1#- 2# Copyright (c) 2006 Shteryana Shopova <syrinx@FreeBSD.org> 3# All rights reserved. 4# 5# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7# are met: 8# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 12# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13# 14# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 15# ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 17# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 18# FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 19# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 20# OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 21# HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 22# LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 23# OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 24# SUCH DAMAGE. 25# 26# $FreeBSD$ 27# 28 29#include "tc.def" 30 31typedef TruthValue ENUM ( 32 1 true 33 2 false 34) 35 36typedef RowStatus ENUM ( 37 1 active 38 2 notInService 39 3 notReady 40 4 createAndGo 41 5 createAndWait 42 6 destroy 43) 44 45typedef StpPortState ENUM ( 46 1 disabled 47 2 blocking 48 3 listening 49 4 learning 50 5 forwarding 51 6 broken 52) 53 54typedef StpPortAdminPointToPointType ENUM ( 55 0 forceTrue 56 1 forceFalse 57 2 auto 58) 59 60typedef BaseType ENUM ( 61 1 unknown 62 2 transparent-only 63 3 sourceroute-only 64 4 srt 65) 66 67typedef TpFdbStatus ENUM ( 68 1 other 69 2 invalid 70 3 learned 71 4 self 72 5 mgmt 73) 74 75(1 internet 76 (2 mgmt 77 (1 mib_2 78 (17 dot1dBridge 79 (0 dot1dNotifications 80 (1 newRoot OID op_snmp_trap) 81 (2 topologyChange OID op_snmp_trap) 82 ) 83 (1 dot1dBase 84 (1 dot1dBaseBridgeAddress OCTETSTRING | MacAddress op_dot1d_base GET) 85 (2 dot1dBaseNumPorts INTEGER32 op_dot1d_base GET) 86 (3 dot1dBaseType BaseType op_dot1d_base GET) 87 (4 dot1dBasePortTable 88 (1 dot1dBasePortEntry : INTEGER op_dot1d_base_port 89 (1 dot1dBasePort INTEGER GET) 90 (2 dot1dBasePortIfIndex INTEGER GET) 91 (3 dot1dBasePortCircuit OID GET) 92 (4 dot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards COUNTER GET) 93 (5 dot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards COUNTER GET) 94 )) 95 ) 96 (2 dot1dStp 97 (1 dot1dStpProtocolSpecification ENUM ( 1 unknown 2 decLb100 3 ieee8021d ) op_dot1d_stp GET) 98 (2 dot1dStpPriority INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 99 (3 dot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange TIMETICKS op_dot1d_stp GET) 100 (4 dot1dStpTopChanges COUNTER op_dot1d_stp GET) 101 (5 dot1dStpDesignatedRoot OCTETSTRING | BridgeId op_dot1d_stp GET) 102 (6 dot1dStpRootCost INTEGER32 op_dot1d_stp GET) 103 (7 dot1dStpRootPort INTEGER32 op_dot1d_stp GET) 104 (8 dot1dStpMaxAge INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET) 105 (9 dot1dStpHelloTime INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET) 106 (10 dot1dStpHoldTime INTEGER32 op_dot1d_stp GET) 107 (11 dot1dStpForwardDelay INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET) 108 (12 dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 109 (13 dot1dStpBridgeHelloTime INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 110 (14 dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 111 (15 dot1dStpPortTable 112 (1 dot1dStpPortEntry : INTEGER op_dot1d_stp_port 113 (1 dot1dStpPort INTEGER GET) 114 (2 dot1dStpPortPriority INTEGER GET SET) 115 (3 dot1dStpPortState StpPortState GET) 116 (4 dot1dStpPortEnable ENUM ( 1 enabled 2 disabled ) GET SET) 117 (5 dot1dStpPortPathCost INTEGER GET SET) 118 (6 dot1dStpPortDesignatedRoot OCTETSTRING | BridgeId GET) 119 (7 dot1dStpPortDesignatedCost INTEGER32 GET) 120 (8 dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge OCTETSTRING | BridgeId GET) 121 (9 dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort OCTETSTRING | BridgePortId GET) 122 (10 dot1dStpPortForwardTransitions COUNTER GET) 123 )) 124 (16 dot1dStpVersion ENUM ( 0 stpCompatible 2 rstp ) op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 125 (17 dot1dStpTxHoldCount INTEGER op_dot1d_stp GET SET) 126 (19 dot1dStpExtPortTable 127 (1 dot1dStpExtPortEntry : INTEGER op_dot1d_stp_ext_port 128 (1 dot1dStpPortProtocolMigration TruthValue GET) # SET 129 (2 dot1dStpPortAdminEdgePort TruthValue GET SET) 130 (3 dot1dStpPortOperEdgePort TruthValue GET) 131 (4 dot1dStpPortAdminPointToPoint StpPortAdminPointToPointType GET SET) 132 (5 dot1dStpPortOperPointToPoint TruthValue GET) 133 (6 dot1dStpPortAdminPathCost INTEGER GET SET) 134 )) 135 ) 136 (3 dot1dSr 137 ) 138 (4 dot1dTp 139 (1 dot1dTpLearnedEntryDiscards COUNTER op_dot1d_tp GET) 140 (2 dot1dTpAgingTime INTEGER op_dot1d_tp GET SET) 141 (3 dot1dTpFdbTable 142 (1 dot1dTpFdbEntry : OCTETSTRING | MacAddress op_dot1d_tp_fdb 143 (1 dot1dTpFdbAddress OCTETSTRING | MacAddress GET) 144 (2 dot1dTpFdbPort INTEGER32 GET) 145 (3 dot1dTpFdbStatus TpFdbStatus GET) 146 )) 147 (4 dot1dTpPortTable 148 (1 dot1dTpPortEntry : INTEGER op_dot1d_tp_port 149 (1 dot1dTpPort INTEGER GET) 150 (2 dot1dTpPortMaxInfo INTEGER32 GET) 151 (3 dot1dTpPortInFrames COUNTER GET) 152 (4 dot1dTpPortOutFrames COUNTER GET) 153 (5 dot1dTpPortInDiscards COUNTER GET) 154 )) 155 ) 156 (5 dot1dStatic 157 ) 158 (8 dot1dConformance 159 (1 dot1dGroups 160 ) 161 (2 dot1dCompliances 162 ) 163 ) 164 ) 165 (134 rstpMIB 166 (0 rstpNotifications 167 ) 168 (1 rstpObjects 169 ) 170 (2 rstpConformance 171 (1 rstpGroups 172 ) 173 (2 rstpCompliances 174 ) 175 ) 176 ))) 177 (4 private 178 (1 enterprises 179 (12325 fokus 180 (1 begemot 181 (205 begemotBridge 182 (0 begemotBridgeNotifications 183 (1 begemotBridgeNewRoot OID op_snmp_trap) 184 (2 begemotBridgeTopologyChange OID op_snmp_trap) 185 ) 186 (1 begemotBridgeBase 187 (1 begemotBridgeBaseTable 188 (1 begemotBridgeBaseEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName op_begemot_base_bridge 189 (1 begemotBridgeBaseName OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName GET) 190 (2 begemotBridgeBaseAddress OCTETSTRING | MacAddress GET) 191 (3 begemotBridgeBaseNumPorts INTEGER32 GET) 192 (4 begemotBridgeBaseType BaseType GET) 193 (5 begemotBridgeBaseStatus RowStatus GET SET) 194 )) 195 (2 begemotBridgeBasePortTable 196 (1 begemotBridgeBasePortEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName INTEGER op_begemot_base_port 197 (1 begemotBridgeBasePort INTEGER GET) 198 (2 begemotBridgeBasePortIfIndex INTEGER GET) 199 (3 begemotBridgeBaseSpanEnabled ENUM ( 1 enabled 2 disabled ) GET SET) 200 (4 begemotBridgeBasePortDelayExceededDiscards COUNTER GET) 201 (5 begemotBridgeBasePortMtuExceededDiscards COUNTER GET) 202 (6 begemotBridgeBasePortStatus RowStatus GET SET) 203 )) 204 ) 205 (2 begemotBridgeStp 206 (1 begemotBridgeStpTable 207 (1 begemotBridgeStpEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName op_begemot_stp 208 (1 begemotBridgeStpProtocolSpecification ENUM ( 1 unknown 2 decLb100 3 ieee8021d ) GET) 209 (2 begemotBridgeStpPriority INTEGER GET SET) 210 (3 begemotBridgeStpTimeSinceTopologyChange TIMETICKS GET) 211 (4 begemotBridgeStpTopChanges COUNTER GET) 212 (5 begemotBridgeStpDesignatedRoot OCTETSTRING | BridgeId GET) 213 (6 begemotBridgeStpRootCost INTEGER32 GET) 214 (7 begemotBridgeStpRootPort INTEGER32 GET) 215 (8 begemotBridgeStpMaxAge INTEGER GET) 216 (9 begemotBridgeStpHelloTime INTEGER GET) 217 (10 begemotBridgeStpHoldTime INTEGER32 GET) 218 (11 begemotBridgeStpForwardDelay INTEGER GET) 219 (12 begemotBridgeStpBridgeMaxAge INTEGER GET SET) 220 (13 begemotBridgeStpBridgeHelloTime INTEGER GET SET) 221 (14 begemotBridgeStpBridgeForwardDelay INTEGER GET SET) 222 (15 begemotBridgeStpVersion ENUM ( 0 stpCompatible 2 rstp ) GET SET) 223 (16 begemotBridgeStpTxHoldCount INTEGER GET SET) 224 )) 225 (2 begemotBridgeStpPortTable 226 (1 begemotBridgeStpPortEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName INTEGER op_begemot_stp_port 227 (1 begemotBridgeStpPort INTEGER GET) 228 (2 begemotBridgeStpPortPriority INTEGER GET SET) 229 (3 begemotBridgeStpPortState StpPortState GET) 230 (4 begemotBridgeStpPortEnable ENUM ( 1 enabled 2 disabled ) GET SET) 231 (5 begemotBridgeStpPortPathCost INTEGER GET SET) 232 (6 begemotBridgeStpPortDesignatedRoot OCTETSTRING | BridgeId GET) 233 (7 begemotBridgeStpPortDesignatedCost INTEGER32 GET) 234 (8 begemotBridgeStpPortDesignatedBridge OCTETSTRING | BridgeId GET) 235 (9 begemotBridgeStpPortDesignatedPort OCTETSTRING | BridgePortId GET) 236 (10 begemotBridgeStpPortForwardTransitions COUNTER GET) 237 )) 238 (3 begemotBridgeStpExtPortTable 239 (1 begemotBridgeStpExtPortEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName INTEGER op_begemot_stp_ext_port 240 (1 begemotBridgeStpPortProtocolMigration TruthValue GET) # SET 241 (2 begemotBridgeStpPortAdminEdgePort TruthValue GET SET) 242 (3 begemotBridgeStpPortOperEdgePort TruthValue GET) 243 (4 begemotBridgeStpPortAdminPointToPoint StpPortAdminPointToPointType GET SET) 244 (5 begemotBridgeStpPortOperPointToPoint TruthValue GET) 245 (6 begemotBridgeStpPortAdminPathCost INTEGER GET SET) 246 )) 247 ) 248 (3 begemotBridgeTp 249 (1 begemotBridgeTpTable 250 (1 begemotBridgeTpEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName op_begemot_tp 251 (1 begemotBridgeTpLearnedEntryDiscards COUNTER GET) 252 (2 begemotBridgeTpAgingTime INTEGER GET SET) 253 (3 begemotBridgeTpMaxAddresses INTEGER GET SET) 254 )) 255 (2 begemotBridgeTpFdbTable 256 (1 begemotBridgeTpFdbEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName OCTETSTRING | MacAddress op_begemot_tp_fdb 257 (1 begemotBridgeTpFdbAddress OCTETSTRING | MacAddress GET) 258 (2 begemotBridgeTpFdbPort INTEGER32 GET) 259 (3 begemotBridgeTpFdbStatus TpFdbStatus GET) 260 )) 261 (3 begemotBridgeTpPortTable 262 (1 begemotBridgeTpPortEntry : OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfName INTEGER op_begemot_tp_port 263 (1 begemotBridgeTpPort INTEGER GET) 264 (2 begemotBridgeTpPortMaxInfo INTEGER32 GET) 265 (3 begemotBridgeTpPortInFrames COUNTER GET) 266 (4 begemotBridgeTpPortOutFrames COUNTER GET) 267 (5 begemotBridgeTpPortInDiscards COUNTER GET) 268 )) 269 ) 270 (4 begemotBridgePf 271 (1 begemotBridgePfilStatus TruthValue op_begemot_bridge_pf GET SET) 272 (2 begemotBridgePfilMembers TruthValue op_begemot_bridge_pf GET SET) 273 (3 begemotBridgePfilIpOnly TruthValue op_begemot_bridge_pf GET SET) 274 (4 begemotBridgeLayer2PfStatus ENUM ( 1 enabled 2 disabled ) op_begemot_bridge_pf GET SET) 275 ) 276 (5 begemotBridgeConfigObjects 277 (1 begemotBridgeDefaultBridgeIf OCTETSTRING | BridgeIfNameOrEmpty op_begemot_bridge_config GET SET) 278 (2 begemotBridgeDataUpdate INTEGER op_begemot_bridge_config GET SET) 279 (3 begemotBridgeDataPoll INTEGER op_begemot_bridge_config GET SET) 280 ) 281 ))))) 282) 283