xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libcurses/screen/setupterm.c (revision ce7a304d880a0cf033d8b45bfaf65dfdec0d3faf)
1 /*
3  *
4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
7  * with the License.
8  *
9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
12  * and limitations under the License.
13  *
14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
19  *
21  */
22 /*
23  * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
24  * Use is subject to license terms.
25  */
27 /*	Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T	*/
28 /*	  All Rights Reserved	*/
30 /*
31  * University Copyright- Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988
32  * The Regents of the University of California
33  * All Rights Reserved
34  *
35  * University Acknowledgment- Portions of this document are derived from
36  * software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and its
37  * contributors.
38  */
42 #include	<stdio.h>
43 #include	<sys/types.h>
44 #include	<fcntl.h>
45 #include	<stdlib.h>
46 #include	<string.h>
47 #include	<unistd.h>
48 #include	<errno.h>
49 #include	"curses_inc.h"
51 #define	TERMPATH	"/usr/share/lib/terminfo/"
52 #define	TERMPATHLEN	512
54 extern	bool	_use_env;	/* in curses.c */
56 chtype	bit_attributes[NUM_ATTRIBUTES] = {
57 	    A_STANDOUT,
58 	    A_UNDERLINE,
60 	    A_REVERSE,
61 	    A_BLINK,
62 	    A_DIM,
63 	    A_BOLD,
64 	    A_INVIS,
65 	    A_PROTECT
66 	};
68 char	*Def_term = "unknown",	/* default terminal type */
69 	term_parm_err[32], ttytype[BUFSIZ], _frst_tblstr[1400];
71 TERMINAL		_first_term, *cur_term = &_first_term;
72 struct	_bool_struct	_frst_bools, *cur_bools = &_frst_bools;
73 struct	_num_struct	_frst_nums, *cur_nums = &_frst_nums;
74 struct	_str_struct	_frst_strs, *cur_strs = &_frst_strs;
76 /* _called_before is used/cleared by delterm.c and restart.c */
77 char	_called_before = 0;
78 short	term_errno = -1;
80 #ifdef SYSV
81 int	prog_istermios = -1;
82 int	shell_istermios = -1;
83 #endif
85 #ifdef	DUMPTI
86 extern	char	*boolfnames[], *boolnames[], *boolcodes[],
87 		*numfnames[], *numnames[], *numcodes[],
88 		*strfnames[], *strnames[], *strcodes[];
90 main(int argc, char **argv)	/* FOR DEBUG ONLY */
91 {
92 	if (argc > 1)
93 		setupterm(argv[1], 1, (int *)0);
94 	else
95 		setupterm((char *)0, 1, (int *)0);
96 	return (0);
97 }
99 _Pr(int ch)	/* FOR DEBUG ONLY */
100 {
101 	if (ch >= 0200) {
102 		printf("M-");
103 		ch -= 0200;
104 	}
105 	if ((ch < ' ') || (ch == 0177))
106 		printf("^%c", ch ^ 0100);
107 	else
108 		printf("%c", ch);
109 }
111 _Sprint(int n, char *string)	/* FOR DEBUG ONLY */
112 {
113 	int	ch;
115 	if (n == -1) {
116 		printf(".\n");
117 		return;
118 	}
119 	printf(", string = '");
120 	while (ch = *string++)
121 		_Pr(ch&0377);
123 	printf("'.\n");
124 }
126 _Mprint(int n, char *memory)	/* FOR DEBUG ONLY */
127 {
128 	unsigned	char	ch;
130 	while (ch = *memory++, n-- > 0)
131 		_Pr(ch&0377);
132 }
134 #define	_Vr2getshi()	_Vr2getsh(ip-2)
136 #if	vax || pdp11
137 #define	_Vr2getsh(ip)	(* (short *)(ip))
138 #endif	/* vax || pdp11 */
140 #ifndef	_Vr2getsh
141 /*
142  * Here is a more portable version, which does not assume byte ordering
143  * in shorts, sign extension, etc.
144  */
145 _Vr2getsh(char *p)
146 {
147 	int	rv;
149 	if (*p == (char)0377)
150 		return (-1);
151 	rv = (unsigned char) *p++;
152 	rv += (unsigned char) *p * 256;
153 	return (rv);
154 }
155 #endif	/* _Vr2getsh */
157 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
159 #define	_Getshi()	_Getsh(ip); ip += 2
161 /*
162  * "function" to get a short from a pointer.  The short is in a standard
163  * format: two bytes, the first is the low order byte, the second is
164  * the high order byte (base 256).  The only negative numbers allowed are
165  * -1 and -2, which are represented as 255,255 and 255,254  This format
166  * happens to be the same as the hardware on the pdp-11, vax, and 386,
167  * making it fast and convenient and small to do this on a pdp-11.
168  */
170 #if	vax || pdp11 || i386
171 #define	_Getsh(ip)	(* (short *)ip)
172 #endif	/* vax || pdp11 */
173 /*
174  * The following macro is partly due to Mike Laman, laman@sdcsvax
175  *	NCR @ Torrey Pines.		- Tony Hansen
176  */
177 #if	u3b || u3b15 || u3b2 || m68000
178 #define	_Getsh(ip)	((short)(*((unsigned char *)ip) | (*(ip+1) << 8)))
179 #endif	/* u3b || u3b15 || u3b2 || m68000 */
181 #ifndef	_Getsh
182 /*
183  * Here is a more portable version, which does not assume byte ordering
184  * in shorts, sign extension, etc.  For the sake of the porters,
185  * two alternative implementations, for the machines that don't have
186  * casting to "unsigned char", are also given, but commented out.
187  * Not ANSI C implementation assumes that the * C preprocessor does
188  * sign-extension the same as on the machine being compiled for.
189  */
190 static int
191 _Getsh(char *p)
192 {
193 	int	rv, rv2;
195 	rv  = (unsigned char) p[0];
196 	rv2 = (unsigned char) p[1];
198 	/* the following stuff is only for porting.  See the comment above */
200 #ifdef FOR_PORTING
201 #if    CHAR_MIN < 0
202 	rv = (*p++) & 0377;
203 	rv2 = (*p) & 0377;
204 #else   /* CHAR_MIN < 0 */
205 	rv = *p++;
206 	rv2 = *p;
207 #endif  /* CHAR_MIN < 0 */
209 #endif  /* FOR_PORTING  */
211 	if ((rv2 == 0377) && ((rv == 0377) || (rv == 0376)))
212 		return (-1);
213 	return (rv + (rv2 * 256));
214 }
215 #endif	/* _Getsh */
217 /*
218  * setupterm: low level routine to dig up terminfo from database
219  * and read it in.  Parms are terminal type (0 means use getenv("TERM"),
220  * file descriptor all output will go to (for ioctls), and a pointer
221  * to an int into which the error return code goes (0 means to bomb
222  * out with an error message if there's an error).  Thus,
223  * setupterm((char *)0, 1, (int *)0) is a reasonable way for a simple
224  * program to set up.
225  */
226 int
227 setupterm(char *term, int filenum, int *errret)
228 	/* filenum - This is a UNIX file descriptor, not a stdio ptr. */
229 {
230 	char	tiebuf[4096];
231 	char	fname[TERMPATHLEN];
232 	char	*ip;
233 	char	*cp;
234 	int	n, tfd;
235 	char	*lcp, *ccp, **on_sequences, **str_array;
236 	int	snames, nbools, nints, nstrs, sstrtab;
237 	char	*strtab;
238 #ifdef	DUMPTI
239 	int		Vr2val;
240 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
242 	(void) mbgetwidth();
244 	if (term == NULL)
245 		term = getenv("TERM");
247 	if (term == NULL || *term == '\0')
248 		term = Def_term;
250 	tfd = -1;
251 	errno = 0; 	/* ehr3 */
253 	if (errret != 0)
254 		*errret = -1;
256 	if (((cp = getenv("TERMINFO")) != 0) && *cp) {
257 		/* $TERMINFO/?/$TERM */
258 		if (snprintf(fname, sizeof (fname),
259 			"%s/%c/%s", cp, *term, term) >= sizeof (fname)) {
260 			term_errno = TERMINFO_TOO_LONG;
261 			goto out_err;
262 		}
264 		tfd = open(fname, 0);
265 #ifdef	DUMPTI
266 		printf("looking in file %s\n", fname);
267 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
268 		if ((tfd < 0) && (errno == EACCES))
269 			goto cant_read;
270 	}
272 	if (tfd < 0) {
273 		/* /usr/share/lib/terminfo/?/$TERM */
274 		if (snprintf(fname, sizeof (fname),
275 			"%s/%c/%s", TERMPATH, *term, term) >= sizeof (fname)) {
276 			term_errno = TERMINFO_TOO_LONG;
277 			goto out_err;
278 		}
280 		tfd = open(fname, 0);
281 #ifdef	DUMPTI
282 		printf("looking in file %s\n", fname);
283 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
285 	}
287 	if (tfd < 0) {
288 		if (errno == EACCES) {
289 cant_read:
290 			term_errno = NOT_READABLE;
291 		} else {
292 			if (access(TERMPATH, 0) == -1)
293 				term_errno = UNACCESSIBLE;
294 			else {
295 				term_errno = NO_TERMINAL;
296 				if (errret != 0)
297 					*errret = 0;
298 			}
299 		}
300 		/*
301 		 * if the length of the specified terminal name is longer
302 		 * than 31, it will be chopped after the 31st byte.
303 		 * This should be a rare case.
304 		 */
305 		(void) strncpy(term_parm_err, term, 31);
306 		term_parm_err[31] = '\0';
307 		goto out_err;
308 	}
310 	/* LINTED */
311 	n = (int)read(tfd, tiebuf, sizeof (tiebuf));
312 	(void) close(tfd);
314 	if (n <= 0) {
315 corrupt:
316 		term_errno = CORRUPTED;
317 		goto out_err;
318 	} else
319 		if (n == sizeof (tiebuf)) {
320 			term_errno = ENTRY_TOO_LONG;
321 			goto out_err;
322 		}
323 	cp = ttytype;
324 	ip = tiebuf;
326 	/* Pick up header */
327 	snames = _Getshi();
328 #ifdef	DUMPTI
329 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
330 	printf("Magic number = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", snames,
331 	    snames, Vr2val, Vr2val);
332 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
333 	if (snames != MAGNUM)
334 		goto corrupt;
335 	snames = _Getshi();
336 #ifdef	DUMPTI
337 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
338 	printf("Size of names = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", snames,
339 	    snames, Vr2val, Vr2val);
340 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
342 	nbools = _Getshi();
343 #ifdef	DUMPTI
344 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
345 	printf("Number of bools = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", nbools,
346 	    nbools, Vr2val, Vr2val);
347 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
349 	nints = _Getshi();
350 #ifdef	DUMPTI
351 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
352 	printf("Number of ints = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", nints, nints,
353 	    Vr2val, Vr2val);
354 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
356 	nstrs = _Getshi();
357 #ifdef	DUMPTI
358 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
359 	printf("Number of strings = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", nstrs, nstrs,
360 	    Vr2val, Vr2val);
361 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
363 	sstrtab = _Getshi();
364 #ifdef	DUMPTI
365 	Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
366 	printf("Size of string table = %d, %#o [%d, %#o].\n", sstrtab,
367 	    sstrtab, Vr2val, Vr2val);
368 	printf("Names are: %.*s.\n", snames, ip);
369 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
371 	/* allocate all of the space */
372 	strtab = NULL;
373 	if (_called_before) {
374 		/* 2nd or more times through */
375 		if ((cur_term = (TERMINAL *)
376 		    calloc(sizeof (TERMINAL), 1)) == NULL)
377 			goto badmalloc;
378 		if ((cur_bools = (struct _bool_struct *)
379 		    calloc(sizeof (struct _bool_struct), 1)) == NULL)
380 			goto freeterminal;
381 		if ((cur_nums = (struct _num_struct *)
382 		    calloc(sizeof (struct _num_struct), 1)) == NULL)
383 			goto freebools;
384 		if ((cur_strs = (struct _str_struct *)
385 		    calloc(sizeof (struct _str_struct), 1)) == NULL) {
386 freenums:
387 			free((char *)cur_nums);
388 freebools:
389 			free((char *)cur_bools);
390 freeterminal:
391 			free((char *)cur_term);
392 badmalloc:
393 			term_errno = TERM_BAD_MALLOC;
394 #ifdef	DEBUG
395 			strcpy(term_parm_err, "setupterm");
396 #endif	/* DEBUG */
397 out_err:
398 			if (errret == 0) {
399 				termerr();
400 				exit(-term_errno);
401 			} else
402 				return (ERR);
403 		}
404 	} else {
405 		/* First time through */
406 		_called_before = TRUE;
407 		cur_term = &_first_term;
408 		cur_bools = &_frst_bools;
409 		cur_nums = &_frst_nums;
410 		cur_strs = &_frst_strs;
411 		if (sstrtab < sizeof (_frst_tblstr))
412 			strtab = _frst_tblstr;
413 	}
415 	if (strtab == NULL) {
416 		if ((strtab = (char *)malloc((unsigned)sstrtab)) == NULL) {
417 			if (cur_strs != &_frst_strs)
418 				free((char *)cur_strs);
419 			goto freenums;
420 		}
421 	}
423 	/* no more catchable errors */
424 	if (errret)
425 		*errret = 1;
427 	(void) strncpy(cur_term->_termname, term, 14);
428 	/* In case the name is exactly 15 characters */
429 	cur_term->_termname[14] = '\0';
430 	cur_term->_bools = cur_bools;
431 	cur_term->_nums = cur_nums;
432 	cur_term->_strs = cur_strs;
433 	cur_term->_strtab = strtab;
434 	cur_term->sgr_mode = cur_term->sgr_faked = A_NORMAL;
436 	if (filenum == 1) {
437 		/*
438 		 * isatty(3C) will set errno as a side-effect of returning 0.
439 		 * Hide this from callers so that they do not see errno
440 		 * changing for no apparent reason.
441 		 */
442 		int err = errno;
443 		if (isatty(filenum) == 0)
444 			filenum = 2;	/* Allow output redirect */
445 		errno = err;
446 	}
447 	/* LINTED */
448 	cur_term->Filedes = (short)filenum;
449 	_blast_keys(cur_term);
450 	cur_term->_iwait = cur_term->fl_typeahdok = cur_term->_chars_on_queue =
451 		cur_term->_fl_rawmode = cur_term->_ungotten = 0;
452 	cur_term->_cursorstate = 1;
453 	cur_term->_delay = cur_term->_inputfd = cur_term->_check_fd = -1;
454 	(void) memset((char *)cur_term->_regs, 0, 26 * sizeof (short));
456 #ifndef	DUMPTI
457 	(void) def_shell_mode();
458 	/* This is a useful default for PROGTTY, too */
459 #ifdef SYSV
460 	if (shell_istermios < 0) {
461 		int i;
463 		SHELLTTY.c_lflag = SHELLTTYS.c_lflag;
464 		SHELLTTY.c_oflag = SHELLTTYS.c_oflag;
465 		SHELLTTY.c_iflag = SHELLTTYS.c_iflag;
466 		SHELLTTY.c_cflag = SHELLTTYS.c_cflag;
467 		for (i = 0; i < NCC; i++)
468 			SHELLTTY.c_cc[i] = SHELLTTYS.c_cc[i];
470 		prog_istermios = -1;
472 		PROGTTYS.c_lflag = PROGTTY.c_lflag;
473 		PROGTTYS.c_oflag = PROGTTY.c_oflag;
474 		PROGTTYS.c_iflag = PROGTTY.c_iflag;
475 		PROGTTYS.c_cflag = PROGTTY.c_cflag;
476 		for (i = 0; i < NCC; i++)
477 			PROGTTYS.c_cc[i] = PROGTTY.c_cc[i];
478 	} else {
480 		prog_istermios = 0;
481 	}
482 #else	/* SYSV */
484 #endif	/* SYSV */
485 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
487 	/* Skip names of terminals */
488 	(void) memcpy((char *)cp, (char *)ip, (snames * sizeof (*cp)));
489 	ip += snames;
491 	/*
492 	 * Pull out the booleans.
493 	 * The for loop below takes care of a new curses with an old tic
494 	 * file and visa-versa.  nbools says how many bools the tic file has.
495 	 * So, we only loop for as long as there are bools to read.
496 	 * However, if this is an old curses that doesn't have all the
497 	 * bools that this new tic has dumped, then the extra if
498 	 * "if (cp < fp)" says that if we are going to read into our structure
499 	 * passed its size don't do it but we still need to keep bumping
500 	 * up the pointer of what we read in from the terminfo file.
501 	 */
502 	{
503 		char	*fp = &cur_bools->Sentinel;
504 		char	s;
505 #ifdef	DUMPTI
506 		int	tempindex = 0;
507 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
508 		cp = &cur_bools->_auto_left_margin;
509 		while (nbools--) {
510 			s = *ip++;
511 #ifdef	DUMPTI
512 			printf("Bool %s [%s] (%s) = %d.\n",
513 			    boolfnames[tempindex], boolnames[tempindex],
514 			    boolcodes[tempindex], s);
515 			tempindex++;
516 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
517 			if (cp < fp)
518 				*cp++ = s & 01;
519 		}
520 		if (cp < fp)
521 			(void) memset(cp, 0, ((fp - cp) * sizeof (bool)));
522 	}
524 	/* Force proper alignment */
525 	if (((unsigned long) ip) & 1)
526 		ip++;
528 	/*
529 	 * Pull out the numbers.
530 	 */
531 	{
532 		short	*sp = &cur_nums->_columns;
533 		short	*fp = &cur_nums->Sentinel;
534 		int	s;
535 #ifdef	DUMPTI
536 		int	tempindex = 0;
537 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
539 		while (nints--) {
540 			s = _Getshi();
541 #ifdef	DUMPTI
542 			Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
543 			printf("Num %s [%s] (%s) = %d [%d].\n",
544 			    numfnames[tempindex], numnames[tempindex],
545 			    numcodes[tempindex], s, Vr2val);
546 			tempindex++;
547 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
548 			if (sp < fp)
549 				if (s < 0)
550 					*sp++ = -1;
551 				else
552 					/* LINTED */
553 					*sp++ = (short)s;
554 		}
555 		if (sp < fp)
556 			(void) memset((char *)sp, '\377',
557 			    ((fp - sp) * sizeof (short)));
558 	}
560 	if (_use_env) {
561 		/*
562 		 * This ioctl defines the window size and overrides what
563 		 * it says in terminfo.
564 		 */
565 		{
566 			struct	winsize	w;
568 			if (ioctl(filenum, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) != -1) {
569 				if (w.ws_row != 0)
570 					cur_nums->_lines = w.ws_row;
571 				if (w.ws_col != 0)
572 					cur_nums->_columns = w.ws_col;
573 #ifdef	DUMPTI
574 				printf("ioctl TIOCGWINSZ override: "
575 				    "(lines, columns) = (%d, %d)\n",
576 				    w.ws_row, w.ws_col);
577 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
578 			}
579 		}
581 		/*
582 		 * Check $LINES and $COLUMNS.
583 		 */
584 		{
585 			int	ilines, icolumns;
587 			lcp = getenv("LINES");
588 			ccp = getenv("COLUMNS");
589 			if (lcp)
590 				if ((ilines = atoi(lcp)) > 0) {
591 					/* LINTED */
592 					cur_nums->_lines = (short)ilines;
593 #ifdef	DUMPTI
594 					printf("$LINES override: lines = %d\n",
595 					    ilines);
596 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
597 				}
598 			if (ccp)
599 				if ((icolumns = atoi(ccp)) > 0) {
600 					/* LINTED */
601 					cur_nums->_columns = (short)icolumns;
602 #ifdef	DUMPTI
603 					printf("$COLUMNS override: columns = "
604 					    "%d\n", icolumns);
605 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
606 				}
607 		}
608 	}
610 	/* Pull out the strings. */
611 	{
612 		char	**pp = &cur_strs->strs._back_tab;
613 		char	**fp = &cur_strs->strs4.Sentinel;
614 #ifdef	DUMPTI
615 		int	tempindex = 0;
616 		char	*startstr = ip + sizeof (short) *
617 					    nstrs;
619 		printf("string table = '");
620 		_Mprint(sstrtab, startstr);
621 		printf("'\n");
622 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
624 		while (nstrs--) {
625 			n = _Getshi();
626 #ifdef	DUMPTI
627 			Vr2val = _Vr2getshi();
628 			printf("String %s [%s] (%s) offset = %d [%d]",
629 			    strfnames[tempindex], strnames[tempindex],
630 			    strcodes[tempindex], n, Vr2val);
631 			tempindex++;
632 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
633 			if (pp < fp) {
634 #ifdef	DUMPTI
635 				_Sprint(n, startstr+n);
636 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
637 				if (n < 0)
638 					*pp++ = NULL;
639 				else
640 					*pp++ = strtab + n;
641 			}
642 #ifdef	DUMPTI
643 			else
644 				_Sprint(-1, (char *)0);
645 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
646 		}
647 		if (pp < fp)
648 		(void) memset((char *)pp, 0, ((fp - pp) * sizeof (charptr)));
649 	}
651 	(void) memcpy(strtab, ip, sstrtab);
653 #ifndef	DUMPTI
655 	/*
656 	 * If tabs are being expanded in software, turn this off
657 	 * so output won't get messed up.  Also, don't use tab
658 	 * or backtab, even if the terminal has them, since the
659 	 * user might not have hardware tabs set right.
660 	 */
661 #ifdef	SYSV
662 	if ((PROGTTYS.c_oflag & TABDLY) == TAB3) {
663 		PROGTTYS.c_oflag &= ~TABDLY;
664 		(void) reset_prog_mode();
665 		goto next;
666 	}
667 #else	/* SYSV */
668 	if ((PROGTTY.sg_flags & XTABS) == XTABS) {
669 		PROGTTY.sg_flags &= ~XTABS;
670 		(void) reset_prog_mode();
671 		goto next;
672 	}
673 #endif	/* SYSV */
674 	if (dest_tabs_magic_smso) {
675 next:
676 		cur_strs->strs2._tab = cur_strs->strs._back_tab = NULL;
677 	}
679 #ifdef	LTILDE
680 	ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TIOCLGET, &n);
681 #endif	/* LTILDE */
682 #endif	/* DUMPTI */
684 #ifdef	_VR2_COMPAT_CODE
685 	(void) memcpy(&cur_term->_b1, &cur_bools->_auto_left_margin,
686 	    (char *)&cur_term->_c1 - (char *)&cur_term->_b1);
687 	(void) memcpy((char *)&cur_term->_c1, (char *)&cur_nums->_columns,
688 	    (char *)&cur_term->_Vr2_Astrs._s1 - (char *)&cur_term->_c1);
689 	(void) memcpy((char *)&cur_term->_Vr2_Astrs._s1,
690 	    (char *)&cur_strs->strs._back_tab,
691 	    (char *)&cur_term->Filedes - (char *)&cur_term->_Vr2_Astrs._s1);
692 #endif	/* _VR2_COMPAT_CODE */
694 	on_sequences = cur_term->turn_on_seq;
695 	str_array = (char **)cur_strs;
696 	{
697 		static	char	offsets[] = {
698 			    35,	/* enter_standout_mode, */
699 			    36,	/* enter_underline_mode, */
700 			    25,	/* enter_alt_charset_mode, */
701 			    34,	/* enter_reverse_mode, */
702 			    26,	/* enter_blink_mode, */
703 			    30,	/* enter_dim_mode, */
704 			    27,	/* enter_bold_mode, */
705 			    32,	/* enter_secure_mode, */
706 			    33,	/* enter_protected_mode, */
707 			};
709 		for (n = 0; n < NUM_ATTRIBUTES; n++) {
710 			if ((on_sequences[n] = str_array[offsets[n]]) != 0)
711 				cur_term->bit_vector |= bit_attributes[n];
712 		}
713 	}
715 	if (!(set_attributes)) {
716 		static	char	faked_attrs[] = { 1, 3, 4, 6 },
717 			offsets[] = {
718 			    43,	/* exit_standout_mode, */
719 			    44,	/* exit_underline_mode, */
720 			    38,	/* exit_alt_charset_mode, */
721 			};
722 		char		**off_sequences = cur_term->turn_off_seq;
723 		int		i;
725 		if ((max_attributes == -1) && (ceol_standout_glitch ||
726 		    (magic_cookie_glitch >= 0)))
727 			max_attributes = 1;
729 		/* Figure out what attributes need to be faked. */
730 		/* See vidupdate.c */
732 		for (n = 0; n < sizeof (faked_attrs); n++) {
733 			if (on_sequences[0] != NULL) {
734 				if ((!on_sequences[i = faked_attrs[n]]) ||
735 				    (strcmp(on_sequences[i],
736 				    on_sequences[0]) == 0)) {
737 					cur_term->sgr_faked |=
738 					    bit_attributes[i];
739 				}
740 			} else {
741 				if (!on_sequences[i = faked_attrs[n]]) {
742 					cur_term->sgr_faked |=
743 					    bit_attributes[i];
744 				}
745 			}
746 		}
748 		cur_term->check_turn_off = A_STANDOUT | A_UNDERLINE |
749 		    A_ALTCHARSET;
751 		for (n = 0; n < sizeof (offsets); n++) {
752 			if ((!(off_sequences[n] = str_array[offsets[n]])) ||
753 			    ((n > 0) && off_sequences[0] &&
754 			    (strcmp(off_sequences[n], off_sequences[0]) ==
755 			    0)) || ((n == 2) && (exit_attribute_mode) &&
756 			    (strcmp(exit_attribute_mode, off_sequences[n]) ==
757 			    0))) {
758 				cur_term->check_turn_off &= ~bit_attributes[n];
759 			}
760 		}
761 	}
762 	cur_term->cursor_seq[0] = cursor_invisible;
763 	cur_term->cursor_seq[1] = cursor_normal;
764 	cur_term->cursor_seq[2] = cursor_visible;
765 	cur_term->_pairs_tbl = (_Color_pair *) NULL;
766 	cur_term->_color_tbl = (_Color *) NULL;
768 	return (OK);
769 }
771 void
772 _blast_keys(TERMINAL *terminal)
773 {
774 	terminal->_keys = NULL;
775 	terminal->internal_keys = NULL;
776 	terminal->_ksz = terminal->_first_macro = 0;
777 	terminal->_lastkey_ordered = terminal->_lastmacro_ordered = -1;
778 	(void) memset((char *)terminal->funckeystarter, 0, 0400 *
779 	    sizeof (bool));
780 }
782 #ifndef	DUMPTI
784 int
785 reset_prog_mode(void)
786 {
787 #ifdef	SYSV
788 	if (_BRS(PROGTTYS)) {
789 		if (prog_istermios < 0) {
790 			int i;
792 			PROGTTY.c_lflag = PROGTTYS.c_lflag;
793 			PROGTTY.c_oflag = PROGTTYS.c_oflag;
794 			PROGTTY.c_iflag = PROGTTYS.c_iflag;
795 			PROGTTY.c_cflag = PROGTTYS.c_cflag;
796 			for (i = 0; i < NCC; i++)
797 				PROGTTY.c_cc[i] = PROGTTYS.c_cc[i];
798 			(void) ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TCSETAW, &PROGTTY);
799 		} else
800 			(void) ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TCSETSW, &PROGTTYS);
801 	}
802 #else	/* SYSV */
803 	if (_BR(PROGTTY))
804 		(void) ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TIOCSETN, &PROGTTY);
805 #endif	/* SYSV */
807 #ifdef	LTILDE
808 	ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TIOCLGET, &cur_term -> oldlmode);
809 	cur_term -> newlmode = cur_term -> oldlmode & ~LTILDE;
810 	if (cur_term -> newlmode != cur_term -> oldlmode)
811 		ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TIOCLSET, &cur_term -> newlmode);
812 #endif	/* LTILDE */
813 #ifdef	DIOCSETT
814 	if (cur_term -> old.st_termt == 0)
815 		ioctl(cur_term->Filedes, DIOCGETT, &cur_term -> old);
816 	cur_term -> new = cur_term -> old;
817 	cur_term -> new.st_termt = 0;
818 	cur_term -> new.st_flgs |= TM_SET;
819 	ioctl(cur_term->Filedes, DIOCSETT, &cur_term -> new);
820 #endif	/* DIOCSETT */
821 	return (OK);
822 }
824 int
825 def_shell_mode(void)
826 {
827 #ifdef	SYSV
828 	if ((shell_istermios =
829 	    ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TCGETS, &SHELLTTYS)) < 0) {
830 		int i;
832 		(void) ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TCGETA, &SHELLTTY);
833 		SHELLTTYS.c_lflag = SHELLTTY.c_lflag;
834 		SHELLTTYS.c_oflag = SHELLTTY.c_oflag;
835 		SHELLTTYS.c_iflag = SHELLTTY.c_iflag;
836 		SHELLTTYS.c_cflag = SHELLTTY.c_cflag;
837 		for (i = 0; i < NCC; i++)
838 			SHELLTTYS.c_cc[i] = SHELLTTY.c_cc[i];
839 	}
840 #else	/* SYSV */
841 	(void) ioctl(cur_term -> Filedes, TIOCGETP, &SHELLTTY);
842 #endif	/* SYSV */
843 	return (OK);
844 }
846 #endif	/* DUMPTI */