1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 3 * Bill Paul <wpaul@ctr.columbia.edu>. All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7 * are met: 8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software 14 * must display the following acknowledgement: 15 * This product includes software developed by Bill Paul. 16 * 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors 17 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 18 * without specific prior written permission. 19 * 20 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Bill Paul AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 21 * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 22 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 23 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Bill Paul OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 24 * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 25 * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 26 * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 27 * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 28 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 29 * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 30 * SUCH DAMAGE. 31 */ 32 33 /* 34 * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for 35 * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape 36 * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users 37 * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized 38 * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or 39 * program developed by the user. 40 * 41 * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE 42 * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 43 * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. 44 * 45 * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the 46 * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, 47 * modification or enhancement. 48 * 49 * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE 50 * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC 51 * OR ANY PART THEREOF. 52 * 53 * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue 54 * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if 55 * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 56 * 57 * Sun Microsystems, Inc. 58 * 2550 Garcia Avenue 59 * Mountain View, California 94043 60 */ 61 62 #ifndef lint 63 #if 0 64 static char *sccsid = "@(#)from: clnt_udp.c 1.39 87/08/11 Copyr 1984 Sun Micro"; 65 static char *sccsid = "@(#)from: clnt_udp.c 2.2 88/08/01 4.0 RPCSRC"; 66 #endif 67 static const char rcsid[] = 68 "$FreeBSD$"; 69 #endif 70 71 /* 72 * clnt_udp.c, Implements a UDP/IP based, client side RPC. 73 * 74 * Copyright (C) 1984, Sun Microsystems, Inc. 75 */ 76 77 #include <errno.h> 78 #include <netdb.h> 79 #include <stdio.h> 80 #include <stdlib.h> 81 #include <string.h> 82 #include <unistd.h> 83 #include <pthread.h> 84 #include <rpc/rpc.h> 85 #include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h> 86 #include <rpc/pmap_prot.h> 87 #include <rpcsvc/yp.h> 88 #include <sys/types.h> 89 #include <sys/poll.h> 90 #include <sys/socket.h> 91 #include <sys/signal.h> 92 #include <sys/ioctl.h> 93 #include <net/if.h> 94 95 #include "yp_ping.h" 96 97 struct cu_data { 98 int cu_fd; /* connections fd */ 99 bool_t cu_closeit; /* opened by library */ 100 struct sockaddr_storage cu_raddr; /* remote address */ 101 int cu_rlen; 102 struct timeval cu_wait; /* retransmit interval */ 103 struct timeval cu_total; /* total time for the call */ 104 struct rpc_err cu_error; 105 XDR cu_outxdrs; 106 u_int cu_xdrpos; 107 u_int cu_sendsz; /* send size */ 108 char *cu_outbuf; 109 u_int cu_recvsz; /* recv size */ 110 struct pollfd pfdp; 111 int cu_async; 112 char cu_inbuf[1]; 113 }; 114 115 /* 116 * pmap_getport.c 117 * Client interface to pmap rpc service. 118 * 119 * Copyright (C) 1984, Sun Microsystems, Inc. 120 */ 121 122 123 static struct timeval timeout = { 1, 0 }; 124 static struct timeval tottimeout = { 1, 0 }; 125 126 /* 127 * Find the mapped port for program,version. 128 * Calls the pmap service remotely to do the lookup. 129 * Returns 0 if no map exists. 130 */ 131 static u_short 132 __pmap_getport(address, program, version, protocol) 133 struct sockaddr_in *address; 134 u_long program; 135 u_long version; 136 u_int protocol; 137 { 138 u_short port = 0; 139 int sock = -1; 140 register CLIENT *client; 141 struct pmap parms; 142 143 address->sin_port = htons(PMAPPORT); 144 145 client = clntudp_bufcreate(address, PMAPPROG, 146 PMAPVERS, timeout, &sock, RPCSMALLMSGSIZE, RPCSMALLMSGSIZE); 147 if (client != (CLIENT *)NULL) { 148 parms.pm_prog = program; 149 parms.pm_vers = version; 150 parms.pm_prot = protocol; 151 parms.pm_port = 0; /* not needed or used */ 152 if (CLNT_CALL(client, PMAPPROC_GETPORT, xdr_pmap, &parms, 153 xdr_u_short, &port, tottimeout) != RPC_SUCCESS){ 154 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_PMAPFAILURE; 155 clnt_geterr(client, &rpc_createerr.cf_error); 156 } else if (port == 0) { 157 rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_PROGNOTREGISTERED; 158 } 159 CLNT_DESTROY(client); 160 } 161 if (sock != -1) 162 (void)close(sock); 163 address->sin_port = 0; 164 return (port); 165 } 166 167 /* 168 * Transmit to YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK, return immediately. 169 */ 170 static bool_t * 171 ypproc_domain_nonack_2_send(domainname *argp, CLIENT *clnt) 172 { 173 static bool_t clnt_res; 174 struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 0, 0 }; 175 176 memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof (clnt_res)); 177 if (clnt_call(clnt, YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK, 178 (xdrproc_t) xdr_domainname, (caddr_t) argp, 179 (xdrproc_t) xdr_bool, (caddr_t) &clnt_res, 180 TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { 181 return (NULL); 182 } 183 return (&clnt_res); 184 } 185 186 /* 187 * Receive response from YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK asynchronously. 188 */ 189 static bool_t * 190 ypproc_domain_nonack_2_recv(domainname *argp, CLIENT *clnt) 191 { 192 static bool_t clnt_res; 193 struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 0, 0 }; 194 195 memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof (clnt_res)); 196 if (clnt_call(clnt, YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK, 197 (xdrproc_t) NULL, (caddr_t) argp, 198 (xdrproc_t) xdr_bool, (caddr_t) &clnt_res, 199 TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { 200 return (NULL); 201 } 202 return (&clnt_res); 203 } 204 205 /* 206 * "We have the machine that goes 'ping!'" -- Monty Python 207 * 208 * This function blasts packets at the YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK procedures 209 * of the NIS servers listed in restricted_addrs structure. 210 * Whoever replies the fastest becomes our chosen server. 211 * 212 * Note: THIS IS NOT A BROADCAST OPERATION! We could use clnt_broadcast() 213 * for this, but that has the following problems: 214 * - We only get the address of the machine that replied in the 215 * 'eachresult' callback, and on multi-homed machines this can 216 * lead to confusion. 217 * - clnt_broadcast() only transmits to local networks, whereas with 218 * NIS+ you can have a perfectly good server located anywhere on or 219 * off the local network. 220 * - clnt_broadcast() blocks for an arbitrary amount of time which the 221 * caller can't control -- we want to avoid that. 222 * 223 * Also note that this has nothing to do with the NIS_PING procedure used 224 * for replica updates. 225 */ 226 227 struct ping_req { 228 struct sockaddr_in sin; 229 unsigned long xid; 230 }; 231 232 int __yp_ping(restricted_addrs, cnt, dom, port) 233 struct in_addr *restricted_addrs; 234 int cnt; 235 char *dom; 236 short *port; 237 { 238 struct timeval tv = { 5, 0 }; 239 struct ping_req **reqs; 240 unsigned long i; 241 int async; 242 struct sockaddr_in sin, *any = NULL; 243 int winner = -1; 244 time_t xid_seed, xid_lookup; 245 int sock, dontblock = 1; 246 CLIENT *clnt; 247 char *foo = dom; 248 struct cu_data *cu; 249 int validsrvs = 0; 250 251 /* Set up handles. */ 252 reqs = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ping_req *) * cnt); 253 xid_seed = time(NULL) ^ getpid(); 254 255 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { 256 bzero((char *)&sin, sizeof(sin)); 257 sin.sin_family = AF_INET; 258 bcopy((char *)&restricted_addrs[i], 259 (char *)&sin.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); 260 sin.sin_port = htons(__pmap_getport(&sin, YPPROG, 261 YPVERS, IPPROTO_UDP)); 262 if (sin.sin_port == 0) 263 continue; 264 reqs[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ping_req)); 265 bcopy((char *)&sin, (char *)&reqs[i]->sin, sizeof(sin)); 266 any = &reqs[i]->sin; 267 reqs[i]->xid = xid_seed; 268 xid_seed++; 269 validsrvs++; 270 } 271 272 /* Make sure at least one server was assigned */ 273 if (!validsrvs) { 274 free(reqs); 275 return(-1); 276 } 277 278 /* Create RPC handle */ 279 sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); 280 clnt = clntudp_create(any, YPPROG, YPVERS, tv, &sock); 281 if (clnt == NULL) { 282 close(sock); 283 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) 284 if (reqs[i] != NULL) 285 free(reqs[i]); 286 free(reqs); 287 return(-1); 288 } 289 clnt->cl_auth = authunix_create_default(); 290 cu = (struct cu_data *)clnt->cl_private; 291 tv.tv_sec = 0; 292 293 clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_TIMEOUT, (char *)&tv); 294 async = TRUE; 295 clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_ASYNC, (char *)&async); 296 ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, &dontblock); 297 298 /* Transmit */ 299 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { 300 if (reqs[i] != NULL) { 301 clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_XID, (char *)&reqs[i]->xid); 302 bcopy((char *)&reqs[i]->sin, (char *)&cu->cu_raddr, 303 sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); 304 ypproc_domain_nonack_2_send(&foo, clnt); 305 } 306 } 307 308 /* Receive reply */ 309 ypproc_domain_nonack_2_recv(&foo, clnt); 310 311 /* Got a winner -- look him up. */ 312 clnt_control(clnt, CLGET_XID, (char *)&xid_lookup); 313 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { 314 if (reqs[i] != NULL && reqs[i]->xid == xid_lookup) { 315 winner = i; 316 *port = reqs[i]->sin.sin_port; 317 } 318 } 319 320 /* Shut everything down */ 321 auth_destroy(clnt->cl_auth); 322 clnt_destroy(clnt); 323 close(sock); 324 325 for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) 326 if (reqs[i] != NULL) 327 free(reqs[i]); 328 free(reqs); 329 330 return(winner); 331 } 332