1.\" LP (Laptop Package) 2.\" 3.\" Copyright (c) 1994 by Tatsumi Hosokawa <hosokawa@jp.FreeBSD.org> 4.\" 5.\" This software may be used, modified, copied, and distributed, in 6.\" both source and binary form provided that the above copyright and 7.\" these terms are retained. Under no circumstances is the author 8.\" responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does 9.\" the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with its 10.\" 11.\" $FreeBSD$ 12.\" 13.\" use. 14.Dd November 1, 1994 15.Dt APM 8 16.Os 17.Sh NAME 18.Nm apm , zzz 19.Nd control the APM BIOS and display its information 20.Sh SYNOPSIS 21.Nm 22.Op Fl ablstzZ 23.Op Fl d Ar enable 24.Op Fl e Ar enable 25.Op Fl h Ar enable 26.Op Fl r Ar delta 27.Pp 28.Nm zzz 29.Sh DESCRIPTION 30The 31.Nm 32utility 33controls the Intel / Microsoft APM (Advanced Power Management) BIOS and 34displays the current status of APM on laptop PCs. 35The 36.Nm zzz 37utility suspends the system by controlling APM. 38.Pp 39The following options are available for 40.Nm 41(no options are available for 42.Nm zzz ) . 43If no options are specified, 44.Nm 45displays information and current status of APM in verbose mode. 46If multiple display options are given, the values are displayed one 47per line in the order given here. 48.Bl -tag -width indent 49.It Fl a 50Display the current AC-line status as an integer value. The values 510 and 1 correspond to the 52.Dq off-line 53state or 54.Dq on-line 55state, respectively. 56.It Fl b 57Display an integer value reflecting the current battery status. 58The values 0, 1, 2, 3, correspond to the 59.Dq high 60status, 61.Dq low 62status, 63.Dq critical 64status, 65.Dq charging 66status respectively. 67.It Fl d Ar enable 68Disable/enable suspending of the display separately from a normal suspend 69using the boolean value for 70.Ar enable . 71This feature seems to not work on many different laptops, 72including the Libretto 30CT and 50CT. 73.It Fl e Ar enable 74Enable or disable APM functions of the computer, 75depending on the boolean 76.Ar enable 77argument. 78.It Fl h Ar enable 79Depending on the boolean value of 80.Ar enable , 81enable or disable the HLT instruction in the kernel context switch routine. 82These options are not necessary for almost all APM implementations, 83but for some implementations whose 84.Dq Pa Idle CPU 85call executes both CPU clock slowdown and HLT instruction, 86.Fl h Cm false 87is necessary to prevent the system from reducing its peak performance. 88See 89.Xr apm 4 90for details. 91.It Fl l 92Display the remaining battery percentage. If your laptop does not 93support this function, 255 is displayed. 94.It Fl r Ar delta 95Enable the resume wakeup timer, if the laptop supports it. This 96doesn't actually suspend the laptop, but if the laptop is suspended, 97and it supports resume from suspend, then it will be resumed after 98.Ar delta 99seconds (from when you run this command, not from when you suspend). 100.It Fl s 101Display the status of the APM support as an integer value. The values 1020 and 1 correspond to the 103.Dq disabled 104state or 105.Dq enabled 106state respectively. 107.It Fl t 108Display the estimated remaining battery lifetime in seconds. If 109it is unknown, -1 is displayed. 110.It Fl Z 111Transition the system into standby mode. This mode uses less power than 112full power mode, but more than suspend mode. Some laptops support 113resuming from this state on timer or Ring Indicator events. The 114output of 115.Nm 116tells what your laptop claims to support. 117.It Fl z 118Suspend the system. 119It is equivalent to 120.Nm zzz . 121.El 122.Sh BUGS 123Some APM implementations do not support parameters needed by 124.Nm . 125On such systems, 126.Nm 127displays them as unknown. 128.Pp 129Some APM implementations cannot handle events such as pushing the 130power button or closing the cover. On such implementations, the system 131.Ar must 132be suspended 133.Ar only 134by using 135.Nm 136or 137.Nm zzz . 138.Sh NOTES 139.Xr apmconf 8 140has been merged in 141.Nm 142and thus 143.Nm 144replaces all of its functionality. 145.Sh SEE ALSO 146.Xr apm 4 147.Sh AUTHORS 148.An Tatsumi Hosokawa Aq hosokawa@jp.FreeBSD.org 149