1.\"- 2.\" Copyright (c) 2003 Nate Lawson 3.\" All rights reserved. 4.\" 5.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 7.\" are met: 8.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer 10.\" in this position and unchanged. 11.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 12.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 13.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 14.\" 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products 15.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 16.\" 17.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 18.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 19.\" OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 20.\" IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 21.\" INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 22.\" NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, 23.\" DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY 24.\" THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 25.\" (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 26.\" THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 27.\" 28.\" $FreeBSD$ 29.\" 30.Dd August 7, 2003 31.Dt ACPIDB 8 32.Os 33.Sh NAME 34.Nm acpidb 35.Nd ACPI DSDT debugger 36.Sh SYNOPSIS 37.Nm 38.Ar input-file 39.Sh DESCRIPTION 40The 41.Nm 42utility is a debugger for the ACPI DSDT. It can parse and execute various 43AML methods and display the result. 44.Sh COMMANDS 45.Ss General-Purpose Commands 46.Bl -tag -width indent 47.It Ic Allocations 48Display list of current memory allocations 49.It Ic Dump Ar Address|Namepath Op Byte|Word|Dword|Qword 50Display ACPI objects or memory 51.It Ic EnableAcpi 52Enable ACPI (hardware) mode 53.It Ic Help 54Show various help screens. 55.It Ic History 56Display command history buffer 57.It Ic Level Ar DebugLevel Op console 58Get/Set debug level for file or console 59.It Ic Locks 60Current status of internal mutexes 61.It Ic Quit or Exit 62Exit the debugger 63.It Ic Stats Op Allocations|Memory|Misc|Objects|Tables 64Display namespace and memory statistics 65.It Ic Tables 66Display info about loaded ACPI tables 67.It Ic Unload Ar TableSig Op Instance 68Unload an ACPI table 69.It Ic ! Ar CommandNumber 70Execute command from history buffer 71.It Ic !! 72Execute last command again 73.El 74.Ss Namespace Access Commands 75.Bl -tag -width indent 76.It Ic Event Ar F|G Ar Value 77Generate AcpiEvent (Fixed/GPE) 78.It Ic Find Ar Name 79Find ACPI name(s) with wildcards (? is wildcard). 80.It Ic Method 81Display list of loaded control methods 82.It Ic Namespace Op <Addr>|<Path> Op Depth 83Display loaded namespace tree/subtree 84.It Ic Notify Ar NamePath Ar Value 85Send a notification 86.It Ic Objects Ar ObjectType 87Display all objects of the given type 88.It Ic Owner Ar OwnerId Op Depth 89Display loaded namespace by object owner 90.It Ic Prefix Op NamePath 91Set or Get current execution prefix 92.It Ic References Ar Addr 93Find all references to object at addr 94.It Ic Resources 95Get and display resources 96.It Ic Terminate 97Delete namespace and all internal objects 98.It Ic Thread Ar Threads Ar Loops Ar NamePath 99Spawn threads to execute method(s) 100.El 101.Ss Control Method Execution Commands 102.Bl -tag -width indent 103.It Ic Arguments 104.Pq Ic Args 105Display method arguments 106.It Ic Breakpoint Ar AmlOffset 107Set an AML execution breakpoint 108.It Ic Call 109Run to next control method invocation 110.It Ic Debug Ar Namepath Op Arguments 111Single Step a control method 112.It Ic Execute Ar Namepath Op Arguments 113Execute control method 114.It Ic Go 115Allow method to run to completion 116.It Ic Information 117Display info about the current method 118.It Ic Into 119Step into (not over) a method call 120.It Ic List Op OpcodeCount 121Display method ASL statements 122.It Ic Locals 123Display method local variables 124.It Ic Results 125Display method result stack 126.It Ic Set Ar A|L Ar # Ar Value 127Set method data (Arguments/Locals) 128.It Ic Stop 129Terminate control method 130.It Ic Tree 131Display control method calling tree 132.It Ic <Enter> 133Single step next AML opcode (over calls) 134.El 135.Ss File I/O Commands 136.Bl -tag -width indent 137.It Ic Close 138Close debug output file 139.It Ic Open Ar Filename 140Open a file for debug output 141.It Ic Load Ar Filename 142Load ACPI table from a file 143.El 144.Sh SEE ALSO 145.Xr acpi 4 , 146.Xr acpidump 8 , 147.Xr iasl 8 148.Sh HISTORY 149The 150.Nm 151utility first appeared in the acpicatools port. 152It was imported for 153.Fx 5.2 . 154.Sh AUTHORS 155.An -nosplit 156The 157.Nm 158utility was written by 159.An Mitsuru Iwasaki Aq iwasaki@FreeBSD.org 160and uses Intel ACPI-CA for the backend. 161This manual page was written by 162.An Nate Lawson . 163