1.\" ACPI (ACPI Package) 2.\" 3.\" Copyright (c) 1999 Doug Rabson <dfr@FreeBSD.org> 4.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Mitsuru IWASAKI <iwasaki@FreeBSD.org> 5.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Yasuo YOKOYAMA <yokoyama@jp.FreeBSD.org> 6.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Hiroki Sato <hrs@FreeBSD.org> 7.\" All rights reserved. 8.\" 9.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 10.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 11.\" are met: 12.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 13.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 14.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 15.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 16.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 17.\" 18.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND 19.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 20.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 21.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE 22.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL 23.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS 24.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 25.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 26.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY 27.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 28.\" SUCH DAMAGE. 29.\" 30.\" $FreeBSD$ 31.\" 32.Dd October 4, 2004 33.Dt ACPIDUMP 8 34.Os 35.Sh NAME 36.Nm acpidump 37.Nd dump ACPI tables and ASL 38.Sh SYNOPSIS 39.Nm 40.Op Fl d 41.Op Fl t 42.Op Fl h 43.Op Fl v 44.Op Fl f Ar dsdt_input 45.Op Fl o Ar dsdt_output 46.Sh DESCRIPTION 47The 48.Nm 49utility analyzes ACPI tables in physical memory and can dump them to a file. 50In addition, 51.Nm 52can call 53.Xr iasl 8 54to disassemble AML 55(ACPI Machine Language) 56found in these tables and dump them as ASL 57(ACPI Source Language) 58to stdout. 59.Pp 60ACPI tables have an essential data block (the DSDT, 61Differentiated System Description Table) 62that includes information used on the kernel side such as 63detailed information about PnP hardware, procedures for controlling 64power management support, and so on. 65The 66.Nm 67utility can extract the DSDT data block from physical memory and store it into 68an output file and optionally also disassemble it. 69If any Secondary System Description Table 70(SSDT) 71entries exist, they will also be included in the output file and disassembly. 72.Pp 73When 74.Nm 75is invoked without the 76.Fl f 77option, it will read ACPI tables from physical memory via 78.Pa /dev/mem . 79First it searches for the RSDP 80(Root System Description Pointer), 81which has the signature 82.Qq RSD PTR\ \& , 83and then gets the RSDT 84(Root System Description Table), 85which includes a list of pointers to physical memory addresses 86for other tables. 87The RSDT itself and all other tables linked from RSDT are generically 88called SDTs 89(System Description Tables) 90and their header has a common format which consists of items 91such as Signature, Length, Revision, Checksum, OEMID, OEM Table ID, 92OEM Revision, Creator ID and Creator Revision. 93When invoked with the 94.Fl t 95flag, the 96.Nm 97utility dumps contents of the following tables: 98.Pp 99.Bl -tag -offset indent -width 12345 -compact 100.It DSDT 101.It ECDT 102.It FACS 103.It FADT 104.It HPET 105.It MADT 106.It RSD PTR 107.It RSDT 108.El 109.Pp 110The RSDT contains a pointer to the physical memory address of the FACP 111(Fixed ACPI Description Table). 112The FACP defines static system information about power management support 113(ACPI Hardware Register Implementation) 114such as interrupt mode (INT_MODEL), 115SCI interrupt number, SMI command port (SMI_CMD) 116and the location of ACPI registers. 117The FACP also has a pointer to a physical memory address for the DSDT. 118While the other tables are fixed format, 119the DSDT consists of free-formatted AML data. 120.Sh OPTIONS 121The following options are supported by 122.Nm : 123.Bl -tag -width indent 124.It Fl d 125Disassemble the DSDT into ASL using 126.Xr iasl 8 127and print the results to stdout. 128.It Fl t 129Dump the contents of the various fixed tables listed above. 130.It Fl h 131Displays usage and exit. 132.It Fl v 133Enable verbose messages. 134.It Fl f Ar dsdt_input 135Load the DSDT from the specified file instead of physical memory. 136Since only the DSDT is stored in the file, the 137.Fl t 138flag may not be used with this option. 139.It Fl o Ar dsdt_output 140Store the DSDT data block from physical memory into the specified file. 141.El 142.Sh FILES 143.Bl -tag -width /dev/mem 144.It Pa /dev/mem 145.El 146.Sh EXAMPLES 147This example dumps the DSDT from physical memory to foo.dsdt. 148It also prints the contents of various system tables and disassembles 149the AML contained in the DSDT to stdout, redirecting the output 150to foo.asl. 151.Bd -literal -offset indent 152# acpidump -t -d -o foo.dsdt > foo.asl 153.Ed 154.Pp 155This example reads a DSDT file and disassembles it to stdout. 156Verbose messages are enabled. 157.Bd -literal -offset indent 158# acpidump -v -d -f foo.dsdt 159.Ed 160.Sh SEE ALSO 161.Xr acpi 4 , 162.Xr mem 4 , 163.Xr acpiconf 8 , 164.Xr acpidb 8 , 165.Xr iasl 8 166.Sh HISTORY 167The 168.Nm 169utility first appeared in 170.Fx 5.0 171and was rewritten to use 172.Xr iasl 8 173for 174.Fx 5.2 . 175.Sh AUTHORS 176.An Doug Rabson Aq dfr@FreeBSD.org 177.An Mitsuru IWASAKI Aq iwasaki@FreeBSD.org 178.An Yasuo YOKOYAMA Aq yokoyama@jp.FreeBSD.org 179.An Nate Lawson Aq njl@FreeBSD.org 180.Pp 181.An -nosplit 182Some contributions made by 183.An Chitoshi Ohsawa Aq ohsawa@catv1.ccn-net.ne.jp , 184.An Takayasu IWANASHI Aq takayasu@wendy.a.perfect-liberty.or.jp , 185.An Yoshihiko SARUMARU Aq mistral@imasy.or.jp , 186.An Hiroki Sato Aq hrs@FreeBSD.org , 187.An Michael Lucas Aq mwlucas@blackhelicopters.org 188and 189.An Michael Smith Aq msmith@FreeBSD.org . 190.Sh BUGS 191The current implementation does not dump the BOOT structure or 192other miscellaneous tables. 193