it is necessary to convert to host
645 	 * format before incrementing xid.
646 	 */
647 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
648 	x_id = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf)) + 1;		/* set XID */
649 	/* LINTED pointer cast */
650 	*(uint32_t *)cu->cu_outbuf = htonl(x_id);
652 	if (cl->cl_auth->ah_cred.oa_flavor != RPCSEC_GSS) {
653 		if ((!XDR_PUTBYTES(xdrs, cu->cu_outbuf, cu->cu_xdrpos)) ||
654 		    (!XDR_PUTINT32(xdrs, (int32_t *)&proc)) ||
655 		    (!AUTH_MARSHALL(cl->cl_auth, xdrs)) ||
656 		    (!xargs(xdrs, argsp))) {
657 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
658 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS);
659 		}
660 	} else {
661 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
662 		uint32_t *u = (uint32_t *)&cu->cu_outbuf[cu->cu_xdrpos];
663 		IXDR_PUT_U_INT32(u, proc);
664 		if (!__rpc_gss_wrap(cl->cl_auth, cu->cu_outbuf,
665 		    ((char *)u) - cu->cu_outbuf, xdrs, xargs, argsp)) {
666 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
667 			return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS);
668 		}
669 	}
670 	outlen = (int)XDR_GETPOS(xdrs);
672 	tu_data.udata.buf = cu->cu_outbuf_start;
673 	tu_data.udata.len = outlen;
674 	tu_data.opt.len = 0;
675 	if (t_sndudata(cu->cu_fd, &tu_data) == -1) {
676 		rpc_callerr.re_terrno = t_errno;
677 		rpc_callerr.re_errno = errno;
678 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
679 		return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND);
680 	}
682 	rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
683 	return (rpc_callerr.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS);
684 }
686 static void
687 clnt_dg_geterr(CLIENT *cl, struct rpc_err *errp)
688 {
689         NOTE(ARGUNUSED(cl))
690 	*errp = rpc_callerr;
691 }
693 static bool_t
694 clnt_dg_freeres(CLIENT *cl, xdrproc_t xdr_res, caddr_t res_ptr)
695 {
696 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
697 	struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private;
698 	XDR *xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs);
699 	bool_t stat;
701 	(void) rpc_fd_lock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
702 	xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
703 	stat = (*xdr_res)(xdrs, res_ptr);
704 	rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
705 	return (stat);
706 }
708 /* ARGSUSED */
709 static void
710 clnt_dg_abort(CLIENT *h)
711 {
712 }
714 static bool_t
715 clnt_dg_control(CLIENT *cl, int request, char *info)
716 {
717 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
718 	struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private;
719 	struct netbuf *addr;
720 	if (rpc_fd_lock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd)) {
721 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
722 		return (FALSE);
723 	}
725 	switch (request) {
726 	case CLSET_FD_CLOSE:
727 		cu->cu_closeit = TRUE;
728 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
729 		return (TRUE);
730 	case CLSET_FD_NCLOSE:
731 		cu->cu_closeit = FALSE;
732 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
733 		return (TRUE);
734 	}
736 	/* for other requests which use info */
737 	if (info == NULL) {
738 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
739 		return (FALSE);
740 	}
741 	switch (request) {
742 	case CLSET_TIMEOUT:
743 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
744 		if (time_not_ok((struct timeval *)info)) {
745 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
746 			return (FALSE);
747 		}
748 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
749 		cu->cu_total = *(struct timeval *)info;
750 		break;
751 	case CLGET_TIMEOUT:
752 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
753 		*(struct timeval *)info = cu->cu_total;
754 		break;
755 	case CLGET_SERVER_ADDR:		/* Give it the fd address */
756 		/* Now obsolete. Only for backword compatibility */
757 		(void) memcpy(info, cu->cu_raddr.buf, (size_t)cu->cu_raddr.len);
758 		break;
760 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
761 		if (time_not_ok((struct timeval *)info)) {
762 			rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
763 			return (FALSE);
764 		}
765 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
766 		cu->cu_wait = *(struct timeval *)info;
767 		break;
769 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
770 		*(struct timeval *)info = cu->cu_wait;
771 		break;
772 	case CLGET_FD:
773 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
774 		*(int *)info = cu->cu_fd;
775 		break;
776 	case CLGET_SVC_ADDR:
777 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
778 		*(struct netbuf *)info = cu->cu_raddr;
779 		break;
780 	case CLSET_SVC_ADDR:		/* set to new address */
781 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
782 		addr = (struct netbuf *)info;
783 		if (cu->cu_raddr.maxlen < addr->len) {
784 			free(cu->cu_raddr.buf);
785 			if ((cu->cu_raddr.buf = malloc(addr->len)) == NULL) {
786 				rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
787 				return (FALSE);
788 			}
789 			cu->cu_raddr.maxlen = addr->len;
790 		}
791 		cu->cu_raddr.len = addr->len;
792 		(void) memcpy(cu->cu_raddr.buf, addr->buf, addr->len);
793 		break;
794 	case CLGET_XID:
795 		/*
796 		 * use the knowledge that xid is the
797 		 * first element in the call structure *.
798 		 * This will get the xid of the PREVIOUS call
799 		 */
800 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
801 		*(uint32_t *)info = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)cu->cu_outbuf);
802 		break;
804 	case CLSET_XID:
805 		/* This will set the xid of the NEXT call */
806 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
807 		*(uint32_t *)cu->cu_outbuf =  htonl(*(uint32_t *)info - 1);
808 		/* decrement by 1 as clnt_dg_call() increments once */
809 		break;
811 	case CLGET_VERS:
812 		/*
813 		 * This RELIES on the information that, in the call body,
814 		 * the version number field is the fifth field from the
815 		 * begining of the RPC header. MUST be changed if the
816 		 * call_struct is changed
817 		 */
818 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
819 		*(uint32_t *)info = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf +
820 		    4 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT));
821 		break;
823 	case CLSET_VERS:
824 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
825 		*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 4 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT) =
826 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
827 		    htonl(*(uint32_t *)info);
828 		break;
830 	case CLGET_PROG:
831 		/*
832 		 * This RELIES on the information that, in the call body,
833 		 * the program number field is the fourth field from the
834 		 * begining of the RPC header. MUST be changed if the
835 		 * call_struct is changed
836 		 */
837 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
838 		*(uint32_t *)info = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf +
839 		    3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT));
840 		break;
842 	case CLSET_PROG:
843 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
844 		*(uint32_t *)(cu->cu_outbuf + 3 * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT) =
845 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
846 		    htonl(*(uint32_t *)info);
847 		break;
849 	default:
850 		rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
851 		return (FALSE);
852 	}
853 	rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu->cu_fd);
854 	return (TRUE);
855 }
857 static void
858 clnt_dg_destroy(CLIENT *cl)
859 {
860 /* LINTED pointer alignment */
861 	struct cu_data *cu = (struct cu_data *)cl->cl_private;
862 	int cu_fd = cu->cu_fd;
864 	(void) rpc_fd_lock(dgtbl, cu_fd);
865 	if (cu->cu_closeit)
866 		(void) t_close(cu_fd);
867 	XDR_DESTROY(&(cu->cu_outxdrs));
868 	cu->cu_tr_data->udata.buf = NULL;
869 	(void) t_free((char *)cu->cu_tr_data, T_UNITDATA);
870 	free(cu->cu_raddr.buf);
871 	free(cu);
872 	if (cl->cl_netid && cl->cl_netid[0])
873 		free(cl->cl_netid);
874 	if (cl->cl_tp && cl->cl_tp[0])
875 		free(cl->cl_tp);
876 	free(cl);
877 	rpc_fd_unlock(dgtbl, cu_fd);
878 }
880 static struct clnt_ops *
881 clnt_dg_ops(void)
882 {
883 	static struct clnt_ops ops;
884 	extern mutex_t	ops_lock;
886 /* VARIABLES PROTECTED BY ops_lock: ops */
888 	sig_mutex_lock(&ops_lock);
889 	if (ops.cl_call == NULL) {
890 		ops.cl_call = clnt_dg_call;
891 		ops.cl_send = clnt_dg_send;
892 		ops.cl_abort = clnt_dg_abort;
893 		ops.cl_geterr = clnt_dg_geterr;
894 		ops.cl_freeres = clnt_dg_freeres;
895 		ops.cl_destroy = clnt_dg_destroy;
896 		ops.cl_control = clnt_dg_control;
897 	}
898 	sig_mutex_unlock(&ops_lock);
899 	return (&ops);
900 }
902 /*
903  * Make sure that the time is not garbage.  -1 value is allowed.
904  */
905 static bool_t
906 time_not_ok(struct timeval *t)
907 {
908 	return (t->tv_sec < -1 || t->tv_sec > 100000000 ||
909 	    t->tv_usec < -1 || t->tv_usec > 1000000);
910 }
912 /*
913  * Receive a unit data error indication.
914  * Below even when t_alloc() fails we pass uderr=NULL to t_rcvuderr()
915  * so as to just clear the error indication.
916  */
918 static int
919 _rcv_unitdata_err(struct cu_data *cu)
920 {
921 	int old;
922 	struct t_uderr *uderr;
924 	old = t_errno;
925 	/* LINTED pointer cast */
926 	uderr = (struct t_uderr *)t_alloc(cu->cu_fd, T_UDERROR, T_ADDR);
928 	if (t_rcvuderr(cu->cu_fd, uderr) == 0) {
929 		if (uderr == NULL)
930 			return (0);
932 		if (uderr->addr.len != cu->cu_raddr.len ||
933 		    (memcmp(uderr->addr.buf, cu->cu_raddr.buf,
934 		    cu->cu_raddr.len))) {
935 			(void) t_free((char *)uderr, T_UDERROR);
936 			return (0);
937 		}
938 		rpc_callerr.re_errno = uderr->error;
939 		rpc_callerr.re_terrno = TSYSERR;
940 		(void) t_free((char *)uderr, T_UDERROR);
941 		return (1);
942 	}
943 	rpc_callerr.re_terrno = old;
944 	if (uderr)
945 		(void) t_free((char *)uderr, T_UDERROR);
946 	return (-1);
947 }