1ast-base :PACKAGE: \ 2 ksh93 pax html proto bzip tw builtin libast libardir libcmd \ 3 libdll libexpr libodelta librecsort libsum libuu libvdelta \ 4 libbz libz tests 3d coshell cpp cs mam msgcc nmake probe ss \ 5 libcoshell libcs libmam libpp libcodex paxlib codexlib \ 6 libdss libpz dsslib libtaso 7 8:COVERS: ast-make ast-ksh ast-ast 9 10:LICENSE: *.open 11 12:CATEGORY: devel libs shells 13 14:INDEX: ksh, ksh builtin commands, pax, nmake, tw, sfio, and ast libraries 15 16:DESCRIPTION: 17 The AT&T Software Technology ast-base package from AT&T Research 18 contains commands and libraries required by all other ast based 19 packages. Included are ksh93, ksh93 builtin commands, a pax that 20 generates compact delta archives, nmake, the 3d user level versioning 21 filesystem, coshell for network execution, a multi-dialect C preprocessor 22 and companion library, and libraries shared by the other ast packages. 23