1dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" Copyright (c) 1983, 1991, 1993 2dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. 3dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 4dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" are met: 7dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software 13dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" must display the following acknowledgement: 14dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" This product includes software developed by the University of 15dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors. 16dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors 17dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 18dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" without specific prior written permission. 19dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 20dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 21dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 22dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 23dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 24dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 25dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 26dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 27dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 28dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 29dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 30dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 31dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 32dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" @(#)lpd.8 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/19/94 3397d92980SPeter Wemm.\" $FreeBSD$ 34dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.\" 35dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Dd April 19, 1994 36dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Dt LPD 8 37dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Os BSD 4.2 38dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh NAME 39dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm lpd 40dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nd line printer spooler daemon 41dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SYNOPSIS 42dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm lpd 4336d0e2a3SJoerg Wunsch.Op Fl dl 44dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Op Ar port# 45dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh DESCRIPTION 46dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm Lpd 47dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesis the line printer daemon (spool area handler) and is normally invoked 48dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesat boot time from the 49dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr rc 8 50dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfile. It makes a single pass through the 51dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr printcap 5 52dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfile to find out about the existing printers and 53dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesprints any files left after a crash. It then uses the system calls 54dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr listen 2 55dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesand 56dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr accept 2 57dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesto receive requests to print files in the queue, 58dea673e9SRodney W. Grimestransfer files to the spooling area, display the queue, 59dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesor remove jobs from the queue. In each case, it forks a child to handle 60dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesthe request so the parent can continue to listen for more requests. 61dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 62dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesAvailable options: 63dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width Ds 6436d0e2a3SJoerg Wunsch.It Fl d 6536d0e2a3SJoerg WunschTurn on 6636d0e2a3SJoerg Wunsch.Dv SO_DEBUG 6736d0e2a3SJoerg Wunschon the Internet listening socket (see 6836d0e2a3SJoerg Wunsch.Xr setsockopt 2 ) . 69dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Fl l 70dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe 71dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Fl l 72dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesflag causes 739b3fe531SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 74dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesto log valid requests received from the network. This can be useful 75dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfor debugging purposes. 76dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Ar "port#" 77dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe Internet port number used to rendezvous 78dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeswith other processes is normally obtained with 79dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr getservbyname 3 80dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesbut can be changed with the 81dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Ar port# 82dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesargument. 83dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.El 84dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 85dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesAccess control is provided by two means. First, all requests must come from 86dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesone of the machines listed in the file 87dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pa /etc/hosts.equiv 88dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesor 89dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pa /etc/hosts.lpd . 90dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesSecond, if the 91dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Li rs 92dea673e9SRodney W. Grimescapability is specified in the 93dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr printcap 94dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesentry for the printer being accessed, 95dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em lpr 96dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesrequests will only be honored for those users with accounts on the 97dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesmachine with the printer. 98dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 99dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe file 100dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em minfree 101dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesin each spool directory contains the number of disk blocks to leave free 102dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesso that the line printer queue won't completely fill the disk. 103dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe 104dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em minfree 105dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfile can be edited with your favorite text editor. 106dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 107dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe daemon begins processing files 108dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesafter it has successfully set the lock for exclusive 109dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesaccess (described a bit later), 110dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesand scans the spool directory 111dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfor files beginning with 112dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em cf . 113dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesLines in each 114dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em cf 115dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfile specify files to be printed or non-printing actions to be 116dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesperformed. Each such line begins with a key character 117dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesto specify what to do with the remainder of the line. 118dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width Ds 119dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It J 120dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesJob Name. String to be used for the job name on the burst page. 121dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It C 122dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesClassification. String to be used for the classification line 123dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeson the burst page. 124dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It L 125dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesLiteral. The line contains identification info from 126dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesthe password file and causes the banner page to be printed. 127dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It T 128dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTitle. String to be used as the title for 129dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr pr 1 . 130dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It H 131dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesHost Name. Name of the machine where 132dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lpr 133dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeswas invoked. 134dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It P 135dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesPerson. Login name of the person who invoked 136dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lpr . 137dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThis is used to verify ownership by 138dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lprm . 139dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It M 140dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesSend mail to the specified user when the current print job completes. 141dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It f 142dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesFormatted File. Name of a file to print which is already formatted. 143dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It l 144dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesLike ``f'' but passes control characters and does not make page breaks. 145dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It p 146dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesName of a file to print using 147dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr pr 1 148dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesas a filter. 149dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It t 150dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTroff File. The file contains 151dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr troff 1 152dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesoutput (cat phototypesetter commands). 153dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It n 154dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesDitroff File. The file contains device independent troff 155dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesoutput. 156dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It r 157dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesDVI File. The file contains 158dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Tn Tex l 159dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesoutput 160dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesDVI format from Standford. 161dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It g 162dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesGraph File. The file contains data produced by 163dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr plot 3 . 164dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It c 165dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesCifplot File. The file contains data produced by 166dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em cifplot . 167dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It v 168dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe file contains a raster image. 169dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It r 170dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe file contains text data with 171dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesFORTRAN carriage control characters. 172dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It \&1 173dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTroff Font R. Name of the font file to use instead of the default. 174dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It \&2 175dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTroff Font I. Name of the font file to use instead of the default. 176dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It \&3 177dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTroff Font B. Name of the font file to use instead of the default. 178dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It \&4 179dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesTroff Font S. Name of the font file to use instead of the default. 180dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It W 181dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesWidth. Changes the page width (in characters) used by 182dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr pr 1 183dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesand the text filters. 184dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It I 185c6d6e772SAlexey ZelkinIndent. The number of characters to indent the output by (in ASCII). 186dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It U 187dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesUnlink. Name of file to remove upon completion of printing. 188dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It N 189dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesFile name. The name of the file which is being printed, or a blank 190dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfor the standard input (when 191dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lpr 192dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesis invoked in a pipeline). 193d3d56c3dSAndrey A. Chernov.It Z 194d3d56c3dSAndrey A. ChernovLocale. String to be used as the locale for 195d3d56c3dSAndrey A. Chernov.Xr pr 1 . 196dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.El 197dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 198dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesIf a file cannot be opened, a message will be logged via 199dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr syslog 3 200dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesusing the 201dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Em LOG_LPR 202dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfacility. 203dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm Lpd 204dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeswill try up to 20 times 205dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesto reopen a file it expects to be there, after which it will 206dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesskip the file to be printed. 207dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Pp 208dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm Lpd 209dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesuses 210dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr flock 2 211dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesto provide exclusive access to the lock file and to prevent multiple 212dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesdaemons from becoming active simultaneously. If the daemon should be killed 213dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesor die unexpectedly, the lock file need not be removed. 214dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe lock file is kept in a readable 215dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Tn ASCII 216dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesform 217dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesand contains two lines. 218dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesThe first is the process id of the daemon and the second is the control 219dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfile name of the current job being printed. The second line is updated to 220dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesreflect the current status of 2219b3fe531SPhilippe Charnier.Nm 222dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesfor the programs 223dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lpq 1 224dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesand 225dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lprm 1 . 226dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh FILES 227dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Bl -tag -width "/var/spool/*/minfree" -compact 228dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /etc/printcap 229dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesprinter description file 230dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /var/spool/* 231dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesspool directories 232dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /var/spool/*/minfree 233dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesminimum free space to leave 234dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /dev/lp* 235dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesline printer devices 23686c7d890SAndreas Schulz.It Pa /var/run/printer 237dea673e9SRodney W. Grimessocket for local requests 238dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /etc/hosts.equiv 239dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeslists machine names allowed printer access 240dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.It Pa /etc/hosts.lpd 241dea673e9SRodney W. Grimeslists machine names allowed printer access, 242dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesbut not under same administrative control. 243dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.El 244dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh SEE ALSO 245dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lpq 1 , 246bfd34a4aSWolfram Schneider.Xr lpr 1 , 247dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr lprm 1 , 24836d0e2a3SJoerg Wunsch.Xr setsockopt 2 , 249dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Xr syslog 3 , 250bfd34a4aSWolfram Schneider.Xr hosts.lpd 5 , 25178b0b234SMike Pritchard.Xr printcap 5 , 25278b0b234SMike Pritchard.Xr lpc 8 , 25378b0b234SMike Pritchard.Xr pac 8 254dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Rs 255dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.%T "4.2 BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual" 256dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Re 257dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Sh HISTORY 258dea673e9SRodney W. GrimesAn 259dea673e9SRodney W. Grimes.Nm 260dea673e9SRodney W. Grimesdaemon appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. 261