1503609a9SYuri Pankov# 2503609a9SYuri Pankov# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the 3503609a9SYuri Pankov# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. 4503609a9SYuri Pankov# You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version 5503609a9SYuri Pankov# 1.0 of the CDDL. 6503609a9SYuri Pankov# 7503609a9SYuri Pankov# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this 8503609a9SYuri Pankov# source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at 9503609a9SYuri Pankov# http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. 10503609a9SYuri Pankov# 11503609a9SYuri Pankov 12503609a9SYuri Pankov# 13503609a9SYuri Pankov# Copyright 2017 Nexenta Systems, Inc. 14d0e58ef5SRobert Mustacchi# Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc. 15503609a9SYuri Pankov# 16503609a9SYuri Pankov 177e3dbbacSRobert MustacchiCOMMON_SUBDIRS= consfonts \ 184b529e40SToomas Soome hwdata \ 19503609a9SYuri Pankov locale \ 20503609a9SYuri Pankov terminfo \ 21503609a9SYuri Pankov zoneinfo 22503609a9SYuri Pankov 23*55908bd7SJohn Levoni386_SUBDIRS= amdpmc perfmon ucode 247e3dbbacSRobert Mustacchi 257e3dbbacSRobert MustacchiSUBDIRS = $(COMMON_SUBDIRS) $($(MACH)_SUBDIRS) 267e3dbbacSRobert Mustacchi 27503609a9SYuri PankovMSGSUBDIRS= zoneinfo 28503609a9SYuri Pankov 29503609a9SYuri Pankovall := TARGET=all 30503609a9SYuri Pankovclean := TARGET=clean 31503609a9SYuri Pankovclobber := TARGET=clobber 32503609a9SYuri Pankovinstall := TARGET=install 33503609a9SYuri Pankov_msg := TARGET=_msg 34503609a9SYuri Pankov 35503609a9SYuri Pankov.KEEP_STATE: 36503609a9SYuri Pankov 37503609a9SYuri Pankovall clean clobber install: $(SUBDIRS) 38503609a9SYuri Pankov 39503609a9SYuri Pankov_msg: $(MSGSUBDIRS) 40503609a9SYuri Pankov 41503609a9SYuri Pankov$(SUBDIRS): FRC 42503609a9SYuri Pankov cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET) 43503609a9SYuri Pankov 44503609a9SYuri PankovFRC: 45