100de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 200de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" Copyright (c) 2004 Tom Rhodes 300de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" All rights reserved. 400de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 500de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 600de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 700de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" are met: 800de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 900de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 1000de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 1100de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 1200de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 1300de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 1400de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 1500de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 1600de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 1700de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 1800de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 1900de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 2000de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 2100de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 2200de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 2300de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 2400de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 2500de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 2600de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" $FreeBSD$ 2700de0ec3STom Rhodes.\" 2800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Dd March 30, 2004 2900de0ec3STom Rhodes.Dt ADDUSER.CONF 5 3000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Os 3100de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh NAME 3200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm adduser.conf 339cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Nd 344f1d74f1STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 359cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovconfiguration file 3600de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh DESCRIPTION 3700de0ec3STom RhodesThe 3800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Pa /etc/adduser.conf 39bda8f479SMike Makonnenfile is automatically generated by the 40bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Xr adduser 8 41bda8f479SMike Makonnenutility when invoked with the 42bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Fl C 43bda8f479SMike Makonnencommand-line option. 44bda8f479SMike MakonnenIt is not meant to be edit by hand. 45bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Pp 46bda8f479SMike MakonnenThe 47bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Pa /etc/adduser.conf 4800de0ec3STom Rhodesfile is used to pre-set certain configuration options for 4900de0ec3STom Rhodesthe 5000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 5100de0ec3STom Rhodesutility. 5200de0ec3STom RhodesWhen 5300de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 549cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovis invoked, it will check to see if this file exists, and 559cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovif so, the configuration will be used or offered as the 5600de0ec3STom Rhodesdefault settings. 5700de0ec3STom RhodesThe 5800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm 5900de0ec3STom Rhodesfile offers three types of configuration: 6000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Bl -bullet 6100de0ec3STom Rhodes.It 6200de0ec3STom RhodesDefault settings offered by 6300de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 . 6400de0ec3STom RhodesThese options are specified in the configuration file and offered 6500de0ec3STom Rhodesas the default during every invocation of the 6600de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 6700de0ec3STom Rhodesutility. 6800de0ec3STom Rhodes.It 6900de0ec3STom RhodesConfiguration options which can be set in 7000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm , 7100de0ec3STom Rhodesbut overridden by passing a flag to 7200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 . 7300de0ec3STom Rhodes.It 7400de0ec3STom RhodesConfiguration supported by 7500de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 7600de0ec3STom Rhodesbut not offered by a flag or during initial invocation. 7700de0ec3STom Rhodes.El 7800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Pp 7900de0ec3STom RhodesIn the first case, these options can be set in 8000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm 8100de0ec3STom Rhodesbut will still be offered when 8200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 8300de0ec3STom Rhodesis invoked. 8400de0ec3STom RhodesIn the second case, 8500de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 8600de0ec3STom Rhodeswill read the configuration data unless a flag 8700de0ec3STom Rhodeshas been passed to override it. 8800de0ec3STom RhodesFor example, the 899cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Va defaultshell 9000de0ec3STom Rhodesoption. 9100de0ec3STom RhodesIn the third case, the configuration will be utilized, but the 9200de0ec3STom Rhodesuser will never be prompted to modify the default setting by 9300de0ec3STom Rhodeseither a flag or an 9400de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 9500de0ec3STom Rhodesprompt. 9600de0ec3STom RhodesFor example, the 979cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Va upwexpire 9800de0ec3STom Rhodessetting. 9900de0ec3STom Rhodes.Pp 10000de0ec3STom RhodesThe following configuration options can be set in 10100de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm : 1029cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Bl -tag -width ".Va defaultgroups" -offset indent 1039cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va defaultLgroup 10400de0ec3STom RhodesThe default group new users will be added to. 1059cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va defaultclass 10600de0ec3STom RhodesThe default class to place users in as described in 10700de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr login.conf 5 . 1089cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va defaultgroups 10900de0ec3STom RhodesThis option is used to specify what other groups the new account 11000de0ec3STom Rhodesshould be added to. 1119cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va passwdtype 11200de0ec3STom RhodesMay be one of 1139cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Cm no , none , random , 11400de0ec3STom Rhodesor 1159cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Cm yes , 11600de0ec3STom Rhodesas described in 11700de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 . 11800de0ec3STom RhodesAs such, the text is not duplicated here and may be 11900de0ec3STom Rhodesread in 12000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 . 1219cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va homeprefix 12200de0ec3STom RhodesThe default home directory prefix, usually 12300de0ec3STom Rhodes.Pa /home . 1249cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va defaultshell 1259cdb6ee1SRuslan ErmilovThe user's default shell which may be any of the shells listed in 1269cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Xr shells 5 . 1279cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va udotdir 12800de0ec3STom RhodesDefines the location of the default shell and environment 12900de0ec3STom Rhodesconfiguration files. 1309cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va msgfile 13100de0ec3STom RhodesLocation of the default new user message file. 13200de0ec3STom RhodesThis message will be sent to all new users if specified 13300de0ec3STom Rhodeshere or at the 13400de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 13500de0ec3STom Rhodesprompt. 1369cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va disableflag 13700de0ec3STom RhodesThe default message enclosed in brackets for the 13800de0ec3STom Rhodeslock account prompt. 1399cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va upwexpire 14000de0ec3STom RhodesThe default password expiration time. 14100de0ec3STom RhodesFormat of the date is either a 14200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Ux 14300de0ec3STom Rhodestime in decimal, or a date in 14400de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sm off 1459cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar dd No - Ar mmm No - Ar yy Op Ar yy 14600de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sm on 1479cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovformat, where 1489cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar dd 1499cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovis the day, 1509cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar mmm 1519cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovis the month in either numeric or 1529cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovalphabetic format, and 1539cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar yy Ns Op Ar yy 1549cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovis either a two or four digit year. 15500de0ec3STom RhodesThis option also accepts a relative date in the form of 15600de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sm off 1579cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar n Op Ar m h d w o y 15800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sm on 15900de0ec3STom Rhodeswhere 1609cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Ar n 1619cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovis a decimal, octal (leading 0) or hexadecimal (leading 0x) digit 1629cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovfollowed by the number of Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months or 1639cdb6ee1SRuslan ErmilovYears from the current date at 16400de0ec3STom Rhodeswhich the expiration time is to be set. 1659cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va uexpire 16600de0ec3STom RhodesThe default account expire time. 1679cdb6ee1SRuslan ErmilovThe format is similar to the 1689cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Va upwexpire 1699cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilovoption. 1709cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.It Va ugecos 1719cdb6ee1SRuslan ErmilovThe default information to be held in the GECOS field of 17200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Pa /etc/master.passwd . 173bda8f479SMike Makonnen.It Va uidstart 17400de0ec3STom RhodesThe default user ID setting. 17500de0ec3STom RhodesThis must be a number above 1000 and fewer than 65534. 17600de0ec3STom Rhodes.El 17700de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh EXAMPLES 17800de0ec3STom RhodesThe following is an example 17900de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm 18000de0ec3STom Rhodesfile created with the 18100de0ec3STom Rhodes.Fl C 18200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 18300de0ec3STom Rhodesflag and modified. 1849cdb6ee1SRuslan Ermilov.Bd -literal -offset indent 18500de0ec3STom Rhodes# Configuration file for adduser(8). 18600de0ec3STom Rhodes# NOTE: only *some* variables are saved. 18700de0ec3STom Rhodes# Last Modified on Fri Mar 30 14:04:05 EST 2004. 18800de0ec3STom Rhodes 18900de0ec3STom RhodesdefaultLgroup= 19000de0ec3STom Rhodesdefaultclass= 19100de0ec3STom Rhodesdefaultgroups= 19200de0ec3STom Rhodespasswdtype=yes 19300de0ec3STom Rhodeshomeprefix=/home 19400de0ec3STom Rhodesdefaultshell=/bin/csh 19500de0ec3STom Rhodesudotdir=/usr/share/skel 19600de0ec3STom Rhodesmsgfile=/etc/adduser.msg 19700de0ec3STom Rhodesdisableflag= 19800de0ec3STom Rhodesupwexpire=91d # Expire passwords 91 days after creation. 19900de0ec3STom Rhodes.Ed 20000de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh SEE ALSO 20100de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr group 5 , 20200de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr passwd 5 , 20300de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr adduser 8 , 20400de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr pw 8 , 20500de0ec3STom Rhodes.Xr rmuser 8 20600de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh HISTORY 20700de0ec3STom RhodesThe 20800de0ec3STom Rhodes.Nm 20900de0ec3STom Rhodesmanual page first appeared in 210fba82180STom Rhodes.Fx 5.3 . 211bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Sh BUGS 212bda8f479SMike MakonnenThe internal variables documented here may change without notice. 213bda8f479SMike MakonnenDo not rely on them. 214bda8f479SMike MakonnenTo modify this file invoke 215bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Xr adduser 8 216bda8f479SMike Makonnenwith the 217bda8f479SMike Makonnen.Fl C 218bda8f479SMike Makonnenoption instead. 21900de0ec3STom Rhodes.Sh AUTHORS 22000de0ec3STom RhodesThis manual page was written by 2214f1d74f1STom Rhodes.An Tom Rhodes Aq trhodes@FreeBSD.org . 222