1*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanCopyright (C) 2010-2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., All rights reserved. 2*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 3*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanPermission is hereby granted by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD"), 4*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanfree of any license fees, to any person obtaining a copy of this 5*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanmicrocode in binary form (the "Software") ("You"), to install, 6*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanreproduce, copy and distribute copies of the Software and to permit 7*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanpersons to whom the Software is provided to do the same, subject to 8*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanthe following terms and conditions. Your use of any portion of the 9*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanSoftware shall constitute Your acceptance of the following terms and 10*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanconditions. If You do not agree to the following terms and conditions, 11*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamando not use, retain or redistribute any portion of the Software. 12*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 13*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanIf You redistribute this Software, You must reproduce the above 14*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamancopyright notice and this license with the Software. 15*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanWithout specific, prior, written permission from AMD, You may not 16*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanreference AMD or AMD products in the promotion of any product derived 17*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanfrom or incorporating this Software in any manner that implies that 18*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanAMD endorses or has certified such product derived from or 19*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanincorporating this Software. 20*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 21*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanYou may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this Software 22*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanor any portion thereof. 23*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 24*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 25*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 26*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanMERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR 27*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanPURPOSE, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, OR 28*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanUSAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL AMD OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR 29*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR 30*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanLOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR 31*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanINFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF AMD'S NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, THE 32*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanUSE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF AMD HAS BEEN ADVISED 33*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS 34*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanPROHIBIT THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR 35*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanINCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, THE ABOVE 36*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanLIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 37*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 38*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanWithout limiting the foregoing, the Software may implement third party 39*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamantechnologies for which You must obtain licenses from parties other 40*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanthan AMD. You agree that AMD has not obtained or conveyed to You, and 41*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanthat You shall be responsible for obtaining the rights to use and/or 42*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamandistribute the applicable underlying intellectual property rights 43*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanrelated to the third party technologies. These third party 44*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamantechnologies are not licensed hereunder. 45*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman 46*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanIf You use the Software (in whole or in part), You shall adhere to all 47*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanapplicable U.S., European, and other export laws, including but not 48*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanlimited to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"), (15 49*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanC.F.R. Sections 730 through 774), and E.U. Council Regulation (EC) No 50*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman1334/2000 of 22 June 2000. Further, pursuant to Section 740.6 of the 51*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanEAR, You hereby certify that, except pursuant to a license granted by 52*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanthe United States Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and 53*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanSecurity or as otherwise permitted pursuant to a License Exception 54*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanunder the U.S. Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"), You will not 55*be672c8eSAndy Fiddaman(1) export, re-export or release to a national of a country in Country 56*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanGroups D:1, E:1 or E:2 any restricted technology, software, or source 57*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamancode You receive hereunder, or (2) export to Country Groups D:1, E:1 58*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanor E:2 the direct product of such technology or software, if such 59*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanforeign produced direct product is subject to national security 60*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamancontrols as identified on the Commerce Control List (currently found 61*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanin Supplement 1 to Part 774 of EAR). For the most current Country 62*be672c8eSAndy FiddamanGroup listings, or for additional information about the EAR or Your 63*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanobligations under those regulations, please refer to the U.S. Bureau 64*be672c8eSAndy Fiddamanof Industry and Security?s website at ttp://www.bis.doc.gov/. 65