xref: /illumos-gate/usr/src/cmd/refer/glue5.c (revision ea7b7d8ad0ddfa6a32fb675e11cc106f686a5bb5)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
3  * Use is subject to license terms.
4  */
6 /*	Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
7 /*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/
9 /*
10  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
11  * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
12  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
13  */
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <ctype.h>
17 /*
18  * fgrep -- print all lines containing any of a set of keywords
19  *
20  *	status returns:
21  *		0 - ok, and some matches
22  *		1 - ok, but no matches
23  *		2 - some error
24  */
25 #define	MAXSIZ 700
26 #define	QSIZE 400
27 struct words {
28 	char 	inp;
29 	char	out;
30 	struct	words *nst;
31 	struct	words *link;
32 	struct	words *fail;
33 }
34 *www, *smax, *q;
36 char	buf[2*BUFSIZ];
37 int	nsucc;
38 int	need;
39 char	*instr;
40 int	inct;
41 int	rflag;
42 int	xargc;
43 char	**xargv;
44 int	numwords;
45 int	nfound;
46 static int flag = 0;
48 extern void err();
49 extern void *zalloc();
51 static void cfail(void);
52 static void cgotofn(void);
53 static void execute(void);
54 static char gch(void);
55 static int new(struct words *x);
56 static void overflo(void);
58 int
59 fgrep(int argc, char **argv)
60 {
61 	nsucc = need = inct = rflag = numwords = nfound = 0;
62 	instr = 0;
63 	flag = 0;
64 	if (www == 0)
65 		www = (struct words *)zalloc(MAXSIZ, sizeof (*www));
66 	if (www == NULL)
67 		err(gettext("Can't get space for machines"), 0);
68 	for (q = www; q < www+MAXSIZ; q++) {
69 		q->inp = 0; q->out = 0; q->nst = 0; q->link = 0; q->fail = 0;
70 	}
71 	xargc = argc-1;
72 	xargv = argv+1;
73 	while (xargc > 0 && xargv[0][0] == '-') {
74 		switch (xargv[0][1]) {
75 			case 'r': /* return value only */
76 				rflag++;
77 				break;
78 			case 'n': /* number of answers needed */
79 				need = (int)xargv[1];
80 				xargv++; xargc--;
81 				break;
82 			case 'i':
83 				instr = xargv[1];
84 				inct = (int)xargv[2]+2;
85 #if D2
86 fprintf(stderr, "inct %d xargv.2. %o %d\n", inct, xargv[2], xargv[2]);
87 #endif
88 				xargv += 2; xargc -= 2;
89 				break;
90 		}
91 		xargv++; xargc--;
92 	}
93 	if (xargc <= 0) {
94 		write(2, "bad fgrep call\n", 15);
95 		exit(2);
96 	}
97 #if D1
98 	fprintf(stderr, "before cgoto\n");
99 #endif
100 	cgotofn();
101 #if D1
102 	fprintf(stderr, "before cfail\n");
103 #endif
104 	cfail();
105 #if D1
106 	fprintf(stderr, "before execute instr %.20s\n", instr? instr: "");
107 	fprintf(stderr, "end of string %d %c %c %c\n", inct,
108 	    instr ? instr[inct-3] : '\0',
109 	    instr ? instr[inct-2] : '\0',
110 	    instr ? instr[inct-1] : '\0');
111 #endif
112 	execute();
113 #if D1
114 	fprintf(stderr, "returning nsucc %d\n", nsucc);
115 	fprintf(stderr, "fgrep done www %o\n", www);
116 #endif
117 	return (nsucc == 0);
118 }
120 static void
121 execute(void)
122 {
123 	char *p;
124 	struct words *c;
125 	char ch;
126 	int ccount;
127 	int f;
128 	char *nlp;
129 	f = 0;
130 	ccount = instr ? inct : 0;
131 	nfound = 0;
132 	p = instr ? instr : buf;
133 	if (need == 0) need = numwords;
134 	nlp = p;
135 	c = www;
136 #if D2
137 fprintf(stderr, "in execute ccount %d inct %d\n", ccount, inct);
138 #endif
139 	for (;;) {
140 #if D3
141 fprintf(stderr, "down ccount\n");
142 #endif
143 		if (--ccount <= 0) {
144 #if D2
145 fprintf(stderr, "ex loop ccount %d instr %o\n", ccount, instr);
146 #endif
147 			if (instr) break;
148 			if (p == &buf[2*BUFSIZ]) p = buf;
149 			if (p > &buf[BUFSIZ]) {
150 				if ((ccount = read(f, p,
151 				    &buf[2*BUFSIZ] - p)) <= 0)
152 					break;
153 			} else if ((ccount = read(f, p, BUFSIZ)) <= 0) break;
154 #if D2
155 fprintf(stderr, " normal read %d bytres\n", ccount);
156 {
157 	char xx[20];
158 	sprintf(xx, "they are %%.%ds\n", ccount);
159 	fprintf(stderr, xx, p);
160 }
161 #endif
162 		}
163 nstate:
164 		ch = *p;
165 #if D2
166 fprintf(stderr, "roaming along in ex ch %c c %o\n", ch, c);
167 #endif
168 		if (isupper(ch)) ch |= 040;
169 		if (c->inp == ch) {
170 			c = c->nst;
171 		} else if (c->link != 0) {
172 			c = c->link;
173 			goto nstate;
174 		} else {
175 			c = c->fail;
176 			if (c == 0) {
177 				c = www;
178 istate:
179 				if (c->inp == ch) {
180 					c = c->nst;
181 				} else if (c->link != 0) {
182 					c = c->link;
183 					goto istate;
184 				}
185 			} else goto nstate;
186 		}
187 		if (c->out && new(c)) {
188 #if D2
189 fprintf(stderr, " found: nfound %d need %d\n", nfound, need);
190 #endif
191 			if (++nfound >= need) {
192 #if D1
193 fprintf(stderr, "found, p %o nlp %o ccount %d buf %o buf[2*BUFSIZ] %o\n",
194     p, nlp, ccount, buf, buf+2*BUFSIZ);
195 #endif
196 				if (instr == 0)
197 				while (*p++ != '\n') {
198 #if D3
199 fprintf(stderr, "down ccount2\n");
200 #endif
201 					if (--ccount <= 0) {
202 						if (p == &buf[2*BUFSIZ])
203 							p = buf;
204 						if (p > &buf[BUFSIZ]) {
205 							if ((ccount = read(f, p,
206 							    &buf[2*BUFSIZ] - p))
207 							    <= 0)
208 								break;
209 						} else if ((ccount = read(f, p,
210 						    BUFSIZ)) <= 0)
211 							break;
212 #if D2
213 fprintf(stderr, " read %d bytes\n", ccount);
214 { char xx[20]; sprintf(xx, "they are %%.%ds\n", ccount);
215 fprintf(stderr, xx, p);
216 }
217 #endif
218 					}
219 				}
220 				nsucc = 1;
221 				if (rflag == 0) {
222 #if D2
223 fprintf(stderr, "p %o nlp %o buf %o\n", p, nlp, buf);
224 if (p > nlp)
225 {write(2, "XX\n", 3); write(2, nlp, p-nlp); write(2, "XX\n", 3); }
226 #endif
227 					if (p > nlp) write(1, nlp, p-nlp);
228 					else {
229 						write(1, nlp,
230 						    &buf[2*BUFSIZ] - nlp);
231 						write(1, buf, p-&buf[0]);
232 					}
233 					if (p[-1] != '\n') write(1, "\n", 1);
234 				}
235 				if (instr == 0) {
236 					nlp = p;
237 					c = www;
238 					nfound = 0;
239 				}
240 			} else
241 				ccount++;
242 			continue;
243 		}
244 #if D2
245 fprintf(stderr, "nr end loop p %o\n", p);
246 #endif
247 		if (instr)
248 			p++;
249 		else
250 		if (*p++ == '\n')
251 		{
252 			nlp = p;
253 			c = www;
254 			nfound = 0;
255 		}
256 	}
257 	if (instr == 0)
258 		close(f);
259 }
261 static void
262 cgotofn(void)
263 {
264 	char c;
265 	struct words *s;
266 	s = smax = www;
267 nword:
268 	for (;;) {
269 #if D1
270 	fprintf(stderr, " in for loop c now %o %c\n", c, c > ' ' ? c : ' ');
271 #endif
272 		if ((c = gch()) == 0)
273 			return;
274 		else if (c == '\n') {
275 			s->out = 1;
276 			s = www;
277 		} else {
278 loop:
279 			if (s->inp == c) {
280 				s = s->nst;
281 				continue;
282 			}
283 			if (s->inp == 0) goto enter;
284 			if (s->link == 0) {
285 				if (smax >= &www[MAXSIZ - 1]) overflo();
286 				s->link = ++smax;
287 				s = smax;
288 				goto enter;
289 			}
290 			s = s->link;
291 			goto loop;
292 		}
293 	}
295 enter:
296 	do {
297 		s->inp = c;
298 		if (smax >= &www[MAXSIZ - 1]) overflo();
299 		s->nst = ++smax;
300 		s = smax;
301 	}
302 	while ((c = gch()) != '\n')
303 		;
304 	smax->out = 1;
305 	s = www;
306 	numwords++;
307 	goto nword;
309 }
311 static char
312 gch(void)
313 {
314 	static char *s;
315 	if (flag == 0) {
316 		flag = 1;
317 		s = *xargv++;
318 #if D1
319 	fprintf(stderr, "next arg is %s xargc %d\n", xargc > 0 ? s : "", xargc);
320 #endif
321 		if (xargc-- <= 0)
322 			return (0);
323 	}
324 	if (*s)
325 		return (*s++);
326 	for (flag = 0; flag < 2*BUFSIZ; flag++)
327 		buf[flag] = 0;
328 	flag = 0;
329 	return ('\n');
330 }
332 static void
333 overflo(void)
334 {
335 	write(2, "wordlist too large\n", 19);
336 	exit(2);
337 }
339 static void
340 cfail(void)
341 {
342 	struct words *queue[QSIZE];
343 	struct words **front, **rear;
344 	struct words *state;
345 	char c;
346 	struct words *s;
347 	s = www;
348 	front = rear = queue;
349 init:
350 	if ((s->inp) != 0) {
351 		*rear++ = s->nst;
352 		if (rear >= &queue[QSIZE - 1]) overflo();
353 	}
354 	if ((s = s->link) != 0) {
355 		goto init;
356 	}
358 	while (rear != front) {
359 		s = *front;
360 		if (front == &queue[QSIZE-1])
361 			front = queue;
362 		else front++;
363 cloop:
364 		if ((c = s->inp) != 0) {
365 			*rear = (q = s->nst);
366 			if (front < rear)
367 				if (rear >= &queue[QSIZE-1])
368 					if (front == queue) overflo();
369 					else rear = queue;
370 			else rear++;
371 			else
372 				if (++rear == front) overflo();
373 			state = s->fail;
374 floop:
375 			if (state == 0) state = www;
376 			if (state->inp == c) {
377 				q->fail = state->nst;
378 				if ((state->nst)->out == 1) q->out = 1;
379 				continue;
380 			} else if ((state = state->link) != 0)
381 				goto floop;
382 		}
383 		if ((s = s->link) != 0)
384 			goto cloop;
385 	}
386 }
388 static struct words *seen[50];
390 static int
391 new(struct words *x)
392 {
393 	int i;
394 	for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++)
395 		if (seen[i] == x)
396 			return (0);
397 	seen[i] = x;
398 	return (1);
399 }